I am the Mother of the New Humanity, the Mother of the New Being, of the New Human, which gestated within the Womb of the Servant of God, just as His Firstborn Son expresses perfection and likeness with the Father.

I come, My children, to place each one of your essences in My Heart and in My spiritual and divine Womb, so that you may be reborn and that, from your victorious redemption, the New Being and the New Life on Earth may arise.

Fruit of the redemption and rehabilitation of beings, fruit of the reconciliation between men and God, fruit of the awakening of hearts, in order to remember their Origin and purpose: this is the New Life on Earth; this is the Life that I come to establish through you, by Divine Will and Purpose.

With My Love united to the love of your hearts, I come to remove the power of illusion, of indifference, of human will and of the wickedness that permeates the hearts of humans. And making you free from all evil and clean from all stain, I come to give you the Grace of being worthy children of God, worthy representatives of Your Creator Father on the Earth.

I come to awaken ambassadors of peace and good, precursors of a New Time, in which duality will be overcome by the power of Love and Unity, which will reach the Earth through the sincere prayers of the children of God.

I come to demystify the celestial mysteries so that illusion may cease to be the truth in your lives and that, awakened to the true meaning of human existence, you may get to know the divine mysteries, the universal life and the celestial dimensions, which have always been hidden from your hearts, and now they must express themselves.

Pray, my children, for a redeemed America, for nations that lay their faces on the ground and, in humility, cry out for peace and for forgiveness.

Pray for a planet that awakens to Unity among beings, and pray for Love to be a necessity within each being. A necessity that makes you overcome arrogance, pride and vanities, which until today have led you to perdition and deception.

Pray for the Americas and also for the planet. Pray that, until the end, all nations may have an opportunity to know peace and Truth, and knowing the Truth, they may choose between the old and the New Human.

Pray for ignorance to be dissipated from the hearts of beings. And pray so that the Truth may reveal to you that Love must prevail beyond all human understanding and science, beyond religions and cultures, beyond differences and borders, and even dimensions, so that nothing else may separate you from each other, and nothing may separate you from God.

Today I pray with you before God, and I cry out to the Father for a New Life. I cry out so that the Being that is being gestated within Me be born in your essences and, as mysterious as the birth of My Son Jesus, you may express the New Life and the New Human.

I love you and bless you, and with My Heart full of Love, I thank you for making My words and My divine aspirations a reality.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the New Humanity


Above chaos and beyond all human and universal duality lies the Heart of God.

Your Father, child, calls you to transform the laws of the Earth, which are fruit of the human degeneration; He calls you to transform what is the natural condition of humanity for many. Do not believe that the current human condition is non-transformable. Believe in the mystery of the Heart of God, which is beyond everything humanity knows and expresses.

Look at the Firstborn Son of your Creator Father: He must not ever be an exception for you. He is the spike of a spear of which you make part; a spear which breaks the structures of the old mankind and establishes a new life, a life that expresses the true essence of the human creation. Christ is the spike of the spear and His Father and Lord is the hand that supports and directs it, in order that its goal be exact and his path, right.

Feel your heart as part of this Plan, part of this divine spear in the Hands of God, which must be strong and needs to break the structures of an old being. Feel that, above all, this spear trespasses and crosses your own heart, your soul and your spirit and, transforming all that you are, makes you part of the establishment of the New.

Persevere, my child, and do not fear.

Let everything be broken and be transformed within you. Offer your heart to God as the first transformed part of this human consciousness. May your redemption be the first symbol of the triumph of God in this world.

Do you fear, but be firm. Let God send this spear to its target and, with a Love that is beyond all human understanding, transform this world.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The Passion of Jesus meant and represented many occurrences for humanity. Some of these facts were known, but others are still unknown.

Many realities and situations took place, mostly in other planes of consciousness, something that was beyond the material and also the spiritual.

The Passion of the Lord was the true testimony that He, above all, had reincarnated to accomplish this mission, and there would be nothing that could modify or alter this event.

When Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane, the hour and the moment had come, as an incarnated man, for Him to render the human condition to the Father so that, through Him, that sacrifice would be transformed for the good of humanity, although humanity itself did not deserve such Grace.

The father, through His Son, knew that if such surrender and sacrifice did not happen, the human race would destroy itself.

Christ's fundamental reason, during His thirty-three years of life, was to be able to live and accomplish, beyond Himself, the Divine Will.

Jesus was a man born with evident Gifts from God, but He had to know, like every human being, the human condition; He went through temptations and tests so that His Spirit would emanate, all the time, the reason for His existence.

This immediate attainment of Jesus to the Will of His Father enabled Him not to perish.

Let us remember that Jesus arrived in a moment of humanity in which the perversion and the abuse of power were the abysses for which humanity was being condemned.

Jesus maintained the momentum of His Love for the Father. He Believed, above all, in the realization of the Divine Will, as it was written.

His Purpose was to reach the goal that His Father had given Him, in spite of all the difficulties that the Master would face.

His confidence in the manifestation of that Plan and, above all, His Love for it, made Him a spiritually free Being, capable of overcoming duality and the adversity that the human beings had created.

To Love that Will was the main spiritual objective of the life of Jesus. He knew that nothing and nobody could change the destiny that the Father had showed Him for His Mission upon Earth.

Living that Will was an imperative necessity of the Master, although sometimes, despite the sensory and mystical development of His Consciousness, He did not know how far this Will would take Him within His personal and Global Mission.

There were inextinguishable keys that protected and supported the accomplishment of all the work in the Life of Jesus, as in souls, which were humility and the selfless surrender of His Being. In that school no streak of pride and no sign of selfishness could prevail.

The communion that Jesus constantly lived with the Heights made Him truly free, and beyond Him, the Laws of universal Mercy and Grace could act and perform miracles.

What was fundamental in the Life of Jesus was the Love He brought as the Son of God and the teachings that His Consciousness left, that the sincere and true love would be able to transform and sublimate human corruption.

I Thank you for imitating the Will and the Love of the Lord!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


May good intentions towards your fellow being never cease to be born within your heart.

May this goodness that you should experience, day by day, lead you to understand, beyond forms and senses, the Divine Plan of God.

Profess the goodness in your fellow beings as part of the Divine, as a real union with the sacred Purpose.

Be good wherever you go and to whomever you are with.

In your life, may your heart learn to overcome duality, thus you will enter the perfect balance of the universe.

Practice good, as My Son taught, so that, in the depths of your cells, feelings contrary to goodness may purify.

Let goodness be the inner impulse that guides you, that leads you to experience the degrees of love in higher proportions.

In good, you will find the healing you need from all the evils that you ever experienced.

Good will lead you to be at peace, and in peace you will be able to submerge in love.

If you want to be a peace-maker, submerge in the chain of good, thus you will help rebuild this world and you will change the human standard, that of doing evil all the time, thus you will help move your neighbor apart from suffering.

When the soul does not carry out its actions in accordance with good, it enters suffering, because good teaches you to think and do everything for your neighbor and remove you from the first place in which you had placed yourselves.

Good does not battle nor compete.

Good reminds you that you must always return to love.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In these times, knowing oneself will be the tone.

Knowing the good side, the bad side, will also be the tone of those who walk in the spiritual life, as well as of those who wholeheartedly aspire to, one day, be others.

This is the time for coming to know the two realities of the consciousness, which is to say, what we truly are and what we truly were, without fearing to discover our deep consciousness.

For those who do not know it yet, this revelation, of knowing what you in truth are, is a grace that is granted; a Grace that will remove you from the illusion and the fantasies of what each one believes about themselves.

For each grade, as well as for each school, it will be shocking to know what one is and how much one will still have to heal in order to someday free oneself from everything. It will not be a pleasant time, but indeed necessary, because this will help to integrate, in My disciples, the transparency of heart and, above all, of the consciousness.

It is important to know that there will be a time for everything. It will be of no avail to force the consciousness to know who it was and then be freed from that weight.

Everything has its special timing, because each being will have to learn to overcome duality in themselves, putting into practice, with effort, all the spiritual teachings as well as the tools they have received, in order to generate the transcendence of the self.

Each disciple will take their steps at the proper time, and will work from the terrestrial consciousness to build that bridge that will lead them to an inner freedom.

Thus, children, do not be distressed, do not despair, do not be intimidated; because that will not help at all. Fervently wait for your moment, and in this way, no matter how it will be or how it will present itself, be grateful for being aware of yourselves in this crucial time.

You are called to overcome duality in this cycle, just as the great saints overcame it, to generate, on Earth, more time of peace and of reconsideration.

Do not look at your miseries with contempt, but do not praise them either. Seek inner detachment and you will find the path of the emptiness of the self. Only try it as many times as necessary.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Dear children,

When your Heavenly Mother gains a victory in a spiritual battle, and the plans of My adversary are disarmed, another battle arises which is perhaps even stronger, but which will not make of My soldiers consciousnesses unable to serve.

Each inner battle that a server faces comes to strengthen them, and to confirm them in the Divine Will.

The duality that this world lives allows consciousnesses to choose what path they will follow.

Thus, each inner battle is a moment in which to make ever new attempts toward perfection and toward transcending oneself.

When the disciple of Christ stumbles over the same stone at each inner battle, they must keep in mind that within this dual system of learning, one can only learn to love the errors every day so that this inner love may be sufficiently great and mature enough to be able to forgive everything.

If your Heavenly Mother, as an incarnated human being, had not felt or lived these high degrees of love, perhaps the Passion of Christ would not have had great results, because Christ taught on the Cross that love has the power and the victory over all errors.

This is what your lives must always keep well in mind, because otherwise you will never be able to liberate yourselves from the chains or the errors that you live.

The consciousness changes its focus when it manages to live and feel the degrees of love, because this will place it at another level in the school of redemption and forgiveness.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who heals your wounds spiritually,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Not to want your own will, and to love the Divine Will

This race in the beginning was designed by God to obey and follow a single Purpose. But since My adversary, in antiquity, awakened the temptation and free will in the humankind of the surface, the original Project was distorted, straying from the path of the Divine Will.

It was there that duality, free choice and disobedience to all higher Laws that would rule humanity in times to come until it would be a sacred humanity, entered into the primitive consciousness of humanity.

From the moment Adam and Eve were tempted in Eden to decide on their own life and thus deviate from the Hand of the Creator, what we call self-will entered into the essence of the human being.

This will, devoid of spiritual principles and impregnated with codes of corruptibility, was the action that diverted the new humanity from the path; in the beginning of everything, the first race was the wise Project of a new humanity for the surface.

From the moment the first Adam decided to survive on the planet transgressing the natural Laws, Eve on the other hand awakened the first signs of capital sins.

My adversary achieved what he wanted so much: to make this an inert humanity without self-consciousness.

After so many eras gone by, the culminating moment arrived where, in the first stage, the decadence of humanity would come to an end, and it would be through the apparition of Christ in the world, as the Firstborn Son of God, incarnated to rescue the essence of this thought human project.

Later on, when Christ was present, the whole race, which was already in the abyss of its perdition, was diverted from its own hell through the Passion of Jesus.

The coming of the Messiah of Israel was delicately prepared by the Creator Fathers, by the Holy Archangels. Each one brought and bore in the most pure womb of the Virgin Mother the light cells of transubstantiation and redemption, higher Laws that later on allowed to liberate humanity from evil.

Since Adam and Eve activated in themselves their own will, the human spiritual genetics were spontaneously affected until today by this energy of earthly power of appropriation and domination of all things.

Only those consciousnesses that throughout the ages managed to open themselves to find Christ within have been challenged to renounce and banish this old human code that has been deviating millions of souls from the Purpose until today.

Self-will is the consequence of not accepting in a true way the Love of God, being the consciousness impregnated by its own ideas and concepts, those that are opposed to the Divine Thought.

Although Christ gave life and died for all also with the purpose of deactivating the old corrupt code of self-will, after all the events and facts that Master Jesus gestated in the consciousness of those who listened to Him, meanwhile the other part of humanity strengthened the precarious link with self-will; it was like a ten-horned beast recreated by all involutionary actions of the human race.

The human will has always been honored and appreciated by the majority, this is one of the reasons why in these definitive times, consciousnesses that are committed to the Plan are not able to take their steps when affirming their own will: a chain that ties them to an endless hell.

Those holy consciousnesses that were able to overcome their own will, did it through three factors: first, working every day renouncing themselves, second, searching for the emptiness of themselves and third, serving unconditionally, taking into account that even living all these experiences, there is self-will based on arrogance and pride. 

When the disciple of Christ disposes themselves to transcend the states that corrupt the love in humanity, they must have in mind that they will face within themselves their own beasts, which will try to make them give up all efforts. 

Some consciousnesses on the surface of the planet, as is the case of those who opted for a consecrated life, have the spiritual mission of dispelling from their consciousnesses all these energies that condemn the evolutionary life of a soul, and they also have the mission to do it for humanity, imitating Christ.

In these times humanity must define the path it will follow, this will be before the expected Judgment that will happen on this beloved planet.

Christ was and is an extraordinary example of life and truth for all those who accept to return to the previous moment of the Plan in which Adam committed the so-called original sin; a sin from which all creatures are born with the code of self-will and free will.

To be able to change this frequency, the determination and effort that are stimulated by prayer will allow disarming the opposite impulses that bring self-will. 

To live the Divine Will means to want nothing for oneself and everything for others. To live the Divine Will means to follow step by step what one is asked for, avoiding failure many times.

But we know that humanity of today does not want to follow in obedience and adherence to what the higher Universes are emitting; this leads to an increase of spiritual perdition of the consciousnesses, it leads to submerging oneself in all possible deceptions, it leads to missing the path one has come to walk.

Therefore, God sends His Messenger again to warn you all and the whole world that they are still living their own will and this will not deter the planetary suffering, but rather it is increasing it gradually. 

I invite you, children, to do the exercise of cutting the chain of self-will, thus you will have the inner strength to be able to Christify your lives and prepare for the glorious coming of Christ to the world. 

Be intelligent and do not allow self-will to distance you forever from the path of your redemption.

Times announce great changes for everybody. 

I thank you for losing your self-will and for being born to the Eternal Will of God!

Who impels you to inner purification, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


From the invisible levels of the Earth emerges all darkness that has been hidden. The souls that have been in pain and suffering for many centuries raise their arms asking for the light and forgiveness of God. Evil no longer hides its actions because Good is also expanding and announcing its triumph.

It is a great battle between the duality of this world, because the time of definition has come for the entire human race; it is time to live the absolute unity with God or be taken to primary scales of evolution, to start over.

In many parts of the world, the Sun seems to be hidden by the clouds of pain and suffering.

In the East, what was once a sea of graces, has become a sea of terror and despair through the indifference of humankind. But that does not mean, My children, that My Heart will not triumph.

In the heart of the Americas, the light begins to expand and the Sun of a new time arises, as the Aurora of dawn. The fire that emanates its cosmic light comes from the love of awakened hearts.

Human beings are discovering their likeness to God through prayer, and the truth descends on Earth with the same power of Mercy emanated a long time ago by My Son on His Cross.

To all who hear Me, I will say not to fear but to feel in your lives the triumph of My Heart. My mantle expands beyond the continents and I grow the seed of new life that I have planted in the Americas in the hearts of all those who, anywhere in the world, accept to respond to My call.

There will be no tribulation to knock down My soldiers, because they will be sustained by the strength of My maternal and infinite Love. Not even the greatest of beasts that rises against My little ones will make them falter, because the truth impressed in their pure hearts will bring them the certainty that reality dwells only in the light and consciousness of God, and all that is outside of Him is part of an ancient illusion, which ties consciousnesses to the damnations this world.

Children, even though the darkness that emerges in and outside of you, and in many parts of the world, seems to be infinite, do not fear and remember My words when I tell you that the potential of the Sun of God in your hearts will defeat any night and any darkness. The darkest night announces the clarity of a day of renewal and Graces.

For a thousand years of peace to happen, there must be in each heart and each  consciousness the choice to live love and unity with God.

Once the seed of love is planted in the consciousness of all those who have made a commitment with My Son, it will be enough for the triumph of the Creator because Christification will only fully flourish in an entire race, when light prevails on Earth and - consecrated with another name - enters the new time, the real time.

Little by little the veils fall from the eyes of My children and everything that has been kept in holy books as tales and illusions will take their place in truth, and will depose the reign of indifference and numbness.

Beloved children, despite the terror that you see in many parts of the world, I want your hearts to never lose the certainty of the triumph of My Heart, because just as purification has begun suddenly and unexpectedly for many, the light will  also emerge suddenly and be consolidated in the consciousness, without you realizing it.

Pray with the heart and when you least expect it, My Son – who reigns in the universes –will reingn in each particle of your being and will begin to build, within each one of you, the New Jerusalem, the race of the redeemed by Christ.

I love you and leave you My Peace,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


To be Human without being human

The science of these times, children, is the transcendence of the old human and the birth of the new. To be born without dying in the body. To allow matter to be reborn, transcending that which has been corrupted.

The new human is born within the consciousness. It is the fruit of inner purification, of the act of expelling the old so that what is true may emerge.

The new human, children, in truth is not new; it has always been within each human being; it is the principle, the reality, the beginning of everything and also the end, the goal toward which you walk.

The old human took hold of the truth and built upon the essence a life of illusions; it created something that did not exist and hid the Divine Thought with human thought.

Humanity, children, is a race of likeness to the Father in many aspects unknown to humankind. One of these is the capacity to create through thought, feeling and the heart, a capacity that once had only been granted to the angels. But like a great universal paradox, this likeness to God has distanced humanity from the Creator because, instead of learning with love, they created, with thought, a false human being, and a false evolution, which led them more toward the abyss than toward Heaven.

Influenced by the illusion of the time in which they lived, human beings moved further and further away from the Whole and entered into themselves. They gradually lost the ability to be in everything—which the likeness to God offered them—and they lost consciousness of unity, strengthening individuality, as human law.

Children, how can a being, created to live unity, compete with their fellow beings, create traps for the evolution of their neighbors, or want to be better or worse than the others?

The answer to these questions lies not only in the very duality of this world but also in all the illusion in which humanity has placed itself, as consciousness.

I recognize, children, that after so many evolutionary cycles as a race, the illusion is stronger than the truth; it is easier to remain in that which is old than to tear it out of yourselves so that the original may emerge. However, it is necessary that everyone be aware of what they are experiencing and of the inner battle - individual and human - that you must experience in these times in order to return to your origins, to the Original Plan of God.

When you pray from the heart and allow yourselves to live spiritual virtues, such as humility, fraternity, compassion and forgiveness, you are living from the truth, from the original human or the new human and, gradually, you will be able to remove the reign of that which is old without it causing you great destabilization or suffering. 

The experience of truth, in a harmonious way, simply depends on the surrender of each being.

Everything I tell you today is so that you may be inspired to seek the truth within yourselves, and not remain in that which is old, in the illusory.

May My words lead you to seek within yourselves this similarity with the Divine, which became hidden by the layers of illusion and is ignored by the great majority of human beings.

Now, children, it is time to be Human, without being human, and to discover the truth about yourselves.

The keys to all the doors that take you to the Path of Light are held in prayer and in the practice of virtue.

I love you and I leave you My peace.

In the same way that I was able to discover the truth and the similarity to God, may all those who hear Me be able to do so. Strive and persevere.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

One who lives for God and lovingly works for Him forgets about any kind of results and deeply loves the unknown, without knowing if someday they will receive an answer.

For this reason, true missionaries are very few at this time. But the soul that is encouraged to cross the threshold toward the fulfillment of the Will of the Father, will receive everything they need to accomplish their task.

When the consciousness takes some time to respond or delays doing so because of the ordinary matters of life, the Grace of God receives the inner call of that soul that cannot act freely. At that moment, children, between the soul and the universe a late response is generated, and the universe itself will have to wait for a new cycle to be able to send the message or the instructions in some way to that consciousness.

On the other hand, when the soul, blindly and without preconceptions or ideas, spiritually adheres to the Will of God without anything stopping it, the whole universe that surrounds that soul becomes dynamic and invincible, because there is a perfect relationship between that soul and the continuous flow of the universe.

In this time, to respond to the Will of God, for humanity, means to have no limitations nor impose anything, because this is the time of the test of faith and of absolute trust that everything that must be accomplished is within the life and the heart of each human being.

In this definitive time, through their actions, souls will define all things, even their own spiritual destiny.

With the infinite universe of duality being present, souls must choose which path to follow and which experience to have without feeling tied to anything. Everything that happens afterward will be the result of a true choice. For this reason, the call of the universe descends so that the eyes of the soul may be open and not lose the awareness and the opportunity to serve and transform.

As your Messengers, We know that each soul is in a different school. The universe expects everyone to someday become awake and accomplish the mission that My Son has entrusted to you in the end of times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who is in prayer for all,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
