Today I arrive at one of My poorest homes in the world, where the spirit of charity and of reparation are fully lived, where the Grace of God, although it may not seem so, is present there because there are simple hearts, full of love for service and for assisting those most in need.
Today I come with the ardent desire and with great aspiration that My children, who today are visiting this humble home, as well as all the Children of Mary consecrated in Ecuador and in the world, piously help in the manifestation of My first Chapel so that, within it, the first mass of giving thanks may be celebrated for this present from God.
Secondly, I desire the manifestation and the concretion of the house of the religious, and also the rest of the installations so that in a harmonious way all of the spaces can exist that are necessary to carry forward the support of the charity work with the children.
Thirdly, I desire that more collaborators help in the food and nutritional support of the children, as well as in the medical and dental assistance.
My wish is that these children that I am visiting today, as well as the consecrated religious that live here, have all that they need to be able to go through these times in which humanity must learn to live charity and mercy with their fellow beings.
If all this can be fulfilled at the end of this year, your Heavenly Mother promises to return to the Santísima Trinidad Community so that the Power of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit may bless all the manifestations that were carried out.
Lastly, I want to establish an oratory where the children and their parents may learn to pray the Rosary with the support of all the Children of Mary.
If all this is taken ahead in a spirit of true compromise, I assure you, dear children, that all of these children will someday have spiritual dignity and will be able to be the example for the next stage of humanity.
I am happy to be among the most simple. I am here because I love the littlest ones.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Pray, when the night seems to fall over the sky of the Earth.
Pray when the difficulties are great, and the challenges seem impossible, because in this way, My children, the Grace of God will always come to assist you.
Pray so that the world may receive the healing it so much needs, and may neither the wars nor the chaos cause the faith of your hearts to wane.
Pray when darkness approaches, when solitude seems infinite and emptiness takes over your inner world, and persevere.
From the perseverance of your hearts will be born the merits for a new life.
From the healing of your souls will be born the merits for the healing of the planet.
From the sun lit in your hearts, in spite of the difficulties, will be born the merits so that Aurora may rise again in the sky of the Earth and within beings.
From the fortitude of your hearts will be born the merits so that the weak of spirit may rise again.
From the invisible of your hearts, I build the universal triumph of God.
In the silence of your lives, I teach you to imitate My Steps and to transform the Earth in the anonymity of a celestial victory.
So that the world may know the Grace of higher life, persevere, and have faith in the invisible.
What is a mystery to you today will be tangible to you someday. But, before touching, you must believe, feel, and live under the Grace of what is not seen.
Have faith and strengthen the faith in your hearts.
Trust will make you free of doubts and you will know how to recognize within yourselves the portals of the new life, because you will already be part of it.
Build now, within yourselves, what will make you guides of the new humanity, because it is through knowing how to go beyond yourselves and the difficulties of these times that you will be able to guide others.
It is by trusting in what is invisible to you today that you will be able to guide beings to the path of their redemption, even when there is no light over the world. Because you, children, will not depend on the light of the Earth, but rather on the light that illumines your inner self.
Pray in the presence of doubt, pray on facing error, pray on facing temptations, pray on facing indifference, pray when you feel separate and distant from one another, and more than that, pray, pray a lot, when you feel distant from God.
Today I tell you, My children, that a great mystery is drawing closer to your lives.
The planet is facing the birth of the new human being, which will be painful, but also, it is facing a light that is unknown to you, in spite of it having been here since the beginning.
Pray to recognize the truth, pray so that the truth can be before your eyes, and even though it is invisible, that you may be able to see it.
The rays of Aurora that are being born within the Earth are already illuminating a part of the planet, and those who open themselves to its rays and to its light will never be in the darkness of this world.
Pray, My children, and feel that I Am part of this New Aurora, which as it is born on Earth, is also born in heaven, in the depths of the infinite, and illumines all spaces, renewing them with the balm of the Light of God.
Pray in order to know how to trust, pray to awaken faith and do not let yourselves be deceived or darkened, do not let yourselves become cold by this night that you live on Earth.
May the rays of the New Aurora warm your hearts and reveal a new path to you where Heaven and Earth unite, where that light that was ignited in the depths of the Earth finds part of itself in the infinite. And in this mystery the Creator reveals to you that the same Aurora is born in Heaven and on Earth, and that is where My Immaculate Heart is.
Pray so that, more than understanding what I tell you, you may live it.
I bless you, today and always.
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
As a Bird of Light, I penetrate the deepest spaces of the human consciousness in order to transform it. In that place, I pour out Grace that emanates from the Rays of My Wings so that My children can re-encounter the Celestial Father.
There, everything is removed so that souls may be free from captivity and from the prisons of life.
The Bird of Light enters into the depths of consciousness to show the human being the time and the moment of their purification. Throughout this path, the Bird of Light dissipates and dissolves the abysses of the consciousness so that the beings from the surface can again find the spiritual path that leads them into peace.
It could be painful to banish and break old structures; that is why the Bird of Light enters into the spaces of the deep consciousness so as to not leave any hidden corner inside of the being, but rather that everything be revealed so it may go through the transformation.
While you pray, the Bird of Light can reach the greatest and most unknown depths; while you pray and have faith, the task of your Heavenly Mother can be expanded.
In that way, the day will arrive in which there will no longer exist all the atavisms in My children and the sacred divine energy of Love will reign, which will nourish the spirit with an eternal gladness, in a splendid life united with the Creator.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While Our Sacred Hearts are here today, present among you, your Celestial Mother opens the doors so that an infinite legion of angels may invade Earth, in order to pour out on this humanity the Graces of God, those which the Sacred Family of Nazareth once received at the Manger in Bethlehem.
Those same merits that were granted to the Three Sacred Hearts are arriving through The Most Chaste Saint Joseph and your Celestial Mother to all the families of the world.
The legion of angels that your Celestial Mother sends today towards the five continents has the divine Purpose of dissipating and disarming the plans of My adversary.
Each prayer that was pronounced today with the sincerity of your hearts, My children, allowed the Sacred Hearts to expand their Graces over this suffering and divided world.
I would like this same spiritual impulse to emerge from your hearts so that a new spiritual family may be born, first in your essences, to later emerge in the consciousness of humanity, free of separations, outrages, and indifferences.
Today the Sacred Family comes through your hearts to the families that are enslaved by work, by manual exploitation, and by the sale of thousands of innocent lives that are imprisoned by the chains of other human beings in this world.
Your prayers reached all those hearts that lost faith and trust in God because their lives were completely empty.
Lastly, My children, on this day of spiritual blessing I would like you to offer the Eucharist for the inner restoration of hearts wounded by so many outrages and exploitations.
I thank those who made my coming to Argentina possible and I hope to soon be together with My children to praise God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Guadalupe, Mother of the Americas
On this special day, dear children, on which we celebrate the Apparitions of the little Virgin of Guadalupe, with joy and happiness, your Heavenly Mother returns to Argentina, and this time to Mar del Plata to carry out, through this meeting of prayer, a planetary and at the same time regional mission.
In the first place, I wish to send My warmest maternal greetings to My children of Mexico, because today it has been one year since the Little Virgin of Guadalupe touched Mexican soil again.
Secondly, I would like to direct My Words of Love to all the children of Argentina and to the region of the Southern Cone, for having adhered to and united with the important call to prayer for the missing people in the Atlantic Ocean.
It is thus, My children, that today your Mother and Queen of Guadalupe returns after such a short time to Argentina, in order to spiritually help the nation, and especially, all those who live here.
I would like, dear children, for this Vigil of Prayer to be dedicated on this day, not only to the reality that Argentina is experiencing, in society as well as among the people, but also to all the other nations of the world, especially the nations of Latin America that are facing the great tests of the end of times.
Today I also send My maternal and spiritual assistance to Honduras, so that it may again find Peace and true Justice in this time of crisis in humanity.
May each prayer, which will be offered today by every human heart, be sincere and true so that all the pleas may touch the loving Heart of God and He, in His Infinite Glory, may pour out Grace and Mercy upon the nations of the world.
I tell you again, My beloved children, that the Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations is now a fundamental duty and the commitment of all those who pray, knowing that in these times, in which conflicts and social struggles are unleashed, a celestial intervention in certain nations of the world is urgent; this rebuilds the human consciousness and its cosmic purpose at the spiritual level.
May each new Vigil of Prayer be dedicated with a fervent love of the heart so that the doors of Divine Compassion may open, and so that, in these times, all can be healed and repaired.
I will be grateful if the groups of the planetary Light-Network continue to visit the Marian Centers as well as draw closer to the Light-Communities to help and serve in each task.
It will be indispensable, in this cycle, to work to protect the foundational bases of the Work of the Divine Messengers.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear child:
Let the voice of the heart come from the depths of the soul, so that you may always recognize the Grace of being united with God.
The voice of the heart is peaceful, it is the fire that comes from the spirit, which repairs all things.
Allow, My child, the voice of the heart to always emerge from you, so that in this way, the communion with God is established between you and the Universe.
Live every day through the voice of the heart so that from cycle to cycle you learn to overcome your fears and all uncertainties.
Allow, My child, the voice of your heart to guide you in seeking the pure and the real, so that you can always find again the sure path that will lead you towards the Arms of My Beloved Son.
May the voice of the heart be able to show you the new steps towards an encounter with the innermost spirit of each being.
May the voice of the heart awaken in My children so that the wounded world may be healed!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On the eve of this Nativity of the Lord, I would like all My children to work, every day, under the spirit of joy and love for serving God.
I would like your smile for receiving this next Nativity as something special and unique to be reflected on your faces, so that the spirit of the families may also continue to be helped.
For this, children, I daily invite you to renew yourselves, to be in Christ and for Christ, living each moment as something primordial, knowing that everything you do will have repercussions in the world.
I would like your lips to not tire of praising the Lord, because great are His Glory and His Mercy towards the world; a world that at this time needs infinite interventions and graces.
Celebrate every day and do not tire of doing so; celebrate from the heart and do it for your brothers and sisters of the world who lose the sense of living and the opportunity to love, just as I teach you every day.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
| List
My dear children,
On this 1st of December, at the beginning of the inner preparation for the Nativity of your Master and Lord, I would like that, through the presence of each manger in the homes of the world, the inner Christ could definitely awaken within you.
This will help that all human consciousness be redeemed and receive a Grace from the Universe in order to reverse all the mistakes committed through the division of families, the exploitation of boys and girls, of all the perversion of current youth.
Dear children, with the sweetness of your hearts and having responded to My call for the manifestation of the mangers, you have allowed your Sacred Mother to work within the family nuclei that are being corrupted due to the lack of true love and sincere peace.
Dear children, My Rays of Mercy have today penetrated the darkest layers of the black market of humanity, where My adversary laughs and plays with millions of human lives.
From that lost and dark place, your Celestial Mother, with the help of all the saints in Heaven and on Earth, rescued and prevented the essence of many human hearts from getting lost.
I would like, My dear children, that you could understand today the meaning and the victory generated through the loving and sincere adhesion of all of My children who dedicated their day to building the Sacred Manger.
The presence of the Sacred Family, in these times and in current humanity, will avoid many events, most of them by means of the intercession of the Three Sacred Hearts.
On this night of Grace, I leave you this reflection and this message for you to meditate upon so that you may believe that your lives and your hands are useful to God and for the concretion of His Divine Plan.
Lastly, I send all the Love of My Heart to My small children of Angola, telling them that My victorious visit to the African lands of Ruanda, Angola and Kenya is still valid and present.
From now on, I will be grateful that you prepare your hearts to respond to this call and to accompany your Celestial Mother.
I thank you for being with Me today!
For the triumph of the Plan of Christ,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Every day, and at every hour, I tirelessly pray for My children who, in this cycle, cannot manage to take simple steps toward absolute trust in God.
For this reason, with My Heart of a Mother, I beg the Celestial Father for the hearts that are still tepid and do not dare to live the great sacrifice out of love for Christ.
I pray for those who take steps backward and for those who, for different reasons, have hardened their hearts towards God, not allowing even a ray of My Grace to enter.
Tirelessly, I rely on the hearts that strive, on the hearts that surrender and do not worry about the time of day; they only focus on being able to relieve God from so much of the human grief that He receives.
That is why, children, your Heavenly Mother is here, to help those who make their hearts cold without even realizing it, and who again lose the Grace of loving and of living unconditionally, full of the Joy of God.
Pray with Me, every day, for your brothers and sister, for those hearts and lives that will not manage to take the step if their ideas and their wishes prevail.
At least, My children, mysteriously reach the Kingdom of God through the prayer of the heart, and, in this way, you will help those who no longer trust in the Designs of the Father.
Hear My request.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Raise your heart, child, to God, and every day, under any inner or outer condition, be part of His Kingdom of Mercy.
Raise your heart, child, so that the Gift of Grace may make of you a new being at this time.
Raise your heart, child, to God, so that the world may receive much more mercy.
Raise your heart, child, to God, so that evil may be dissipated and souls attain redemption.
Raise your little heart, child, to God, because the worldneeds of good souls that may, at this time, help to heal the planet with the great stream of prayer.
Raise your heart, child, to God, because at this definitive time in which everything is in play, My Son must be among you to be able to convert this race into what it truly must be.
Raise your heart, child, to God, and the Universe will be attentive to each plea.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear child,
May your heart pacify so that it may always reach the meekness and the inner light that will allow, in these times, to attract the maximum Grace of God towards this planet.
Therefore, look for this pacifying spirit through the Heart of My Son, because in this way, you will build within your consciousness an unbreakable strength that will also help other souls to encourage themselves to take the same steps that your consciousness is invited to take.
Walk in the direction of the Heart of My Son, there you will also find the Gifts that will make of this humanity a possible sanctified humanity in spirit, in soul, and in body.
In this way, everything will be under the guidance and the company of Jesus, who will safeguard you at each new step.
The pacifying spirit will allow to rise again on this planet and within this humanity the spiritual values that the human race itself is losing at this time; in this way, the path may be opened even more for the christic consciousness to act in the inner worlds of essences that, in this cycle, must awaken to greater expressions of love and unity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children:
In the Celestial Universe Our Sacred Hearts: the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, keep in the center of Their Beings a spiritual replica of the Tabernacle of Jesus with the Most Holy and Divine Eucharist.
This Tabernacle of Jesus, both in Saint Joseph and in his Celestial Mother, radiates to the world and to humanity the divine Codes of Redemption, codes that will allow to form the consciousness of the new humanity.
Thus, the Sacred Hearts of Saint Joseph and of Holy Mary, bring to the world this Divine Tabernacle as if the Mother of the Redeemer carried in Her Arms the Child Jesus.
The importance of this Divine Tabernacle is that, so the souls can find in it, a safe door to redemption and to their own freedom.
The permanent devotion to My Immaculate Heart and to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, allows any heart on the planet to make contact with that mystery hidden at the spiritual center of your Celestial Mother and of the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.
The souls that dedicate their devotion to the Divine Tabernacle of Jesus through the Most Holy Mary and Saint Joseph the Worker, will acquire, spiritually, all the necessary merits, the same Merits attained by Jesus Christ during His public Life, His Passion, His Death and His Resurrection.
All souls that dedicate if only fifteen minutes, that pray, meditate and contemplate before them the power of the Mystery of the Divine Tabernacle of Jesus through Mary and Saint Joseph, will receive the Grace of a life blessed by God, the Grace of a divine protection in the time of death, the possibility of celestial atonement of all faults committed against the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and also the Grace to be in perpetual communion with the Divine Son of the Universe.
For this reason, I come in this day to give you the Sacred Devotional of the Triune Union of the Chaste and Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary and of Saint Joseph, so that souls and all the planet may be worthy of the divine Merits attained by Jesus during His passage on Earth.
Sacred Devotional of the Triune Union of the Chaste and Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary and of Saint Joseph
Union bead
By the invincible Trinity of the Sacred Hearts,
Eternal Father, grant us the Grace of fullness and of redemption.
Fist decade
By the Divine Eucharistic Tabernacle,
present in the Sacred Hearts of Mary and of Saint Joseph,
Merciful Father, grant us the Grace of eternal sanctity.
Second decade
By the Divine Eucharistic Tabernacle,
present in the Sacred Hearts of Mary and of Saint Joseph,
Merciful Father, grant us the Grace of redemption.
Third decade
By the Divine Eucharistic Tabernacle,
present in the Sacred Hearts of Mary and of Saint Joseph,
Merciful Father, grant us the Grace of eternal love.
Fourth decade
By the Divine Eucharistic Tabernacle,
present in the Sacred Hearts of Mary and of Saint Joseph,
Merciful Father, grant us the Grace of eternal protection.
Fifth decade
By the Divine Eucharistic Tabernacle,
present in the Sacred Hearts of Mary and of Saint Joseph,
Merciful Father, open the Doors to Your Divine Kingdom for us.
I thank you for responding to My Call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today, may the Gifts of God awaken in your souls, and may the inner roses which express an infinite love for the Creator and His Creation open in your hearts; so that in your lives, consecrated to eternal prayer, the divine wonders the Father hopes to reveal today to your lives in redemption may be accomplished through this meeting.
May the caress of My Motherly Hands sanctify each of you and bless you at this sacred moment, so that in these difficult times you experience and remember your transformation, as an important step for humanity and your suffering blue planet.
Thus, My beloveds, let the doors of your inner worlds open so that in your essences, you may conceive the Purpose that God has destined for your lives in this time.
Holding on to My Hands so that I may guide you, dear children, walk confidently by My side, for in this way, I will fortify you on the pathway of sacrifice and eternal hope, which must be reflected on your countenances, so God may place His Graces in all of humanity.
Today, I bless you from Heaven and the Heaven of God I bring you, so that the triumph of My Immaculate Heart may be finally established in your lives.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
The little Flower of Carmo
Here is the little Flower of Carmo da Cachoeira, a flower that buds and opens on feeling the love of its most simple children.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that emanates the subtlest aromas of the Grace of God.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that expresses for everyone the beauty of Creation.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that shows everyone the Simplicity and the Purity of God.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that radiates the subtle rays of Love like a sun.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower present in the spaces and gardens of the pilgrims of God.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that is in the hands of its children, worthy children of the Lord.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that adorns and blesses the altars and the homes that receive the Presence of the Mother of God.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that draws the most simple and humble towards the Glory of God.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that reflects, in itself, a devotion for the beloved Lord.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that gives to all the simple Love of the Lord.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, that is found on the streets, in the valleys and hills of this people in redemption.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that draws from the Universe the Omnipotence of God, so that all living beings awaken to the spirit of Divine Compassion.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that conceives in its simplicity the inner Gifts of God, a flower that heals the wounds of the hearts and of the souls in need of forgiveness.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that opens portals to the Mercy of God, so that every creature, in Heaven or on Earth, may be worthy of the Grace of God.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that unites and consolidates what is divided; a flower that gathers and strengthens the fellowship in the family, a deep and wise love among all the beings of the Earth.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that mirrors the Purpose of God for the world, the essence of the mission for each being of this planet.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that awakens the Holy Virtues of God in the pure of heart.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, the flower of each missionary heart, the flower of the guardian of the Will of God, a flower that shows to all the ardent devotion for the Higher.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, a flower that is abundant in the city, in the corners of this town, so that souls may remember that God loves them, expects them to be open of heart in order to carry out in their lives the infinite Purpose of His Divine Heart.
Here is the little Flower of Carmo, flower of the Most Holy Mary, flower that manifest from the Heavens to emanate all the Graces that you need, in order to make of your lives instruments in the Hands of God.
I thank you for receiving Me today in this place with such love.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today I invite you to be living receptacles of God. I invite you to be receptacles of Christ. I invite you to be simple dwelling places for My Maternal Heart.
Today I invite you to be receptacles of the Gifts of Heaven and of the treasures that are spiritually given to humanity, through your acts, through fraternal gestures and through charitable actions; in this way, you will keep these treasures within you and you will not lose the celestial relics that the Universe gives you today through Instruction.
Dear children, may your souls, as receptacles of the Divine, be mediating essences so that the Plan may be fulfilled on Earth.
I wish is that many more souls be encouraged, in these times, to be living receptacles of the Divine through an inner consecration and a life of prayer and of service to current humanity; thus, you will allow Divine Grace to come to the planet and to everything that will be in need of conversion and of redemption.
Never tire of being receptacles of the Divine, because in this way you will recreate this Creation, through your living example of redemption.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear child:
Silence, prayer, and perseverance will make of your life a new being, because your being will receive the Gifts from Heaven that it need to live in the Will of God.
Receive then, everything that will make of your consciousness a new consciousness, which will be given the impulse to overcome barriers, transcend obstacles, and reach the Infinite.
That in this time, everything be transformed, from the most inner to the most outer, in order to attract to the world the Graces that the planet and its humanity need.
Have courage, valour, and determination, the Lord, Who is your God, and Our Sacred Hearts, will help you to take the great step, a step that will influence all other brothers and sisters who at some moment will be animated to take the step for all of humanity.
May your heart glow with happiness, joy, and gratitude, because in this way, the whole Earth will transform, and, in time, evil will be defeated and dissipated from this precious race.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Fourth day of the novena
When I was called to the Temple to marry a Saintly and Pure Virgin, My Heart was before a challenge and an inner test.
For Myself, I had planned a life of silence, chastity and solitude. I had not thought of marrying, of constituting a family and sharing My experience on Earth with one, because I thought My mission could not be understood by anyone, as it was even a great mystery for myself.
When I saw the Most Holy Mary, a profound Love for God awakened within me, and this Love reflected in Me as a purity never experienced before.
I was solitary in this world, like the dry tuberose staff I held in My hands, and the Purity of the Most Holy Mary, reflected in Me, made the staff blossom. I thus understood the Will of God and renounced everything I had thought of for My life.
When the Will of God calls you to renounce your own plans, even though they may seem spiritual, so that you may live something you never thought to live, empty yourselves of yourselves, and pray to the Father, in My Name, saying:
You, Who awakened Purity in the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph
and caused Him to renounce His human will,
give us the Grace of being pure and simple
so that we may renounce our will
and live only Yours.
There is no greater gift than living the Will of God and seeing it made manifest in your own life. For this reason, lose the fear of tearing up your own plans and of opening your hands to receive the Scroll of the Divine Will.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Third day of the novena
I was still young when I came to know the Essene people in the desert. God placed a great mystery before Me, which, at the same time, was absolutely different from everything I knew - as a culture, as spiritual life and as a social way of life- but it was also known within Me. It was like a mirror of everything I held within Me, like a hidden life that could not express itself because it could not find space for manifestation.
Even being before something new and unknown, a lesson that transcended the Sacred Books and was renewed in each instant - just like Life- I launched myself into this experience and allowed My inner world to find that safe place, which it had searched for, for so long, in order to express itself.
When you are before a new teaching or a new way of understanding Life, when you are faced with something that calls you to a renewal, meditate on My example and pray to God, in My Name, saying:
just as Saint Joseph recognized
Your Impulses and Your Truth in His Life,
teach us to be before the new and
allow us to be renewed, without fear,
by Universal Truth.
These will be times of many tests, but also of many revelations. You will be faced with Truths that you did not know and you will also be able to more broadly understand what you were taught through symbols and parables.
For this reason, children, pray and prepare your hearts so that you do not fear being faced with that which is new.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Second day of the novena
On the second day of the novena, you will meditate on my youth, when My Heart was faced with all the earthly stimuli, all the impulses that were calling Me to be like other young people of My time; when I experienced the rejection, humiliation and misunderstanding of My brothers, sisters and friends, because God was calling Me to a life of surrender, of chastity and of silence.
In a time-period when the human condition was coarse and stood out beyond any spiritual aspiration, My Heart prevailed in the face of the stimuli of the body, and I was able to offer God an instrument of His in the world, by means of My Life.
When you are faced with earthly stimuli, capital energies, humiliation, rejection and the misunderstanding of the world, pray to God in My Name:
for the sake of the overcoming of Saint Joseph
and for His absolute surrender that conquered the human condition,
help us to overcome the atavisms, the lusts
and the superficiality of this world.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Today I will start by giving you a novena to begin a new cycle, not only between My Chaste Heart and humanity, but so that each being may find within themselves the way to be renewed, take steps and embrace the cycles that come with joy, with a free heart and in peace.
Each day will represent an impulse lived by me, through humility, perseverance and persistence, to transcend the human condition and embrace the new spiritual cycles that present themselves.
May these impulses reach your hearts and strengthen them, through the Grace of prayer and unity with My Chaste and simple Heart.
On the first day, you will meditate upon My Childhood, as a poor and simple child, before the Mystery of God, He who was calling Me to take steps that seemed impossible due to My smallness and childishness. Embraced by the spirit of faith, I responded to the call of God and, even while being so small, I allowed Him to make Me great.
When you are facing challenges that seem impossible for you to overcome, pray to God in My Name.
as you did to the Most Chaste Saint Joseph,
concede us the Grace of Faith to live Your Will,
even if to us it seems unreachable and sometimes impossible.
Transform our smallness in the Grace of Your Greatness;
our weakness into Your Strength.
You may pray for 14, 33 or 72 times, according to how you feel the need of your souls.
With My Blessing in your lives, receive from God the Grace to go forward, fulfilling His Will and manifesting His Purpose of Love.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more