At almost one year of the anniversary of My First daily Apparition in the Sacred Kingdom of the Marian Center of Aurora, the Heavens and the Universes have been united to be able to bring special Graces for all of the souls that throughout this last year have listened to My saving Message.
Now, after almost 365 days of daily spiritual impulses, the souls have been able to consecrate themselves in the faith to My Sacred Heart.
For this, in this last time I call you in order for you to be the living testimonial for those who do not believe and for those who seek permanent gratification. I call you to be faithful defenders of the hour of My Divine Mercy. If it were so, in spite of the circumstances and contingencies, I would really be able to say that I count on soldiers of Mercy.
When I ask you to be defenders of the Divine Mercy it means that first you must sacredly defend from yourselves this very important space so that later the doors of salvation may be able to be opened for those who are most in need.
Yesterday I spoke to you about the State of Grace that your hearts and lives are receiving in a chaotic time. Today I call you to have an open consciousness facing this sacred hour. In truth I tell you that you will see the fruits of this work of merciful prayer only in the next world and it will be only there that you will profoundly understand the synthesis of your lives.
While the world collapses from its daily actions, I ask you to subject your consciousness to the powerful source of My Divine Mercy. In this way the Spirit of God will act through you and not that you will try to act through the Supreme Spirit. Mercy will always bring you to reconciliation and to humility of the heart.
Under the Supreme Love of God, be blessed.
Thank you for listening to My Words with the heart!
Christ Jesus
I Am the Great Vine and you are the clusters. No cluster bears fruit if the vine is not well sown. My Father is the Great Worker who weaves and elaborates the new web of humanity between His hands. Those clusters that are dry, I will burn them in fire so that they may be purified and, as new seeds they may grow again a new vine.
In order for the vine may not become dry the fruit must be nourished with the Water of Life that is guarded as sap of life for all humanity. The poorly harvested fruit will be spoiled. For this only allow that the divine harvest be realized by the Great Farmer so that all of the fruits may be guarded and may rest as offer in the granary of the Great Farmer.
In this universe nothing is lost, all is transformed by the science of Creation. Try to mature as good fruit. In this way you will manifest the best harvest for My Father, you will be the fruits of the good vine, that which will be drunk as new wine in the supper of the last redemption.
Help in this flourishing of the fruits that are still immature. Give them the sap of life that you as clusters of light and of peace have received. Imitate the strength of the orchards of Heaven and be fruits renewed by the hands of the Great Keeper of the harvest.
Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for reverencing My Words through your love!
Christ Jesus
Beloved children,
On this day, I want to thank you for the loving response of your hearts to My maternal request. I want to tell you that My Presence touched hearts beyond what your little beings are able to understand; for there are mysteries that you will only understand when you are in My Kingdom.
But at this moment, I can affirm that My Love acts through the intentions of your hearts, much more than through your actions or words. For this reason, many may not perceive it, but when your hearts emit a true intention, My Immaculate Heart of Love can intervene for souls and for consciousnesses.
Thus, today I invite you to meditate with your heart on this mystery; I invite you to search in the depths of your beings for your true intentions because it is through them that the Lord acts.
Today, I want you to learn that what is True lies within beings, and it is in this nucleus of simplicity where My Peace will be established.
I want you to seek to work on your intentions in all the actions of life, because if you want to know the most hidden intentions within you, you will truly be able to know yourselves, and you will not only discover that there is still much to be transformed but will also find the fruits of what My Presence caused to be born in your hearts, which you yourselves do not know.
I want you to know the depths within you, for the greater purpose of discovering the luminous potential that you hold in your essences. I want to show you, in this way, the purity that still exists, very hidden, in all of humanity.
Through My Presence, I come to take out from the lost chests within you the precious treasures unknown to you.
Today I tell you that My Words and the Essence of My Peace are transforming your lives, especially for those who go on pilgrimage with Me and in those that accompany Me with their hearts.
I say this because I want you to be aware of the treasures that you have already caused to grow in your souls, the luminous virtues that the Spirit of God left in your lives, so that you may avail yourselves of these virtues and take new steps.
The path of the Lord is infinite, and there will always be another step to be taken. But today I want to teach you to gather the fruits of this tree I planted, with divine seeds, in your lives, so that from these fruits, new seeds can be born, strengthened by the faith and by the will of your spirits to accomplish the Will of the Creator and manifest His Sacred Plan of evolution for the Earth.
Today, I open your hearts and make them transparent before the light of your souls and God, so that not only My eyes can see how beautiful your essences are.
With Me, contemplate the purity of your hearts, and in it find the strength and the divine power that give you the impulse to continue onward.
I thank you for being today by My side.
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
Friar Elías:
When the Virgin Mary appeared to transmit the Message for the Apparition, at the dawn of July 25, our Mother manifested Herself as always, but this time She brought with Her the symbol of appearing beside a great tree, with a large green treetop. It was a robust, strong tree, full of mature fruit. At this moment, She told us She was the Mother of the Tree of Life.
Dear children:
I am the fertile seed that is sown in the hearts that open themselves to listen to Me. When the Seed of My Heart is sown, a new flower is born that gives subtle aromas to God; and the fruit grows and matures slowly, thus giving new seeds of love and redemption.
I am the great Tree of Life. I am the Mother who gestates the New Humanity, because through My Heart you will reach God and consequently you will find in your paths the Presence of My Son.
Some of the seeds that My Tree of Life spilled were so that it could bear other new fruit, but these dried up. Therefore, My roots nourish themselves and feed on fruits that were born, in order to strengthen the great treetop that will later bear new fruit.
If the Tree of Wisdom had not not born, the Tree of Life could not have been born. I was first the sacred Seed so as to become the Flower, and later become the Fruit fertilized in the loving Heart of God.
Afterwards God sent Me through the universe to sow new seeds of light and, on this trajectory, He sent Me on a great mission to Earth, so that the second Person of God could be sown inside of Me, the First-Born Son who was and is the great Fruit of your salvation; for it is through Him that the way out in this time is found, only in Him can be found the way out and the direction to be able to fulfill the Will of God in life.
You, My dear ones, are these new fruits that are already maturing on My Tree of Life, because the fruits can never be separated from the their Tree and the Tree can never be in splendor if it lacks its fruits.
Today I invite you to discover the fruit of your conversion and of your redemption. The time for the new seeds to appear is still waiting to awaken and this will be possible if the fruits are very mature, so they may give good seeds.
Throughout this planetary cycle, the power of My Grace and of My Mercy is passing before your lives so that, first of all, you can perceive it.
God expects His children to be strong and mature trees, that can bear fruit so that the most humble can serve themselves of this sacred food and thus your souls be united to Me through the great seed of service and prayer. If this did not exist, the seeds would soon dry out.
Therefore, My dear ones, in this Message I want to make you understand that you are united to the great Tree of Life, the Tree of God that holds the memory of your origins, an inner space to which you must return after all.
It is the great Tree of My Consciousness, the one that gave itself to the Father to give seeds of light and to sow them in the hearts that unite in eternal prayer. Now, the new tree of mature fruit must arise in the next humanity.
Now, you are sacred seeds in the Hands of God who, with so much love, is waiting to sow them in the new world. Therefore, dear children, understand that each act of love, service and prayer is a new fruit for your redemption and for the redemption of humanity.
Your steps must be directed to God through the pure heart, purity will cause the fruit to mature correctly and so in your beings the Spirit and the Wisdom of God will rest.
I thank all the children who with love, during this dawn, have kept vigil with Me in prayer for the fulfillment of My Plans of peace and redemption.
I thank you for responding to My call, in faith and devotion!
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
Dear children,
Once again I beg you to follow all My Messages with your heart, because it is now the time for you to live My Words; they have tried to build something unbreakable within your beings. Now, God has requested that, after all I have given My dear children, I give Him the fruits of what I placed in each one of your hearts.
For this reason, My maternal consciousness manifests itself through spiritual impulses to all those who open to receive the knowledge of other Laws, Laws that are not present in your beings, but Laws to which you can be united.
My Work is a work of peace, of fraternity, and of brotherhood.
All the pieces that I shape day after day are then given to My Son, so that He may direct them toward their final mission. But some of these pieces, which are part of the All, are difficult to polish. For this reason, My Love is profound and true for all of you; it tries to banish that which should now die so that the new spirit may be born.
Throughout the centuries, I have always warned humanity that if it did not change its attitude, difficult times would come to the door of the life of each being. Now, these times have come, times of wrong actions in abortions, suicide, lies, power, and dishonor, which in some hearts overflow more than a river.
But My Heart, which is patient and meek, wants to lead you into finding the Truth, the Truth of God for your lives, because it will be through your transparency and your prayer that you will transform into that which God so expects, and in this way, you as part of all this unique humanity, will help it to quickly change.
Do not forget, My dear children, that what was written in the Sacred Bible is being fulfilled, in a way that many do not perceive because of being full of other things instead of holding tight to the powers of prayer.
If the world truly wanted to be in the Kingdom of God, it would no longer commit certain actions that always harm the most helpless and the poor.
Thus, My Love enters the world as a new Law so that My children react; these are no longer times for experiencing small insignificant matters, but rather it is time to acquire a greater strength through the Holy Spirit so as to help the Plans of God.
Through Grace and Mercy, I know that you will be able to accompany Me and will take the mature steps toward the change that will cause you to live freedom. Today, more than ever, the flocks of Christ must be a single one, so that through prayer, you create a protective wall that separates you from evil and unites you more with the Almighty God.
Dear children, I have wanted to be faithful to you in light of the planetary situation, for it is time to live life from another inner posture; because your inner universe in this time must collaborate with the Plan of the universe. You must be carriers of the new Christic codes that My Son is pouring into those that said 'yes' to Him.
Thus, it is time to remove the old from you, that which hurts in the depths of your hearts, so that in prayer, you may achieve the precious strength that radiates forgiveness.
Dear children, I want to prepare you and instruct you, because the Woman Clothed with the Sun is announcing Herself to the world for the last time before the birth of the New Humanity.
I thank you for maturing in faith and trust in God!
Who blesses you always,
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace and of Reconciliation
My children,
Keep praying for the coming of the Holy Spirit and for Sacred Peace because many of My children are already approaching to live the conversion of the heart. And this conversion starts by recognizing oneself as a child of God that is redeemed by Christ and forgiven by His merciful love before God.
Know today dear children that I call you to hope and to persistence in each one of your hearts, in this way you may be before the Heart of the Father in constant contemplation.
Dear children, in the face of any external or internal situation in your lives I tell you to trust God and unite yourselves to the redeeming principle of My Son because in this way My mantle of protection will support you above all things.
Today I also remind you how important it is to be in adoration to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the eternal communion with His Blessed Spirit of Love. Because those who are in Jesus find the strength and courage to transcend the limits of the transformation of their own heart.
Collect your hearts in the Heart of My Son because in this simple exercise of adoration you will allow the flame of compassion and of fraternal love to manifest for each one of you.
Open your consciousness so that the fountain of Graces that are helping a big part of humanity may come closer as a gift of peace and light over God on each of your hearts.
Know little children that I accompany you, but now the moment has come for your lives to mature as the fruit and for your hearts to grow as the trees. With the heart converted into a beautiful flower for the Creator, you will be in correspondence with the Plan of Peace for the world.
Let us pray for love of all My children. The task begins now, it is the time!
Thank you for answering and responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
When a flower opens up it expresses the love of the Creation, thus dear children, your lives must be manifested in beauty and purity as the flowers.
Dear children, with immense trust I place you all close to My Immaculate Heart so that you may take the steps towards the Heart of My Son. Know children, that in the path of prayer your lives will approach the consecration of your souls before the kingdom of God.
The fruits that My Son has entrusted you with such a long time ago and that are called talents must be awakened by the imperious exercise of prayer. But, My children, so that these sacred fruits of the talents awaken in each one of you, first the soul must renounce and die to itself so that it may be born under the Grace of the Holy Spirit.
Each path that My children pass through brings to them big and hard lessons that in some cases strengthen the spirit and give firmness to keep going through the path of consecration.
I want to tell you dear children that this is a special time of Graces such as Conversion for each one of My children of this humanity. For this today I invite you to remain in the joy of donation and service to God the Father because thus your lives will be led to the sacred feet of Christ.
Your hearts are true little lights that at each moment must be lit up again to shine in this world through peace.
For all this know that My merciful love day by day wants to help the hearts of this world.
So, your hearts must be persevering and firm as the trees that elevate themselves to God.
Thank you for answering My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
In My spirit of peace and under My spirit of peace you will be able to build the paths of fraternity.
Dear children,
The absolute trust in God will help you to be in the Heart of My Son and thus the purpose of My Peace will be fulfilled in each soul of humanity.
Full trust in the Will of God will allow you to grow as flowers in the spring time and to mature as fruits. My children, your little hearts must be inside My spirit of peace, thus you will be saved and guarded from all the temptations of this world.
Dear children, because of all this, today I invite you to live fraternity from the heart; in this way, little children, you will be in the Heart of the Celestial Father. If humanity reconciled with God through the healthy spirit of fraternity, of charity and of love in the heart, the paths that await the world, through My intercession, could already be different ones.
My children, I call you to prepare yourselves in the path of prayer so that the devotion that is kept in your hearts may serve and collaborate for the relief of this humanity.
Today again, I carry you all in My Immaculate Heart so that each one of your lives may have the strength to respond once more to My requests. I fill you with My Maternal Light and I motivate your hearts to live in My Son before He returns.
Dear children, carry My Virginal Purity in your hearts and feel that it is possible to improve everything in these times. My Universal Peace wants to be over the world and, for this, your prayers will help My faithful purpose of love in the hearts.
I guide you. Live in My Faith.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
May the Lord bless you, because My Works of Peace are being fruitful.
My dear children, for this month that is beginning, I call you to meditation in the groups of prayer. I call you to an exercise of contemplation, which will be conducted by the presence of the Heart of My Son.
Dear children, if you seek Christ, your hearts will rejoice. To live in the joy of the heart, you must pray so that the whole world may live in peace.
Little children, each group of prayer must radiate its seed of peace so that it may sprout through your prayers. When it sprouts, it will be open to what is new and in it will bloom its first vocation: the eternal prayer. Dear children, take care of this seed of talents and fruits, which is to be found in each one of your hearts.
My dear ones, share the fruits that you are receiving through prayer and through peace. Give your hearts in the name of peace and thus, all your brothers and sisters will be able to be permeated by Grace.
Beloved children, at the moment of group prayer, your hearts will be partakers in a loving encounter with Christ. For this, little children, I invite you to witness the Sacred Heart of Christ so that He may inspire you on the path towards the pure and the sacred. When you manage to live in Him, the relief of all pain will be able to come as a sparkle of Infinite Grace. I prepare you for the Works of God, works in prayer and in the giving of self. In this way, I will be following each one of your steps.
Dear children, My call is responded with joy by the children in Medjugorje and now it is being responded by all the faithful of Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. In each nation, a spiritual gift. In each heart, a path to redemption.
Children, I conduct you through the path of faith; the Lord needs the experience of peace in each one of your hearts. This will help the sick world. It is time to heal all through the word of prayer. Within prayer lies the exit to reach the Kingdom of God.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Who adores you,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
If your hearts knew how much I love you, from them would spring an immense bliss and joy.
Today I call you, My dear ones, to live from the fruit of prayer. A prayer that may transform life as an attribute for God. A prayer that may illuminate life, as a flame for God. A prayer that may establish My Peace in life and that may radiate love to the heart.
For this reason, My little ones, each prayer must be truthful and humble so that it may bear fruits in life. If you pray with Me you shall know the inner Light of the Kingdom of the Heavens. Thus, My little ones, the world will be converted and will be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, when more souls, in simplicity and in love for the Whole, pray for peace.
A world without peace is a world without kingdom and without love. For this reason, My children, I come to encounter all the hearts that listen to My call day after day, and to all the hearts that awaken with My voice of peace.
I want to bring to each one of your lives My rejoicing of love for the Lord, and that your little hearts may learn from the Divine Love so that this may be extended to the sick and sleeping hearts. My Maternal Love is for all. My Mantle of Protection is open for all. My Immaculate Heart is surrendered and donated for all.
You, My little ones: Do you accept My Merciful Heart?
I am in the time of announcing the Reign of My Peace to more hearts that must come to know It. In this way, many of My children will leave the chaos of the world and awaken in the Light of My Divinized Heart. I wait for you daily in prayer.
Thank you for responding to My Call.
Who conducts you through peace,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more