In this time, I come to the world as the Greater Priest to prepare the paths of those who will return, on their own, to commune with Me in My next advent to the world. In this way, I fulfill the Designs of My Father and embrace all souls so they may feel My Sacred Heart.

In the Light that I radiate is the Truth, the main reason for My Coming to this world, as the Spirit of Truth and Life. In this way, I gather together all My new disciples so that, through Me, they live the Truth that I lived in past times. I gather the self-called and the forgotten who have been left behind, missing the opportunity for Christification.

My Heart prevails throughout time, while I send permanent impulses to all the spirits that live on the face of the Earth, but not all respond to Me as I would wish. Many times, I must build up the maturity of the wheat, for My Father needs it to make use of it and thus accomplish the Divine Purpose of pouring out His Mercy in this wounded world.

While everything is about to happen, I immediately gather you together around My Holy Eucharistic Table, so that the greatest number of essences may receive the Gifts I achieved during the Death, Resurrection and Glory out of infinite love for all My flocks.

In this time, I ask you for faithfulness to My Most Sacred Heart. Thus, I will be able to know and see with how many talents I will be able to carry out My Works of Peace in the world in this time. Thus, the training of the new apostles is urgent.

I come directly from the Celestial and Spiritual Universe to give the last warnings to everybody. Help those who sleep in the illusion of this human dream to wake up; you can always count on My Sacred Divine Intervention. I need you ready to be able to give your best at any moment.

Believe! Your cells are redeemable, and through Me, they will be sanctified by the Law of My Mercy. Be patient and do not rest within yourselves, but rather open the door of your hearts to Me, so your souls are able to listen to Me as the One Greater Voice.

Feel the power of My Trust, the Peace that never ends and the true Love of My Heart that tightly embraces you and supports you until you fall back again at My side. My Hands, together with yours, are the preferred safety and fortitude that I can bring to you. 

For this reason, be as clear as water in all the ways of life; thus, I assure you, My beloveds, that you will achieve purity and in a short while, will be My saints of the end days.

Under the Love of God, be blessed and peaceful.

Thank you for remaining in My Heart!

The Glorified Christ Jesus, Priest of Peace


Special Message of Christ Jesus in the Marian Center of Aurora, transmitted to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, on the occasion of the Grace Mercy Order Annual Meeting

My Heart is the Living Eucharist for the souls of the world. My Heart dispels the shadows that live within humankind.

Through a union with the power of this Sacrament, consciousnesses are redeemed and sanctify their walking toward God. Blessed is the sincere heart that communes with this Eucharistic Sacrament, for it will have eternal life when every day it only seeks the path of perfection.

I send My celestial angels so they may pour out the Christic codes all over the world that were gained by Me during the Passion; in this way, My Grace avoids the power of the Laws falling upon the just, because even on Earth dwell souls prized by My Father.

Thus, through My Eucharistic Body and Heart, I will establish devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the world. In this way, those consciousnesses that every day of their lives, have sincerely sought Me, overcoming and transcending the limits of matter, on the day of Divine Justice, these souls will not be the cause of My Justice, but rather, will be mediators for the salvation of other souls that in these times will be prisoners of evil.

Happy are all those who have sought the path of Adoration. The temples of the heart will be prepared to move forward with universal works of peace in the misery and the chaos, because I, through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, will carry out My last magnificent works on the consciousness of humanity; in this way, many will know Who in truth has been the Son of God.

So, before the great universal moment, My Spiritual Source will prepare the flocks. When the time of the great celestial revelation arrives in the whole of humanity, those who will follow the course of My Paths will be as lances of flame, that will pierce the evil, and just by their presence, will release all darkness. But nobody will know who will do it; I will place a veil over this whole mystery; only the love and humility in the simple will demonstrate the power of this great creator mystery.

And even though impure spirits are released like fierce wolves in the current world, the worshipers, who are part of My Mystical body, will defend the power of My Glory and My Return.

The angels of Heaven will be the shining stars that will guide the path of the watchmen and guardians of the Gospel of Christ; thus, the time will come in which My Spiritual Church will be only one.

It will not be necessary that any person or being on the Earth reign in My Name, because when I return, I will reveal the power of the Kingdom of Emmanuel to those who heard My Words with the ears of the heart and the soul.

So the just must be compassionate with the unjust. The time will come to execute works of mercy and charity, which will free the innocent from becoming involved with the confrontations many will experience. Those who will have become worshipers of My Divine Mercy will be victorious.

The Kingdom that approaches will change the spiritual misery and the unjust destitution of the corrupt imbalance that humanity experiences. For My Celestial Light, with the power of Divine Fire, will wear away all the acts and the ways of being that led to the damnation of millions of essences in humanity.

In this time, nothing will remain hidden; life between brothers and sisters will become as mirrors that will reflect the truth that has always been hidden. Thus, I ask the brave for a quick resolution in their surrender; in this way, you will quickly be freed from the corrosive code of human passions, and the immaculate spirit of each being will establish the Divine Kingdom in all things.

The true step to consecration is to be found in the path of the permanent faith of the heart, which will give you the confidence and total fulfillment to live an unknown universe. The most simple will survive the disasters that will come as a purification and fire over a rebellious humanity; in this way, after everything has been purified, like the grain that is crushed in the granary, I will come to re-establish My Greater Kingdom, which perpetually beats in the heart of this Celestial Universe.

Now, My petitions are offered to all those who want to hear what the world has generated. The coming time indicates the path of overcoming the self and this will be more real when the steadfastness to live My Kingdom is the true purpose of servers. In every step and overcoming, I will be interceding and radiating My Celestial Peace.

I will return with the purpose of recovering the lost and confused paths of all those who once remained behind through the actions and attitudes of others, of those who believed they were doing everything correctly; but now they must pay the same price of what was broken, ground and wounded in the spirit of those who were deceived.

My Kingdom is of Truth. Through My Love, I teach you to be a supreme light for the world, thereby releasing the corrupt codes held in the cells of human inheritance. Thus, I gather you together to live a path of transparency and of immediate service to the Plan of the Celestial Father. I need the righteousness of servers, who in themselves will forge the fruits and the potentials that resist giving of themselves through an act of extreme appropriation. But little by little, like a Good Mother, I wake up the divine talents that will serve as an aid and be of help for the current cycle of humanity.

Today I speak to you with this righteousness, because all the beings who have already responded to My Commands are ready to listen with a maturity of consciousness.

Be watchful with Me and you will find the answer in all that may be necessary to clarify. Today, the Wisdom of My Heart pours out infinite Mercy over you. Remember that My Love for you is immediate and unmistakable.

I embrace those who once gave Me their 'yes' and carried My Words to the center of their heart, which will now be the path of liberation from the self.

Love one another Christically.

Unite cosmically.

Work fraternally, and thus you will please Me.

I thank you for accompanying Me in the Eucharist, together with the greater angels.

Peace to all, the Peace of God.

Under the Love of God, be blessed.

The Merciful Christ Jesus



Before My Return, I will come and ask My angels to expel and banish human egotism from the heart of humankind. When this happens, the world will finish changing and a new cycle will begin. Hearts will no longer feel alone, because from Me they will receive everything they lacked from the beginning of their lives. Souls will rejoice in meeting Me, and I will return to give to drink of the Blood transformed into Light and to eat of the Living Body transfigured in Glory.

When that time comes, many of those who live on the Earth today will no longer be here, but I will count on all those who once set out to search for Me among the shadows of the world. But do not fear, because much will take place.

My Words will always remain among you; they will be the consolation for the difficult moments. After so many meetings, I come to prepare you in My Lap, in My Cenacle and in My Heart.

Let no one tire of aspiring to merge with Me; the Lord will give you the key to overcome the times that will come. Join My circle of Eternal Love. If you are in this circle of Divine Love, nothing will surround you, but you must always search for the way out through truth and acceptance.

On your countenances, today, I see in you an incessant and uninterrupted search for My Countenance.

Know that I Am no more than the Lord, My Father is your Father, My Supreme is your Supreme, and in this Kingdom, we are all one.

Do not allow the bitterness of not being able to take the steps embrace you more than the power of My Glorious Love.

Today I gather you together in the Name of the Lord, to commence a new stage of good times, of good results, of an adorable consecration which is seen by My Merciful Eyes.

Happy are those who persevere through My Trust. I will never leave those who call Me and those who seek Me alone, in spite of the errors committed.

I Am the True Love that transforms all things. I Am the Great Cell of Light which is born of the Heart of My Father. Whomever courageously calls Me will be surprised by Me in the nights to come.

My Silence teaches you many things. My Peace transmits celestial serenity to you.

Do not remain in the things of this world. Until I return, the things of the world will worsen, but fix your eyes on My Peaceful Gaze.

My Heart offers Itself as a mystery of life for the good and for the bad, for My Love is great, and will be greater in all those that sincerely and truly seek It.

Feel yourselves worthy of that which you would not be graced, for My intervention is perfect and kind in light of My Father.

Today, I am born and come from the heart of this universe. I renew and transform all things. I Am the King of humility. I Am the same who suffered and died for you, out of Love.

And now that you have risen in life, come to My Arms. My Heart will console you and nothing bad will happen to whomever dares to be with Me, for I Am the Light that dispels all darkness and shadows within and outside of beings.

I Am the living donation of the Great Love of God, your Father. I want to give My treasures to the redeemed. I wish to meet with those who have fallen in the past.

Declare yourselves to be My apostles of the new time; in this way, the Inner Christ will be born who will be at your service when I am no longer among you; for everything has a time for the Lord, a different time than that of the world.

Now, My Footsteps mark a new pathway for you. Blessed are they who, for Me, cross the abysses and the hells of this world to save those who are very thirsty for My Love.

Carry My legacy stamped in your hearts, and let it be the flame that transforms you day and night. Be like Me, good missionaries.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living the mystery of My Heart.

My Peace for all the beings of the Earth.

Yeshua, the Glorified Christ



In the hour of Mercy My invincible and powerful Heart comes to the world to heal souls and to raise again towards Heaven all who have fallen from it.

In this time of Graces I call you to meet Me and to walk in trust by My Side because the Lord, Your God, hopes that His Children look again at Him in the eyes and tell Him: “Eternal Father, I trust in You”.

Only through the channel of My Heart will you be able to find the necessary strength to go ahead without interferences or pains.  I hope in the silence of My Spirit that you surrender to Me all that separates you from love and from truth because there is no Superior Grace than living the greatness of My Love and of My Truth.

A truthful heart will never fear showing itself as it is. A truthful heart will never fear being found in fault and being judged because truth must spring from the Love of God and the Love of God is the wise science that will allow you to understand all things.

I only ask you to drink from My Blood and to eat from My Body in absolute trust because in this way you will receive for this remaining time all the infinite merits achieved by Me on the Cross.

I leave in your memories the joy of serving and of loving your fellow humans because in spite of the indifferences that exist among the consciousnesses there exists the powerful Truth of God which will demonstrate to you the path of humility and of emptiness of oneself.

Walk now towards the new life, free from sufferings and from swords of battle because in My Christic Love is found your possible redemption.

Under the humble love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to My Words with the heart!

Christ Jesus Eucharist


My Light will always liberate the world from sin but it will be necessary that day and night you remember Me, that you guard Me in your hearts and in your memories.  It will only be through the constant Eucharistic union with Me that your souls will celebrate to be within the Temple of My Heart.

Those who condemn themselves day by day through the actions of life are still deeply subjected to sins.  Pray for your familiars by means of the merciful prayer and permit that the Light of My Kingdom approach to each one of them.

I leave to you the commitment of making to decide for yourself if you want to be with Me in the face of any circumstance, or only when your little will may decide.  In this time of definitions I will separate the wheat from the straw and this will not be done with My Blessed Hands, but it will be done by the souls that in this time are placing themselves on one side or the other side of the bridge.

Now the laws circulate on the Earth to realign the spaces that need much harmony.  Only dedicate your time to be with Me including before “the great responsibilities,” as you call them, because only in Me can you take the steps towards redemption.

Today I define you, today I gather you in My Operative Mission for the Great Plan.

Under the Love of God be blessed.

Thank you for meditating on My teachings with the heart.

Christ Jesus, Your Lord.


I Am the Sanctuary and you are the sparks of light of the Great Eucharist. Whoever adores Me completely will receive from Heaven in proportion to having contemplated Me.

Call all to the supreme act of the Adoration of the Lord so that the souls may build inside of their beings an unbreakable spiritual relation that may not be able to separate them from My Heart for anything.

You are like sparks of My Eucharist. Those who visit the Sanctuary receive the codes of redemption and of forgiveness.

Go and adore My Resplendent Body with the purpose that the hearts may receive the merciful help that they need. You are the sparks of My Eucharist and I Am the Sanctuary where the most pure from the Creator is guarded so that all of the essences may return to the Source of all things.

You are the sparks of light that I radiate to the world so that the necessity of redemption and of forgiveness may be accomplished in all of those who visit Me in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for contemplating My Sacred Heart!

Christ Jesus


My Heart is the center of your Eucharist and through the Eucharist your beings will be redeemed from sin as from error.

Whoever communes with Me cleans every day the stains of their heart and affirms in each new encounter that My Sacred Spirit is a part of themselves. Through the Eucharistic Communion the evils of the souls are liberated and the steps are safe for whoever is willing to walk through the path of transformation.

It is through My Eucharistic Heart that the beings enter into the sublime act of the true reverence and it is at this moment that the consciousness finds the comfort and the strength that it seeks so much.

In this sense My Eucharistic Body is the solar element capable of liberating and of transmuting the deep traces that evil has left in the consciousness from the sieges received.

From the first moment in which My Life instituted the Eucharistic Communion as a ministry I was leaving to the world the power of My Solar and Divine Essence, because it was and it is only through the Eucharist that humanity will be able to liberate itself from the errors that it has imposed on itself.

For this in each new act of Communion of a soul with Me there is established a spiritual and divine relation capable of universally uniting Heaven and Earth for some moments. Whoever communes in Me not only opens the consciousness for new celestial things but also, that in an act of pacification, are removed from the world the grave and most heavy offenses that hurt Your God the Father.

It is necessary that humanity, before My Return, understands and gets to know what it is that happens when a being from the Earth communes in My Eucharistic Holy Spirit: the laws change and reverse the evil existent in the heart of all of the souls of the world. One’s own consciousness that communes with Me is forgiven and each time that it participates in the sacred ceremony its life becomes blank, as sheets of a sacred book.

The most sinful souls receive the opportunity of meeting Me in some moment of life and especially, the Eucharistic Communion of all of the beings with Me repairs and re-establishes the plans of life and of evolution for the consciousnesses as for their spirits.

For this it is time to open the chest that exists in the heart of each being so that the infinite light may pour and expand the Christic codes in each consciousness. The Eucharist in this time foresees a rapid process of redemption, expelling the indifferences and arrogances that the souls generate day by day.

My Eucharistic Body, adored and venerated by souls, will establish the thousand years of peace for the future Earth. It is the moment to build this peace at a time in which peace does not exist so that all may, in this way, achieve it.

Under the Peace of the Lord, be blessed.

Thank you for communing with your heart with My Spirit!

Christ Jesus, Eucharistic Spirit


At this hour of Mercy My Great Thirst for souls is quenched through the prayers of all of the devoted souls. At this hour of Mercy My Rays pass through the wounded, lonely and sick hearts bringing for all of them an inexplicable state of peace.

Besides, at this hour of Mercy all of those who pray who are united to My Blessed Heart help Me to open the spiritual source that permits the washing of the stains of the sinful hearts and permits the saving of the souls that are lost.

Who trusts in My Mercy will be able to understand My Mystery of pure and unfathomable love for humanity. For this, day by day, I call My ones, so that they may help Me to rescue the part of the world that is still spiritually blind and deaf.

For this I count much on the shepherds, those who out of love I have entrusted the priesthood and the sacred ceremony of the Eucharist so that they may feed the spirit of the People of God.
Through My Mercy you will find the path of your conversion and forgiveness.

Under the Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating on My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


I Am the Renewing Blood that enters into the heart of all of beings to give them eternal life. I Am the Water that peacefully purifies each interior and, thus, ignites the Codes of Light that will liberate Mine from sin.

For this reason, the Eucharist is the symbol and the faithful covenant that I have left for you so that you would unite to Me. The one who stops communing with Me in the Eucharist acts as if he or she were leaving Me aside. There is nothing more important than your union with Me.

My Work will not be able to be constructed in lives that resemble great places built of sand. My bases must be founded upon the pillar of prayer, the pillar of communion, the pillar of confession and the pillar of service. In this way an orderly and aligned temple will be raised with My Christic Laws.

As long as the wineskin holds with mistrust your relics of yesterday, My New Wine will be waiting in Heaven to be poured only into the redeemed wineskins.

It is time to decide in which place you will want to be. The stable and the barn are already open because the farmer from Heaven will be arriving to separate the old straw from the good and mature wheat.

All the decision will be in your hands and prayer will help you to take the great leap towards My Sacred Heart.

Under the Good of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My words with love.

Christ Jesus


My dear hearts,

Over this time, I have poured My Graces over you and thus, silently, My Spirit has worked with your beings just like a farmer who has sown the Earth.

Dear companions, in this Hour of Mercy, I ask of you to have a strong faith so that it defeats the atavisms that separate from God the souls of the world.

My Heart thanks you for this meeting of today, because the Marathon of the Divine Mercy was gestated in your little consciousnesses, and today the fruits are already ripe in some of those who are Mine; those who still need to ripen.  I guard them in the Temple of My Heart, waiting for a greater spiritual awakening.

My fountain of salvation was not only poured with victory in America during these two days, but also Europe and the Orient have been seen inside this Redeeming Grace.

I invite you to understand in My Wisdom the power of My Love for you. I will not rest, not even a day, until I may achieve what I want from you. For this I test you in the imposible things, so that you may decide in this last hour where you want to be.

My Heart is inside of you all the time that you permit Me; also it is in the Eucharist, as it is in Confession. Do not fear to see yourselves as you are, because the time of My Grace has arrived to those who only say yes to Me.

What other path will you realize other than Mine?

I find Myself day by day by your side to say to you truly what it is that I want from your lives. To many saints I have asked impossible things; now I ask of My Companions challenges and unreachable surrender.

But in all of this is My Cosmic Science, My Celestial Light; I know truly how you are, and how far you may give to Me. For this I come every day from the universe to bring you My Absolute Trust and My Holiness. The New Christs must appear for the times of chaos.

I give thanks to all the ones who pray in the world, and I hope that this Marathon of the Divine Mercy goes on a pilgrimage throughout the nations of the world, so that more souls are prepared consciously to receive Me in My Second and Glorious Coming.

I am with you. I am here for you. I am in your hearts.

Peace and Good for all.

Under the Glory of the Father, thank you for today being blessed!

Christ Jesus, the Universal King


Friar Elías receives the written daily Message.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Well, let us share with all what Christ Jesus communicated to us.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Christ expressed His gratitude, especially to the Americas, for the task of prayer that is being carried out today. And, as a gift, as a Grace, He brought us and offered to us His Sacred Heart.

At a certain moment, in the first part of the Apparition, He took His Heart from His Chest. He remained alive and had His Heart on the palm of His right Hand. It pulsated strongly and with various colors, pulsating to a very defined rhythm.

Then, He said to us: “Dear companions, this is all that I have to give to you. This is why I offer this to you, as a consequence of your response.”

He also made a remark: “Tomorrow I want the Marathon to intensify, I would like if there is a little more effort and if you sing to Me with a little more joy.”

Then we asked Him: “Is it alright every 150 beads?” “Yes, it is alright, to continue.”

He expressed to us that a task had taken place, especially in the Americas, through the effect of the prayer of the Chaplet. And He sent this Message to all.


Then Friar Elías reads the daily Message received.


Dear companions,

Today My Arms of Love and Peace are open to welcome you eternally in the Kingdom of God.

I thank you, from now on, for the spiritual effort to comply with My Grand request for redemption and peace. The Divine Mercy, inexhaustible Fountain of Life and Pity, has descended victoriously over the heart of the nations of America, and this is because you have done today things greater than those that I have done.

The true salvation in this time will be concentrated in the life of permanent prayer. For this, today, not only are you serving Me out of love, but for yourselves also you are confirming that it is possible, everyday, give Me a little more. Because as it is in Heaven, also it is on Earth.

My dear brothers and sisters:

My Heart today is ennobled by the collaboration that you have given Me.  For this I give you on this day My Precious Most Holy Heart, to pour in this way over you My Universal Love, and so that this merciful love renews you. When the souls pray directly to My Divine Heart, the Heavens answer immediately with Graces of love and forgiveness.

The one who eats humbly of My Holy Body will have the forgiveness of their sins, those committed against the Glorious Heart of God. But the one who receives communion with Me in devotion, will have Eternal Life after this life, and much as you, after having received communion of My Body, fail Me once again, I ask you to remember all this moment that you have shared with Me an unforgettable treasure for your conversion.

Today the universe was very attentive to your prayers, and tomorrow it will be too, because tomorrow you will come to pray with Me renewed in spirit and in soul.  Never tire of aspiring to be with Me.

In this time I give you My Grace and My Spiritual Strength so that you may cross the bridge towards the liberation of yourselves.

I thank you for your fraternal answer; may all be kept in your memories forever.

Under the Mercy of God, be blessed.

Thank you for entering today in My Sacred Heart.

May Peace be with all.

Christ Jesus of Nazareth


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the end, He said that tomorrow, at 3 pm, during the work of the Marathon, He will also come here to be with us, and He promised to be closer to each one.

This is why He invited us to redouble our effort. Thus, we understood that this did not mean to pray more, but the way each one was praying, which was what He was observing: our attitude.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Now, we will thank the brothers and sisters who are accompanying us via the internet, which demonstrates that we may be spiritually united, even when we are not physically together.

And to close, we will sing the Hymn to the Divine Mercy.

Message of the Virgin Mary, transmitted during the apparition in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, to the visionary Friar Elías

Dear children,

Through peace, I lead you towards redemption, and from redemption I lead you to eternal faith. Times are already different and it is necessary to pray with all the fervor of the heart for My Work to be fulfilled upon the whole Earth.

Dear children, Jesus awaits you in the Eucharist so that you can repair the Heart of God from the offenses that are still committed in these times.

Dear children, pray for the blessed ones who give their life to God, those who give their life for the fellow being and for the Will of God, fulfilling without delay My requests.

Today, My Message is to tell you all these things even if they seem the same, they are, for Me, the most important, for faith must be sown in all My children.

Today I reveal to you that many of My servers will suffer for humanity and out of love for God, to liberate the great sin that leads many souls to perdition, the path to hell in this world.

My children, in this way I invite you to persistence in prayer, to hope and Mercy, because some of My children were chosen by Jesus to be able to revert evil in the world. Let us pray so that the Plans of God may be fulfilled.

I thank all of you, those present, in their homes and in their cities for responding to My call!

May the Grace of God remain in your hearts.

Mary, Queen of Peace



I Am the true Bread of Life that renovates you and nourishes you with the essence of the Spirit of My Father. Only through Me will you get to God.

I am the Living Body that gives you eternal life and I am the Blood that purifies you and consecrates you to the Supreme Divinity. Come to Me and seek the Source of the entire life of the spirit so that, united to Me, your consciousnesses may take steps towards inner consecration

Come to Me and sit at My Table of eternity because the moment has come to give as food My Mystical Body to My Disciples and to give as drink My Sacred Blood to all of those who follow Me without delay. Open your eyes and see how descends upon you My Merciful Rays. Do not lose sight of Me because I have for My ones something precious in the Heavens.

Only say yes all the days and you will recognize My Face of Light and of Grace.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My Light in your hearts!

Christ Jesus, your Eternal Master. 


It pleases Me to know that many of My Servers make an effort every day to love My Redeeming Love. I am able to know in the depths of your beings what is the dimension of your unconditional love for Me. This love that matures and grows through true experiences of love, I distribute it in the hearts that have been without love for a long time.

Now, in a time of great changes My Redeeming Love must be lived, known and contemplated through your union with Me in the Eucharist. By means of the Sacred Communion I will be able to straighten and harmonize you in life, in the day by day, even in your feelings and thoughts.

But today I come to remind you again of the commitment that you have with the Unfathomable Source of Peace and of Mercy. Today My hands bless those who work in this time to have a pure and wise heart, a heart surrendered to My precepts and designs.

I want to be the sign, the visible and living mark in your little souls so that those who will cross the path may be able to recognize Me through your love for Me, though your sacred devotion for My redeeming Task.

My brothers and sisters,

I Am here in Spirit and in Consciousness opening the Doors of the Heavens in order to redeem, convert and liberate the hell that many live today. Delay no longer to step into My Boat of the New Time. The Shepherd and Fisher of people has prepared precious designs for those who may live the sacrifice, the adoration to My Sacred Heart and the prayer of the heart.

The Navigator of the Universe will steer the new Ark of Noah to discover in the humble hearts the gifts that were given to the ones who once said yes to Me without restrictions. I feel the love of each one of My children, this sincere love without possessions, that relieves the pain that My Heart feels for this sleeping humanity.

You, My friends, awakened to the new time, must carry in your hands the torch of My Liberating Fire. I hope to enlighten the deepest spaces in the consciousness of those who for a long time have been in eternal obscurity.

My Light comes to enlighten what is dark.

My Love comes to give life to what is dead.

My Mercy comes to the world to rehabilitate it before God.

My Faith comes to stand up those who have fallen.

My Redemption comes to purify those who are blind and deaf.

My Eternal Glory comes to seek My companions, to go soon to Paradise, to the Earth Promised by My Lord.

I told you once that I could not bring you with Me to where some time ago I went, and now after so much that the world has been through, I come to call you: Wake up, My soldiers of the Divine Mercy!

Under the Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for listening with attention to My words!

Christ Jesus.


My dear ones,

Today, I no longer want your souls to cry, may your little hearts rejoice by receiving Me in the Eucharist. Open your arms so that I may enter into your hearts and live fully in your essences so that, in this way, My Holy Heart of Love may nourish your emptiness and illuminate the obscure spaces that your lives cannot yet achieve.

If you trust that every test, definition or step is under the gaze of My Eyes and accompanied by the infinite feeling of My Love, you will from now on be able to walk towards Me, without leaving Me behind, even for a second, because the Love of the Master only wants to make you grow from the heart, and from the unique experiences of your lives.

Stay in My Heart for a moment and you will experience the Glory of God in the Heavens, your anxieties and afflictions will calm, and you will be able to recognize that with true love everything is possible, because true love is not won nor defeated, not even by the cunning of the enemy.

My dear ones, you must recognize Me in this time, inside each heart and in the unique and divine life that the Eucharist provides you. Today, do not give up, open so that My Redeeming and Transfiguring Spirit may enter, for all eternity.

I know you well. I know what you are since your birth, and for what God has made you to manifest in life and in soul. Remember that you are all for My Father and that My Father waits for the best of you, the good and pure, because, in this way, you will help Him accomplish His Will on Earth.

Walk with Me today, by My side, because My Light will show you the next direction. Today, just remain longer in My Heart of Love.

Under the Power of the Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for keeping My words in your heart!

Christ Jesus


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
