.I come to you to give My Message of Peace for those who suffer and lack Jesus, the Consoler. My Son is eternal consolation because His Spirit heals the souls to redeem them and liberate them from all faults before God.
Therefore, dear children, search today for Jesus, the Consoler, through prayer so that your souls may be partakers of Divine Mercy. Recognize, My children, that without Jesus you will be nothing. He is the power that vitalizes you and leads you to find the spring of love, the unfathomable source of forgiveness that many of My children need.
In this aspiration, raise all pleas to Heaven so that My Maternal Heart may be able to collect them and keep them as a gift in the Eternal Heart of God.
Many of My children expect good times for life. They are the ones who do not change in the heart. Therefore I invite you to prayer, to elevate the thought towards God and thus allow His One and Only Law, the Law of Love, to act on the reality of your lives.
My children, for the new Holy Spirit of Peace to fill your hearts, first you need to erase from them all pain or separation that exists among creatures. You, as praying beings, already know that humanity is very divided before God for the lack of true charity towards others, charity that starts with the emanation of the love of the heart.
Never forget, My little children, that the Love of My Son, which must reside in your hearts, is the Love that will allow you to heal all the past. Follow the steps of My Immaculate Heart.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
By praying you will not only find the strength of the heart, but you will also awaken to the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Dear children, today I come to invite you to the awakening of the Holy Spirit in each one of your hearts. In order to live in this spirit of peace – the same one that visited Me and the Apostles – you, little children, must allow that the prayer done with the heart may make this Magnificence of God descend. In this way, dear children, you will be able to be impregnated by the spirit of peace while your hearts pray with Me.
Dear children, the moment has come for all of humanity to reconcile itself with God through the unity of the heart with the Holy Spirit.
Beloved children, what yesterday seemed to be a mystery, I want that today be a reality for the world, through the sincere path of prayer. In this way, many souls that are asleep will be able to be polished and molded by the power of this wise Holy Spirit of God.
The Lord invites you to the conversion of the heart and of life before His beloved Law passes over the world. Live the Compassionate and Loving God day by day so that your hearts may be filled by His Divine and Inner Light. A sure path to reach the presence of the spirit of peace is to follow the path of Christ. The Master of Love calls you so that by surrendering your hearts, you may be blessed by His universal presence.
Dear children, many of the so called “divine mysteries” will approach humanity as one last Grace that will come from the Heavens. The path towards redemption is open for each one of the hearts in the world. Reach the source that quenches the thirst and in vigilance let us pray for peace in the world.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Who contemplates you from the Immaculate Heart,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Eternal Light for the Earth!
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more