During Her last Apparition, the Virgin Mary annouced a period of inestimable grace: plenary indulgence, a great opportunity that will be available until January 6th. Find out more!


Dear children:

With joy, today your Celestial Mother presents Herself to demonstrate to the world the sacred Prodigies of God, which come from His Humble and Merciful Heart; Prodigies that allow His children to feel in their hearts that love and hope will always exist and reign.

Dear children, it is the driving force of hope and of love that defeats evil, that which from time to time, through lack of love in the hearts, makes all peoples succumb to error and adversity.

But today I come to speak to you about a special prodigy granted by the Eternal Father which will allow the realization of the sacred project of the Light-Families. A project felt and lived by the Heart of the Father and carried forward by the Work of the Divine Messengers on the planet.

The family is the model of perfection that must be sheltered and safeguarded in these critical times, so that it may incarnate the Gift of God's Love, which will make it worthy before the Universe and Creation.

As Mother of the families, I come with my Mantle of Light to protect all the beings that integrate a family, which one day must become spiritual and evolutionary.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear child,

Who prays from the heart strengthens their faith.

Who prays from the heart elevates their small soul to Heaven.

Who prays from the heart knows no boundaries, but rather crosses bridges of love and of unity.

Who prays from the heart becomes peaceful.

Who prays from the heart loses all fear.

Who prays from the heart surrenders to God and to His infinite Love.

Who prays from the heart transcends error.

Who prays from the heart finds reconciliation.

Who prays from the heart unites with the angels of Heaven.

Who prays from the heart does not lose hope.

Who prays from the heart finds themselves, in some moment, with Christ.

Who prays from the heart manages to see Christ in their fellow being.

Who prays from the heart loses nothing.

Who prays from the heart is led by the Spirit of God.

Who prays from the heart understands all things.

If prayer awakens so many virtues within you, continue to do it, because someday the whole world will pray from the heart, will ask for forgiveness and will truly unite with God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Under My Maternal protection,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


On this day, My children, may the prayer be offered and dedicated to those who still do not live the Plan of the Creator because, although they are on this planet, they do not know of the immensity of their commitment to the Creator.

Therefore, in a spirit of supplication and of hope, intercede through the prayer of the heart for all of your siblings that still may be imprisoned by material life and by all of the illusions that the world offers.

These lost souls are the last of which I will work with during the last times of My Work amongst you.

Meanwhile, My children, continue praying from the heart so that the Merciful Father may continue hearing the sincere offer of His children.

Each prayer spoken with love and devotion, on large scale, grants opportunities for inexplicable redemption and healing in the souls of the world.

So that all of this may be possible and may be granted to humanity, there must be souls in unconditional prayer so that, in spite of these critical times, the doors to salvation and redemption of consciousness may be kept open.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Even though there is agony in the world, keep your faith in God and do not allow yourself to be discouraged in prayer and hope.

Even though it may seem there is no solution, keep your faith in God and do not allow yourself to be confused by the influences of this world.

Even though the inner chaos and confusion may seem great, in the depths of your being, keep your faith in God and do not desist, do not give up.

Child, much greater than the chaos within you is what the world is experiencing, the planet upon which your feet stand every day.

You were called to bring a new life, an opportunity of renewal for this Earth, which decided to distance itself from God and His Plan from the beginning.

You may ask: and why did the Father persevere in this project? Why did He not stop it at the beginning of all things, when sin became flesh in the human consciousness?

Because evil does not belong to the Truth; it is part of an ancient illusion, in which the human consciousness placed itself from the beginning. But Truth still dwells within beings and can emerge in those who are willing to allow a Living God to express in their hearts.

If you are listening to these words, it is because it corresponds to you to answer this call.

I know that sometimes, you do not manage to walk by your own weight, and that on your own, you wear iron shoes that cause you to sink deeper at the point where you are. But today, child, as on all the days when I will come to the Earth, I tell you to take off the heavy iron shoes of your past, your personal will, your aspirations for the future, and walk with The One Who, barefoot, travelled the Earth and now crosses the Universes, summoning new companions who can constantly renew the Love achieved by Him when He carried the sins of the world with His Cross.

I know that what I tell you seems repetitive and that the words are only renewed for those who see them as new, because they are at a new step of this evolutive climb.

Allow God to renew and show you how much you still have for serving and how this world and this Plan of Love need your surrender. You still have not reached the point of your giving of self, and this can be seen by the Love that you still have not allowed to be born within you. Allow yourself to love, and learn through being loved, to give love to this world of so many spiritual illnesses.

At the doorway of a new planetary cycle, be renewed and allow yourself to be new, like the Christ who will soon be reborn in Spirit in all the mangers arranged with faith in the homes of this Earth.

I will no longer tell you many things, for everything has already been said. Take the New Universal Gospel, that resonates in the Word that Christ emits for the world today, and live His Words. He is still waiting for you.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Today, may the Gifts of God awaken in your souls, and may the inner roses which express an infinite love for the Creator and His Creation open in your hearts; so that in your lives, consecrated to eternal prayer, the divine wonders the Father hopes to reveal today to your lives in redemption may be accomplished through this meeting.

May the caress of My Motherly Hands sanctify each of you and bless you at this sacred moment, so that in these difficult times you experience and remember your transformation, as an important step for humanity and your suffering blue planet.

Thus, My beloveds, let the doors of your inner worlds open so that in your essences, you may conceive the Purpose that God has destined for your lives in this time.

Holding on to My Hands so that I may guide you, dear children, walk confidently by My side, for in this way, I will fortify you on the pathway of sacrifice and eternal hope, which must be reflected on your countenances, so God may place His Graces in all of humanity.

Today, I bless you from Heaven and the Heaven of God I bring you, so that the triumph of My Immaculate Heart may be finally established in your lives.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

I Am the Sun that illumines the times of darkness with love, and Who, under My Mantle, places all souls so they may achieve Divine Protection.

In truth I tell you that the apostles who are on the front line of preparation for the Return of Christ must face all kinds of abysses and tests within themselves which will place them even closer to My Son; for in this way, the human and archaic condition will gradually dissolve from the material consciousness of human beings.

Thus, you must seek a spirit of immense meekness, patience and resignation, since in these times, it will be important to give your all for the all, due to the great planetary imbalance of this race.

I encourage you to go through the end of times with an inextinguishable spirit of hope, for in this way, you will acquire the inner strength to move forward with the Redemptive Work of My Beloved Son.

I only ask that you remain calm, serene and receptive; and that in each new inner and outer battle, only love reigns, because the love that can emerge from your hearts will dissolve everything in light.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Throughout time, My Presence is perpetuated within humanity, and coming to assist My children, I become present at the moments when this race is about to deviate.

I come with the authority of My Son, to announce His Return to the world.

Thus, in this very unpredictable time, I spiritually prepare the sheep so that they may follow the pathway that will allow them to find the Heart of Christ.

In this cycle, I go to meet the most lost sheep within and outside of the Church. I go after the most sinful souls so that they may reflect and be in time to experience a true inner repentance.

For this reason, through My Presence in the world and in this cycle, I prepare hearts so that they may face the most absolute and overwhelming change in their lives.

I come to give encouragement, hope and motivation to those who must cross the definite threshold of the times because the more souls that are redeemed and repent, the greater will be the Victory of Christ in the world, and time of the coming purification with be decreased.

Through hearts, I build souls of constant faith and hope.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Like the rain that blesses the planet on this day, dear children, I pour out all My Graces, especially upon the causes which are the most impossible to solve.

In this sense, the rain that touches this soil today brings a spiritual blessing for Brazil; because I know, as Patroness of this nation, that this beloved and dear country of Mine is going through, in these end times, the greatest proof of faith in God and in the destiny of all this beloved Brazilian people.

That is why, unconditionally, I am here; because My Divine and Immaculate Spirit is present in every Marian Sanctuary and Center in Brazil, through the presence of the most humble and simple pilgrims.

In all of them, as in the souls who pray the Holy Rosary every day, there is the realization and concretion of My Marian Work in Brazil and in the world.

I ask all of you, My dear Brazilian children, to keep calm, unwavering fervor in your prayers and the blazing fire of inexhaustible hope, so that all your people and your nation, so beloved by My Immaculate Heart, maintain, preserve and demonstrate their charism of faith and union with My Divine and Maternal Heart.

I am with you in this trial, walking beside My children of Brazil, inseparably and perpetually.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Free your heart from all the tiredness and surrender with confidence into My arms, so that your tireless spirit may rest in Me.

Leave behind all bitterness and detach from within you all that is not love, because by my beloved Son having suffered all the martyrdoms, the Lord has shown you the unconditional path to find fortitude.

I come to ask you to surrender to Me and allow My Heart to work through you, for I still have to calm the despair of the world.

Submerge yourself promptly in the ocean of My Grace and you will be able to be near My Son, feeling His unfathomable Heart and fully living His Divine Consciousness.

Surrender into My arms, and you will know what to do, with wisdom and discernment.

Withdraw from fear, and day by day draw closer to the Love that is born in the Primordial Source.

The triumph of My Son is in the redemption of your life and in the conquest of your heart, so that He may dwell within you.

Cultivate a spirit of meekness and, in this way, you will receive from Above the keys of Heaven, just as Peter received them when he trustingly surrendered his life into the Hands of the Lord. And you will not only be a part of the Fisher of people, but also a part of a fraternal community formed by the Spiritual Hierarchy.

Go forward! And leave discouragement behind, do it for Me. Hope is possible.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Sant Esteve, Barcelona, Spain to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My eyes show the Love of God for the world and all His creatures.

My eyes show the pain of the Father for all the children who are daily lost.

My eyes show the coming of the Kingdom of the Heavens.

My eyes show the path toward eternal faith.

My eyes show consolation for the souls of the world.

My eyes show the pain caused to the Kingdoms.

My eyes show devotion for prayerful souls.

My eyes show the path of sacrifice.

My eyes show the planetary reality seen from on High.

My eyes show the concretization of My call.

My eyes show the path of constant and service only to God.

My eyes show the clarity and light of the Heavens.

My eyes show the love I feel for My children.

My eyes show the constancy of reaching all the way to the end.

My eyes show the moment the planet is facing.

My eyes show pain for the indifference of humanity.

My eyes show the perpetual supplication of a caring Mother.

My eyes show the presence of the Mercy of God.

My eyes show patience for those who are slow in their awakening.

My eyes show the essence of compassion.

My eyes show the hope of a New Earth.

My eyes show the moment of a great definition.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



I come to the world to free it from its ties, to remove it from its prisons, to carry all My children into an eternal awakening.

I come to the world to return the hope lost by the human heart, to give spiritual life to everything that is already inwardly dead.

I come to the world to plant the seeds of the New Humanity and to carry My children to submerge into the Source of Purification.

I come to the world to testify to Love so this Love may be alive among creatures that do not yet love each other.

I come to the world to help dissolve sin and so that joy may return to wounded and saddened hearts.

I come to the world for those who call Me, for those who wait for Me and for those who seek Me in their small lives.

I come to the world for those that cry out for Me, for those who ask God, Our Lord, for a Greater Grace.

I come to bring peace every day and to grant My children the moment for their redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Each prayer pronounced with love is like a flower that opens itself in My garden. It is a Grace that can be shed upon some consciousness of this planet.

So, each time that one prays with the heart, new Graces and affluents of Mercy rise to be shed upon some situation of the planet. See, therefore, the importance of both a life of prayer and of union with God.

No matter how difficult something may seem, prayer has the power of changing the destiny, following the principles of the Celestial Laws.

Prayer can straighten and correct what is deviated or even what is not clear.

Prayer is the hope of the meek and the burning fire of the peacemakers. It is the form each soul has to communicate with God and to convert each moment of prayer in an opportunity to be in communion with the Highest, as well as to make flourish in My maternal garden, many, but many more Graces.

Prayer is the food that should never lack to the spirit and the water of life that the soul should always have.

Prayer is the portal that will lead you to peace and to awakening.

It is the greatest medicine to heal any spiritual necessity.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, to the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Every day I wish to convert you into a model of love and of compassion, in likeness to or equal to My Son.

This will help the planet and humanity to able to count on souls that live in love and in Christic compassion, which will awaken a small flow of New Christs in the race, so that now and always, humanity will no longer be lost from the Path of God.

Opening My arms and extending My hands to My children, I invite you to be within the great Universe of the Love of God, so that many situations may be healed and guided by the Light of My Heart.

In this way, dear children, I call on you to awaken to the deepest and truest that exists in you so that finally, this planet may be rebuilt by love and hope.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I am the venerated and most gentle Lady of Schoenstatt, the Mother thrice admirable for Her Grace, for Her Love, and for Her intercession.

The Lady of Schoenstatt is a divine invocation and an inspiration of a faithful devotee of Mary.

In Mary of Schoenstatt, My children find the opportunity to be favored by three divine intercessions of Our Lady; that is to say, by the authority of Her Grace, by the authority of Her Love, and by the power of Her intercession before the Celestial Father for all of humanity.

Happy are those who invoke the power of Mary of Schoenstatt, for they will be entering in consciousness into a profound state of Grace and of Mercy.

May Mary of Schoenstatt be the model and the way for finding the conversion and the redemption of your life.

Mary of Schoenstatt is the ever admirable and honorable Virgin Who watches over and protects each child who surrenders into Her maternal arms.

Mary of Schoenstatt is the mediator, a model for non-spiritualized humanity. In Her can be found the hope and the receptacle where the aspiration for remaining in perpetual communion with Christ may blossom.

The reason Mary of Schoenstatt holds the Divine Son in Her arms is to remind the world that every path of love and of understanding begins through Mary of Schoenstatt. 

Let the adorable Virgen be the model for achieving inner peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

I am that Bird of Light that comes to announce peace to the world.

I am that Bird of Light that comes to guide Her children on the path of love and of the good.

I am that Bird of Light that circles the spaces to bring wisdom to a civilization that needs it very much.

I am that Bird of Light that brings hope and renewal to consciousnesses.

I am that Bird of Light that helps to raise the spirit of each being so that all may meet with the Father.

I am that Bird of Light that descends to the abysses of the Earth to rescue each one of the children of God.

I am that Bird of Light that awakens devotion in the hearts so that divine communion may be established.

I am the Bird of light that takes care of and protects the essences that surrender in trust into the arms of the Celestial Mother.

I am that Bird of Light that concedes pardon and reconciliation with the Divine.

I am that Bird of Light of mercy, and I hope all My Children will live this powerful gift of liberation.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Worry is the lack of attention to your own economy of energy, and the art of prayer replaces this worry for a greater occupation: to become a Mirror of the Divine Consciousness.

Therefore, each time that worry or frustration may be stronger than faith, place the mind and the heart on prayer, and you will see the result of this powerful flow that is the Divine Word Itself.

In this way, open the doors to hope and you will be able to penetrate many mysteries, of how the art of praying not only elevates but also concentrates your own consciousness on positive currents of energy.

When prayer is correctly invoked, it is capable of tearing all obstacles to the point of bringing inner light to many issues of life.

It is time to affirm yourselves in the power of this flow so as to attract peace in these times. I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Feel My Heart as the only fortress for your soul and spirit.

Feel how in My Heart you can find God and He can be with you.

Feel how everything is perfect when you contemplate the humility of My Heart and how everything is renewed from the moment in which you say “yes” to God.

Feel My Heart as the refuge and also as the protection in the face of all adversity and danger.

It is this Pure Heart that I offer to My children, it is the reason that they receive all the Graces of God.

This is the Immaculate Heart that intercedes for souls and for the planet, it is the Heart that opens so that all of humanity may enter into the Source of Healing.

This Heart offers Itself all the time so as to be able to remedy the errors and bring a ray of hope to the world.

Who lives in My Heart will always be able to correspond with the Creator, and, in this way, Divine Will shall become a process of realization within souls.

Look at this Heart which has suffered for Its children and which still must be repaired with the love of those who persevere on the path of My Beloved Son.

This is the Heart that will make of your life the moment of inner triumph and the expression of redemption.

I thank you for responding to My Call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When the White Buffalo would appear on the horizon, suddenly, walking with serenity before the eyes of the pure, this was a sign of prosperity and hope. Its mouth did not speak, its language was unknown by humankind. Its silence would transmit the Will of God to them; its language was understood with the heart, by those who knew how to become silent.

When sadness flooded the hearts of humankind, they cried out for the grace of seeing and feeling the White Buffalo. Its serenity calmed them and they would feel hope that the Earth would remain fertile, alive and sacred.

When the heart of the children of the Earth was not rich in love and joy, they cried out for the White Buffalo. Its joy and Its love did not come from this world, but it nourished and healed the world. It appeared upon the horizon and represented the arrival of new cycles, where life would have a greater meaning, because the land would be fertile and so would the heart.

The White Buffalo was the Holy Spirit of the Earth, which walked silently among humankind. It came to dissolve fear, anguish, sadness, it came to unite the hearts of the children of the Earth with He who created the Earth, and all other planets, the Sun, the Moon and all Life.

The White Buffalo was the bearer of purity and re-ignited purity within the hearts of the children of the Earth so that they would not lose the hope of a world in peace and in communion with Life.

The White Buffalo was meek but invincible. Nothing could touch it and only the eyes of the heart could see It. Its mystery came from Infinity, even though its appearance was of the Earth. It made itself lesser than humankind, with the living symbol of a simple animal, but it wanted to represent the All. Within it were both the small and the great, from the animals to the Supreme God, from nature to the All.

The White Buffalo thus made it possible to understand that God is in everything.

I am the White Buffalo, the Spirit of the Earth, the Spirit of Life.

I am the representation of the fertile cycles, of the cycles of Peace.

In My presence, despair and fear are dissolved, and hearts again find the faith and the love of God.

I am, My children, the Mother of the Earth, and also of Heaven. The children of the Earth were born upon it, but they do not come from it. Their spirits come from Me, they were born of the Universal Source of Life, protected by the brightness of the stars that sparkle in Infinity, embraced by the Motherhood of God, Adonai.

I come to the world so that you may regain purity and hope, so that fear and pain be healed, and so that the certainty of being able to experience the sacred, and so that the unity on this Earth with Creation may again shine in your essences.

I am here, beloved children, now resembling humankind, with a body like yours and with a Divine Heart so that you may again find within yourselves what which unites you with the Creator, that which makes you a mirror of His Most Sacred Heart.

I came to mirror in your spirits the sacred and the divine.

I appear on the horizon, in silence, again bringing Peace. I appear on this day of a new cycle, representing a fruitful cycle in the life of the spirit.

I want to strengthen your hearts and build within you the new gardens of life.

I want to allow the new human being to be born, recovering the purity and dignity of the indigenous consciousness.

I come to bring the grace of union with the Origin, for those called original peoples and, in this way, all human hearts may rekindle within themselves the purity of the beginning, the original unity with the Heart of God.

May your lives be fruitful in love before the White Buffalo.

Regain peace, joy and hope, dissolving from spirit the evil that causes wars and degenerates hearts.

May the unity of the Spirit of God bring you wisdom, dissolving the ignorance that separates humankind from itself and from the All, that which makes them die, while being alive.

I am the White Buffalo, your Mother and Mother of all Creation. I come to bless you, embrace you and allow you to remember that the Creator has a perfect will for His children. It is enough, My beloved ones, that you contemplate upon the horizon of your inner worlds the presence of the White Buffalo, and allow yourselves to be permeated by its silence and meekness so that its love may again transform and permeate your lives.

I love you and I keep you in My Heart of Love.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of all Life


Dear children,

Faith can put you in another place of the plane of spirit, faith can carry you into an unknown state, which unites with God, and is within God.

Faith is a powerful gift, which elevates you and guides you upon the path of truth and mercy.

Faith is something deeply inner, because it is the living testimony of the prayerful soul that is before its Beloved Father.

It is in this way, dear children, that faith is like the joy the soul lives when it is carrying out the Designs of God.

Faith is an attribute that affirms you, day by day, in your trust in God and in His infinite Purpose. Because faith has the capacity to carry you into living a much deeper and truer love, a moment of peace that can permeate the whole consciousness.

Faith as essence is the rudder for the humble and simple of heart, because in faith the bridges to brotherhood are built, and this consolidates the union among souls.

Faith puts you in permanent service to humanity and to the planet.

The key of faith will be fundamental in these times, because in faith all souls will find hope.

Live in faith and faith will guide you always.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who in faith elevates you to the Heart of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Mexico, Mexico to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I offer you My Heart so that you may have it with you and see in It the Divine Fire of Love for every soul that contemplates It.

I offer you My Soul as a tabernacle so that you may find God and, in His Divine Grace, be in His Peace.

I offer you My hope so that in your heart there is strength, a path that will lead you to meet God.

I offer you My humility so that you may adopt it and, at every moment, see the Will of God.

I offer you My prayer so that you may imitate it and trust that nothing and no one can detain the Plan of God, because all is under His divine care and thus His Kingdom will finally be established.

I offer you all that is in the Heavens so that you may always long for it and know that for every effort you have made, nothing will lack for you, because whoever is in God will lack nothing.

I offer you My Love as a refuge so that in the extreme hours you may be reborn with the impetus of the Holy Spirit and thus accomplish the sacred mission.

I offer you what I am eternally.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who contemplates you with Love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
