Dear children:

With joy My maternal and pilgrim Heart returns to Europe to gather in the name of love and peace all My children from the Northern hemisphere.

In this way, in this time what I once told you is fulfilled: “I will send the visionaries on a mission to each continent.” This shows, dear children, that times have changed and that the needs of the planet and of humanity are urgent.

I count on each praying being of this world to help Me to fulfill the plans of peace that are altered by the arts of My enemy. Anyway, beloved children, Your Heavenly Mother strengthens the life of those who consecrated themselves to the Plan, and this fortress, that is forged by sacrifice and love, makes it possible for the plan to be fulfilled by means of all those who respond to Me.

Dear children, in this way I am preparing you for what will come, the time that is approaching is unknown to all, and only prayer and unrestrictive service to God will allow that nothing gets lost within you, but rather that the Attributes of My Son flourish, the gifts that God hopes to see available for the service of humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children of the whole world,

With the Americas in My Heart, this day I approach you to ask once again that you pray to My Immaculate Heart for peace in the Americas and in the world.

The fury of the unjust and the lies of those who are masked incite the nations of the Americas to revolution, and humanity from South America is still not ready for the great moment of its purification.

Through an urgent call for prayer, My dear children, Your Heavenly Mother calls you to awaken in these times of emergency, and in particular, to respond to everything that is being asked for by the Sacred Hearts.

The times have changed again, therefore , My children of the world, not only do I call upon you to live a true and fervent prayer, but I also call you to service in the face of the latest catastrophes in the world.

Dear children, if I had stopped coming to visit you daily, humanity would have self-destructed in a few months and the social obsession would have submerged Europe and the world. Therefore, today, from Fatima, Heart of the Kingdom of Lis, world Shrine of prayer, My Immaculate Heart loudly proclaims the call to awaken.

I would not want the ignorance of the majority to make you give up the path that My Son invites you to live, a path of praying for humanity.

The planet and all of its inhabitants chose this final cycle to learn through purification. My pulsating Heart has not tired of asking you for prayer, fasting, and Communion as sources of reparation and mercy for the world. But humanity is still deaf and blind, prefers to live the transition, and rejects the Love of My Heart; thus today Your Mother cries, looking down at the ground, asking the Celestial Father for Mercy and Compassion.

My children, humanity incites the Justice of God and does not know what it is doing; many faithful of the Church have lost their devotion to My Heart because they are imprisoned by the temptations of the world.

To those who pray with Me, every day in perseverance and sacrifice, I ask you to implore for your humanity, for the Americas and the world before a possible social war that is also about power is established amongst the nations. If that were to happen, the poison of the impious and the atheists would spread throughout the planet, and shortly thereafter a great spiritual sickness would cause three-quarters of humanity to disapper because of atheism.

To prevent the setting aside of Our Lady of Aparecida in Brazil, I come to implore for more prayer before the armies of the Earth take the nations of the Americas; may your surrender to prayer be greater. For this, dear children, I wish My Immaculate Heart to triumph in the Americas through the fidelity of the faithful followers of Christ.

Attention! My children, the third secret of Fatima could still be fulfilled, and humanity has already forgotten it. For that reason and for the salvation of all those in the Americas who have already condemned themselves to the eternal fire of hell, I come to ask for the praying of the Holy Rosary for Peace in the Americas and in the world. The third secret could be mirrored in the Americas and the devotees should prepare for that.

I come to dissolve all evil with the Light of God. Consecrate yourselves soon to My Heart so that Your Heavenly Mother can intercede for a humanity filled with injustice.

Thus, dear children, in May and June I have dedicated the spiritual space for a pilgrimage through continents that are in need of the descent of the Light of God. Your collaboration must be immediate and without delay so that I can triumph before My adversary; I will appreciate your adhesion and promptness.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In continuous prayer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Americas


My beloved children of Brazil and the world,

Today I gather you all in this sacred oratory of devout souls in the city of Joinville so that you may give testimony that My loving presence is still here among you and that the pilgrimages of the Divine Messengers are active.

Children, I came from Heaven to ask for your collaboration and cooperation so that the pilgrim mission in southern Brazil can end just as the Celestial Father has foreseen in His Heart.

Each pilgrimage that is fulfilled through your collaboration means a major step toward the salvation of souls, and above all, towards the establishment of a greater approaching time of peace.

My children, today I call on you again to be collaborators in this sacred work that encompasses not only your planet, but also the Universe. Whenever We, the Messengers of Heaven, descend, it is to bring peace and healing for humanity.

Each place where you must visit in pilgrimage in the future with effort, dedication, and transmutation cannot remain without the assistance of Heaven. You, My beloved children, are the ones who hold the keys and the tools to open the doors of Heaven so that the Hierarchy can draw closer.

Today you must not only be My children, but also My servants, instruments that help Your Heavenly Mother to materialize Her plans of Peace. The pilgrimage in southern Brazil is not yet ended, and the work that is being developed through the most recent meetings with the youth in the different cities, is awakening a fountain of Graces in the hearts that are not yet redeemed.

Dear children, Your Most Holy Mother will expand the pilgrimage in May, as well as in June, when the mission will deepen in the hearts of the self-called.

It is at this moment, children, that I prepare you to take new steps in the life of the fraternity, of charity with the Evolutionary Plan, and in the equitable donation of things. The planet is your home and all are invited to take the steps in the name of love and redemption of humanity.

Children, My spiritual pilgrimage through nations and continents will be expanding given the urgency of recent times, and for the awakening of those who are still sleeping.

My coming to the city of Joinville has the mission of having the European consciousness, which is to be found here, recover its affiliation with God, and thus liberate Europe from all the mistakes made over the last hundred years. Joinville is the synthesis of the European consciousness that must set aside individualism in order to learn to unite with fellow humans in charity and equality. For this reason the prayer groups that are here will have the demanding task of awakening sleeping hearts, so that they may participate in the school of redemptive prayer that I am indicating to them.

Children, may this call for a more fraternal and conscious collaboration remain in your consciousness, and especially in your hearts, in face of the need to fulfill My plans of Peace at the end of times.

I will sincerely appreciate the contribution of everyone. As the Master of Light says, the hand that donates is never impoverished; this is Law in the Universe.

I thank you for responding to My call for Peace.

Who gathers you in the Heart of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
