Pray and unite your heart with the Heart of God, because there is no longer anything to be said for the planet, other than to go deeper in your prayers and union with the Father.
Souls still have not perceived the times in which they are living, and their eyes still have not opened to see the agony of the world and, above all, the agony of the Heart of the Father in the face of everything that is experienced on Earth.
Beings continue imprisoned in their problems and needs; they still clutch to their plans, as if time flowed according to their will.
Child, I know that you do not hear, but the Earth screams and groans, and its cry is manifested in the hearts that suffer wars and conflicts and in the souls that are imprisoned in their illusions.
I know that you do not perceive it, but in the face of all that, the Heart of God becomes silent, and in His Silence, He prays so that beings may find peace in His Heart.
How little the planet needs in order to find peace! If all beings discovered that in true prayer the beginning of all transformation and all good are to be found, there would be peace.
If each being prayed to God, the One Creator, present in all life, even if according to the understanding of each religion and true spiritual path, they could understand and respect the schools that beings experience in order to find peace; they would know that, as each being is at a different evolutionary degree, many paths that lead to the Father are necessary. But one day, Child, all of those paths will meet at the apex of human evolution, which is Love.
When the heart prays, it enters into the Wisdom of God and understands these and many other things. Through human ignorance, there are wars, disrespect and lack of love.
Pray, and you will find wisdom. Pray, and you will find peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While on the one hand, the consciousness of the planet reflects a humanity divided by wars, hunger, inequality, and conflicts, on the other hand, the essences of this time are going through their great definition.
I ask you to take My Hand so that I may unite you all and thus lead you on the path of love and reconciliation.
My enemy is managing to infiltrate even the religious life. He projects fantasies, stimulates ideas, and generates disagreements, awakening great discouragement and disappointments in hearts.
By all means he tries to undo My projects, but he will not manage to do this. He already realizes that he lost, and thus places all his fury in human minds and generates many setbacks where they do not exist.
For that reason, I come to ask you to protect yourselves, to take one another into consideration, and to not, even for a second, leave My Heart, because in this way, I will protect you and I will hold you in My Arms.
Everything contrary to the light that may be happening at this time will be an appearance created by My adversary.
Immerse yourself in the prayer of the heart, fulfill the daily liturgies, and you will survive. Because more complex times will come and hearts must be more united than before to endure the last and definitive clashes.
I am praying for you. The Woman clothed with the Sun is, at this moment, running to the desert.
The door of Armageddon has already been opened in this last August.
Be vigilant and do not allow yourselves to be confused.
I am at the rearguard of My children.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The events happened after the Second World War reaffirmed in Europe the important need of immediate assistance and spiritual intervention.
Thus, after the events in Fatima, humanity, which did not want to listen nor repent, once again had to witness a second and worse rebellion.
All of those who were brought to trial after the war, those accused and the accusers, have been led to very deep levels of consciousness, a place in which they are balancing and consciously reliving everything they once fostered and created on Earth.
Evil advanced upon its own evil, and after the trial lived on Earth, it had its own trial in the inner planes.
This event made the hells hesitate because the defeat of the oppressors took place on their own, in which Divine Mercy acted.
With the spirit of sovereign Justice, all were taken to the state and to the result they had generated, this is the reason for the importance of repentance.
In no instance, both conscious or unconscious, was there an opening to recognize the traumatic and tragic errors committed during the First and Second World War.
It is so that in the days of the Final Judgement of humanity, a new universal sentence will be issued.
When the hell of humanity itself has been closed, a new stage will start in its history.
Here I refer to the Judgment known as Nuremberg.
I thank you for responding to My Call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My Rosary of Light extends to the world
My Children,
Today My Rosary of Light extends to the world and calls you to the true prayer of the heart so that, more than celebrating with Me another anniversary of My Apparitions in Fatima, your hearts may know how to intercede with Me for this world full of pain and anguish.
Today My Rosary of Light extends to the world and to each human heart, calling everyone to pray and repair the Heart of God, wounded by the wars and conflicts, wounded by the outrages committed to the Kingdoms of Nature, wounded by not being able to pour over His children the source of Love and Grace that comes from His Sacred Heart.
Today My Rosary of Light extends to the world calling you to pray a little more for this planet, so that the prophecies I announced in Fatima one day are not fulfilled, are not manifested before your eyes.
The world still runs the risk of seeing My Words fulfilled, because they have not been attentive to the warnings I made and to the requests that I made so that a greater time of mercy could be upon the Earth.
My children, today My Rosary of Light extends to the world and calls you to pray more for the life on the planet, because it is losing itself, it is degenerating and distorting itself by the distance that there is between humanity and God.
Today My Rosary of Light extends to the world so that you pray for the end of wars and of conflicts, pray for the perdition that youths live so that they may find the path that takes them to the Father and no longer lose themselves in the distractions of this time.
Today, My children, as the Lady of the Holy Rosary, I extend these beads to the world and I call you to pray with Me for a greater time of peace.
Find in prayer the door to unveil the mysteries of this time.
Find in prayer the balm to cure the illnesses of this era.
Find in prayer the secret to live peace and establish peace in the world.
Find in prayer the path that unites you as human consciousness.
Find in prayer the understanding that makes you transcend cultures, races, and religions and discover the Unity that there is between all creatures, because all of them are living parts of only One God.
Today, My children, your Celestial Mother extends Her Rosary of Light to the world, showing you that prayer and union with God is the only safe path in this time of tribulations and of chaos.
Pray to understand the events of the world and pray so that you can be a light for those who are blind. Humanity needs living examples to follow, and My children must be those examples.
Today your Mother and Lady calls you to take another step in the conscious prayer for life on Earth, and thus, My children, you will be able to enter into the Mysteries that I keep for the hearts that awaken.
I would like to reveal to you many mysteries, I would like to give you many Graces, I would like to bring you divine knowledge of which you remain ignorant since the veils covered your faces when you arrived to Earth.
But today, beloved children, before the need of the world, I just extend My Rosary of Light to all of you and call you to pray with Me for peace.
May cultures, races, nations and religions unite; may hearts unite in the likeness of God; May your hands unite with My Rosary of Light and thus peace be established inside and outside of men.
I bless you and thank you for responding to My call!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Most Holy Rosary of Fatima
When the spirit of the planet cries out, do not forget to offer some time to listen to it.
How little it is to dedicate a prayer to that wounded heart, which, in spite of its wounds, sustains and protects you so that you can grow and evolve.
Never forget that this world has a spirit that animates it and a Purpose that impels it to go forward.
This planet is a living part of the Heart of God and, as His part, all suffering lived in it is felt by the Heart of the Father. Therefore, do not see, with indifference, wars, the outrages of the Kingdoms of Nature, the abandonment of human beings toward themselves and toward their fellow beings, the ignorance of the human hearts concerning Superior Life.
Feel life as a part of a Whole, of a Unique and Creative Heart. And, for all that happens in this world, pray and repair that wounded heart. Pray as part of God, so that your prayer may be a balm that heals the Heart of the Father.
Do not cease to hear Him when He calls you, not only to console you or to grant you something. Listen to God and to His clamor that emerges from the entrails of this wounded world and offer the Father a repair for this world.
Pray and offer every instant of your life for something greater than your aspirations.
Pray and offer your time to something other than your tasks and your responsibilities.
All you do is for God, but prayer, child, is the healing balm that the world needs today, that God needs through your siblings, the Kingdoms, the nations, so as to keep Himself alive in His creatures.
Creatures need God, and God, to respond to His children, needs to be listened to.
Therefore, today I invite you, on this day of repair, to silence your heart for an instant and listen to the Heart of Father, listen to Him in the world, in the Kingdoms, in human beings, in the profound of the Earth and in the immensity of Heaven.
And pray to repair His pain, pray to repair His wounds, pray for Him to be known and to be God expressing Himself in all life, visible and palpable to all.
Today, child, I call you to find the Father in front of you and repair Him with the love that comes from Him, and that dwells in your heart.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Feel My Heart that perceives the world and all its children dispersed in illusion and in personal realizations, without the majority really searching for God.
Feel My Heart crying out for a little more consciousness and responsibility from the souls that compromise their lives with each step they take.
Feel My Heart begging for My children of the world to awaken from the deep and inert dream in which My adversary has placed them.
Feel My Heart interceding for the nations of the world and for the mistakes of their rulers who lead the peoples to spiritually compromise themselves.
Feel My Heart praying for the end of wars, violence among human beings, inner desperation and lack of love.
Feel My Heart begging to the Eternal father for those who serve Me and follow the Church of Christ to be transparent and disciplined in the protection of the communion of souls with My Beloved Son.
Feel My Heart sustaining these times and this humanity that will have to repent with the heart in order to be able to be saved.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
As in scrolls of light, God's Designs descend to the world and are delivered to the hands of men, through His Messengers.
The Creator Father told them: "Go and fulfill My Plan, without understanding, without analyzing, without resisting, go and fulfill My Plan with love, with courage, with the gratitude that is born of the spirit and manifests itself in human works and actions.”
The Creator, children, invites you, at this time, to manifest a truly fraternal Work renewed by His Spirit, where the sacred can dwell and all souls find their space, their place, unique and irreplaceable.
Contemplate the Will of God for this world, as well as for each being and you will understand that I come in this time to teach you to love and to transform this world of chaos and war.
Beloved children, with the portals open to Heaven, I come to invite you to allow this Celestial Kingdom, still hidden to the human heart today, to manifest itself on Earth.
I come to call you not only to prayer and to the awakening of a superior life that for many is still invisible; I come so that you to may learn to manifest on Earth what you seek in the highest of Heavens, and so that you thus no longer spend your lives seeking something that you will never reach, but so that you may be builders of what humanity is seeking to find, and so that you, children, may be the hands that are extended before the souls so that they may see and feel that what they have so much been looking for is palpable for them.
I come to invite you to be the ones who concretize My Plans, manifesting the superior life, and so that it may not only be spiritual but also palpable and be part of your humanity, and compose the spirit of what man manifests in matter.
In a world of wars, in a world of abysses inside and outside of beings, I come to call you to be the new, and to always be willing to be others, accompanying the flow of transformation of the Universe so that in all stages of the planet souls may find in you what they need.
I ask you, My children, to observe the celestial Designs, to understand how the Will of God moves because I won’t always be here to dictate the way to you, and for that moment your hearts should be one with the Divine Will and Wisdom, because you love it, respect and revere it, because you live and know it and experience it every day.
The time has come for the islands of salvation to fulfill their role. The world is agonizing and the life of the spirit must no longer be selective, everyone must be able to find their place and the door open to discover their way of serving God.
This cycle is a cycle of last opportunities for many spirits. Understand that your evolution and that of many of your brothers and sisters are defined at this time, in this cycle of the planet. That's why, everything that you can do for others to find God is little.
My children are lost in this world and I come to find them. For that, I must make of those, who already hear Me, My Feet that walk in the world, My Arms that guard the souls, My Hands that extend to help, My Eyes that find the lost, My Heart that welcomes those who feel abandoned and forgotten by God, and by the world.
Therefore, children, today accept ,more than the life of prayer, the life that leads you to be instruments of God in the world, and be part of My Heart and an extension of My Presence.
May this Work be the embassy of My Peace on Earth, and all of you proclaimers of My Presence.
I love and thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear singers:
Today I implore you, from My Maternal Immaculate Heart, to unite your voices of love to all the voices of My dear and suffering children of Syria, so that, in this inner and special union, the cessation of the wars and conflicts may be established and there may exist a time of peace.
In order for the poor families of Syria to have the Grace and the opportunity to rebuild their lives, offer this meeting of music with all the sincerity of your hearts; and remember, children, that each song and each piece that will be offered today will be lovingly dedicated to all those who suffer the conflicts and the very harsh wars of this time.
While My Face is cover with tears for those who suffer persecutions and death, together with you, dear children, on this gala night, I will implore the Father and My Son, for a time of peace.
I will be by your side to preciously accompany each moment. Do not forget, children, that everything you offer will help in the redemption and conversion of humanity.
Through tonight's meeting of music, I will take to Heaven the innocent souls that were beheaded for just proclaiming their faith in My Son.
Know that the evil that is generated will defeat itself, it cannot triumph; because evil has no love or forgiveness.
I ask you today to be a single voice, that you can express the gratitude of being able to serve God in this time and, above all, the gratitude of being able to feel Him, of receiving His Graces daily, so that your lives may be confirmed in the apostolate.
I will be attentive to the offerings of My children, because as Mother of the persecuted I only wish, with ardor in My Heart, to bring relief to those who suffer and do not find a way out of wars.
I will thank you for your sincerity, knowing that after all and as difficult as is, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
I thank you, children, for answering My call!
Who blesses you in this night of praise,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My child,
Imagine for a moment three-quarters of the world in the days of darkness; because, in truth, what the world is provoking attracts more darkness to the Earth.
Many think that the sun will be hidden for three days, but, in truth, if nations do not stop provoking wars and, above all, do not stop promoting them as if it were the latest fad of these times, worse situations will happen, things that nobody would ever expect; I would say, violent results.
Today, an angel of God removes a painful thorn from My Immaculate Heart and even though the prayers for the nations are permanent and that protects South America, on the other hand, My adversary is conquering the power and ostentation of his allies on earth more and more.
If the weapons do not stop being activated, as I once said in Fatima, a third war, even worse, would be unleashed overnight.
That possible darkness that could reign upon the planet and hide its three quarters, would be the effect of chemical, gaseous and warlike weapons; something outlandish.
The effect of the self-destruction of a part of humanity would be so violent that after the ones who provoke the wars activate their weapons, late would they realize that the power got out of their hands, unable to stop the effects and consequences.
Today, through the pain of My Heart, I bring this reality so that by all means, offers and sacrifices, it may be avoided.
Imagine it again, the planet submerged in darkness, caused by the harmful effect of nuclear weapons.
Humanity because of its interests, are playing with its race. And, although the promise of the return of Christ will be fulfilled, the most definitive moment of the race is still waiting to be gone through; and that moment is about to happen.
In the meantime, do not stop praying because, in this way, your Heavenly Mother will continue to work on the spiritual plane against Her adversary in order to remove from the weak minds the idea of the activation of weapons.
Now the time has come, more than ever, to join your guardian angels so that your spiritual life is protected from the invasive repercussion that the war in the Middle East is generating.
That is the reason why your Heavenly Mother wishes to arrive soon at the Northern Hemisphere, not only to intervene in those who provoke the wars, but also to protect the millions of European souls that would witness destruction without limits, as an effect of what their representatives do in the Middle East.
Therefore, sleep and restore the consciousness, but always have a part of your being well awake because, in an unexpected way, everything could be triggered.
Pray even more from the heart so that your Heavenly Mother and all the angels may be able to intercede and avoid irreparable disasters.
While My Heart hurts, I sustain Myself with the loving prayers of those who join Me in this difficult cycle.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
I come to especially ask you to form a prayer group and pray for Syria, so that the Mercy of God may intervene as soon as possible.
For that, I ask you to join the regular prayer for Venezuela together with Syria, since both nations live similar things between themselves.
But this time Syria and its innocent people are object of more war and chaos expanding throughout all the places in that region.
I ask you, children, that this prayer be prayed in the native language of that country, so that the angels of Heaven may have a greater intervention in the innocent souls, who, at this time, are trying to survive this confusing reality.
As you have done it with other nations of the world, children, now you will offer half of a mystery of the rosary in Syrian and the other half in Spanish, so that, in this way, both nations, in spite of their reigning chaos, may be considered as a priority for the divine intervention.
I thank you for responding to this request because other nations of the world are taking advantage of the war in order to continue instilling fear and horror; but, in truth, those nations that incite and provoke wars, do not know that the return of the Law will be very hard on them.
I thank you for responding to My Call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Although the deepest wounds of the planet are at this moment being shown through the chaos in this world, My Immaculate Heart protects and safeguards all the children that cry out to God in heartfelt sincerity.
Thus, your Heavenly Mother is interceding, at this moment, for all the innocent souls and for the most sinful souls who draw the violence of the elements of nature to the world.
Today, I am placing each one of them in My Arms of a Mother, so that their deepest nuclei may be safeguarded by the Love of My Motherly Heart.
Although the world is collapsing, I will always be with you.
Although the world seems to be falling apart, I will always be with you.
Although catastrophes, wars, unjustly spilled blood exist, I will always be with you.
Although the violence of the end of these times is unleashed overnight, even during the three days of great darkness, I will always, always be with you. For I came and come to this world to recover what is lost, what nobody wants to take care of in this humanity.
I am determined, at least, to allow My Heart to triumph in the inner worlds of the inhabitants of North America.
It is My mission and My destiny that the most imperfect and lost souls, that the peoples, cities and nations broken by the wave of the intense purification may have an opportunity and gain a Grace from My Heart.
There will be no element, catastrophe or physical or inner disaster that will stop Me; because I Am the Mother of your Master and Lord, I Am the untiring seeker of the love and prayers of souls.
When that alliance is consummated between you, My children, and your Universal Mother, when you live the same love and the same service that your Celestial Mother lives, I assure you that the planet may shake or sway, but the love between us will be inextinguishable; and I will receive your love and service in each moment to present it as an offering of sacrifice of humanity.
Do not hesitate, do not waver, the Lord is merciful and consoling with everything that is happening today in this world.
Believe and reaffirm the Coming of Christ in yourselves, for it will happen in spite of what takes place.
I leave you in My Motherly Arms, now and always.
Who blesses you, with the holy sword of the Archangel Saint Michael,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
I come as a new Sun, to illuminate the world and remove it from the darkness.
I come as part of the Holy Heart of God, so that His Name may be known and loved by all creatures.
I come so that humanity may know peace, proclaim it and live it every days of its existence.
I come at a time of wars and conflicts, in which the nations are beginning to collapse, one by one, as a consequence of their actions and their deceptions; due to worldwide deception and blindness, in which humankind lie to one another and to themselves, but they will never deceive God.
I come to a world without brotherhood and without love, in which the nations promote wars and conflicts with one another, to stand out and benefit from the suffering and from the lack of those who suffer from this illusion.
I come for the innocents who are losing themselves in this play of human forces, without understanding why they suffer so much, and who ask themselves where God is to support them.
God, children, contemplates each heart and humanity as a whole. If human beings do not open the doors to Him, do not cry out, do not pray and do not seek peace, how will He be able to reach those who are most in need and feel forgotten, not only by humanity, but also by their Father?
I come for an ignorant humanity, which needs to understand that the time for games and spiritual childishness is over, because of the consequences of their illusions is seen in the decadence of the nations, of the cultures, of the religions, of the souls, of the Kingdoms of Nature.
I come for the Kingdoms, which cannot lift up their word to humanity to ask for Mercy and peace, to ask for the end of the blood shed on the earth and in the oceans, for the end of the martyrdom of the trees, of the imbalance generated in the minerals so that humankind can adorn their bodies and strengthen their illusions.
I come for the consciousness of a planet that is alive, that suffers and endures with all the innocents, both in nature as well as in humanity, and which is not heard except by God and by the Universe, when it calls out for life and for evolution.
I come today to make an appeal together with My children for a world with more peace, so that each one who hears Me may build this peace in their own life, and testify to their transformation, through example and through prayer.
I come to ask you to spread My Call beyond the borders, the beliefs and religions, because I do not ask but for hearts to strengthen their faith, and this being true and pure, and if it leads you into loving a neighbor and God above all things, that you live it fully and without deceptions.
I come to ask you for inner unity among cultures, respect among religions, an understanding of the paths that God inspired His children to live, not so that they compete with each other, but so that, in the diversity of His creatures, each one might find the way to reach His Heart, be it through Buddha, Mohammed, or Christ. If you are sincere and seek to express Love, all will reach God, and there you will understand the essence of unity, which today your minds cannot conceive of because they are so full of human concepts and ideas.
I am here as a simple Mediator, as the Co-redeemer of this Plan of Love, as a Celestial and Divine Mother sent by God to guide humanity to return to the Origin in the Heart of the Celestial Father.
I do not ask you to worship Me, but rather that you listen to Me and unite with the Purpose that I bring you, recognizing it as true in light of the need of the world.
It is not I, My children, who needs your prayers. It is you, as humanity, who must learn how to pray, to save yourselves and to lift this world out of blindness and the spiritual and almost physical captivity in which it finds itself.
I only ask that you unite with God and understand His Love for life and for each one of His creatures. To understand each human being, as well as each element and species in nature, as a precious jewel of the Creator, an indivisible part of the Heart of the Father. Each time one of His children is lost, it is His Heart that suffers, that grieves and that dies with this little essence that comes from Him.
My Call is for Peace, for Truth and for the experiencing of Love among creatures. All the mysteries will be revealed to the eyes that live in this way, responding to My call. And everything will be fulfilled if My requests are fulfilled in your lives.
I love you and I bless you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
With the Eucharistic Body of My Son, exposed upon My Immaculate Heart, today your Heavenly Mother celebrates the Feast of the Sacred Body of Christ with you and with all those who pray throughout the world, in which Heaven offers an indulgence to all those who commune of this most precious Body of the Lord.
It is in this way that the Communion with Christ must be considered special and renowned since My beloved Son, from the Heavens, will be granting those who commune with devotion, the Grace of dissolving any fault, debt or action committed against His Sacred and unfathomable Heart.
That Grace will gain greater strength and amplify within if souls adore this Sacred Eucharistic Body for a few minutes. Just by simply looking upon the value of the Sacred Body of Christ, souls will balance their errors and become free of them all, which had led them into being separate from the path of love.
This act, which can be offered by each soul, will attract an inexhaustible flow of Grace to humanity and for all causes that generate war, death and the persecution of Christians and non-Christians.
The Grace will be for all if the majority contemplates the Sacred Body of Christ, present in the Eucharist.
I thank you for adoring My Son with your heart, for this allows His Mercy to expand throughout the world.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
A great world event
At the doors of the Fatima Sanctuary, all the angels, saints and the blessed experience a great celestial celebration, since one hundred years ago, your Heavenly Mother came here to establish peace and the end of war.
The third secret of Fatima, revealed to the shepherds, represented the end of a cycle and the beginning of another with the call to prayer of the Holy Rosary and repentance through an act of penitence and reparation.
The call was not widely accepted, and only the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart taking place in the 1980's produced a break in the universal dominance of the adversary over the great world and human forces.
If that request of Mine had not been concretized, humanity would have experienced a third war even worse than the previous ones. That consecration benefited the whole world, and peace was able to expand for some time more in all the human race.
In the countdown to an end time, and after one hundred years of prayers, repentance and of penitence of devotees and good believers who embodied the message of Fatima, today, fully into the XXI century, a century full of innovations, modernities and intelligent destruction on the part of human beings, this cycle of peace began to decline, and the great planetary crisis among the peoples and the nations exploded, generating a great imbalance in the scales of the Law.
For the Eternal Father, this meant a new and possible divine intervention so that a worse world imbalance not occur in humanity. Thus, your Heavenly Mother returned to Medjugorje, and for more than thirty years, prepared Europe, Asia and Oceania for the moment they were to face.
On the other hand, given the grave psychic and material crisis the planet is experiencing in these times, which is reflected on all the life of the spirit, the Will of God went further, and He decided that the Mother and ever Virgin Mary would appear in the south of the Americas, in a remote place in the north of Uruguay, to deliver a prophetic and preparatory message, thus indicating what She symbolizes for humanity: the Aurora of the dawn in the life of each being.
So it was that, with all care and, at the same time, with all the difficulties, the Mother of God prepared to respond to the divine request of appearing regularly during a cycle in that distant place of Aurora so that, through strong and symbolic universal revelations, humanity would be able to find a path by which to return to God, and thus be redeemed through the reconciliation that the Heavenly Mother lovingly was offering the world.
After all this, the situation became worse in various regions of the planet, the objective of the adversary was concretized and a great wave of persecution of Christians began. Much innocent blood began to run through the world, and the crisis between religions and cultures became worse up to this time.
Once again, the Mother of the Most High Father came to the world and to humanity to intercede, in a cycle where the precarious situation of the human race is rapidly falling apart.
For this reason, your Heavenly Mother returned to Europe to be present among the multitudes and the Holy Father, on this 13th of May of 2017, which will mark a before and an after in hearts open to the call of Fatima.
Just like a hundred years ago, the Most Holy Lady of the Rosary returns to the world to give it Her motherly blessing, so as to avoid a serious situation for the whole human gender.
The Voice of Heaven is pronounced today through the words of the Holy Father in the Sanctuary of Fatima, as well as with the presence of thousands and thousands of pilgrims that once again show their doctrines of faith and of love for God in an ecumenical and fraternal sense.
It is for this reason that, on this 13th of May, at the doors of the Kingdom of Fatima, your Heavenly Mother will expand Her Divine Consciousness in order that a large part of the planet and of humanity will receive the spiritual, inner and human relief they need so much.
For everyone, this event will mean the expression and the descent of powerful celestial codes which the eternal Virgin Mary, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, will pour out over the psychic consciousness of the planet, thus generating an epicenter of love and of positive energy for all the world.
It is for this reason that, on this day, your Heavenly Mother asks that each prayerful and devoted heart remain united with Her, so that the greatest number of souls and of needy consciousnesses may experience this event.
For all My children, I leave the warmest vows of service and of union with the Divine Plan.
Let Fatima, as essence of peace, be reborn in all hearts!
Who blesses and loves you always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Most Holy Rosary of Fatima
Dear children,
I come every day with the profound aspiration of turning the mind of the human being into an instrument of God through the imperative power of the love of the heart.
I come every day with the purpose of stopping the wars and the destruction of the human race, so that souls may be saved from the captivity in which many nations place their peoples.
I come every day for the Divine purpose of making every human being an important piece of the Plan of God, so that in this way, many may awaken to christic life, to the path of ascension, and permanently abandon the materialistic and superficial life.
I come from the universe with the mission of opening the eyes of those who have them closed to the Truth that My Son announced many times, the Truth of being able to be like Him in Love and Mercy.
I come every day to calm the agitation that religions are experiencing and to dissolve the connections that exist between true spirituality and materialism; for My desire is that all attain the Grace they do not yet deserve and that they make of their lives great treasures of redemption and conversion, as a form of purification and of preparation for the second Coming of Christ.
I come to grant peace where it no longer exists, by means of prayerful hearts that make enter into the apostleship of prayer and the experience of the divine.
I come to draw everyone closer to the portal of Divine Peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Look here and now at your Sorrowful Mother, Who walks in silence, helping to free the cross of this world.
Look here and now at your Sorrowful Mother, Who sees souls become lost in superficial things.
Look here and now at your Sorrowful Mother, Who contemplates the suffering caused by the wars and the bombs.
Look here and now at your Sorrowful Mother, Who observes how the nations oppose one another and lose the sense of their existence.
Look here and now at your Sorrowful Mother with Her beloved Son in Her arms, Who through this symbol, delivers the message of spiritual Piety.
Look here and now at your Sorrowful Mother, Who contemplates many of Her children who do not want to change.
Accompany your Mother on this Calvary of the planet, with the aim that everything be freed forever.
Let us pray.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Holy Cross
My dear children,
Today I leave in your hands the Sacred Reliquary of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, as an offering of My Celestial Spouse and in gratitude for all that has been lovingly manifested up to today.
This Sacred Reliquary of Saint Joseph will be your instrument for the battle against human indifference and will be the impulse towards a continuous fraternity among beings. For in this Sacred Reliquary is the Divine Heart of Saint Joseph, honored by the angels of Heaven as a spiritual model because of His holiness, humility, and service.
May this Sacred Reliquary of Saint Joseph that I place today in your hands, motivate you to a continuous awakening to unconditional service, so that new souls embrace this proposal. Through the Most Chaste Heart, may you live in service to your fellow beings and the Kingdoms of Nature, building and regenerating all of humanity.
This Sacred Reliquary which Your Heavenly Mother presents to you today, is the fundamental relic that Saint Joseph constituted when He humbly entered the Kingdom of the Heavens. It was this Sacred Reliquary of the Heart of Saint Joseph that the Eternal Father received from His faithful server, after He was lifted up to the Heavens in soul and in spirit.
As a member of humanity, Saint Joseph brought to the universe a living example of love for knowledge and instruction. Saint Joseph was considered by Adonai to be the guardian of souls, and for the human race, this Sacred Reliquary represents the possibility of being in likeness to a transformed human example, as was the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.
This Sacred Reliquary that the universe presents to you today, is a spiritual symbol for souls that it is possible to experience human transformation and redemption on Earth.
May this Sacred Reliquary, lovingly offered by Saint Joseph to the Divine Father, from now on represent the symbol of persistence and faith in the face of every human and materialistic condition.
This Sacred Reliquary will remain spiritually placed and displayed in the spiritual counterpart of the House of the Pilgrim, so that all the souls of the world that will come to this place may through prayer find this sacred teraph that the Chaste Heart gives you today through the Immaculate Mother.
May this sacred teraph be worked with every 19th day of the month by the missionary and praying souls, so that in these times, there may be reparation for the grave outrages from the wars in the world, for the exploitation of children, for the women being sold on the streets, for the loneliness of the sick, for the death of the innocent, and for the harmful destruction of the Mineral, Plant, Animal, and Devic Kingdoms.
May this teraph be the bridge of communication of all with God; and in this way, He will not pour out Justice, but rather pure and infinite Mercy.
I thank you for responding to Saint Joseph, because these last four years of work have allowed this Grace that Your Heavenly Mother brings you today.
Who loves you, in union with the Love of Saint Joseph,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Beloved children, with celestial joy and bliss, I return to the world to see My Plan of love triumph in the hearts of humankind.
I know that terror, fear, and pain take over the hearts of many of My children who are subjected to wars and to conflicts, within and outside of themselves.
I know that many are struggling to establish Peace within themselves, and fear not being able to keep themselves in balance, so great is the chaos they live every day.
I know that humankind still separates all things and that their pride does not allow them to unite that which God inspired to be a path that would lead to His Heart, and not to the establishment of human will, such as are religions.
But I come to the world so that you may live what seems impossible to you, because, in truth, beloved children, everything I ask of you is within everyone’s reach, but you ignore the truth about yourselves and are still asleep to the life of the spirit, which is more than just dedicating some prayers to Me every day.
It is for this reason that I am here and that I travel through each nation of the Americas that must manifest the Plan of God in these times. I come to strengthen praying hearts so that they may be the pillars that will sustain the world when it cannot sustain itself on its own.
I come, beloved children, in order for you to discover that the joy and bliss of the spirit are not to be found in the things of the Earth and for you to learn to discern, in the events that will come, where the will of God is and where it is not, so that in this way you may know how to let yourselves be guided by this will, and not outside of it. In this way, you will be able to see the old world structures collapse without losing hope, spiritual joy, and faith, because you will know that these ashes will fertilize the soil of a new world and will strengthen hearts so that an unshakeable race sustained by love and by unity with God may arise on Earth, and no longer by the pleasures and by the material power that this world offers you, and for which you struggle day and night, even knowing that they will perish as dust at the end of all things.
I come to consecrate the Americas, children, so that you may learn again how to understand life and its values. I come so that you may recover the sacred that exists in your families. May you understand that a group of souls gathered together by God must fulfill a mission of expressing love and the capacity to understand others and uniting with them, beyond their shortcomings, miseries, and imperfections.
Family life creates conditions for you to awaken the true love, for example, of a mother for her child; that love which transcends the barriers of egotism and of the human condition and that you must learn to extend to the whole of humanity.
But if you degrade family life and bring to your homes the indifference and the sparse love that is experienced in this world, you are missing the opportunity that God has given you of awakening a pure and true love. Because of this, My children, it is so important that you know how to love and respect your families and that you also know how to extend this bond of love to all souls in this world.
Gradually, with My love and My celestial motherhood, I lead you to the universal family, which is what must be manifested on an Earth consecrated by God.
My children, may My presence among you not be the only thing that brings the impulse to transform and consecrate this world, but may each one, according to their perseverance and their faith, also be an engine that transforms and purifies the Earth, so that the Plan of God may be fulfilled.
Today I leave you My love and My peace, so that you may have the faith and the courage to transform your lives, and with them, the life of this world.
I bless you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Assert yourself in the power of prayer…
Dear children,
In times that will come, humanity will violently purify itself and it will not be this way because the Eternal Father establishes it, but the purification of the humanity will come hand in hand with all incoherent actions that will be committed by the humanity of surface, which will affect many people.
It is in this way that in these times, prayer will be the shield and at the same time the spiritual remedy against all mental, psychic and emotional infection, which is consequence of the global mismatch that humanity has attracted to itself and to the Kingdoms of Nature.
Prayer will cover with light and peace those who practice it with heart and not for obligation.
On the other hand, humanity will not know how to sustain itself, not even spiritually, the moment in which the purification unleashes in the consciousnesses overnight.
But prayer will offer, to those who live it with heart, an inexplicable balance, capable of neutralizinge spaces or entire cities, because its power is unknown until today.
While the world is being purified, many consciousnesses will realize too late all they never offered to God and how far they have been from the Source of His Eternal Love; this will be the most difficult moment for most of the humans of the Earth.
But prayer will make of the prayerful souls, crystalline essences, not bound to the debts of the past; they will be as mirrors of light that will reflect, wherever they go, the codes of redemption.
This will be part of the last phase of the apostleship in these times.
While the planet is being purified, unknown human situations or causes never seen before in the health of humanity will appear, which the scientists will consider: without explanation.
But these causes will have their roots in the lack of love. Souls that do not pray nor seek union with God in these times will, little by little, fade because the love in their interior will not be enough, since this love is based on the personal needs and not on the divine essence, which is what moves love in the Universe.
In this time, the true prayerful ones will have a special mission, and the love that they have generated inside themselves through the works of good, of charity and of peace, will make that all of these consciousnesses that will be as “dissected living beings” by the lack of love, may receive this divine energy of love that will save them and redeem them.
Here, My children, I speak of inner revelations that will emerge little by little, as humanity fully enters the transition of the Earth.
Many consequences and inexplicable events that humanity lives today are generated by a great worldwide imbalance: by conducting abortion of innocent souls, by the unmeasured killing of animals for human consumption and by the wars that are consequence of a worldwide sin that has increased over the past three years.
In this way, the humanity that has not been redeemed by Divine Love, that denies the existence of the celestial and invisible worlds, will live what it has sown; and what it will live in this last cycle will not be for lack of spiritual assistance, but for the indifference before so much world inequality.
But prayer will make of the prayerful beings, impenetrable shields of light, capable of enduring the purification of the planet; in truth, these prayerful souls were chosen by the angels to accompany the current and acute planetary process.
I did not wish to offer an apocalyptic message, but this is what humanity has started to live since the last August 8.
This world reality must reach the consciousness of all servers of light, because with the support and prayer of all, it will at least be lighter for some.
Dear children, in these times prayer will become the most effective and powerful spiritual tool in the moment of being pronounced with heart.
If souls knew about the power of prayer, maybe their own debts and sins would not be purified through pain, but rather through the love that the prayer itself awakes, a love that is not human nor from this tridimensional world.
In this sense, the prayerful life in the end of the times will become priority for the awakened hearts to understand that, without prayer, the exit and the enclosure to be far from chaos that will reign on planet will never be found.
Prayer will make you remain in the world to serve it and to learn, but without being in it. All this will all be the beginning of a preparation that will define the battle during the Armageddon.
I thank you for accompanying Me in prayer.
Who loves you and guides you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
When your Heavenly Mother visits the nations of the world, and especially their peoples, it is to deactivate the spiritual chaos that reigns in the human consciousness; a chaos that feeds on suffering, indignation, and pain.
Thus, from time to time, at the request of My Most Beloved Son, I send you on a mission of peace, so that My plans of love and of redemption may be fulfilled in humanity.
Each time that I visit a new nation, a fraction of the human condition is transmuted. It is for this reason that your Mother summons all Her instruments incarnated on the planet so that spiritually and without any condition, only for the love of Christ, you may help Her to liberate earthly hells with the goal of avoiding a third social war in the Americas.
With simple actions and pure prayers, your Most Holy Mother collects all supplications of the planet to place them at the Feet of the Creator, and in this way expand His infinite and most powerful Mercy where it is most needed.
In the face of the great and last planetary imbalance, dear children, I invite you to keep truly praying, in a spirit of effort that cannot be measured or valued.
Dear children, I invite you in the name of humanity to embrace the sacrifice for the victory of My Immaculate Heart.
In this way we will avoid that millions of ignorant souls blind to the true spiritual life should lose the opportunity of awakening before it all happens.
With My celestial gaze, I am accompanying and helping you, seeing the inner effort of all; this is why I thank you for helping Me every day.
Who shelters you with Her Light,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more