My children,

Today I invite you to remain in the Kingdom of the Heavens as the only aspiration to be awakened in these times. Your hearts must look towards the horizon of God and thus, witness the coming of His Kingdom of Peace to the Earth.

Dear children, with your gazes directed to the Heavens, I call you to intercede for all My children, asking for mercy through the fervent prayer of the heart. This will be a simple act of love for humanity, coming from each one of your hearts.

As Guardian of Faith in the hearts, I live in the perpetual hope that My Immaculate Heart has for the conversion of the world. Little children, you are participants, in this time, of the cycle of salvation that My Son promises to all the children of God, especially those who live in fault.

The Source of the Mercy of Jesus is still being poured upon the world. It is enough that more hearts believe in this Ministry of My Son for the Grace to be able to descend over humanity.

Therefore, go and tell everyone that My Son wants to help and consecrate all the children of the Father as new sources of life for this world in pain.

As Marian soldiers united to My Immaculate Heart, I ask that you respond to the great call that My Heart pronounces to all of you, a call to accept the remaining time of Mercy for My children before the time of Divine Justice comes.

Dear children, you are in My arms as well as in the Heart of God. Live this time as a time to pray more and more with the heart.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

This is how I want to see all of your hearts: in vigil and in prayer for all souls. Thus you will be confirming your lives to a life of prayer and salvation. Your hearts will be guided towards My Immaculate Heart.

Little children, the humanity of today suffers from being distant from the eyes of God. For this reason, My children, it is necessary to establish columns of Peace in each place on Earth as well as in each hour of the day. The Merciful Lord makes use of the praying call of all His children to be able to alleviate the world from the justice that will arrive for all of humanity. It is necessary to strengthen and confirm oneself in prayer, in order to be able to consecrate oneself to My Immaculate Heart.

I want to bring from the Heavens the hosts of angels, in order to begin the hour of salvation of all hearts with prayer. There is much left to be done, My little ones, by means of your hands. Therefore, by igniting the universal flame of prayer you will be helping to alleviate the sorrow of the world that each day is destroying itself.

I call upon all the wayfarers of the heart so that together with My Immaculate Heart they may follow the pathway of prayer. We are at the time of the final call for the salvation of souls. My merciful eyes want to pour the purity and kindness of the Lord, and thus call to conversion those to whom My Heart and My voice will be announced.

The day of Grace will come for all the souls that will know how to recognize the Mercy that, from the Heavens, the Lord has for each heart. The world must be restored and for this we must affirm in the life of each heart a prayer that may repair the deeds committed throughout the centuries.

My Immaculate Heart will triumph in those hearts that may yearn to live in Me and in My Temple, so as to never abandon It. But all the souls must confirm themselves before God for this final time. For this reason, My little children, I come from the Heavens to prepare the hearts that may want to listen to My call. For this, My little ones, it will be important that the ears of the heart be open to My words so that they may pierce that which is still resistant to God.

Do not fear, My children, trust in My Eternal Light and you will know the Wondrous Love of My Heart. I love you all, and even more those who walk through other pathways, those who must be rescued from the world. With your hearts, alleviate the Scourged Heart of the Lord so that in the celestial hope, more children may be converted by My Maternal Love. I follow you all from the Pure Heart.

Thank you for responding to My call of the 23rd of December.

Who loves you and blesses you perpetually,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
