Dear children,
When the Father decides to accomplish His Will, the universe responds, and that Supreme Will is fulfilled, above all things.
For this reason, you must trust that, if it is the Will of God that good be done, it will be done, and nothing will be able to oppose it.
My children, feel in your hearts how the sacred Principles of the Father manifest in creatures by means of the Will of God, and these Principles are expressed through the love that emerges from your hearts and lives.
The Will of God is undeniable and He presents it through the Angels of God, who accomplish His Designs.
I encourage you to cling to the Will of the Creator, because, in this way, nothing within you or outside of you will be able to hurt you.
Encourage yourselves to be like the Angels of Heaven; encourage yourselves to be in likeness to Me and live the Will of God in this time, just as I lived it while facing the Archangel Gabriel.
I bless you, on this day, and I thank all of you who collaborated and made My Pilgrimage for Peace possible in Argentina and Chile, once again. Special thanks were placed within the hearts that opened on this blessed Pilgrimage.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The University of Higher Love
Dear children:
Today I come to you with thematernal intention ofyour souls attending, in these times, the University of Higher Love.
A School and College that will place you in the precise moment and in the true need that must be provided by all serving souls.
The University of Love is a spiritual place within the Celestial Universe, where the angels, the blessed, and souls that haveascended to the Heavens through merits, learn to develop within themselves the Gifts of God, mainlythe Gift of Love.
Without this Gift of Love in the life of the beings of the surface and in the souls of Heaven, it is ultimately not possible to enter the Christic School.
The University of Higher Love offers the opportunity of givingoneself to the Plan of God and to fulfill it by the means of actions of charity, of service, and of the permanent giving of self.
If these three foundationsare not learnedby the students, it is not possible to acquire a spirit of greater knowledge of the essential life, a profound discernment at the moment of makingdecisions, and a consciousness of wisdom during all phases of life.
The University of Higher Love exists in order to be able to dispel from the unconscious and subconscious world what we believe of ourselves, or of how important our presence within the Plan would be.
It is true, God loves us, but He needs that in this life, as in the Higher Universes, we live a principle of humility and of surrender that until now humanity has not achieved.
The University of Love exists in order that we may know, from the beginning, that we must continuetransforming and transcending our spirits and consciousness, so that someday, in the evolutionary chain, we maybe true representatives of the Plan of God in some part of the Universe.
The presence of this University of the Love of God also reminds us that we must not rest or settle ourselves in what we feel, think, or do within the practical or spiritual task that we may be carrying out, nor believe that we ourselves offer everything that is enough or too much in our understanding.
The Christic School comes after the University of Higher Love. While we are incarnated onthis planet, we will begetting in touch with afirst basic part of the extensionof the University of Higher Love on this surface; this means, My children, that there isstill much to go through and to learn, that the static or sedentary life is not the purpose that Christ seeks for the Christs of the New Time.
The Project of the Master for this surface is very broadand still unknown tohumanity.
All the plans of service, of charity, or of consecration that are experienced on this planet and in these times are elementary, very elementary, for souls.
That is why the true attitude of the server, of the collaborator, or of the consecrated to Christ, must be the response of service and an extremely unconditional surrender, without rules, conditions, or clauses onthe part of the consciousness. That will show that the being is in the University of Higher Love and has understood which is the true area of work for the Spiritual Hierarchy.
When incarnated souls pretend to be distracted, omitting or not accepting to take onany mission or task that the Universe presents for their lives, they will beresponding that they havenot accepted entering the University of Higher Love.
Thus, it is important to know that no onecan hide from God, nor lie to themselvesin these times. The greaterresponsibilities, as well as the lesser ones, will be the keynoteof this period. Responsibilities that will grant anexpansion of the consciousness, according to the conscious acceptance or rejection of each being to Divine Will; middle paths will no longer exist so that we can hesitate or make our mission into a petty one.
The Universe calls on you to define, in this time and under these circumstances, which School you will choose to experience: that of the planet, which is lagging, slow, and heavy, or that of the Universe, which is dynamic, infinite, and constant.
The decision is inyour hands.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses and makes you aware,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
O soul who aspires to be consecrated more and more to the Celestial Plans, allow yourself to be carried away by impulses rather than by impulsiveness!
Recognize the difference between the powerful currents that come from the cosmos and invite you to take a concrete and precise step, and the unbridled currents of the mind and the emotions, that will carry you into seeking a path that is not for your feet. Meditate with the heart and do not reflect on this.
I do not pronounce these words to confuse you in your decisions, because in truth, you are now mature enough to perceive the difference between impulse and impulsiveness. I simply tell you this so that you be attentive and never lose your readiness to move forward, but that your impetus to walk will lead you to the right goal that God has thought of for you.
This is no longer the time to launch yourself into uncertain paths by not meditating and not feeling the direction to go in. Ask yourself before taking your steps and do not respond with the mind what it is for the heart to decide.
Persevere in the goal that God has for you and do not resist following His Will. If you rejoice in the Will of God, your life may be full of inner joy. And even though you may experience some difficulty, nothing will take away from you the joy of living that which was intended for you.
The One who alerts you to take precise steps in these times of definition.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
The Laws of the universe define all of planetary life, as well as the events foreseen for these times.
The life of permanent prayer could change those events and thus, souls would not have to suffer. But the response should be much greater in the face of all that is happening in this time.
Concordance with and adherence to the Plan will be fundamental for creatures; it will be in this way that souls will respond to the call and will not be able to say they did not know.
The opportunity for change and forgiveness will be granted to everyone, in the hope that hearts respond to the Greater Call.
We are at a critical moment for humanity, in which indifference, pride and false ownership conquer the minds of humankind through the actions of My adversary. It is in this way that consciousnesses are hypnotized, even though they live a spiritual life; their own ego draws them away from the true path that was thought of by the universe, and which it was proposed they travel.
When that path is not lived, the consciousness is in its own illusion and makes no effort to leave that human condition, even when knowing that this causes it to miss the opportunities provided to it by the universe.
In this hour, dear children, everything is at stake, and the consciousnesses most committed to the Plan, as well as those not so committed, are at the doorway of a great inner definition which will depend only on each one, without anyone's influence. For this reason, children, the moment has come for observing everything with more awareness and earnestness; this will place you on the correct path and you will be able to make the correct decision.
The time has come to give all for the Plan, because the tools are now in your hands so that you may work. It would be better if you asked yourselves how to use the knowledge received before applying it according to your own will. Those who have the tools in their hands and do not make them available to be used will find it more difficult to give of themselves and truly live the Plan.
Everything begins with the decision and with the awareness held about the true need of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who wakes you up to the Greater Consciousness,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Enter the precinct of your heart to understand that, in these times, the first law is love; love above all imperfections, defects, disagreements, prides and vanities.
The only tool that will be able to protect you from evil, child of Mine, is love; love to the neighbor, love to the Kingdoms of Nature, love to the Plan of God.
If you do not open your heart to learn loving things as they are – and thus, lead them to be transformed into what they truly must be –, you will submerge in the misunderstanding, in arrogance and in the permanent competition. You have before you two outstretched hands so that you choose a path to follow. There are no other options: one is the hand of God and the other, the hand of chaos.
Many have already chosen the hand of chaos and today they are found in the midst of a dark battle without rules; but you, child, have before you the conscious option of transcending the darkness of your interior through the triumph of love in your heart. That is why I call you to ask for forgiveness, to overcome your pride and to discover the grace of being humble and fulfill the designs of the Creator.
I ask you to reconcile yourself with the neighbor, in offer to the Middle East1, but also with your own heart, which in its immaturity and ignorance, has not learned how to love.
I ask you these things, Child of Mine, because you no longer have so much time to plant seeds in the flowerbed of your existence and of the human life as a whole. Soon the time will come in which you will only harvest what you have sown, and you will eat from the fruits of the trees that have grown in your garden.
When I tell you to ask for forgiveness and register what you have done, it is in order for you to deepen yourself into your exercise of humility and reveal to everyone your imperfections, so that thus, you give an example to humanity of how simple it is to take a step towards love.
Today I tell you, child, that I will not ask you only that. I will also ask you not to only make an act of forgiveness, if every day you live far away from fraternity. This act of forgiveness of yours must be permanent, constant and eternal, because the closer the Armageddon gets to the planet, the more you will have to forgive what happens in and outside of you.
That is why I need that you keep on forgiving, that you keep on giving examples of love and forgiveness to humanity, so that these examples may reach all those of your brothers and sisters who need an inspiration to take their steps. But do not only be an example recorded on a video in the social networks: be yourself, child of Mine, a daily, permanent example, who let yourself be humbled by yourself and ask for forgiveness each time that your heart is separated from the God that inhabits in your brothers and sisters.
Do not be afraid of doing what I ask you, because – when the time passes by, and you may no longer be able do it – it will not be enough to regret for not having done it.
I leave, in your heart, My blessing and My impulse so that you move forward.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
1 Saint Joseph refers to the Campaign “Sowing Love in Humanity”.
Like a Queen, your Mother is crowned by the prayers and the pleas of all Her children of the world. This makes the deep pain of the Most Holy Mother disappear little by little, because the pain of the world is shared with the consistent apostles of Christ.
It is for this purpose, dear children, that today I come to meet with you to call you to a time of conscience and inner maturity. It will be in this way that your souls, united with Christ, will be able to respond to the Will of God, when that Will makes Itself known in your hearts.
Thus, children, in times of preparation, but also in the acute moments for humanity, may your path be to respond through Christ to the Designs of the Celestial Father. That will require that your consciousnesses respond to situations that were not planned for in your daily life.
Little by little, you are being led into living the same principles that the Family of Nazareth lived, to thus accomplish the infinite Purpose of the Eternal Father, which is to save the whole of humanity.
Follow the light that leads you into finding that sacred Purpose and do not close your hearts to what you must learn in honor of My Immaculate Heart.
The freedom of the East, and especially of the poor families in subjection, will depend on your response and the response of all My children in the world.
Your decision is unique in these times, because from the beginning, humanity is unique, and what one does has repercussions on the rest, be it evolutionary or contrary to evolution.
My Heart, wounded by an ungrateful humankind that does not know the Love of God, is being offered to all as the sublime refuge for the immigrants of the world.
My arms are stretched out to the planet and My hands draw close to all to cry out for pity, peace and conscience.
Dear children, like the Ark of the Holy Covenant, I pour out what is purest in My Heart so that, in this time of purification, you may avail yourselves of My maternal and universal Principles, Principles that come from Heaven.
I thank you for continuing to calm My Heart, a Heart that suffers for that which Her children of the world suffer.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The path of total consecration to God is what your Heavenly Mother aspires for you all.
According to this aspiration and in these times, many souls will go through the test that will confirm the chosen path, and I will be there to help you to make the right internal decision without feeling guilty, but only the love of God.
Children, the saint of the last days will be present to help you on the culminating time of the transition of the Earth when the red moon defines the awakening of a new cycle, liberating from the sin and from the errors.
For this reason the challenges and the tests will be the tone that will mark the beginning of this new cycle, free from sorrow and from human suffering. That is why on this day I bring you the divine consciousness of the universal consecration, a mission that will be for many of My children, the ones that will push the heavy boat of this world so that you may definitely navigate in the sea of Grace and Mercy.
Your structures will move and all the dark control will stop governing so that once and for all everyone may be in Jesus, and Jesus may be forever in you.
Children, grant permission so that My Son governs your lives; in that way no other governor or aspect of your own non-purified lives will be able have determination in the spiritual lives of your souls.
For this, be meek and let My Son conquer you little by little so that He, in His Infinite Glory, may have the instruments to developed the last part of the Plan of God.
Look at your sins as instruction and opportunity for transformation and interior change; in that way when My Son has taken over the kingdom of your lives all the receptive souls will be sanctified.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who leads you to love the consecration,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I Am the Light that exists in places and worlds where there is no Light. I Am the Morning Star of the universe that dispels the gloom.
I Am the One Who brings with Him the essence of Life and Truth, and I hope that all of Mine will one day become that very Light, which defeats evil and awakens the Mercy of God in the world.
While the time of the universe announces new profound changes, We the Divine Messengers are preparing to gather Our Hearts in the Great Heart of God.
But in essence and in pure spirit, We will be with humanity until the end, waiting for the designated moment to help in the redemption of the last souls on the face of the Earth.
While that moment has yet to take place, make good spiritual decisions in your lives, in this way, you will be truly ready and sincere to face the Plans of God, because then, His Higher Source will be able to trust in you until the end.
Your hearts hold the potential for experiencing an unlimited transformation, capable of transcending inner and outer barriers and difficulties.
Through these last times, I have given you the possibility of knowing the path of love and forgiveness, something that must be practiced when the moment of the tribulation emerges throughout all humanity.
Everybody, in due time, will be witnesses to My Presence and My return to the heart of the simplest and the greatest sinners. At that time, you will be the testimony for many, for a great opportunity of pity and Mercy.
But all of this cannot be left behind, forgotten, when the time of giving your own life out of love approaches.
At that moment, I will be by your side to encourage you, in absolute trust, to take the great step for the salvation of this lost world.
Your support will be My hope, your joy will be the power of My consolation, your fortitude will be the gift of My faith, your immediate step will be to die for Me and for your brothers and sisters.
When this time comes for everybody, each being will be able to understand and clearly know how much they have worked by My side, and how much they have, without fear, given to Me, so that I could transform their being.
The times are indicating a different moment.
Your attention and silence can be the precise keys for understanding the final signs that the universe will send.
May your thirst to experience Me never end.
Let the renewing love that I offer you at each meeting be the definitive mark that will remain engraved forever so that in the great moment of My return I am able to recognize you as My apostles rather than My executioners.
Love the Law of God, even though you do not understand it; this will protect you from yourselves.
My Rays are poured out upon the just.
In the Peace of the New Time
Jesus Christ, Solar King
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
During the Vigil of Prayer of December 24, 2014, at the Marian Center of Aurora, Our Lady announced that the new cycle of monthly Messages of Christ Jesus will be carried out through a program on the third Friday of each month; it will be called "The Sacred Call".
Today, during the last weekly Message of Christ, the Master again announced that, in the coming cycle of His monthly Messages, the program will be called "The Sacred Call."
Call at the door of My Heart and tell Me what you need.
Enter into My Spirit and surrender yourself in trust in the arms of My Love.
Find in My Heart the Sublime Flame that will illuminate your path. Persist without allowing yourself to be subjected to inner judgment.
Surrender all of the days what you are and I will be able to tell you what it is that I want from you.
Walk by My side taking to yourself My wise Hand, that which will indicate to you the path.
Live only in Me. Seek the answer only through Me.
I want that you be the light manifested for the path.
The peace for each heart in need.
In My Kingdom there is a place for you and in this place you will be able to feel safe because you will be within My Heart.
Submerge yourself in the river of My Love, I expect that you will do this every day.
I will wait for your perfect decision. I wait for you.
Under the Grace of God, be blessed.
Thank you for living in My Heart!
Christ Jesus
Discover under My mantle the mysteries that the Universe guards so that when the hour comes, the Lord may reveal to you even more secrets that are guarded in the Infinite.
Come, My son, come, My daughter and awaken your souls through the Love that today God offers you. It is time to open the heart for the immaterial existence and to be able to live on Earth the infinite possibilities that you guard as a perfect creation of God.
My dears, permit that today an infinite source of love may flow from your little hearts; a love that each one will find within themselves, a love that has been deposited by God in the origin of His creation, and that today the hour has come for it to see to light, to go in aid of those who have not opened their eyes, and of those who do not seek God.
My beloveds, I come in this last time to invite all of humanity to a new awakening, an awakening for a divine and universal life. And for this it is necessary that the bravery of your spirits be manifested in your lives, and that your souls make the decision of abandoning definitively the illusions of the world, to hold themselves eternally to the divine Graces and to Their infinite Glory.
These are times to make Peace to be born in the hearts, times to dissolve the conflicts that impede you from maturing the consciousness, times to permit that the spirit imels you to a new stage of growth.
My beloveds, it is with deep joy that today I descend from the Heavens to come to the encounter of My little children, and in this encounter, invite you to answer to a divine Call of prayer, of conversion and of surrender.
Do not fear to approach to My Heart, as there is no pleasure in the world that may overcome the Grace that I deposit in your hearts. And I say to you that when you truly know the Peace and the Love that I bring to you, you will never find in the world something similar to this divine source.
My little children, it is the moment to walk towards the Heart of God and to be willing to make an offer for all humanity, because your souls and your spirits have brought you today to the encounter of My presence, but there are still in the world many who deny to open themselves to this Call and who lose themselves amidst sufferings, surrendering the soul in the hands of the enemy and not in the hands of God.
I need soldiers in profound and tireless prayer, soldiers of a peacemaking army that dissolve, through the word, the conflicts of the world.
Purify today, in My presence, the conflicts of your inner world, so that through My maternal Love I may clean your souls and your hearts, preparing you in this way for a new mission of Peace on Earth.
Go forward, My beloved companions!
I thank you for being with Me in prayer.
Your Mother, Mary, Queen of Peace
My Light will always liberate the world from sin but it will be necessary that day and night you remember Me, that you guard Me in your hearts and in your memories. It will only be through the constant Eucharistic union with Me that your souls will celebrate to be within the Temple of My Heart.
Those who condemn themselves day by day through the actions of life are still deeply subjected to sins. Pray for your familiars by means of the merciful prayer and permit that the Light of My Kingdom approach to each one of them.
I leave to you the commitment of making to decide for yourself if you want to be with Me in the face of any circumstance, or only when your little will may decide. In this time of definitions I will separate the wheat from the straw and this will not be done with My Blessed Hands, but it will be done by the souls that in this time are placing themselves on one side or the other side of the bridge.
Now the laws circulate on the Earth to realign the spaces that need much harmony. Only dedicate your time to be with Me including before “the great responsibilities,” as you call them, because only in Me can you take the steps towards redemption.
Today I define you, today I gather you in My Operative Mission for the Great Plan.
Under the Love of God be blessed.
Thank you for meditating on My teachings with the heart.
Christ Jesus, Your Lord.
Always remember the infinite power of My Word, thus, through it you will feed your little spirit so that in the definitive hour nothing within you will be able to surprise you.
Remember the power of My Creator Word and submerge your soul into the powerful ocean of My Words so that your being may awaken invincible love by My Celestial Presence.
Be firm and decided so that you may be able to be ready to fulfill My Will, as difficult as It may seem to you, because the true soul unites without delay to the designs of the Creator. Permit that the bandage that conceals your beautiful eyes may fall on time so that everyday and forever you may be reborn in the greatness of My Merciful Heart.
May you now be an example of redemption, may you now be an example of My Mercy for the world. May no apostle become too tired to talk to Me, may you be able to elevate the loving power of your prayer so that the Heavens may be opened and, in consequence may be able to help you on this path of transformation.
It is time to carry on firmly. It is time to accept the renunciation that I propose to you for those that do not renounce, not even to the material life. I wait for you in prayer and in the hope that someday you may reach My Eternal Light, for the centuries of the centuries, until paradise.
Under the Glory of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for persevering through the Love of My Heart!
Christ Jesus
I come to your encounter every day to remove from your consciousnesses and hearts all of the sins that offend the Great Kingdom of God. It is by means of My Mercy and of your absolute trust that I will be able to redeem you and to forgive you.
Live in this time the path of pacification, of surrender, of renunciation of your own selves. In this way, through this spiritual exercise you will help to awaken from sleep those who live without God and who believe that it all is fine.
For this I Am calling My Flocks: to ask them to live the path of transformation and of consecration to My Most Pure Heart. Through your daily consecration, constant and devoted, you will allow that, by means of yourselves, will be lost the burdens on the path that are like stones for the spiritual life.
In spite of all I need you strong and determined to live the transformation towards the perfect model that your consciousness are building through the passing of the years.
For this My purpose will be to show to some the path and the model of holiness, the path of abnegated service to others and the path of merciful prayer for the majority of My flocks. I am here to tell you that today you are forgiven by My Most Sacred and Blessed Heart.
Under the Divine Grace of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living in My Sacred Heart all of the days!
Christ Jesus, Your Father and Protector Master.
Go in Peace and in Communion with Me.
Never forget that I Am the Lord of Pity and that I always remain by your side to assist your consciousnesses along the path.
Those who meet with Me will never regret it. Those who unite themselves with Me will be saved. This will be the Law of Love for those who fervently encourage themselves to follow Me without concern for anything else.
For this, today I will tell you the story of one of My Disciples.
Once upon a time, in a city not very distant from here, there was a server who was still asleep to the spiritual path. She was awakened overnight because I came to visit her heart.
Her life was given to the world and I asked her to surrender her existence to Me. Then, when I announced Myself, I told her, as I told My Apostles: “Take all that you are and follow Me, without looking back, and trust in Me”.
Her life changed because her poor and lonely heart was invaded by My Confident Love. From that day on, she surrendered all for all, including the previous life that she had formed, for living only the unbreakable experience of My Divine Love.
It was this Love of Mine that gave her wisdom to take steps into the emptiness that I was marking for her. It was the Love of My Heart that guided her in spite of the blindfold, and it was this that led her to find the path that from my Spirit I so much wished for her. It was Love and Pity that redeemed her and she abandoned herself entirely into My Arms, and she was upon My Lap without any fear within.
But the greatest moment of her life was to cross the unknown threshold, in order to live My Eternal Will. When it happened the doors were opened and the world stopped being her spouse so that I could convert Myself into Her Eternal Faithful.
From then on, the Kingdom and the Universe spoke to her and formed her as a part of My Heart, and thus My Consciousness entrusted several flocks to her eternal guidance and instruction.
After all this, the Lord gave everything to her because of the trust that she had radiated to Me since the beginning and, in this way, under her maternal mantle, new sheep that entered into My Discipleship and Apostolate were born.
For this, today I want to demonstrate to you the power of My Pity and of My Trust, trust that comes from the manifested Universe.
Why do I pass this story on to you?
So that you may believe, from now on, that My Project upon you has a beginning and an end, and that those who allow themselves be guided by Me will not suffer, but they will receive the breath of the Thought of God, so He can make the decisions, even in the most simple things.
This is My Divine Example, that of a disciple who only would say to Me: “yes, Master, I want to be in You”.
For this, your hearts are potential doors of light so that other hearts and other souls may enter into My Universe, into My True Universe of Superior Love.
Under the Light and the Forgiveness of God, be blessed.
Thank you for experiencing My words from the heart!
Christ Jesus of the Divine Pity
I Am the Renewing Blood that enters into the heart of all of beings to give them eternal life. I Am the Water that peacefully purifies each interior and, thus, ignites the Codes of Light that will liberate Mine from sin.
For this reason, the Eucharist is the symbol and the faithful covenant that I have left for you so that you would unite to Me. The one who stops communing with Me in the Eucharist acts as if he or she were leaving Me aside. There is nothing more important than your union with Me.
My Work will not be able to be constructed in lives that resemble great places built of sand. My bases must be founded upon the pillar of prayer, the pillar of communion, the pillar of confession and the pillar of service. In this way an orderly and aligned temple will be raised with My Christic Laws.
As long as the wineskin holds with mistrust your relics of yesterday, My New Wine will be waiting in Heaven to be poured only into the redeemed wineskins.
It is time to decide in which place you will want to be. The stable and the barn are already open because the farmer from Heaven will be arriving to separate the old straw from the good and mature wheat.
All the decision will be in your hands and prayer will help you to take the great leap towards My Sacred Heart.
Under the Good of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living My words with love.
Christ Jesus
Dear brothers and sisters and children of My Father:
When your prayers are sincere and loving they are heard with love from the Thrones that are in the Heavens, and God your Beloved Father pours the universe of His Infinite Mercy.
When prayer is sustained with strength the purpose it generates a redoubling of the powers of its Grace and it first touches the hearts that are fallen. In this way, My Merciful Heart also acts to save the souls that are lost or the souls that suffer in the fire of hell.
But if prayer is permanent, without becoming monotonous, the result that it will generate with the passing of the days will be stronger and evident to those who pray with the heart, because the realities that make the world succumb will be closed and peace will be established.
During these preparatory days for the Marathon of the Divine Mercy My Heart has felt the Graces that the disciples have attracted to themselves in collaboration with the rescue of this world. In these times prayer communicates Heaven with the Earth, it communicates the souls with God and consequently it communicates them with the Sacred Hearts.
The soul that dedicates spaces in its life for prayer will be transformed little by little. It will be like a bowl between My Hands that will be polished and molded in a new shape unknown to the world. It will be a permeable spirit that will receive the impulses of My Love to achieve conversion and redemption.
But on My Table there are few bowls, the majority of them are allowing to be deposited within themselves elements that do not belong to My Universal Source. For this has arrived the hour of deciding if the heart wants to be with Me in Heaven or if it wants to keep for itself the old codes.
My Mercy expects to be able to act at the end of these times as a mediator and a redeemer of all of the causes that impede the awakening of the spiritual life. It is time to confirm the election of the path and this decision also comes for those who have surrendered themselves to Me in the consecrated life. The true soul waits for its great step towards the infinite.
Under the Redemption and the Power of God, be blessed.
Thank you for living My messages with the Heart!
Christ Jesus.
May no one get tired of seeking Me. May for this time My Soldier of light keep ignited the light of his or her essence.
May, united to My Mercy, you take the necessary steps to live in the redemption that I will give you.
May all of My ones be able to take the thirst away from Me through the merciful love of their prayers because in this way I will guide you towards the beginning so that afterwards you may encounter the end of every mission that I entrust to you.
It is necessary to be decided to be with Me. My Heart blossoms with joy and love when a soul decides to follow Me and to imitate in peace My Path of the Cross. If you assume the cross that I give to you, you will be able to liberate your cross, the old cross that you hold from the past and that makes difficult to you to carry the cross of redemption for humanity.
Guide your hearts towards Mine because thus My Light will illuminate you, it will liberate you from stains and you will be crystalline hearts that will serve all for love of God.
Time merits a fast maturing because the armies of Christ must be ready for the coming of the Son of God with flags of peace held High and the heart open to shelter those who have fallen and those who have believed to be in Me but that in truth have been in themselves for self-love. May compassion be endless in you for this moment.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for following My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus.
Dear children,
Today allow My Voice to resound within each one of your hearts, so that My return to this blessed House may be of profound Glory on Earth, as it is in Heaven.
My children, My Heart deeply rejoices for being able to again be close to your hearts. From the Heavens, the Lord observes the steps that you take day after day and accompanies you on this trajectory of growth.
Beloved children of Figueira, for this important day of worldwide decisions, I ask that you pray, pray a lot, with the fervor of the heart and the will of the soul, for in this way, through a sincere prayer, the Lord will be able to speak in the heart of His children, those who support the Church of Christ and have need of great inspiration to make the correct decisions, according to the Will of God.
This is a time, My children, when you must pray so that the Voice of God may be heard in all hearts, of all nations, races and religions, so that all the paths chosen by humankind may be truly guided by one only God.
The Lord emits His Voice, touching all hearts so they may awaken at this moment and experience the true conversion of life.
For this reason, I come, My children, as an echo of the Divine Verb. I come so that the Will of God may manifest in your lives and in the lives of all creatures.
Therefore, pray for each other. Always have your neighbor in your hearts, without fear surpassing judgments and all the differences that exist between beings.
Pray so that the paths created by humankind may be converted into paths guided by God, so that His children may find the entrance to Heaven.
Pray so that the discernment of the Holy Spirit may permeate the consciousnesses of all humankind. For in this way, humankind and God will always have the same Will, as it was with My Son Jesus.
Listen to My Heart that prays, to My Voice that rises, and pray with Me.
I wait for you in prayer and peace.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
My dears:
I waited to gather you in My Name, so that in your essences may be revealed the power of My Unity and of My Reconciliation. Rejoice because today you are blessed by My Holy Spirit of Redemption.
My companions:
Carry in your hearts the banner of My Absolute Peace, Peace which will illuminate you and allow you to find the consolation that you so much seek. In My Unfathomable Source of Mercy will be revealed your true task because as Shepherd of Love I am returning to gather all My Flocks so that they may remember the commitment with My Sacred Heart.
I come to search for those hearts that have still not decided to follow My Path. My Light comes to awaken in them the gift of wisdom of the Holy Spirit of the Father so that soon you may recognize what it is that God wants for each of you.
The celestial universes today respond to this encounter in a special way because My Feet are leaving an inner footprint which will never be erased from your memories. This is the footprint of My Love for you.
Now raise up your eyes towards My eyes and just say to Me:
Prayer and spiritual petition to Jesus Christ
I trust in You, in Your Heart,
in Your Instruction, in Your Will.
help me to be strong and invincible
before the traps of the enemy.
teach me to walk in faith
and in absolute trust in Your Redemptive Purpose.
I surrender to Your Blessed Savior Heart
so that, under Your Celestial Grace,
my soul and all souls that still do not
define themselves for Your only and true path
may together find consolation for our spirits,
fervor to live in Your devotion,
forgiveness to dissolve the past
and Divine Mercy to walk valiantly
towards the advent of
Your Glorious Kingdom of Love and Peace.
Hail, King!
Inexhaustible source of Graces and Pity!
Deliver me completely into the arms
of Your Supreme Creator Father.
If you recite this spiritual petition every day you will be relieved of any disturbance and you will find the Grace of My Eternal Savior Light. Trust for one more time in My Heart.
Under the Light of the Father be blessed for all eternity.
I wait for you in prayer,
Christ Jesus.
As the Mother of the Christians and of the non-Christians (*), in name of the Light of My Son, I try day by day to remove many souls from the immense inner desert in which they live, for lack of faith and love in the heart.
In these times, dear children, may your hearts be active precursors of My call for peace and for the salvation of the creatures.
Dear children, as the Mother and Door of Heaven, today I ask you to search for God within your inner beings, for the Love of the Father, for the Immaculate Spirit of Peace, because this Spirit will allow you to grow and It will strengthen you for the decisions in life, in the mind and in the spirit of each one.
Today I am calling you to prepare with consciousness your dwellings so that in a short time Jesus, the King of the Universe, the Master of masters, may find rest in pure and crystalline dwellings where His Absolute and Unfathomable Mercy may be poured.
Dear children, the world is going through great tests in the faith and in the life of many hearts. For this reason I ask you to place the millions of children that I have under My protection in the true exercise of your prayers so that they enter into the definitive Law of Forgiveness and Mercy.
As I have told you, dear children, this is a last cycle for the confirmation of the hearts before the Plans of God. Humanity can live in the new Plan of God, a Plan that will lead you to remain in the true state of peace and reconciliation.
My children, it is very important to keep the fire of the prayer of the heart ignited, prayer that unites you to the Sacred Divine Spirit of My Son. But for this to happen, dear children, your lips must only pronounce words of love and peace, words that may spring from the heart, words that may relieve the great suffering that many solitary souls are living.
Dear children, today again I supplicate you and I speak to you with immense Love from My Immaculate Heart, because as you all know, these are already the last announcements that God sends Me to transmit to all hearts.
Before the new time that will come, My children, may your hearts, your thoughts and your feelings be merciful so that God may reign within you, so that the Love of My Son may reign forever.
Keep gratitude in you so that it radiates humility and Mercy.
Thank you for responding to My call.
I thank you!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
(*) Tr: “Mother of Christians and non-Christians” refers to and expands upon the meaning of the well-known title of the Virgin which in English has been called “Mary, Help of Christians.”
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more