My Universal Consciousness rejoices itself when the souls open in trust the doors of their houses to Me so that My Mercy may be able to reign.

For this today I invite you to answer to My call for the universal liberation and redemption of all of the races through the Trustworthy Source of My Divine Mercy.

I want you to know that My Presence is in all of the paths of the souls.  As I have been once in Middle East I have also been in Orient to remind you of the commitments and the Graces that the Universe had once deposited in My Heart.

With this revelation I ask you to remember the loving commitment that each soul has made with Me since always, thus you will allow Me to realize the works that I have planned in the hearts.

I need the wide openness of your heart in order to open again the doors for those who have them closed.  I only ask you to live Me as Your Inseparable Companion of the Path.  In this way you will help, from the consciousness, to rebuild what has been destroyed in the consciousness of humanity.

I come today to let you know My true Love for you, that love that the Father gestated within My Heart from the first Moment.  Today I Am with you but tomorrow I wish to be with the world to tell it:  “Come and follow Me, it is time to find the true Peace.”

Under the Infinite Love that comes from God, be blessed.

Thank you for living within My Heart!

Christ Jesus


That in this time My disciples may not fear to be offended because on the path of humility the hard hearts will come to the conclusion of their opening themselves to the call of My Redeeming Love.

Be patient and silent, be an example of beatitude and simplicity because the mirror that reflects your heart will be the example that you live by Me in peace and in faith.

I Am returning and thus I will look for those who I have chosen to help Me to fulfill My Redeeming Work. My Meek Heart is with all of the good servers. Go ahead!

Under the good of God, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Heart!

Christ Jesus


I Am the Great Priest and you are My apprentices so that you may be able to learn about love and about the truth.

I Am the Great Master and you are My beloved disciples so that you may be able to learn to live in the law.

In each one of My ones I pour My celestial gifts so that in the next time they may wake up to the service of the current humanity.

Every disciple must revere the instruction of His or Her Master because if it were not this way the disciple would not be born straight, as tree does when it directs its crown towards the High. Each teaching and learning has a question and an answer for your lives. Without the experiences of faith and of forgiveness it will not be possible to gestate the new humanity.

Today I call you to live in My Shepherd School because it is necessary that the new apostles wake up to the missionary call of love and of peace. In your essences is found the true being and in your hearts is found the truth for your lives. Never allow for the lie or the ignorance of the world to separate you from the Master of Truth. Try every day to be clear and transparent like the waters of the ocean. In this way you will be able to transmit the message of peace that many souls need.

The most important for this time is to participate in the Sacred Communion with Me. In this way the ignorance or the art of the enemy will not knock on your door. You must only seek Me day and night, in joy or in pain.

I Am everywhere when you simply feel Me in prayer. It is time to use the instruments of protection, such as prayer, communion and fasting. In this way nothing will knock you down, but you will have the understanding about things because I will give you the strength of My Redeeming Love. I Am with you.  Go ahead!

Under the Supreme Will of God, be blessed.

Thank you for imparting eternal love to the entire world!

Christ Jesus


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Today, before His Apparition, the Master surprised us with a gesture of Love.

We asked Him, “Master, where are You now?”.

In a matter of seconds, He showed us a scene. He was among all of us, levitating in the air with His angels, while He indicated to them what they should do: some relieved the heart, others calmed the spirit and others also healed parts of the physical body.

Then, the Master presented Himself today, positioning Himself upon the stage and directing a broad smile to us.

Then, He transmitted the following Message:


Know as from now that My Universal and Christic Consciousness prays perpetually for you so that the new flocks may truly awaken to My planetary call.

As in the Garden of Gethsemane, in vigil, fasting and prayer, now from Heaven I share My primordial graces for the hearts that open themselves to listen to My loving voice.


Today you have already passed fervently through the phase of the first stage of the merciful prayer; this in Brazil and in the East has already generated infinite fruits for the hearts that most need it.

But the soul that trusts in Me enters into the Infinite and unknown Heaven to receive the baptism of My Light and the sacrament of My Reconciliation. For this day of special spiritual Grace for all, today I invite you to consider Me present in your lives, because you must know that My Eternal Heart is there when only you call for It in love and in devotion.

To all of those who encouraged themselves to answer to My request of prayer, I thank you because a new sun in the universe is being gestated, so that the souls may mercifully receive its rays of radiation of peace and of redemption. This sun of which I speak to you today is the essence of My Heart, that is being found by all of those who call Me in prayer day by day.

In this way My Spirit imparts repairing Graces in the essences that simply say to Me: “Come Master of Love”.

On this day My light impregnates the forms and the created spaces and this is possible as a loving consequence of the offering of all the participants in the Marathon of My Divine Mercy. And in this way time will pass and, through Me, you will see faith grow in your lives, and nothing will ever be able to separate you from the path of consecration and of holiness that I propose for some of My own.

But everyone will always have a great place in My Consciousness, a place of renovation, of healing and of faith to be comforted in the tests that the Lord sends you to mature your beings.

My friends, that tomorrow your fire may be extended, and that it may embrace greater celestial spheres. Remember that I only want souls in profound contemplation and adoration to My Mercy.

I come to demystify the fanatics, because My flocks of peace and light are formed by work and sacrifice; in them I will institute My New Dwelling Place upon the Earth, seeking the essence of the pure souls.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My call from the heart!

Christ Jesus, You Inner Shepherd


I knock on your door: may I enter?

Let Me be with you and talk to you about the wonders of God. I am here to listen to you, know that you will have all My Comfort.  Be deceived no longer, take My Hands to proceed in the path of sacrifice.

Be still and in silence tell Me what you need. Disturb your heart no longer, only concentrate your gaze on My Sacred Heart and feel the beating of My celestial rhythm. Stay in Me and seek to live the great experience of redeeming love with Me.

Seek the warmth of My eternal company and see everywhere the light of My Omnipresence. Meet with your friends to talk about God and only do this in perpetual prayer. Nourish yourself with My Word of Life and before any need of help, call Me because I will listen to you.

Stay in My Kingdom, live in My Kingdom and feel yourself as a part of the infinite ocean of My Mercy. Empty your heart of the past and you will allow that the chains be liberated from you so that the light of the true being may emerge. Think of Me. Do all in My Name so that your actions may be sacred and charitable for those who need relief.

I Am here, calling at the door of your house. I Am arriving in the silence and in the Glory of God, your eternal Celestial Father.

Under the Good of God, be blessed.

Thank you for living My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Shepherd.


Unexpectedly, before the presence of the Virgin Mary, descended in Glory from the Heavens the presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who visited us to transmit His daily message together with the message of Our Lady for the Vigil of Prayer.

The Blessed Virgin Mary tells us:

Dear children, now My Blessed and Beloved Son Jesus will proceed, communicating to you the celestial words:

My Beloved ones,

On this day of Maternal Graces, as My Mother has said, the Lord sends to you, as a result of all of the spiritual goods that have been received by you during the Meeting of Prayer, an impulse of materialization of His Will for your lives.

For this My companions, it will be necessary that through the daily prayer of the heart you recognize the call that Heaven proclaims in face of the absolute necessity for the faithful Marian and Christic servers for this planetary cycle.

In face of all that happens in the world Heaven has given you all that It guards, waiting thus for an immediate answer for you to decide to live a constant life of prayer.

This is how it was,  and for this purpose the universe has prepared, it has been six years, this sacred space of the Marian Center of Aurora so that the souls of the world, especially all of the hearts of the Americas, would have a place of reference where they could  be able to realize the spiritual path.

Such as it has been in your history as humanity, Heaven chooses the immature and simple consciousnesses and It also chooses the forgotten and distant places so that the Father may be able to pour through the Celestial Messengers all of His gifts of love, of healing and of reparation.

For those people who pray and that follow My daily Messages I tell you that you are being participants in a unique moment for your souls, it is something that will remain guarded in the highest spirit of each being for, it after all, to follow the steps to Heaven.

For this I ask you that in prayer you be attentive to the moment in which you live as souls and as brothers and sisters in the various groups of prayer because if you are attentive you will know how to take the steps correctly and you will avoid mistakes.

In this time Heaven is opening its doors upon the Earth in order to redeem those who have distanced themselves from God. For this Heaven chooses places where ecumenism may be able to be expressed and the human power does not interfere in the Divine Purpose. In this way, all of the souls are free to participate and to feel if this call is for them.

Now the inner reading for each being is singular and Heaven sends you a worldly message for all because the moment has come for the definitive unity and for the fraternal integration with the superior laws of the Kingdom of the Heavens.

I only want to tell My ones that the last path of return to the Greater Life is being indicated in your path. God in His Glory has given you the art of deciding and of choosing. We wait for all of the people who pray and for the pilgrims.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for listening with attention to My message!

Christ Jesus


That My Peace may remain in your hearts!

Today, through My Peace and My Merciful Love for you, a new flower has blossomed, a flower that has emanated an aroma as that of a lovely fruit created by God.  And this aroma of Piety and Love has been radiated to all the world through all of those who said yes to the great challenges that My Father gave them out of love for your conversion.

And this flower that today has bloomed, is the flower of the Immaculate Heart, the one that was gestated in the essence of each one of the children of God.

To sow this new seed has meant several challenges for the consciousnesses; in the end after the trials, the transcendences and most important, after that donation, a part of the Plan of God has been accomplished.

And this flower gave good seeds, those that were expanded in many hearts that were closed to God, in hearts distant from God and in hearts that were not redeemed by the love of God.

Through the perseverance, the love, the faith and the service surrendered by the children of My Holy Mother, a new light for the world was born; after so many months, the Saving Portal of Christ and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary was born.

Among confirmations, decisions and the overcoming on the part of the soldiers of the Virgin Mary, something very important was constructed among the consciousnesses: Love for the Divine Purpose of God. This love placed by each one of the children, was true and simple, this love touched in the deep of the Heart of God and He, one more time, poured His Grace and His Piety through the sacred presence at your side of the Universal Mother, of the Queen of the World for this world.

She in Her maternal sweetness and in silence, walked at the side of Her children, who without knowing why, said yes to Her blessed and important call.  And for these fruits of effort and love that the soldiers of the Most Holy Virgin have placed, other suns and other stars now shine in the universal firmament; new souls that were in the dark lit up again by only observing the light of the Great Immaculate Portal.

In all of this work that your Blessed Mother had, a great mystery was revealed before your eyes, the mystery of selfless and surrendered love, the same that I lived for you on the Cross.

For this today, may your hearts rejoice for having accomplished in faithfulness with the Purpose of God; your Immaculate Mother has accompanied you and will continue to accompany you so that the fruits of redemption may awaken in all the world.

See how important it is to transmit a message of peace through a portal consecrated to the Will of the Most High, where a soul that feels the words opens its heart, its consciousness is transformed and its heart redeemed; soon this soul donates itself, awakening to service and to charity and this little action redeems all of humanity.  In this way, the angels listen to the offer of this soul and they, out of love and mercy, open the Heavens and the Universal Piety descends upon the world.

This sublime energy activates the same purpose in other hearts, the world lives some more time of peace and the souls live their own conversion through prayer.

Understand in this way, My friends, how great is the Love of God for you; understand from the heart the result of the presence of this simple, but loving portal, consecrated to the three Blessed Hearts of Mary, Jesus and Most Chaste Joseph.

May My Profound Gratitude and Love reverberate in your consciousnesses today, because My Sheep are listening to the Voice of the Great Shepherd.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for accomplishing My Requests in humility and donation!

Christ Jesus, Your King


My dears:

An important universal and celestial movement is happening today because  six consecutive months are completed in which My Sacerdotal Consciousness has descended from the Heaven of My Father to daily encounter with you, My little and beloved flock in redemption.

For this reason today I am mercifully present together with My first representative on the Earth and the ambassador of Peace: the Apostle Saint Peter. Today I want that, after these six months of infinite mercies each one of My companions meditate and reflect from the consciousness on the mature steps of surrender and faith that you have been able to take towards My Sacred Heart. I want that you meditate on your beloved interest for My daily Instructions. Within the six next months, during which you will once again see My Beloved Presence, this last cycle will be fulfilled.

After your inner study of consciousness I want that you comprehend and perceive what is it that has happened in each one of you and what were the true fruits that were born in your hearts. Today I do not call your attention but I call you to the awakening of spiritual maturity.

You know, My friends, that the world is going through a grave spiritual crisis; that each day that passes has repercussions in all of the beings and in the definitive decisions of life. It is a path to the great Universal Judgment that will come for all humanity. A judgment is Mercy and Grace because through the cause of pity and service for which you work, many will achieve Mercy.

In this way today I reveal to you My Heart in pain for the great sins of the world, those which grow more rapidly than the quantity of prayers that are offered.

After these six months of daily messages I am removing My children from the garden and I am bringing them to the firsts steps of maturity and of the true wisdom for your spirits.

On this day may your consciousness detain itself to meditate on this important Christic call to cross the portal with maturity towards My Sacred Heart.  God hopes that His children grow up in faith, in hope, so that you may awake reverence in your beings each time that you pray together with Me at three in the afternoon. 

It is the moment for you to achieve Mercy and to stop aspiring for it. It is the moment of advancing as a mature disciple. It is the moment to be awakened in life and in consciousness so that you may recognize the difference between My Coming and that of the one who will use My garment in order to convince My flocks.

We are in a time of spiritual battle because it is through mature spirits that will be defined the victory of the Kingdom of Heavens upon all the face of the Earth.

Now has arrived your inner moment. I hold you above all things because the New Christs will be born from few and many will lose themselves on the path because of their own ideas. You only must obey the Great Inner Light of the Lord.

Under the Mercy of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for persisting and for living My instructions from the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Savior. 


I am here present in Aurora all of the days at three in the afternoon to comfort with My Spirit the one that feels as lonely as a desert.

I am here all of the days at three in the afternoon to pour My Grace on those who still have not been redeemed.

I am here all of the days at three in the afternoon to consecrate those who still have not lived My Redeeming Path.

For these and for other reasons I am here amongst you and I have chosen you so that in these times you may diffuse My message of Piety, Hope and Mercy. One more time humanity will be able to prove that I really call those who only listen to Me through the heart, even if it is only for a moment.

For this I give My Celestial Goods into the hands of the most simple and free so that they may be multiplied in love and brotherhood. This is the true essence of the end of the times: to have a pure heart, in order to be able to have a pure mind and by having a pure mind, to receive Mercy and Redemption.

Know, My Friends, that I know all of the corners of your consciousness but My Love for you is so great that I let Myself be nailed on the cross out of love for the salvation of the world. For this reason today I am with you so that with braveness and will you may follow My Steps towards the eternal light of the Father.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


My Works are various in the whole world and they are accomplished through all of those who answer to My Merciful call.

Those who surrender their lives out of love to My Heart will never cease being observed by the compassion of My Paternal Spirit, because it is through the humble souls where My Kind Heart finds rest, it is in the simple souls where My Universal Spirit rests to be able to help the world.

For this may each one of My Disciples know that they are accomplishing a precious task to generate and awaken redemption in the world and in humanity.

May no one lose the joy of serving Me every day of life because at the end of the task in this world, I will recognize in Heaven the greatness of their love for My Heart and I will recognize the path of surrender that they have taken for My Work on the whole Earth.

Whoever complies with My Will, will be able to lead a life invaded by the presence of My Spirit and should not occupy themselves with anything, only with accomplishing the simple that I ask of them, which is the life of merciful prayer, because My Heart will take care of the rest of the questions of life.

At three in the afternoon is opened a door to the renewal of your little consciousnesses.  At three in the afternoon is opened a door in the universe so that the souls may be reconciled with God through the infinite Mercy of My Heart.

For this, may no one miss this hour, because My Heart will be attentive to the voice of the pleas of all those souls who dispose themselves to drink from My Merciful Source.  Day by day I want to clean your feelings and thoughts, so that they may be as pure and as divine as Mine.

I aspire to find you at three in the afternoon in profound contemplation and adoration to My Heart of Peace because in this way you will simply help Me to help the world in Light and in Mercy.  My Soldiers are formed by means of the donation to merciful prayer.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer


Whenever the hour of Mercy comes My Arms are opened to pour Light upon the world because in this way the souls will awake to the inner call that My Heart provides for all of them.

The path towards My Kingdom is traced by the prayers of all of the faithful servers who during the hour of the Mercy clamor for My Name.

I want to collect souls as the flowers of Light that My Celestial Mother brings to each one of the essences. Thus I will be able to quench My Thirst for hearts and for the immature lives.

I hope to be able to bring more mercy to those who are alone, without a straight path towards My Paternal Consciousness.

I wait for the empty hearts because in this way I will accomplish the Greater Will.

Under the Divine Will of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for feeling My Graces and words with the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Savior. 


May come to Me the brave ones and those who have fallen.

May come to Me the followers and those who are persecuted.

May come to Me the lonely and poor of heart ones.

May all come to Me those who are in Heaven and on Earth, those who are in the south or in the north, those who are in the orient or in the occident.

May all of humanity awake or asleep come towards Me, may you not fear me because I know you all very well. May no one fear calling me or invoking me because My spirit is Omnipresent and Omniscient.

May you in the storm or in the sun, may you in the rain or in the desert, call me, because I Am the one who Is and more I will be in My Servers when you just open the pure dwelling place of the heart.

I Am the one who frees you from sin and I Am the one who lifts you up when have fallen.

I Am the joy and the future for your lives, I Am the balsam that cures the heart.

I Am the water that washes the wounds and I Am the salt that spices and gives flavor to the lives of souls.

Come to Me because without time nor schedule I always wait for you, contemplate you, adore you, love you, forgive you, free you from every suffering or affliction. Let me, just for once, be everything for you because nothing you will lose, but you will recognize My Power and My Merciful Ministry.

Come to Me those who have courage to look at My Eyes, come to My Law. The faithful followers I already have with Me in My Kingdom but those who for such a long time I have been waiting for, I call ardently to My Encounter.

Come those who still have not come towards Me. My Eyes vigil you, My Love impregnates you, My Light involves you, My Mantle protects you and My Steps guide you.

I call the soldiers of Christ of the New Time and one more time I tell you: carry your cross and, for love, follow me towards the awaited encounter with the Lord of the Universe. If you did like this each time that you fall down or become sad, remember that you would be doing it for the all  of humanity in need.

Under the Love of the All Powerful, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to My words of instruction!

Christ Jesus. 


Children and companions of Mine:

I love the bravery of those pilgrims that with faith in the Higher and the heart surrendered to the Lord accomplish the celestial call of the Divine Mother from Heaven.

In this first special Apparition, together with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I want to pour over you My Blessing; especially to all the pilgrims of My Holy Mother who, on this 25th day of February, in conditions of effort, prayer and sacrifice have corresponded to the divine call of Our Father.

Today I say to you My Companions, that the merciful rays that sprout from the Most Holy Heart of Jesus have been able to touch the heart and the essence of many souls that suffered agony in the hells of this world.

With this I want to say that the Merciful Christ embraced your sincere offer of prayer and of ascent to the Hill of Salta during these two past days, and the day of today has culminated with the divine accomplishment of the redeeming task of Christ before the souls in agony and perdition.

The Heavens, My children, will be touching with love your hearts, because I will pour My Graces over those who today, during the peregrination of the heart, gave Me an absolute yes. I share with your souls My Gratitude and Divine Graces, because you have received for this task the absolution of the possible offenses that wounded the Most Holy Heart of Christ.

Out of Love to the One and Only Father, the Divine Mercy is in this moment pouring itself victoriously not only over you but also over those who, condemned to hell and to purgatory, have received liberation and the tablet of salvation.

For this I say to all: “By their fruits you will know them and by them you will be saved, because they will be called servers of Christ…”.

Under the Glory of the Father, be blessed by My Restoring Love.

Thank you for answering and for listening to the divine call!

Christ Jesus


Children of My Father, come and enter into My Heart if you truly want to be apostles of My Sacred Mercy.

Today I come to wake up one more part of My flock. I come to summon the sheep that faithfully follow My Heart so that they may confirm the vows of trust in the words of God.

If your beings truly aspire to live the Laws of My Kingdom I tell you that you will have to walk much, that there is much sacrifice to live from now on. But those of you who say yes to Me and who renovate the commitment with Me will always have My hands to sustain you and to elevate you each time that you see yourselves fallen.

Dears, do not worry about the falls because only the soldier that takes the risk of walking can fall. And for those I come every day.

My sacred eyes of Mercy observe you always and accompany your awakening and your walking, ready to impel you each time that it may be necessary.

I asked to be among My favorite flock because I know the need that each sheep has of being by the side of its Shepherd and Redeemer.

Feel at this moment and all of the days, by means of My words, the true power of My Mercy because the time has passed, all have before themselves the keys for transformation. I am no longer able to see soldiers that stay behind from being asleep.

Soon will come the time in which I will knock on the door of your houses to reclaim that which was given to you so long ago so that it could be multiplied.

From those who so many times have heard My Call I will seek the multiplied gifts and talents. And about those who have never heard the Voice of the Master, I will try to enter into their hearts

and I will deposit there the Sacred Mercy that will exist until the last moment of this test that My soldiers and My servers are taking today.

Listen to My Voice and multiply My Love.

Today I bring all to you.

By the Grace of God, be blessed.

Christ Jesus.


My Dear ones, empty yourselves of everything and follow Me.

Allow Me to take you as a new wineskin so that I may pour into your hearts My new codes of peace.

Let Me enter your dwellings because from the Celestial Universe of God I wait for you to call upon Me and say: “Come Master, stay within me”. I Am everything for you, when you just allow Me.

I want to teach you before My return how to repair the Heart of Our God of Love from on High. For this, drink every day of prayer and wakefulness in order to be awake with Me in the face of any inner change.

Open the door for Me to definitively enter into your lives, into your tasks, into your sleep, into your awakening, into your entire day.

I want to accompany you, if you allow Me, to teach you through each test to trust My Inconceivable and Infinite Mercy. I just wait from Heaven for your yes so that My Infinite Love may start working in your essence, in your little hearts. If the souls knew the power of My Love they would know much more about the Universal Love of God and all that the Creator has to give to each being.

Now remember that I am in each brother and sister, very hidden, just as I Am in the Eucharist. For this, focus on trying to find Me in each healthy gesture of love, fraternity, prayer and charity. I carry you all in My arms because My Celestial Mother is handing Me to each son and daughter of this world, to lead you to the path of Good and Peace.

Each soul has a mission before God, each child accomplishes a part of the Plan of Love, but each task must be honored and respected in order to allow the Plan on the Earth to be accomplished. I Am the Great Worker of souls, you are My companions.

Under the Glory of God, be blessed.

Thank you for keeping My commandments in your hearts!

Christ Jesus


My dear and most beloved children,

In the name of the Almighty God, in the name of the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Redeeming Love of My Son and before the Celestial Choirs, under the Power of God in the universe, under the Merciful Light of My Immaculate Heart, I, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, in this moment and during this hour, reflecting the Maternal Love of My Immaculate Heart, but with tears in My immaculate eyes, announce to you with reverence and peace, the next celestial call of attention to all My blessed children on Earth.

I tell you that the ever Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven, has seen a serious fault on the part of Her children before God. Therefore, in the name of peace, I absolve you and tell you, dear children, that the Queen of Peace, the Mother of the World, will manifest Her Face of Love to all, at the Marian Center of Figueira on the 25th and 26th of October, celebrating in this way the month of the Most Holy Rosary in a ceremony of prayer that will extend until the 25th and 26th of November of the year 2012 of your time.

This divine decision is in response to the Will of God, the Most High, and it is because of what Our beloved Celestial Father has seen regarding the lack of spiritual and material consideration that My children have given to My task of con- tact with you (*).

My children, this means that My voice and My echo will be pronounced for a longer time for the intercession that My Son, Jesus Christ, has carried out before the throne of God. I want you to understand with your hearts, My little ones, that your collaboration with My Divine Work has been scarce in this part of the Americas.

I want to tell you, My children, that your hearts have been lacking the donation and the providence for My task to be able to embrace each corner of the world.

Therefore, dear children, in the face of the lack of love in the consciousness for all that throughout time I have been pouring as Grace and with love, I want to tell you that the apparitions planned for the final days of October and November will occur at the Marian Center of Figueira. This means that I ask you for a loving collaboration so that My Message may continue to echo in the world.

For this reason, as your Mother and as Mary, Help (**), I intervene with Love for all of you so that the wisdom of the Holy Spirit may awaken in your consciousnesses. My adult children, it is time to grow in maturity because this will allow your hearts to be under the Law of My Divine Mercy.

Jesus waits for you so that your consciousnesses may meditate and confess with His Sacred Heart. I invite you in this final time to love the Law of the Divine Providence, because to understand the mysteries of Heaven, they must be loved even more than all that your lives know in this world.

Dear children, in the name of the Light of Heaven, I thank you for responding to this urgent call to meditation and reflection of your consciousnesses.

In the Faith professed by My Son Jesus, I wait for you at the Marian Center of Figueira so that together we may celebrate the month of the Most Holy Rosary because Peace is urgent in the lives of all My children.

Will My soldiers follow Me?

Thank you for your inner attention.

Who loves you eternally,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


(*) She refers here to Her task with the visionaries.

(**) Tr: “Mary, Help” refers to and expands upon the meaning of the well-known title of the Virgin which in English has been called “Mary, Help of Christians.”


With joy and bliss I place each one of My children in the Celestial Kingdom of God.

Dear children,

Today, let us celebrate from the heart for the coming of the Queen of Peace to Aurora, Her favorite home.

As the Mother of the New Aurora today I give you all My Maternal Blessing and I thank you for responding to My call for peace.

As instruments in the Hands of the Most High, today I invite you to consecrate your dwellings to the Celestial Father. Know, My little ones, that He waits for the love of the pure and true souls, that may want to live in the one Source of Love that forgives and repairs all.

Today I am calling you to be partakers of Divine Mercy through My Immaculate Heart. Dear children, I call you all so that you may take one more step, with absolute trust in the Plans of God.

My children, as the Divine Conception, I ask you to pray so that many of My children in these critical times may also be able to be touched by My inner call. Today, in addition, I remind you that each call to which you respond has worldwide repercussions in this end of times. Each call that is responded from your humble hearts will help in the redemption of humanity through the victorious coming of Christ to Earth.

My soldiers, may your hearts be always ready for everything, for that which God wants in these moments. Know, My little ones, that you are working by means of prayer so that salvation may be possible, even for the souls that are less deserving.

Dear children, I promise you that each prayer that flows with love from your hearts will be heard and responded to under the Highest Will of God.

Dear children, as a mediator between the hearts: thank you for listening to My supplications!

I thank you!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Today I invite you to consecrate your lives as a gift to God, being flowers at the feet of the Creator. Carry the joy of serving Him on your faces and, in harmony, manifest the Love of My Son. Live under the Source of the Love of the Savior and, as good and humble instruments, radiate the peace of the heart.

Know, dear children, that despite the way the world behaves before God, My Immaculate Heart makes you participants of the new path that I want to reveal to you, the path of love and forgiveness.

Remember that you serve out of absolute love for God and that My Son calls you to drink from the Fount of Mercy for all those who easily forget the importance of being in God. For this reason, My children, each action of life must be consecrated to God and you must work under this spirit of peace.

Many will receive, in due time, the last call of God, the Father of the Universe, and one of His warnings will be given through the voice of My Immaculate Heart that comes to the world to elevate it as a consciousness and as a heart.

Be good disciples of My Son, be true messengers of His Divine Mercy. The Divine Hour marks the moment of making use of the Forgiveness of God and of reconciling yourselves with your dear ones. Each act of forgiveness attracts the original purity towards your hearts. Life becomes luminous before the throne of the Father because in it there is a new dwelling, a dwelling visited by the Compassionate Love of My Son.

Search for purity in order to begin to live the Immaculate Peace of My Heart.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


I will be in your heart when you allow Me to live in it. I will be your Blessed Mother when in trust you walk through My garden of roses.

I promise many Graces to the hearts when they are in absolute faith.

The conversion of life begins with the giving of the heart and the spirit. This allows you to discover silence to then find the new and the good that comes from the Lord.

Whoever waits in faith, resumes the path towards the Heavens because the spirit that prays to the Creator Father finds the favorite refuge within the Heart of My Son.

It is time to open the ears to hear the call that God sends you through the presence of My Maternal Heart.

Dear children, today I ask you to make your hearts become like pure water and to convert them so that they may be as beautiful as the nature created by God, the Source of Love and Compassion.

Be responsive to the requests of praying for the conversion of this humanity so that the Kingdom of Grace may permeate all hearts. It is time to repair the heart and the life of many of My children who, remaining distant from God, are deviated from the path of the aspiration to find the Redeeming Kingdom of Christ, the path of salvation.

Dear children, My voice will not tire of saying that you must change before the time that will come for the world; that you must confess daily with My Son and that you must fulfill the act of reconciliation through the Sacred Communion with His Heart of Peace. If you could have these exercises as fundamen- tal, the world would be able to reach some more time of peace.

You must have each one of these acts as something precious and practice them in the name of all those children who do not do so.

I thank you for your response!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Let us celebrate today the Face of My Immaculate Conception that once emerged in Lourdes. I want you to reach My Sacred Heart so that your souls may find the path that you have to travel towards God. On this path of pilgrimage towards the Father, you will be able to find My Immaculate Conception.

Today I invite you so that each one of your lives and hearts may become immaculate through the purity of prayer. In this way, your souls will be living flames for the Lord and they will find Peace in the Greater Kingdom. Therefore, place your eyes in My Heart so that they may discover the sacred gifts that the Lord grants to each one of our souls.

Dear children, today I reveal to you and remind you of My presence in Lourdes so that your hearts may return towards the Original Source of the Souls: God the Creator Father. In these times, the gifts that allow all souls to be consecrated are presenting themselves through My Immaculate Heart. I only want that you return to My Immaculate Essence so that the paths may open towards the new conception of the heart that each one must discover.

Dear children, you must not be sad, because I am among all of you sharing the Graces that the Father has allowed Me to pour. I expect from all My praying souls not only the fidelity to My Heart, but also trust in My Plans of Peace and Redemption. The Grace of conversion is for all hearts, even more for those that want to hear the last call.

My voice cries out for you and for the world so that the new Light of God may renew the life in all souls. I am there when your hearts open to receive Me. I am Omnipresent and My feet leave tracks where you will be able to find the humble pathway towards God.

Thank you for responding to My call.

I contemplate you from the Heart,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
