Today, for the first time, I am wrapped in the mantle of the Argentine flag and, through this symbol, I wish to announce that My purpose for this people is still unknown to the majority of souls.
For this reason, so that souls may understand the meaning of your Master and Lord returning to Argentina in the month of August, which will be the most daring goal of all times, for in this people I will place one of My seven aspirations so that it may be fulfilled, through the adherence and the perfect union of all My servers.
This is the time for granting to the world the concretion of many miracles, as it is also the time in which humanity sees the reality that it always wanted to hide from its sight.
Argentina is a laboring and working people, a virtue that also reflected in their spiritual life with the same strength and determination.
Thus, I will make use of the inner power of the heart of the Argentines to prepare My return and, in this way, fulfill the promise in humanity that was once made for all, that I would return at the most culminating moment on Earth.
And as it is the time, and that hour is approaching, I will again visit My companions of Argentina so that the foundation of the bases of a Light-Colony of souls may be finished in South America, which in the name of many more, will fulfill the Will of God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
To begin searching for the illumination of the consciousness, you must love God, His Plan and His Will above all things; you must develop the perception of His Presence in all kinds of life and know that all beings need to express their potential as creatures that come from God, so that they may then find peace and express peace in the world.
Without knowing the truth about themselves, beings walk in the darkness of ignorance, confused among miseries, desires and skills, and do not express what they came to the world to express.
That is why sometimes it becomes so difficult to love and to accept a neighbor as they are. I say "as they are" because they still are not what they were really created to be, because it still hides within them. But before you can see the truth expressed in your brothers and sisters, you must first know that it exists and you must love it, feel the need for it to become alive in yourselves and in your neighbor. In this way, your search will be real and your pure aspiration will lead you to the correct path, to the path of the Will of God.
Why do I tell you this?
Because many times, your attention is on the things of the world and in human endeavors when, in reality, the human being only becomes realized when they are capable of expressing Divine Will and participating in His Celestial Truth. Then, you will be able to discern, take action and even make use of human skills in order to turn them into instruments of the manifestation of the Divine Work.
While assuming your responsibilities, deepen into the way in which you carry them out.
Look to your neighbor, seeking to feel the love and the aspiration that they find. Live life with the aspiration that its meaning may be found.
Find inspiration in the manifestation of nature, in the accomplishment of the flowers and the beauty of that percentage of life that, yes, fulfills Divine Will and has found its realization, its wholeness.
You have My blessing for that.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray for the souls that need liberation.
Pray for the hearts that need help to disconnect from darkness and to embrace the path of light, of good and of the Love of Christ.
Pray for those who purify their past and who ignore the mud that emerges from within.
Pray for them to have the courage for standing before themselves and of tirelessly aspiring for transformation.
Pray for those who need to surrender before God and surrender your heart also.
Pray for the neighbor, always with consciousness of your miseries, so that your prayer may lead you to a humble spirit.
Pray for peace and for Grace within the hearts of your brothers and sisters.
Pray for them to achieve sanctity and to overcome themselves in love, every day.
Be a caretaker so that Grace may remain within your neighbor. Love to see the growth and evolution of others. Allow your prayer for the neighbor to be converted into your greatest service.
Who knows, maybe there are others praying for you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Universe within you does not hide, it merely keeps silent, waiting for its beings to turn inward to find it.
Mysteries only remain mysteries in the hearts of humankind when they do not seek them or are indifferent to spiritual life. All sciences may be revealed to you, because the Wisdom of God Himself is to be found within you. Your essence is a bridge to the Heart of the Father, to everything that He is.
There are no limits or boundaries for the spirit that untiringly treads the path of return to God. Ignorance is the self-condemnation of those who choose to remain in illusion, in the darkness of their consciousness. Wisdom is not a gift for the few; Wisdom is a virtue that is asleep in the essence of all human beings who can awaken through a sincere and pure search for the Truth.
Be pure of heart and begin to walk. Be sincere and ask the Father for the grace of being in His Heart and of living what you were created to live.
Aspire to go through the school of the Earth and to experience it fully. Aspire to express all the potential that you hold within you. God manifested each being according to His Perfection. All of you have unique virtues to express. Aspire, children, to fully manifest this truth.
Empty of human concepts, of vanity and pride that keep you attached to material concepts of evolution, you will be able to find the truth about yourselves. Divine Grace can reveal these and all things to you; it is enough that you wholeheartedly cry out and open up with your whole being.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Human existence is a mystery that only the Creator knows in depth. Not even the Archangels who, together with the Divine, thought of and manifested the human project, fully know the capacities of human beings.
Your essence, created from a unique divine particle, holds in itself a union with the Father. In this essence, the Creator placed a part of His Consciousness, a part of His creative potential and of His divine mystery.
Therfore, children, wanting to understand humankind is like wanting to understand God, to fully know His Truth, the origin of the origin, how life, existence, the Divine Consciousness emerged, and what the reason is for His multiplication of the expression of life created by Him.
Human beings hold within themselves a will and an aspiration of God, the reason for God manifesting life in all dimensions. The Love of God dwells within humankind and thus it holds a potential that is unknown to you and that which the Firstborn Child of the Creator is unraveling within Himself.
Why do I tell you this today?
To elevate the purpose of your lives and your understanding about yourselves; so that you may know that you know nothing, not even about yourselves, and in this way, children, you may be thirsty for seeking the truth, to find again the Origin of all things and, more than that, to discover the treasure that you hold within yourselves. That you may know who you are and what the purpose of your lives is.
Seek the truth in prayer. Find the Divine Consciousness within your own selves.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In times of stillness, as well as in times of challenges, I am present and under any circumstance, I safeguard and protect My sheep, because in My sheep, servants of My Heart, the Divine Plan must be accomplished.
Thus, through the different occurrences, I carry out My Plan, taking the love and the redemption that comes from the Universe, from the Source, to any place, like an inexhaustible wellspring.
This is why I am nearby My sheep, I guide them and take care of them when they allow Me to, because when I manage to care for them, I reveal My aspirations to them and they carry My Message of Peace wherever they go.
I am present and I never cease to assist the needs of My servers, because in them I build My Church so that inner peace and love may expand upon the Earth.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Welcome the Science of God that is revealed and allow it to settle within you. Do not try to understand it immediately, but rather feel it and experience it, little by little, until it transforms you and reveals itself.
Learn to know, by living. Learn to welcome, by loving. Learn to transform yourselves, by being companions of God, each day a little more, and not just His children.
Aspire to be the new in this world.
Aspire to experience the unknown.
Aspire to be precursors of a new time, manifested truths, a new experience for the entire Creation.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Listen to the weeping of a spirit wounded by wars and by the ignorance of humankind, the heart of a nation that cries out for Mercy, even though its inhabitants have gotten lost in the indifference of their common life and do no listen to it.
Every day, the merciful Eye of God is placed upon those who clamor, who cry out, who pray for peace, but also and above all, on those who do not clamor, do not cry out and do not pray, for they do not know God and His infinite Love.
With your hearts, keep the doors of Forgiveness, of Grace and of Mercy open to this planet, each day more. Be conscious of the immense need of the world, and let serving this wounded world be your greatest aspiration.
God the Father expects to be able to reach His children every day, and for that, He needs to find the doors of human hearts always open to His Love. Be that door which constantly opens to God. Be the conscious permission for the Creator to embrace and support His creatures.
May your praying word, born from the depth of the heart, be tirelessly pronounced, for the Earth needs peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May peace be present in the heart of all the servers of Christ.
Today, children, My Heart is especially following the start of the humanitarian mission in the Middle East and in Africa.
My paternal love gives shelter to and supports the hearts and the consciousness of each missionary so that on this trajectory of the arrival in Lebanon, they may lose all fear of serving and of loving and allow their souls to receive the Grace of the presence of the Spirit of God, which will have them come to know the power of love and of wisdom, so that they may know how to act with humility and with gratitude, no matter what they are called to serve in.
May the heart of each missionary be filled by the pure aspiration of accomplishing the Divine Will and that, in service, they may consciously rescue the values of love and of hope that many times were lost within beings.
Go with an open heart to those very ancient lands, where the history of human evolution began and, through your actions and prayers, seek to rescue the codes of purity, of peace, and of Mercy that are kept there so that one day they may blossom and bring forth the new human being, the new humanity, which will be reborn from the suffering transformed into hope, and from hope transformed into love.
Everything happens on the levels of spirit when hearts simply become willing to receive, multiply and distribute Divine Grace.
Pray, children, and live the experience of being instruments of God in this world.
You have My blessing for that.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Purify your mind, your gaze and your heart in order to find God. To be in the Father it is necessary to constantly elevate yourself and choose, again and again, to be by His side.
Drawing closer to God is an art in these times. While the attacks and stimuli of the world grow, the inner world of humankind, so focused upon superficial things, does not know how to struggle to be in God.
It is part of the planetary passion to know how to choose God rather than the things of the world. To choose God is to embrace your cross, to yield, to be humbled and to divest yourself of all the goods that humanity so seeks, every day.
But all that is achieved when the soul understands that there is nothing more beautiful, sublime and real than being in God, and all mundane matters lose their value within and outside of hearts. Renouncing will no longer be a burden, but rather a need. Loving will no longer be a struggle, but rather a firm and only purpose that causes you to be renewed on the path with the cross, in spite of falls, difficulties and challenges.
Let your soul be nourished by God, know God and live God, so that it may know through your souls own experience that nothing in this world can be compared with His Love and His Will. No human aspiration will be greater than His Purpose, and your heart will no longer lament for not managing to defeat the temptations of the world, because your only purpose will be Love.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When old spirits congregate to take on their commitments and finally live an awakening, the whole Universe contemplates the Earth.
The awakening of consciousness happens in stage and in each one of them some veils are torn, and the being draws closer to the truth about themselves, about the Earth, and about the purpose of the existence of all life, from which humanity drew away from so long ago.
In each cycle that goes by, and the closer you get, as an evolutionary project, to your final goal, the more intense are the degrees of awakening, the more intense are the impulses received, and also more intense must be the need, which pulses within beings, to respond to God.
This need comes from your souls, which become agitated as they draw closer to the path of return to the Heart of the Father and to their universal origin. Because souls indeed know the Divine Purpose, and when they are properly awakened, they deeply aspire for it.
Thus, today I come to tell you to be attentive to the impulses of this time, open to experience them and be ready to let your souls express themselves in their response, experiencing a profound and absolute transformation.
Let yourselves be guided by the defining impulses of these times, through the heart that elevates toward the consciousness, and with the consciousness in God, you will manifest His Will.
I leave you My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May the ever deepening silence of the Divine Messengers lead your consciousness to become silent as well. Thus, learn how to listen to your inner world and, within it, to the Spirit of God that inhabits your consciousness and guides you.
Understand silence as a way to deepen communication with the Father. Understand retreat as a way to mature that which you have received, and to prepare your being for something higher.
Allow this cycle to speak to your consciousness through the desert because all those who aspire to truly deepen their spiritual life must cross it.
Do not fear emptiness or loneliness, but learn to find in them the silence of God by means of the Love of the Father, discover a dialogue with God that up to today has been unknown to you.
The Creator speaks to the innermost part of His creatures through silence, and only in the desert of your heart and in the emptiness of your consciousness will you learn to find Him .
Receive the Divine blessing for this cycle, which the whole universe contemplates with love. Creatures are living their spiritual maturity in order to take an unknown step for all life, for all Divine Creation.
May your being be united to the Universal Laws and Principles that rule this moment and, above all, may silence be your greatest guide.
You Father and Friend
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
For Me, it is not important that you make mistakes many times, what is truly important is that you try, again and again, to come out from the point where you once were, although many times you do not know how to begin to change.
Attitude and inner effort alone are worth much more than hundreds of words. Therefore, persevere with faith. With faith, cry out and never lower your arms.
Your Lord God deeply knows your being and He, who is infinite in Pity and Mercy, will help you.
Allow, then, that inner change begin to take place within you, no matter the results or delays. Just place in your heart the aspiration that someday you can live My Divine Attributes.
Keep yourself firm in prayer and strong in faith. Thus, day by day, you will conquer new results; because in truth everything starts in the small, in what is invisible, simple and truthful.
Everyday, give yourself more and more to God because, in this way, your consciousness will be within the revelations of His Mystery.
In the end, everything ends in love, because it will be love that one day will manage to free you and lead you to the goal.
Trust in Me.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
What is peace?
Many beings say that they search peace and aspire to be in peace. The Creator constantly tells His children to enter in His Heart of Peace. The Lord sent His most Pure Rose of Peace to the world. And what is peace, children?
Peace is not the truce in which the nations in war experience. Peace is not the silence of the quietness of the mind. Peace is an inner state that the human beings sometimes accede, when they are able to express what they are and unite their hearts to the Heart of God.
Peace is the very Presence of the Creator on Earth. To grant peace is to grant an opportunity for the beings to once more unite themselves to the Father, finding the Creator in their essences, to feel protection, security, trust, the emptiness that one feels when one is in the All, the silence that one feels when being in The One from which all sounds come from.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace, is the One who unites God to Her Son, through Her Purity. Her presence and Her words are the path to return to purity of heart and, in this way, express what you were created to experience. May you open the doors that unite you to God and find peace.
When a human being awakens and expresses their true potential, they are united to God, they are in His Peace, regardless of the circumstances around them. And children, this is not to be indifferent. This is to know that more than the feelings of pity and anguish, in times of crisis, facing extreme situations, this planet needs peace, it needs to the able to find God and return to its balance. Therefore, those who are in God are capable to radiate peace even when everything seems to be lost. This is to go beyond the retrograde human condition of fear, anguish and anxiety and to find what it really is to be a human being, the one that is able, through love, to unite all things to the Heart of God and thus establish peace.
Meditate upon what I am telling you and search this truth in your hearts.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Open your heart to perceive that which God aspires for you. Always receive His words, placing them within your own being, for them to transform you as a living witness of the Divine Presence.
Not only listen to the Words of God, but, child, allow them to transform you into what you truly are. Allow them to liberate the covers of your illusion and arrogance so that you may see the truth that is hidden under your human condition.
Listen to each message as a dialogue of God with you and do not fear to deepen into what He tells you. This is how you will truly transform yourself, and your transformation will be a service to the planet.
The inner life of beings - their transformation and their contact with God - can be an incalculable service for the human consciousness and the planet, with all life that inhabits it. But for this, child, your heart must always be sincere and transparent, and in this way, when the moment to correct and transform yourself arrives, may you look more to yourself than to others. Look at your fellow being only if your gaze is compassionate and merciful, and if within you there is the firm aspiration to serve your brothers and sisters, and not to search for their defects
Why am I telling you this today? Because the planet agonizes, souls agonize, the Kingdoms of Nature agonize and the hearts are still awakening, very slowly, to this planetary reality.
Do not lose your time and your word. Pray for your fellow beings and for the planet, and transform and purify your heart. My child, make yourself a true disciple of Christ, so that when He calls you "companion", He will not only be referring to your spirit, but to everything that you are.
Receive My Words with love and hope, knowing that you can serve and change the destiny of this world, wherever you are. You only need to look within yourself and make the decision of definitely expressing what God wants from you, of finally becoming what God expects from your heart
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Cry out to God so that the flow of healing that comes from the Source of His Heart may descend upon the Earth and permeate the beings.
Cry out so that the Heart of the Archangel Raphael may be ignited as a sublime mirror of light, awakening and activating the emerald mirrors that pulsate throughout the center of the universe.
Cry out so that this cosmic net of healing may concentrate its emanations on the Earth and reach those who need it the most.
May the heart of the Inner Aurora prepare itself so that, once again, the planet may feel its love and its power. May the heart of the Inner Aurora prepare itself so that its core may be the eternal dwelling of your Celestial Mother.
Cry out, child, with love, so that the doors and the portals may open, in Heaven as on Earth, and the souls may finally cross the threshold of their redemption.
May the sick of body and of spirit not lose the opportunity of again finding peace. May the Kingdoms of Nature also be worthy of restoring themselves and of within re-establishing the unity with the purpose of life.
May this divine aspiration be a part of your most intimate inner aspiration. Thus, child, cry out so that when the sun is setting at dawn, it may always illuminate this world.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Walking toward Bethlehem is moving toward a meeting with the unknown, empty of expectations and completely certain that the Plan of God and His promises are being accomplished.
Walking toward Bethlehem is following the Will of the Father, manifested in the events of your lives, with peace and gratitude, in the certainty that everything is fulfilled according to celestial designs.
Even though the path is long and tiring, even though the inns have their doors closed, and humiliation is the chalice that God has given you to drink, continue to walk and trust.
Walking to Bethlehem is gradually setting aside your dreams, aspirations and desires; setting aside your plans and thoughts about how the Plan of God is to be accomplished, because the Creator will always surprise you.
Walking to Bethlehem is gradually allowing yourself to be transformed and polished by the path so that, when arriving at that humble manger, you finally understand the Will of the Creator and give thanks for His Wisdom.
Walking to Bethlehem is being able to welcome within yourself the difficulties and tests, and even after so many humiliations, being ready to forgive, just like the One Who is being gestated within you, and will come to forgive all things.
Walking to Bethlehem is being able to say 'yes' to God and persevere, even when humankind says 'no' to you.
Walking to Bethlehem is giving permission for a new life to emerge and not being afraid of all the corrections and transformations that this new human will cause within you and in the history of the Earth.
Reaching Bethlehem is giving birth to the first step of a new cycle. It is there, in Bethlehem, where you will understand the Divine Will for this planet, for you will find humility, simplicity, unity among the peoples, cultures, religions and hearts, and, above all, the love that renews all things.
Allow yourselves to be guided toward Bethlehem, and there, everything will begin to be accomplished. This path is held within you. You have My blessing for finding it.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Let the Purpose of God descend upon you like a powerful current that leads you to the fulfillment of the Laws in an harmonious way and without resistance.
The Purpose of God is alive and permeates the atmosphere of life, traversing and enveloping this world constantly. To find it, it is enough that your heart searches for it and tunes into it, aspiring to fulfill the Will of God above all things.
When you have this live and true aspiration inside you, it acts like a magnet that attracts the Purpose of God and makes it descend upon you, attracting to your mind the intuition and necessary ideas for its fulfillment, and opens a path in your life for the expression of the Laws and their manifestation.
It creates in your consciousness a suitable condition for the Purpose of God to manifest itself, loving and searching for the the Divine Will. In this way, it develops the power of faith and knows that, above all, you must be firm in the Will of the Creator for your life and all of Creation.
Love the Divine Thought, child, even if you do not know it. Know and be certain in your inner world that God has created you with a unique purpose, and this is the Purpose the Father has for your life.
Besides what God Wills for you, there is the union of His Will for all His creatures. That is the Plan of God. This Plan is formed through the expression and perfect manifestation of the Divine Thought for each being.
All creatures are part of the Plan of God, as unique parts of a celestial "puzzle." Therefore, take care in your daily life, so that all your brothers and sisters have the opportunity to become triumphs of God, and pray for this Greater Plan to be fulfilled.
By example, service, gratitude and, above all, with love and respect for your fellow human beings you will see manifesting in your life this and all the things that I tell you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In everything that you do, place the power and action of the Divine Mercy.
Wherever you go, take within you the graces you have received so that all beings, through you, may know peace.
In your words, manifest the power and the Gift of the Divine Mercy and tell your brothers and sisters only those things that the Creator, full of Mercy, would pronounce to His children.
Look at your fellow being with a look of Mercy and feel for each being the love that is born in the Heart of God when He is before His creatures.
Aspire, child, every day, to be an instrument and a vehicle of Mercy. Thus, you will make worthy your existence and the sacrifice that God lived for you, on the Cross and in the Calvary of this world.
Allow for the Blood shed on the Cross to convert your most profound human condition and transform you into a being full of Mercy.
I bless you at this time and pouring on you the graces that come from God, I ask you: plea for Mercy but, above all, let your heart be the Mercy of Christ itself.
Your Father and Friend,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
Walk toward the Heart of God every day and seek to place your eyes, your heart and your aspirations always on the Most High.
Seek, child, your reference in the Love of Christ, in His Life, His word, in how He spiritually builds His Work. Because you are in a culminating moment of human evolution, in which many incomprehensible events will happen. Even, inside of you, will emerge feelings, thoughts and actions that you will not understand, but you must balance them with a simple prayer, service and union with God.
The old human is being purged within you and it is not only formed by the human experiences that you know and live. There is much more within you and in the human consciousness that you are completely unaware of.
Before these unknown and incomprehensible situations, only a greater Love will balance them, the Love of God.
For this reason, listen to what I tell you and do not stop praying sincerely, strengthening, everyday, the link of unity with the Heart of the Father because this will be your sustenance and the sustenance of the planet in the cycle that will come.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more