Only contemplate Me and quiet yourself.

Only contemplate Me and observe yourself.

Only contemplate Me and unite to My Heart.

Only contemplate Me and silence yourself.

Only contemplate Me and shelter yourself in My Being.

Only contemplate Me and tell Me what you want.

Only contemplate Me and empty your being of every sorrow.

Only contemplate Me and affirm your path in Me.

Only contemplate Me and live in My Mercy.

Only contemplate Me and listen to the voice of your heart.

Only contemplate Me and ask your soul what it needs.

Only contemplate Me and seek the truth within your spirit.

Only contemplate Me and see My Love for you.

Only contemplate Me and renew your being.

Only contemplate Me and cleanse your wounds.

Only contemplate Me because, in this way, I will be able to free you from the past.

Only contemplate My Heart, My Soul, My Divinity because, in this way, you will allow Me to be near you.

Only contemplate Me and forget what you have been.

Only contemplate Me and you will discover the only path.

Only contemplate Me and accept Me as your guiding star.

Only contemplate Me and surrender into My arms of compassion.

Only contemplate Me and trust in what I tell you.

Only contemplate Me in order to be able to withstand purification,

Only contemplate Me and await My Victorious Arrival.

Only contemplate Me and vigil with your heart.

Only contemplate Me so that I may be able to show you the way.

Only contemplate Me with fervor, devotion and adoration.

Only contemplate Me so that you can see God in Me.

Only contemplate Me and you will untie the knots of your consciousness.

Only contemplate Me and you will no longer worry about yourself.

Only contemplate Me and you will serve your brothers and sisters with love.

Only contemplate Me and you will be able to live in My Eternal Unity.

Only contemplate Me and forget the past and the future.

Only contemplate Me and you will live in the Eternal Present.

Only contemplate Me so that you may learn to love the Will of God.

Only contemplate Me constantly, because, even when you do not dedicate time to Me, I am contemplating you in Mercy and Redemption.

Only contemplate Me to reach Paradise.

Only contemplate Me and you will erase every illusion from your mind.

Only contemplate Me and your faith will grow as a river and your love will be greater than an ocean.

Only contemplate Me so that you may be in God.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for contemplating My words with your heart!

Christ Jesus.


My heart feels and receives today the embrace of your love. Today My Heart prays, prays for the world and in silence contemplates the great moment for the souls. For this My Sacerdotal Priesthood congregates in prayer the believers and not believers because the Immaculate Heart prepares and gestates the inner temple in the hearts, hearts where the Sacred Heart intends to dwell.

My dears, in the second day of vigil in which you will receive the Virginal and Maternal presence of the Mother of the World, I ask you that from now on you cultivate in yourselves a meek heart, a trusting heart that will have engraved the powerful standard of My Heart to achieve the victory of the Kingdom of Heavens in the opaque kingdoms of the Earth.

Above all things and situations I ask you to contemplate the greatness that My Father has created through Nature and through the Kingdoms. Every space manifested by the All Powerful must be contemplated with love and devotion because Creation must also be the motive of your perpetual prayer of the heart.

If you contemplate Creation, this divine manifestation of My Father will also be saved again. Some of My New Disciples must also take the torch of peace and love so that all may awaken to the urgent moment that, as humanity, we are living.

It is indispensable to watch for all in vigil and in prayer, in this way My Heart will pleased  by listening to your voices and by contemplating the beauty of your souls.

My dears, may the reason for your life be the consecration of your hearts to My Sacred Heart and thus, as souls, you will open the door to those to whom it has a long time been definitively closed to the life of spirit.

But My unfathomable Mercy returns before My Presence to liberate from the fire of hell those who have fallen in the abysses of illusion, desires and modernity. The magnificent key of your protection will be the love that you may live through prayer.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My last words in the heart, preparing words.

Peace on Earth.

Christ Jesus. 


I bless My little ones in the loving power of Jesus so that your hearts may find the safe refuge inside the Celestial Temple of God.

Dear children, today I invite you to pray with the inner voice of your hearts, because in this exercise you will find the art of living the contemplation of the heart. Today I call you to exercise the contemplative prayer, which means, My dear children, to leave the heart, the mind and the spirit in the Hands of God.

This simple exercise, My children, will help you in the harmony and in the silence that you and the world need so much, a silence that will lead you to find peace.

Dear children, as Mother of Divine Prayer I prepare you for the moments in which prayer must be the sustenance for your lives. Dear children, this is why the prayer that is pronounced with the love of your hearts is so important, in this way your souls will be dialoging with the Most High, moment by moment.

I invite you to help the planet and humanity through the prayer of the heart. I invite you today to find meaning for your lives by means of prayer, your union with the Eternal Father.

In this way, dear children, your hearts will serve as instruments of peace, of love and of hope for the hearts that still remain closed to the call of God.

Your lives must commune at each moment with My Son. Your lives consecrated in Jesus will be Divine lives in the arms of the Creator, because the unfathomable Mercy must be the hope of a new way out for those who seek with the feeling of the heart.

Above all let us pray for peace, and remain in My Maternal Peace.

I thank you, dear children!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


While from Heaven, God the Father keeps His sacred gaze on all humanity, dear children, today I call you, as I do every day, to the reparation of the heart through prayer. An immense number of souls await the prayers of all the Marian missionaries consecrated to My Immaculate Heart; souls that, being distant from the path of sanctity, lead themselves through pathways that are contrary to the ones destined for their lives.

Therefore, My children, as a Mediator in this world of today, I call you to contemplate the Merciful Face of Jesus as the only path to the redemption of the heart. These times distract the souls more each day and conduct them towards intentions that distance their hearts from the path that leads them to God.

Today I call you to pray with all the heart so that God the Father may hear the pleas for the salvation of all His children in the world.

With a thorn thrust in My Maternal Heart, today I ask that through prayer you repair My Immaculate Heart so that as the Mother of Mercy I may be able to sustain for longer all the hearts that are losing themselves.

May all My children be conducted by My Maternal Heart so that all creatures may raise their arms and cry out for pity.

Dear children, it is time to become conscious of the life of prayer; a prayer that, by the divine power that it acquires, will be able to protect you in the moments close to the end of this cycle in the world.

You must be reborn through prayer as precious instruments in the Hands of God. All My children are called to collaborate with the planet. It is necessary that all of you know that someone in this humanity must intercede before the Creator.

For this, My Son has given you the shepherds. Pray for them so that the Holy Spirit may guide them in these moments.

I thank you for your prayers!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

My children,

Keep praying for the coming of the Holy Spirit and for Sacred Peace because many of My children are already approaching to live the conversion of the heart. And this conversion starts by recognizing oneself as a child of God that is redeemed by Christ and forgiven by His merciful love before God.

Know today dear children that I call you to hope and to persistence in each one of your hearts, in this way you may be before the Heart of the Father in constant contemplation.

Dear children, in the face of any external or internal situation in your lives I tell you to trust God and unite yourselves to the redeeming principle of My Son because in this way My mantle of protection will support you above all things.

Today I also remind you how important it is to be in adoration to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the eternal communion with His Blessed Spirit of Love. Because those who are in Jesus find the strength and courage to transcend the limits of the transformation of their own heart.

Collect your hearts in the Heart of My Son because in this simple exercise of adoration you will allow the flame of compassion and of fraternal love to manifest for each one of you.

Open your consciousness so that the fountain of Graces that are helping a big part of humanity may come closer as a gift of peace and light over God on each of your hearts.

Know little children that I accompany you, but now the moment has come for your lives to mature as the fruit and for your hearts to grow as the trees. With the heart converted into a beautiful flower for the Creator, you will be in correspondence with the Plan of Peace for the world.

Let us pray for love of all My children. The task begins now, it is the time!

Thank you for answering and responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


As the Lady of the Pains I ask God for all My children so that My Immaculate Heart may intercede before each one of them. Today I ask you for more prayer with the heart so that God the Father will hear My supplications for the world.

Those who do not live the conversion of life, how can they overcome the changes that will happen for purification of the souls?

Remember My children, in contemplation and in renunciation from the heart you will encounter the true mysteries of the Will of God that humanity still cannot live.

My Heart wants to bring to you each day the presence of My Son so that you, imitating the Shepherd’s blissfulness, may dissolve through fraternal love the great evil that this world lives.

From epoch to epoch My Immaculate Heart brings a message for the conversion of all. Because of this, for this time, the conversion and the detachment from all faults through true prayer of the heart will allow you to live the reconciliation in the Lord.

Dear children, I carry on My face a tear that speaks about the pain of this humanity. I await in the hope that My children who are distant from God may approach themselves to Him. I pray for all of them and place them near My Maternal Spirit so that they reach redemption and conversion.

Humanity still must live acts of deep humility to be able to relieve the offenses that God’s Heart receives. For this, My praying children may relieve the heart of the Father through unity among souls, love among the hearts and peace in all places of the Earth. This will help the conversion of many children that need it.

The time of the calling is now, so little children, redeem, redeem, redeem what is still not redeemed, so you may please the Father for so many offenses that He receives from this world.

Be joyful so your hearts approach themselves to purity.

I thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


My children,

Today I invite you again to the adoration of My Son, in each one of your prayers, as well as in the exercise of contemplation of the Merciful Christ. Raise your eyes towards the Heart of My Son so that your hearts may live the announcement of the New Redemption. In this way, My dear children, through this exercise you will be, in silence, preparing your hearts for when He returns. Your souls, as lambs in the flock of the Shepherd, should walk in trust, through the state of prayer and of adoration.

Dear children, you will not only be lifting your hearts a little more through adoration, but you will also be able to raise the feeling and the thought of the humanity that lives without My Son.

For this Easter that is approaching, I invite you to embrace My Son and just as at the Doors of Jerusalem, I invite you to receive the Redeemer Messiah. With this paschal mystery in your lives, you will be able to live the sublime presence of His Most Holy Heart, because without My Son you will not be able to truly see what God has for each one of you.

Beloved children, it is only through My Son that you will be able to direct your feet towards the Heavens so that the soul may find a safe place to return to.

Dear children, in this preparation for the adoration, your hearts will be liberated from the burden that they carry in life and thus, they will shine by the Presence of the Redeemer. Therefore, dear children, it is important to open yourselves in order to live the true mysteries of contemplation that Christ left as a teaching.

The time has come for all hearts to prepare themselves and to use time properly in order to be in My Son. Keep in your lives the mystery of the Love that Christ now brings to you, through His Mercy, for the whole world. Live in Him and live for Him, because soon you will understand everything.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Love and Light for the hearts.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

I am also with you in the adoration to the Sacred Heart of My Son. I assure you, dear children, that in It you will find the strength that your hearts need in these moments.

Little ones, the contemplation of the Divine Heart of Christ is important for your lives. Each union that is established between you and His Spirit opens a door to the reconciliation of all the causes that by mistake may have been committed.

Never forget, dear children, this perfect union with Christ so that in the times of test you may have the will to continue on the path that will take you to Him. Today I call you so that your hearts may put their attention on this ministry.

The adoration of My Glorified Son will help you to understand better the situations of life. This will allow you, My little ones, to be able to give all to His Most Holy Heart.

Adoration is an act of constant restoration of life, of mind and spirit for all hearts. In contemplation begins for you a path of communion with Christ so that later you may be able to merge yourselves with Him in the adoration.

Know, My dear ones, that this exercise is of importance for all hearts. I must tell you that the goal of your hearts will be to not take this sacred exercise as if it were just one more passage in life. Each meeting for the adoration of the Sacred Heart of My Son must be an act of reparation for your hearts and for your little souls. This will help so that the world, which adores other forms more, may at least convert itself little by little from the heart and from the soul.

Each one of your hearts must love the adoration done before the Heart of My Son. You must establish an alliance with His Sacred Heart. This will be the beginning for hope and for good will.

For this reason, My little ones, I invite you to enter into the ocean of adoration. There you will remain, traveling a new path towards Him. In this way you will unite to His beloved Heart and you will help in the relief of all hearts that do not contemplate Him.

The first hour of salvation will occur by means of the adoration of the Heart of Christ; the adoration will prepare you for what will come afterwards.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Let us pray for those who do not adore God. Let us pray for those who do not love God.

Let us pray for those who do not surrender themselves to Light.

In reverence to the Heart of Christ,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

May the infinite compassion of My Son strengthen your hearts so that they may walk in life towards God the Father. Today I call you to reflection by means of the exercise of prayer.

My little ones, in this time we must uplift humanity and the souls through contemplative prayer. Today, My little children, I teach you how you must contemplate:

First, by giving your heart to the Lord;

Second, by opening the merciful source of prayer;

Third, by praying with compassion and piety for all your brothers and sisters.

In this exercise, I assure you, My little ones, that your hearts will be deepening in union with God through a prayer that will alleviate the sorrows of the world.

Your hearts are participants of My Maternal Presence. For this reason I invite you to live within My Immaculate Heart. In this Kingdom that belongs to God, your souls will find shelter, protection and renovation of life.

The Lord, in His Immense Grace, wants to renovate your hearts so that in this last cycle of the world, they may live life by means of a true communion with Christ. You, My little hearts, must love each moment of the encounter with My glorified and kind Son. There, in this supper that each day you shall celebrate, you will be able to drink from His wonders, and you will be able to eat in humility from the compassion and from the Mercy that His Most Holy Heart will be radiating to you.

The moment has come for that which John the Apostle wrote as a message, to be fulfilled as Good News in all the hearts of the world.

The Lady Clothed with the Sun brings the stars of Light, stars of the Father, those which redeem the world. For this, My dear ones, the hearts must open their inner treasuries that in some children still remain closed. Opening the heart, the Heavens will open themselves to the souls that may want to recognize them.

Let us pray for the relief of the suffering that many of My children live daily.

Run all of you towards My Immaculate Heart, My Light will guide you.

Who loves you,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Trust in My Heart that I will shelter you. Do not fear for that which you still have not overcome. Rejoice in My Immaculate Heart so that My Love may echo within you.

Dear children,

Today I call you to the daily contemplation of prayers. This will allow, My little ones, that the requests that are pronounced from the Earth by each one of the souls, be heard by our Most Beloved Lord of the Heavens. Today I invite you, My dear ones, to the meditation of prayers that elevate the spirit and the soul. Raise your voices to the Heavens so that I, the Queen of Peace, may intercede for all the souls that in this final time lose themselves in materialism and ambition.

Therefore, My little soldiers, ignite the praying inner fire so that, together with My Immaculate Heart, you may help Me in the liberation and in the forgiveness of the whole world. I listen daily to your prayers and My Immaculate Heart will respond to your requests according to the Will of the Lord.

I love your hearts very much, I contemplate you moment by moment. Thank you for responding to My daily call. My Heart protects you; we are united in prayer and in Mercy.

The Kingdom of My Peace in your hearts.

Who protects you from everything, in the Celestial Light, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
