Dear children,

In order to prepare your spirits for the Armageddon which approaches the planetary consciousness, you must begin to seriously assume your own commitment to the Plan of God, showing this adhesion in the little things of your daily life.

My opponent will no longer seek you in the great difficulties because he recognizes that the power of prayer allows you to be in an inner state of vigilance in which the great attacks can be perceived. However, will be the most insignificant breaches that will break the structures which seemed to be so consolidated in consciousness.

Children, many are absolutely sure that they will remain strong and faithful until the end of this battle and they believe they are ready to endure the clashes that will come. What they are unaware of, in their spiritual immaturity, is that they will deal with situations and confrontations that are unusual even for universal life.

The planetary Armageddon now involves all of Creation of God, even beyond this universe, because everyone expects to watch the triumph of love and unity on this planet which has been transformed into a dark spot in Divine Creation.

With this I want to tell you that for God to triumph in your consciousness He must triumph little by little in each small space of your beings. The triumph of God in the human heart is something that each creature must offer the Creator by their own merit, because the Lord will not be able to triumph in a heart that does not open itself to live the absolute transformation and unity with Him.

My opponent knows well the shortcomings of humanity and, having himself created the capital forces that circulate the Earth, he knows well how they infiltrate the human consciousness and about the difficulties that everyone has to overcome them, since they have been gaining ground for eons of existence and today they dominate great part of humanity.

But this same opponent has once been by God’s side, and even if he no longer feels inside himself the potency of the Love of the Creator, he knows well that there is nothing more powerful in all of Creation than this Divine Love. That is why his reign trembles before a heart that surrenders itself to God and that launches itself without fear to the discovery of the prayer that unites it, without intermediaries, to the most potent Love of the Highest.

However, children, few are the ones who allow themselves to be taken by the Love of God and that really take a risk of being burned by the Fire of His Holy Spirit because the Love of God removes all darkness from the interior of beings, it overthrows all structures of evil built in the consciousness and often leaves the being in a state of absolute emptiness and non-recognition of the self, since everyone is so used to living under the yoke of the capital energies.

The Love of God is available to every creature: Its Divine Fire aspires to ignite the hearts. However, in order to receive this Grace it is not enough to ask for it with words. You must clamor for it with the heart and generate merits to receive it through your actions and daily effort.

In the experience of fraternity, charity, obedience, humility, meekness and peace are the keys to unite yourselves to God. In the permanent effort to transcend the dark inner tendencies, the Divine Fire descends to your aid and It deposes the reign of mundane forces in the beings’ consciousnesses.

No longer waste time, children, because My opponent not only trembles, he also acts untiringly, in despair for his imminent defeat. Because of this, be tireless also in the experience of love and unity. Be tireless in the understanding of your neighbor, in the donation of yourself, in the service to the Kingdoms of Nature, in the transcendence of you own pride, of arrogance and vanity. Soon the Supreme God will triumph in your own interior.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Fraternity, Unity with God, Faith and Hope are attributes that must always reign in the human heart.

Based on the principle of the Unity with God, which has never ceased to be Unique in the diversity of the manifestation of His Consciousness, experience, you as well, the unity among yourselves as one body belonging to the Divine Consciousness.

The Creator multiplied Himself and expanded in different forms of life, expression, manifestation so that His Perfection would become life and matter, so that the Love He expresses in His Divine Spirit could become flesh, mind, feeling, soul, spirit, vibration, sound, so there would be no limit in the manifestation of His Love.

God permeates everything that was created and gives all creatures the opportunity of being in likeness to Him. Aware of the Principles of the Creator, you must imitate Him. May love be multiplied in your hearts, may it be expressed in different ways, with words, prayers, silence, actions, with inner, spiritual, or physic communion, at the time of receiving the Eucharist.

As a group, may you express yourselves as the Consciousness of God: in many ways of life, many ways of serving, infinite possibilities of loving, but all this without ever losing the unity.

Although the existing creatures are so different from each other, this does not remove from any of them the essence that unites them in the divine likeness to the Creator Father.

I tell you all these things because it is time for unity, reconciliation, fraternity as bridges for love.

The different missions that are being carried out today show the path that each one must tread in their daily lives: overcome the differences between races, cultures, languages, nations, religions, to experience, as humanity, the Unity with God.

May you be aware that the time will come to unite your consciousnesses in one purpose: bring peace and reconciliation to Earth.

The suffering of the human heart helps to overcome the barriers of loving, and the need to find peace unites you.

Both in the Middle East and in Chaco, you will understand what the material, mental and physical purification causes in human consciousness. You must be before these extreme situations not only to help but also to learn. So, with this learning in your consciousnesses, you must ask yourselves if it is really necessary to go through similar purifications to learn to experience love, to seek unity with your neighbor, to transcend differences and walk towards the implementation of the Plans of God as one race.

Pain makes you look for love, but the possibility to love exists within your hearts, latent as a natural condition of the human being. You must only step out of yourselves and surrender to the search of this true Christic Love; love that unites the universes, love that unlocks evolution, love that makes you in likeness to the angels and allows you to return to God.

Before the situations of the Middle East and Chaco, you may profoundly reflect and make your choices: wait for the times of chaos or learn how to love as of now, surrendering yourselves to the Grace of the Unity with God.

Your Father and long-standing companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


At the beginning of Creation, only Unity existed, the Divine Consciousness that dwells where there is no time or space, where there is no matter, feelings or thoughts, where there is only Spirit.

Without ceasing to be Unity, the Spirit of God is multiplied. This is Omnipresence.

Without ceasing to be Spirit, the Mind of God is born, manifested in the Archangels. This is the work of Omniscience.

Without separating from the levels of Spirit, God manifests the Light in material creations. This is the fruit of Liberation.

God, who was One, divides into three, without ceasing to be One. His Transcendence is incomprehensible to the human mind.

God the Father became the Son and, in Transfiguration, He multiplies His Only Son into all creatures. All are One with the Father, through the Son.

The primordial principles take on a life of their own and creative power. The Rays become consciousness and dwell in all the particles that exist in the cosmos.

God never lost the Unity of the beginning. His multiplication has no end, it has no limit. His Consciousness is expanded beyond the boundaries of spirit, mind, and matter. His Divinity permeates everything.

You may ask yourselves: “How can the Creator dwell in a world so full of darkness? Where is God when chaos rushes into the world?”

God is the Life that dwells within the essence, the Consciousness that animates those who are aware, the Light that gives shape and life to that which the eyes of the not blind can see.

A person may not be blind, but if there is an absence of light in their lives, they will not be able to see. It is not that the world does not exist, that colors do not exist, that life does not exist: what is happening to that person is that they are separated from the light. They are not blind, they are simply stuck in a dark and empty room and do not find a way to open the windows or do not even know that there are windows in the room of their consciousnesses.

This is what happens with the majority of humanity. Ignorance and indifference have shut the human consciousness into a dark room and all the mysteries of life are outside, ready to be revealed at the moment the window of the consciousness is opened.

As they are not blind, they think they see everything. As they do not know the light, they do not know they are imprisoned in a dark room and they think life begins and ends within the four walls of that room.

Love, service, and prayer reach the darkness of those consciousnesses like chinks of light that come through the window, revealing that the window exists and that behind it there is a great mystery.

Some can see the light through the chink and believe they already know everything; others will dare to open the window and contemplate the view before them. The consciousness will be deeply expanded, in spite of only seeing life before their small window.

Up until today, there has been almost no one willing to leave that room, pioneering in the world outside of themselves; for this reason, the mysteries continue being mysteries.

I began this message with some words that are capable of opening a small chink in the dark room of the consciousness, but I know that many will close the window with their own hands to thus remain in absolute darkness.

Reflect upon what I tell you and, in the eyes of your hearts, try for an instant to risk feeling this mysterious ray of light, this small chink that opens in the consciousness.

If you allow your consciousnesses to expand, I will be able to lead you more truly to the union with God. You will be able to be more truthful in everything and unveil mysteries, including about yourselves and about planetary life.

For the growth and maturing of the human consciousness and its adherence to the Truth,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear children,

Do not give up and fight with Me for the victory of My Immaculate Heart! For the triumph of the Plan of God!

Dear children, despite all the onslaughts of the adversary, do not lose faith. I allow you to learn so that you get to know how to rise from the ground by yourselves.

Determination and effort will be you master keys, love and mercy will be your eternal solace.

Today I cut with My swords the bonds that the souls establish with evil so that your consciousnesses resurrect in spirit of truth and be promptly removed from the path of the illusions of the world.

There is nothing truer than the very Living God that dwells in your hearts. Find the inner strength in the Eternal Father, do not permit that the falls or the disagreements generate division between the Hearts and the Purpose.

Place yourselves under My Light and do not observe around you, search the elevation of consciousness through your true steps.

Today I help you to undo the unknown knots of perdition, knots that tie many hearts that do not want to live in God.

Dear children, there is no greater beauty than that of the whole Creation of this and other universes. Do not be disturbed, do not detain yourselves, the Kingdom of God comes to you to show you the reality.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who raises you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When Mary came, She showed me an image of the Universe, and in a way which I do not know how to explain, I saw the Consciousness of God. He was withdrawing into a profound silence that, in spite of being silence, resounded across the whole cosmos and was causing the inner being of all creatures in Heaven to shudder. God held within Himself that first Thought that He had when creating the human project. He concentrated on the perfection of His Original Idea for humankind, and thus meditated.

Mary showed us that many councils gathered together, but not knowing how to assist humanity; just observing so that, in the unpredictability of the human heart, some possibilities of guiding humankind to the fulfillment of the Plans of God could emerge. Our Lady said that for all of the universe, in this moment, the destiny of the Earth is unforeseeable. She said that only God knew what would happen, but He stayed silent and concentrated all of His Love toward the essence of each human being.

It was as if, in that moment, God was not using any intermediary, for He Himself, in His silence, was attempting to reach the essence of all human beings to reveal His Mystery directly to those hearts that might perceive His Presence.

Mary explained to us that in the midst of all of the chaos and the evil in the world, the Creator Himself began to take action on Earth, trying to show the human heart the greatness of His Plan for humanity, the unique possibility that the human being holds for uniting with Him, perfectly and absolutely; the one love that is found latent within of all of us. All of this God is trying to show to us.

Then Mary invited us so that, by ourselves and in silence, we might enter into our own hearts in order to try to feel God, to search for Him inside of ourselves, and to discover what He wants to reveal to us in His silence.


Dear children,

While the world agonizes, the Heart of the Most High God goes silent, and the Creator concentrates His Divine Spirit on the true purpose of His Creation.

In these times, when humanity is at the peak of their deviation from the reason for their existence as part of a Divine Project, the Lord is trying to keep alive within Himself that divine aspiration that one day left His Consciousness to renew all of the Universe.

When He accepted the experience of the human project, God knew all the risks, but He also knew the power of the love placed as a latent possibility within each human being, in their deepest essence.

The Most High Creator allowed His Creation to run a great risk: that creatures apparently so small would have the possibility of carrying all of the material universe manifested by Him to an extreme of evolution or of involution.

Children, now in face of all that occurs in the world and that transcends the atrocities of the material life, with truly dangerous repercussions that are destructive to the life of the spirit, the Lord just observes the world and is in silence.

All of the creatures created by God are attentive to His silence, which reverberates as a great mystery within all of Creation.

The Lord knows that this is a definitive moment, even for His Divine Consciousness. The silence of God holds within itself a certainty of His triumph, in spite of making all creatures inwardly tremble.

When God is in silence it is because only He knows what will happen. The universe, however, only attentively observes the movements of humanity and waits, second by second, for the way in which it can guide it on the best path.

While the councils gather, and the masters and guides, among the Blessed, renew their plans, God just is in silence.

I say this to you today so that you may feel the silence of God; so that you may feel His Eyes set on your hearts all the time. Not only the intercessors for humanity pray for the awakening of the human heart; God too, in His silence, concentrates all the Power of His Creative Consciousness to safeguard, within Himself, the perfect archetype of humanity.

In the silence of the Creator, He unites with the essence of all the creatures of Earth that aspire to fulfill His Plan. Therefore, children, if you hear these words today, meditate for an instant on what I tell you and unite with the silence of God.

Observe your own essences as a true and pure connection with the Most High. Find within yourselves the union with the Father, and thanks to this union, allow the Creator to awaken in you that unique thought that He has for each one of you.

In the center of the universe, God is in silence, and in His silence, He multiplies Himself in the center of each creature.

I know that what is taking place in the world disturbs many hearts and also the consciousnesses of those who know of the gravity of the times; however, My beloved ones, if you truly want to help humanity, feel God in your own inner being. Imagine the Creator of all things in His deep silence, which reverberates loudly within all beings.

The Universe comes to a halt before the power of the silence of God. He is trying to make Himself heard by His children; He is concentrating the power of His Love for humanity and for the infinite cosmos with the intention of letting you know the truth. For this reason, in spite of all that afflicts your hearts today, allow your consciousnesses to uplift beyond matter; that at the same time, you enter into your own inner being and travel to the center of Creation, finding, inside of yourselves, a silent God Who stretches out His Hands to you and shows you the truth of His Plan.

While the intention of God with His silence is mysterious for all of the cosmos, He wants to enter the inner being of human beings in order to directly reveal to them the truth of His Love.

Children, will you embrace the greatness of what I say to you? Will you open yourselves to the mystery of receiving within yourselves a Creator so immense, Who makes Himself small in order to speak to your heart?

Discover today the only and perfect union between human beings and God, because the Lord is in silence in this time in order to let humankind know about the greatest mystery of His Creation, which is the unique possibility of the perfect union with the Most High.

While miseries emerge from within all, and chaos makes use of all of its strategies for conquest, God aspires to reveal His Greatness to you.

Who will open to this Truth?

I bless you.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear companions in Christ,

I would like to talk to you about the greatness of Creation and the celestial mysteries. I would like to reveal to you the love that fulfills the stars and animates the universes, so that you see yourselves strengthened and guarded by a higher purpose, so that you fulfill your own missions in the end of cycle on Earth.

With My words, each day I expect that your consciousnesses reach a level of understanding which transcends the limits of the human mind. I try to make you understand the magnitude of the Plan of God and how this Plan cannot start and finish in the existence of this world.

I know that many need the simple words so that they can understand and engage themselves in the task of recue of the Divine Messengers. Many prefer not to believe Our words and in Our presences when we reveal to you something you do not understand and that do not adjust itself to what you already know. However, I ask you not to try to reduce the greatness of God to the understanding of the human mind. Do not try to compare the Love of the One and Only with your own ability of loving. And do not expect that the Creation of God restrict itself to the existence of this small planet, when so vast is the universe.

What for would exist so many stars and galaxies if not for the different expressions of the Love of God in His creatures to inhabit in them? Or do you think by any chance that the stars exist so that they can be contemplated by the humankind in the sky of Earth?

While a great change precipitates itself in the world, the Divine Messengers will try to elevate the understanding and the knowledge of humanity. They will try to open the eyes of the human heart to the truths that cannot be seen with the material eyes.

This will so because only the certainty of a superior purpose and of a superior life, which supports you, will give you strength to live the times that will come. Without a higher understanding about the Plans of God, your lives will become meaningless, such as life has become meaningless to many youngsters and adults who did not find a reason to be in this world.

If you are strengthened by the hope of a spiritual and divine goal, you will be able to persevere and keep yourselves firm to overcome the obstacle with love, forgiveness and braveness. And, when it is time, you will be able to reconstruct the world with the proper courage and with the principles of the spirit.

You will know that you are never alone and you will be able to count on the help of Brothers of yours who observe the world and wait, with holy hope, for the Earth to live its learning.

In love and peace, preparing your hearts,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


While the Real Time of the Universe stops each time a Divine Messengers of God descends to Earth, just so should the disciple of Christ stop at the moment he or she is about to receive a mighty Grace; because in the Real Time of the Universe the past does not exist, only the recollection or the memory of an accomplished task.

In the Real Time, resemblances do not exist, but rather equalities. In this Real Time, the path of the Purpose is manifested, the one proposed for all the angels of Light.

Through obedience, the Real Time is accepted, because it is part of the essence and of the experience of evolution.

In the Real Time, forms do not exist; all that exists is the sense of them, so that each angel created can progress in love at the service of God. The bases of this time are the Laws and the creator principles. In the Real Time a scale exists that is recognized by all the angels of the universe. This is the scale of love and of unity; it is something that causes Real Time to move as an experience of evolution.

In these scales are all the bases for experience, because in the Real Time the meaning of everything is in the knowledge that emerges from wisdom and in the service which makes any heart humble.

In the Universe, Real Time does not go by, nor is it static; it is a divinized time marked by the elevation and the transcendence of all created forms.

In the Real Time, the eternal present exists, which is the state of positive permanence; it is the constant unification with the essence and the Purpose of Divinity, of the Source.

The Real Time is a single stream of energy; it is the thread that unites the beginning with the end, so that in the Soul of Creation a harmonious relationship with all that is manifested may be experienced.

The Real Time does not have a memory of events, but rather records of the experiences on a higher scale of vibration. It is an unknown time.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who guides you towards a deep awakening,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Peace can be a reality in the world, as well as it is in the Kingdom of God, where His Supreme Consciousness fully expresses itself.  However, in order for this to be possible, it is necessary that the human beings want to be with God, as well those who live in His Kingdom want.

When a being aspires to be permanently with God, they seek Him in all things and expect to find Him in everything, in the certainty that the Creator deposited a part of His Consciousness in all that He created.

For this, in order that peace establishes itself, you must seek and find God in everything and in everyone, transcending the influences of the world and whatever people who transit through it appear to be.

Permanently remember the existence of the spirit of each being and that, to each one, the Creator has a perfect plan, an idea and a divine thought.  Remember that, inside of each consciousness, in the its innermost, are the codes that it needs to fulfill its mission.

Today I want to reveal to you a mystery of the Kingdom of God, of His Plan for humanity.  When He created the human beings, God deposited in each essence a divine attribute, called Universal Ray, which is a way of expression of His Divine Spirit, This one that creates all the things.

The Rays of the Creator are responsible for conducting His Creation to perfection, but, in the case of the human beings, there is a secret, a particularity: the experience of perfection in humanity depends on the expression of love, and that perfection activates itself not only when a being loves, but also when it is loved.

The love of which I speak to you is not the love that you know because the human beings are used to love what is convenient to them, what pleases them and what causes them some gratification, but that is not the Love of God.

The Love of God is that one which looks at a being and transcends its imperfections, finding thus the truth of the essence of each one, and this is what it loves: it loves the Will of God for His creatures; it loves the perfection of God hidden in the beings; it loves God Himself, by means of His creatures.

This love is not impossible to be lived, but to find something that is lost in the other, you must find what is lost in yourselves, which is the possibility of truly loving.

For this I am here.  For this I descend every day to the world, to make simple the spiritual life, to make simple what, for humanity, has always been so complicated.  Because what difficulty there could exist in truly loving, if you were created exclusively for that?

Seek inside of you the truth about what you are.  When you take the first steps, I will help you.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, for the awakening of love in the human consciousness


Before life had manifested itself in this world, it was already being developed in many others, in this and other universes.  It was the life that expressed the Consciousness of God in creatures that evolved to reach the purpose of, one day, return to the perfect likeness of the Creator.  But, as you can comprehend, the creatures in the universe are also learning and they made many mistakes in the schools in which they attended to reach their objectives and, overall, in the great school of life.

This world in which you live today is a reflection of what have already existed in the universe for eons of time – an existence that is not measured with the time of this world.

You might ask yourselves why you do not known this life and why you feel it so distant from the reality you live, and I come to explain to you that, in the beginning, the idea of God was that you would not remember it, except with the essence of the heart.

Those human beings that started to enter the precinct of their own hearts and opened themselves to the unity with God would remember little by little the existence of the universe and of the great Plan of the Creator.

Why did you not remember that before? Because, until then, you would not have developed in the heart the sufficient degree of love and the capacity of forgiving needed to heal all that you lived in the universe.

Now, more than two thousand years after the world lived the apex of the manifestation of love, through Christ, His Family and His apostles and disciples, humanity began to silently develop this potential of loving and, then, came the right moment to begin to awaken.

I know that many feel that they cannot even forgive the things of the world and neither they live the true love in their interior, but I tell you that this love is already in the human consciousness, available for all those who seek it.  Inside of you, this love is a seed that has already sprouted, that will find a fertile soil for all that you have received in the last times and that you will be able to put into practice in the times that will come.

Christ knew about the existence of life beyond this world, He recognized His Mission and the Plan of His Father, because the Love of His Heart was full and the unity with God was His natural state of consciousness.

If you want to experiment by yourselves that what I tell you is not a great fantasy, so open the heart to learn to love and you will see disappear the limits of the mind and the boundaries that separate this world from the Infinite Creation of God that has been waiting for you for so long.

As seeds of light in your consciousnesses, I will reveal to you, little by little, the Truths of God and, if you open yourselves to love, you will be able to understand and live what I tell you.

I love you and I lead you to a New Human, which is in truth the Original Human, this one that should have always existed in the world.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In the beginning of the Creation of God, He manifested the universes in the Infinite Cosmos, which was the living representation of His Divine Consciousness.

In the Cosmos, God reproduced in everything the same principles of creation, and in different forms, represented His Divine Consciousness in everything that He would create.  He created the universes with the principles of His perfection; created the galaxies, the planets, the conscious beings, who were the living outcome of the essences deriving from His Heart.

And in the vast Cosmos, created by God in seven dimensions that coexist and, in harmony, help each other mutually in order to reach the same evolutionary purpose – to become again one with God –, the Creator created the human beings.

He separated from the other creatures, in material bodies, ancient spirits, to which He entrusted the greatest process of transformation and of redemption of His Creation.

In a parallel time, different from the time and the space of the rest of Creation, God placed the most precious that would exist, if the desired result were achieved and if the potential of His Project were developed in those consciousnesses.

In this world, the Creator reunited spirits coming from all over the Cosmos; consciousnesses with different types of learning and with hidden records, both positive and negative.  From all of them, He removed the cosmic memory, so that they would not know who they were and, this way, they could unite their knowledge and balance one another in order to reach the expected purpose.

The Lord sent to the world, besides all the spirits in most need of redemption, Divine Consciousnesses, uniting thus, two opposites, and representing in this little planet the great duality that exists in this universe.  He gave, in this way, two possibilities to the world: the one of living a great evil and the one of living a good.

In this risky divine experiment, the Creator entrusted to the essences of those creatures a divine principle, the unity that, when activated in the essence of love, would allow the consciousnesses to overcome the duality of the universe and find a way to elevate all of His universal Creation to a new level of learning, a learning based on the unity with God by means love.

When we ask you for prayer, it is to overcome the forces that do harm inside and outside of the beings; forces that are only overcome by a great good, which is love.

When we ask you to forget about yourselves, to serve the other and to recognize the planetary reality, it is for you, by discovering such a smallness of your tridimensional consciousnesses, to be able to realize that everything you live is an illusion and, letting go of what you think you are, discover what you really are.

When I talk about a new humanity, I speak of ancient spirits of the universe which, redeemed by the discovery of love and the living of unity, start living according to the principles left by the Son of God, who was for all the example and the right path to follow.  The new humanity is this conversion of the spirits of the universe.

The new humanity is the symbol of the potential of the Love of God in His creatures; it is the demonstration, to all that has been created, of how it is possible to overcome a great evil and take a leap from complete ignorance to the conscious union with the Creator.

Today I tell you things that the mind may not comprehend, but that the heart will know that they are truths that, in some moment, humanity will have to recognize.

The time of experience for humanity is already coming to an end and now you must start remembering the principles of the superior life and, with all that you have lived in this world, start discovering who you are and what you must heal in this time.

Christ has already left inside of each one the possibility of living love and unity with the other.  Now, you only need to wake up and see that your priorities must no longer be what keep you well and safe in this world, rather that you must prepare what will happen far beyond this Earth, with what you have learned here.

I ask you to listen to Me with peace and only place what I told you in the heart, because, the steps you will take in the future will depend on the correct understanding of the instructions of the Divine Messengers.

I love you and bless you.

Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Learn to feel in your heart the sorrows of the world and to make as your own, the suffering of the Most Sacred Heart of God.

Contemplate in your hearts the Creation and all that it manifests, how it expresses itself in the universe.  Contemplate the perfection and the harmony of nature, of the sun, of the cycles of the Earth.  Feel in your hearts the potential of the Divine Perfection that is latent in your interior. Ask yourselves every day what is the path to manifest this potential.

I wish that, in the heart of human beings, the love to the Divine Creation were greater than the love to the human creation, but you are much more clung to what comes from your own ideas than to what comes from the Divine Thought.

The human beings learned to love and admire what was created by their limited mind, and the pride gained was so big that they remained closed in their own smallness and in stinginess, and they could not love something superior or even believe in its existence.

With grief in My heart, I tell you that many do not transform themselves because they do not truly believe in the existence of God, of His Plan and of His Messengers.

The consciousnesses observe chaos and evil progressing in the world and prefer to think that it has always been like this or isolate themselves in the small problems and concerns of their lives, as a way to not realize that the true boat that is sinking is not just in the Middle East, but in the whole world.

It is the human consciousness, My dear ones, that is submerging ever more profoundly in the darkness.  And, when the times need to see you more awake and prepared, surrendered and confident in the invisible, you are hiding from the truth and diving more and more into illusion, to not realize that the final times have already come.

Heaven will always thank your prayers and, with the little effort of all beings, it will try to remove the weight from the scale of Justice that leans towards the disappearance of humanity.

You, companions, are living cells of the Heart of God; for this His grief for this world is so great.

The Project of the Creator is perfect and everything has already been delivered to you in order that you can live it, but you need to decide to stand up from the bed in which you sleep in illusion every day, to act in favor of humanity.

I love you; for this I warn you.

They are already times of emergency, it is time to awaken.

If you walk by My side and listen to My words, as well as to all the words of the Divine Messengers, you will realize that you already have all of the keys to open the door to a new humanity.

May you be in peace, but always attentive and vigilant, awake and ready for the transformation.

I love you and bless you.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, for the awakening of all of humanity


In the essence of human beings are found all the potentials to be developed in the awakening of love and fraternity.  The essence is the tabernacle of one of the greatest mysteries of the Universal Creation because there, is what God created of the most perfect, to be developed and manifested in favor of the evolution of all creatures, much beyond this world.

This treasure that inhabits inside of each one of you is silent and humble and it will never show itself if you do not leave in search for it.

All you need in order to express with perfection what you truly are is found inside each one of you.  What happens is that you are always very busy in showing to the world something you are not and that you place all your effort in not moving, not even a little, from this position, in order to not lose the appearances that you have already achieved, the respect you have gained and the example you have became in their lives.

Each time you try to appear to be something in order to delight others, more you distance yourselves from what you are in essence, because the more you achieve good appearances, the more you lose interest to seek what you must be and that is found in the opposite of what the human being learned to manifest.

Do not be afraid of not being recognized, because the less recognition and more anonymity, the more freedom you will have to distance yourselves from the old humanity and dive into your own inner world, seeking for the essential truths of the existence of humanity.

The human beings are entangled in their own traps and travel leagues away, seeking a truth that lies in their own interior, only for the fear of finding themselves alone with their own selves.

Dear companions, God allowed Me to bring to the world great truths with simple words and lead you to humility without hurting your hearts.  You just need to penetrate deeply into the love that I deposit in each phrase and let yourselves be permeated in the discovery of the inner world that I am revealing to you.

With love and patience, take each impulse and try to live something different each day, even if you never come to realize the results of your own transformation.

I love you and leave you My blessing, My peace and My serenity, so that you may progress in the discovery of your own inner truth.

Saint Joseph, Father and Instructor of all souls that walk towards the Heart of Christ


Enter in communion with the kingdoms of nature and learn to love the essence of the Creation.  Observe the kingdoms and learn how to live permanently under the sublime Laws of God, in perfect harmony with the Creator.

In His Divine Plan, the Creator granted an attribute for each expression of His Divine Face, for the kingdoms of the planet to manifest.

Commune with the peace, with the harmony, with the beauty of the waters; commune with the healing and with the liberation of the minerals.

Commune with the elevation of the trees and with the constant spirit of self-giving of the Plant Kingdom which, in its humility, always delivers the best to God, no matter how it will be treated, cared for or loved by others. The Plant Kingdom knows of the Divine Law of self-giving to God and to His Higher Plan. Contemplate this kingdom and through it discover the secret of the emptiness of self. 

Contemplate the Animal Kingdom and learn from its love for life; learn to defend the Laws of God, to take care of your neighbor and to be always faithful to the One you fully love.  Learn from the plenitude of the Animal Kingdom and, with the same naturalness of heart, be a guardian of Life and of the Perfection of God.

Contemplate in your inner world the angels and devas, who in the invisible create and recreate the beauty of this manifested world.  Learn from them to manifest beauty in silence, to work in secret and to deliver the best, without the need for anyone to know of your existence.  Live the sublime attribute of humility that the angels and devas express in the world.

Contemplate the elements and how they complement one another; then discover how to share what the other needs in order to express themselves.  Be like the wind, which permits the existence of fire, and gives to its neighbor all possibilities for being that which is perfect and which is latent in their interior.

And, learning from the Kingdoms of Nature, express that which is most sublime that the human being has: its possibility of learning that which is most beautiful in all Existence, and of living it, within itself, in the essence of love for the Creation.

I love you and wait for you to have simple hearts and meek spirits, always willing to observe the Creation and to learn; always willing to love and to give from yourselves that which is missing in the other, for them to achieve perfection.

Your beloved Father and Instructor,

Saint Joseph, Apprentice and Servant of the Kingdoms of Creation


 Where to seek the essence of humility? In the midst of human degeneration, where to find the purity and the simplicity that God expects from His creatures?

When we say: “Be humble”, the hearts ask themselves: How?

Humility is born from the love for others and for God; from the reverence that emerges from this love, because the heart that loves recognizes the sacred and the divine essence present in each thing.

The human beings have lost the reference of the sacred and trivialize the greatness of the Creation for the arrogance and the ignorance that have impregnated the heart of humans.

To return to the sacred is like entering into a universe almost completely unknown to you and, by trying to seek it and live it, many feel that they are fantasizing or living something that does not correspond to their reality in this world.

But today I tell you, dear companions, that you feel all that because your cells are so impregnated with the obscurity of the world and humanity is so separated from God that, as I already told you, this path of transformation is for the brave of spirit.

It will be necessary to overcome the world and, above all, to overcome yourselves.  Ask to your souls and your spirits to teach you to live in the sacred and to help you to find the path to live the attribute of reverence.

Humility can only be found when the consciousness is capable of recognizing the presence of God in every being, and feeling like this, you will act offering to others always the best.  What will not God deserve inside the other?

As an exercise of humility, seek to find the Creator in all things and in everything seek the best: the best attribute that expresses a brother or a sister, a kingdom of nature or any expression of the Creation.

Do not seek in the fellow human, the miseries, in order to rejoice to be better than the others.  Seek in the others that attribute that you still have not achieved.  Find the Creator in His Creatures and love them just as if you had God Himself before your eyes.  Serve this God, deliver the best to Him and, by doing like this, in the essence of simplicity, you will find open doors to humility, to reverence and to love, and little by little, you will banish from the interior, the old human, that only seeks to establish their own kingdom, the achievement of vantages and the security of being better than the others.

With simple keys for the human consciousness, those who may overcome their pride and may try to follow what I tell you will flourish in the gardens of the Creation as a flower that expresses the principles of God.

May peace and humility be living essences in the human heart.

Saint Joseph, the Tireless Servant of God


Dear children,

As the Mother of the Infinite I come to show you that you must always seek the internal union through the love that springs from the depths of your hearts.

In this way, on this path of search and union with the Infinite Celestial Father you will be able to see, with a different sense and from a different place, things bigger and deeper, every time you look for this internal fusion with all of the Creation.

On this day that retires itself, I want to call your attention to the true divine mystery that is revealed beyond your daily lives.

Dear children, as the Mother of the Infinite I awaken in all of the hearts the true feeling for a life divinized in Christ.  My work is fulfilled in everything that was created by God, when the soul simply accepts to live the conversion of the heart.

Beloved children, one part of this spiritual infinite lives inside of you and My only aspiration as a mother is that you be able to recognize it in these times of changes.  Searching for this infinite you will be able to recognize your mission and when that happens, I will be able to say, children, that My task has been accomplished in your lives.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who unites you to the Infinite Celestial Father,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Messages

May the doors of the Kingdom of the Heavens be opened and the sublime and celestial spheres descent in Glory to the kingdom of this world to transform and awaken all of the creatures of this blessed Earth.

My beloveds, may you all rejoice and be glad because I am descending in an extraordinary way to the world in order to pour, once again, a river of Graces upon humanity.

While the world sleeps, may those who are awake love sacrifice and the absolute surrender.

While the world let extinguish its own inner flame and faith fades from the consciousness of humanity, may those who are by My side be unshakable, and may not be any doubts from others that may take away from them the faith that I placed in their hearts.

While anguish and fear take over the hearts of those who do not fulfill the designs of the Creator, may My soldiers rejoice and, even in face of the great planetary tribulation, may they be strong, firm and confident in the fulfillment of the Celestial Plans.

While the world fears the collapse of a material system, may the disciples of Christ only wait entrusted to His return and observe each event as the true sign that this return is approaching.

While the world worries about the time that passes and the death that comes, may those who accompany Me open their consciousnesses in order to transcend the times and to enter into the infinite time, in which there is only eternity, the unity with God and with all of His creation.

My beloveds, I come to invite you today to transcend the laws of this world and all of its tendencies.  I invite you to withdraw the heart from the earthly and material loves, that embrace only what this world offers you, so that in this way you may get to know a sublime love, that knows all in depth, that lives and loves to fulfill the Plans of God and to manifest His Creation, such as He thought in His Most Sacred Spirit.

My dear ones, these are times to leave the common living and fight with the heart in order to persevere in a path that, in a short time and in an absolute way, will go against all the tendencies and the energies of this world.

You must be strengthened by the power of the word of the Divine Messengers and never let yourselves be shaken by the internal processes that others will live or by the purification of the planet itself.

Open the eyes to a reality that the majority of humanity is not able to see, and know that behind all the tests of this world there is a Great Purpose that tries to strengthen you and confirm your spirits in the adhesion to the Most Sacred Spirit of God Almighty.

May the faith in your hearts never dissipate itself.  May the hope in the return of My Son only strengthen and grow as an imperishable truth within His disciples and apostles.

Many will only believe in His return by seeing Him cross the Sky and put His Feet on the ground of this Earth, such as it was in His resurrection.  However, blessed will be those who know that He lives, such as they knew that He was the Messiah, and know that He will return, such as they knew that He would defeat death.  These are the ones who will perpetuate His Presence in the world.

Raise today to the Heavens the endless gratitude of your spirits, for being directly guided by God and by those who are the echo of His Voice and the spiritual manifestation of His Will for the entire Universe.

My beloved children, I leave you my blessing and My most precious Graces so that, with love and bravery, you may transit through the tests that will come.

May My beloved daughter that today renew herself in My Heart, be strengthened by the power of My Love.

Unite and love each other always.  Live the principles of the Kingdom of God.

I love you and I hope to find you with faith and inner peace.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

With maternal love today I pour the comforting warmth of My Immaculate Heart so that, renewed by the most pure principle of My Divine Conception, all your lives may someday reach the reflection of My consecration.

But the hour of your surrender has already arrived.  Go without delay and prostrate yourselves at the feet of the Cross. My Son, that continues to be martyred, will give you the power of His inner fortress, so that in the end of times you may risk living the sacred apostolate of love.

Without love, the redemption of humanity will not be possible.  Reevaluate in your consciousnesses the path you have chosen to live, near My Heart or far from It and distant from the accomplishment of My requests.

With the bravery and the inner strength that the prayer of the heart gives you, encourage yourselves to remove from your lives the gratification by means of good living or comfort.  It is comfort and the sophisticated life that has brought the whole world to move away from the source of love and charity.

For this, children, serve without delay, God will not abandon you.  The hour of your purification has come, do not fear being that which you have never been; be bearers of My Immaculate Spirit and in this way you will help Me to accomplish the sacred designs of the Creator.

While the world is convinced of that which it lives and that which material life offers to the poor sinful souls, I call you to seek inner happiness in sacrifice and in the absolute surrender to My Beloved Son Jesus.

If anyone answered to My humble requests, it would be the evident proof to God that this original project is worth for all Creation.

Do not deceive yourselves with your illusions, set your eyes in the Passion of the Lord and you will be safe from false offers, from living your own realization distant from the Will of the Most High.

You were born to love.  You live to forgive.  You work to serve permanently.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Message for the Apparition in the Marian Center of Aurora, transmitted by Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace and of all the Kingdoms of Nature to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

May My Mantle spread throughout the world and all creatures who live in it understand that I am in everything that was created.

By contemplating nature, may the creatures discover the greatness of the Universal Creation, which used the Purity of Its Servant so that, from Her maternal Womb, a molecule of divine Purity could penetrate the essence of all beings on Earth and in the universe.

When I can no longer be here, manifested as a ray of sunlight before the eyes of those who can see Me, I want you to find Me in everything that God has given to the world as a source of beauty, purity and life.

I want you to commune with the Kingdoms of Nature, so that the purity expressed in them may activate the inner purity of your essences and thus, find peace and the path to redemption.

My children, My maternal Heart comes from a pure Principle of God, to which it returned after this life upon Earth to fertilize, from this Principle, all universal life. The Purity of God took on life and consciousness from the existence of the Mother-Consciousness of this universe.

I want you to listen to My Words with attention and with love, because many do not know the Principles of Creation and, however, as much as you exalt and praise God, in Himself, in His Son and in His loyal Servant, you do not understand what true existence is. And now I want to help you understand these mysteries, so that through the Codes of Light that I deposit in My Words, your souls can awaken to the divine and profound Origin that pulsates in the heart of this whole universe.

Your hearts are already on the path of inner maturing and, in the face of all the accelerated events in the world, it is also necessary now that your souls receive strong impulses from God and from all His expression in the universe.

Therefore, do not be afraid to listen to My Words, do not fear when faced with the terms and definitions that you have never heard being spoken by My Divine Word throughout the history of humanity.

You are entering a new cycle, in which the truths must be said and the secrets revealed before the time comes when I can no longer be with you. Then, you will have to discover everything by yourselves, and will only be able to confirm the truth of the impulses of light through your own essences.

Therefore, My Beloveds, My Word will descend upon souls with greater intensity. Many will receive it with peace of heart and the joy of being able to discover and experience the celestial mysteries; others will not understand Me and will doubt the truth of My Words and others will not be able to understand what I say, but will follow Me, because they feel in their hearts they must do it even without understanding. These will be called blessed because they will know how to follow the voice of the heart, beyond the misunderstandings of the mind.

My dear children, on this day, I prepare you for the days to come and ask your hearts and souls to strengthen themselves to cross the boundaries of the mind and to allow love and peace to prevail in your lives.

As Queen of Peace and of all the Kingdoms of Nature, I leave you a blessed key so that you may contemplate the Kingdoms and join them. In this way, you will be able to open your heart a little more, so that you can find Me in all that has been created and thus, little by little, you will discover who I truly am and what I have come to accomplish in your essences and in the essence of this world.

I love you deeply, because you are part of My Immaculate Heart.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace and of all the Kingdoms of Nature

Monthly Messages

I Am the Sacred Star of the Sea, My Love is the bright star that lights the path of the seafarers.  My Star of the Sea lights the devotion of the hearts that were wounded and lifts the lost wayfarers again to the Kingdom of Peace.

In My ocean of Graces exists a place for all the souls, to drink of the Source of Mercy and of Healing.

I Am the Star of the Sea and My paths are in your paths to help you find again the greater commitment that you had with God.  The one who comes to Me will not be lost, will never feel alone and, even more so, will be able to unite their spirit to the Spirit of God.

The whole world has forgotten that the seas are part of the Creation of God and that in them He has deposited His Spirit of Peace and of Serenity.  From the beginning the Lord has commanded to the seas that they be mirrors that reflect the Kingdom of Peace, but many of the oceans now are places of destruction and of contamination.

I want and desire to awaken in you a greater consciousness and love for the elements and for all the Kingdoms of nature, they too are part of the Spirit of My Maternity.  And you, My dear children, through prayer will permit that your planet remain pure and alive for some more time, even though the damages caused to the Creation of God throughout the centuries are innumerable.

I ask you to place in your hearts the need to pray more and to help so that beloved blue planet, where I come from, may be a future dwelling for the children who will populate the New Earth.

My Divine Mercy and My Pity have always tried to change the course of the planetary events.

As Queen of Peace I give you not only the Peace your hearts need, but I also give you the reality that you are living in this world, a world that was donated out of love for you and about which you will have to testify before God the Most High.

For this, dear children, may your eyes be opened to be able to dispel the illusion that many live.  I come to announce Peace, but I also come to announce the Truth, this is what My Son has asked Me, and together, Mother and children, we will be able to intercede for this beloved planet.

I thank all for awakening to the Supreme Consciousness, Your Eternal Father and Creator!

I bless you always,

Mary, Queen and Lady of the Star of the Sea


From the Heart of the Universe today I come to your encounter. In the name of Jesus, My Maternal Soul comes to heal and restore hearts.

Dear children,

Today I invite you again to enter into My Immaculate Heart so that your inner dwellings, in spite of everything, may be able to find, see and feel the Omnipotent Presence of God. If you only enter into My Immaculate and Maternal Heart your little lives will be quenching the great thirst that My Son has for all souls.

My children, that today your hearts may be fountains that emanate love and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Dear children, that your essences may be as the inexhaustible waters that, converted into rivers of Mercy, may quench the thirst for love and peace of all the souls of the world by means of service.

As the Mother of the Universe and of the Earth, today I come to manifest My Love to you in a time of great changes in the consciousnesses and in the life of all My children.

Little children, in the face of the great faults that are committed day to day by humanity, today I invite you to consider your lives of prayer to be an exercise that may repair the Kingdom of the Heavens. Therefore, may your lives never forget to find the inner child, because in this way My Son will pour over you the Gifts and Graces of Redemption and Mercy.

If the world simply prayed a little more, the Light of the Most High would be another fountain that would calm the thirst of all His children. But as long as there are hearts that are closed to My Maternal Call, all that will be left to My children is to grow, as a seed grows from within the earth. But this seed must not lack the Water of Life , the inexhaustible fountain that causes the true hearts to emerge in the creatures.

My venerable children, I am here to teach you to walk under the Love of God and so that your eyes may not lose sight of Mercy on the horizon.

Dear children, today I invite you to love the Creation as God has manifested it for all, and this will begin through your love for the magnificence of the Kingdoms of the Lord.

Praying with fervor for this world, I call you so that during this day you may remain in My Maternal Kingdom of Love, because you need it, as does humanity. Therefore today let us flood with love the hearts that are empty and without God.

You still have time to change from the heart! For this I am with you!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
