As part of the school of spiritual lessons and of consciousness, I allow the soul to say all that it thinks and feels with the aim that it may quickly purify the inner issues that afflict it. After this My Heart of Light emerges as a unique voice from Heaven to be able to correct the paths that the soul may incorrectly take through self-will.
Liberating the burdens of the consciousness, My Rays intercept levels and states of the personality so that through My Love and Redemption it may be transformed.
But for all of this to happen permission is necessary. The permission of the consciousness allows you to discover the degree of love in which you are found and which you have constructed.
For this I ask you to merge yourselves in the foundations of the school of basic instruction that My Heart has universally imparted through the parables.
Be joyful until the moment in which your consciousness may become exposed before the false reality that you have constructed with ideas and feelings. The Kingdom of the Love of God and your search is powerful because the soul does not know the greatness of the Love of God and His Celestial Work, a non-transferable love that heals you and liberates you, that will never abandon you.
As the quicksand causes the steps slow towards Me, even though the structures of your personas may be moved, I will sustain you and I will guide you because it is already time to elect, from love, the Plan of God.
Under the One Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding and valuing My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus, who eternally loves you.
The one who falls and comes towards My Heart and confesses to it, I will one day liberate it because My Father is pleased when a soul has learned from the same lesson, no matter how many times it has fallen.
Like this is the mercy of My Lord and of His Firstborn Son who is in Heavens and who will come to liberate from hell the many who have suffered in the ignorance of the heart.
For this, those who walk everyday towards Me and in My full trust will find the supreme comfort that I promise for all those who in faith may persist on the path of consecration.
It will be due to each soul of God to learn a part of the great project that was designed in the origins of the origins and that at the end of this cycle humanity, through prayer, service and love must revert to.
May no one be tired of walking because the journey towards the infinite is continuous. Your beings must continue being purified by My Redeemer Fire when you only allow Me to do so and in this way you will find the path of return to the dwellings of My Father in the universe.
Accept that you already live in another time and that this time is radiated day by day by My Light to the places where there is pain and suffering. Walk towards Me and may your feet not get tired of walking for other brothers and sisters so that My Savior Project may be accomplished.
Leave behind your feelings, donate yourselves completely to the outflowing of My Spirit because in this way all will be accomplished. Cultivate a heart of humility and of peace-making so that nothing may disturb you and you may feel in your hearts the need of surrendering yourselves to the others more each day, as My Universal Consciousness has surrendered to each one of you.
I thank you for witnessing My Spirit of Love in this holy day. May the absolution of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit liberate you from all evil and may you achieve eternal life.
I Am with your hearts always.
Under the Mercy of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
Those who take the steps towards Me will never get lost on the path because My Spirit will reveal all that you may need so that in Me you may be guided to paradise.
Dears, I guard in My Merciful Heart all of the things that afflict the hearts. For this by means of the union with Me and in prayer you will be able to wake up to the new that My Kingdom will bring to you at the right moment.
Go ahead and walk together by My Side because as Father of the souls I will guard each essence in the universe of My Sacred Heart. While you are in this world you will learn much and your feet will not get tired of walking through experiences and growths for the inner life of your souls.
Receive from Me the merit of being in My Celestial Grace and learn that it will be only through the love of the heart that all of the circumstances of life will be healed. Walk towards the encounter with this powerful love of God that will liberate you from your own selves and in this way you will see with clarity the Holy Spirit.
Guard all the simple words in the heart because My Instruction is unique for these critical times.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus, the Savior.
Remember My companions that all of My Flocks are brothers and fraternal hearts that respond to the call of consecration to the Most Holy Heart of Jesus.
For this, today open your hearts in humility and joy to each one of the tests that My Heart manifests to you; tests of faith; tests of true love; tests of compassion, of service and of surrender. In each test you will find the powerful joy of learning and of growing with consciousness.
I am accompanying your inner movements and, as the Eternal Heart of God, I open to you through My message the pious door of the Kingdom of My Father, because in love you shall enter into the Source of His Compassion. The times warrant changes and divesting of the consciousness in the same way that I saw Myself divested before being nailed to the Cross.
I want that you learn to live the law of silence in order to be able to reach the sublime action of neutrality and of peace. In each action in which you are participants a part of the immature consciousness sees itself affected; for this, discover that each test of life will be a secure confirmation in your path to the Lord.
Under the Love of God, be humble and good every day.
Thank you for listening to My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus
In My Kingdom, a Kingdom that is not from this world but from the Universe, there is neither sadness nor suffering but there is joy, peace and eternity. This will be My Promise, the one which I will accomplish with the flocks after My second visible coming to the world.
While you are learning and growing up in the world by means of tests and confirmations, affirm your lives inside of My Heart, feeling it, loving it, adoring it, reverencing it as the Most Holy Heart of Redemption.
Now, before the changes in the consciousness of the whole world, the enemy mobilizes its cunning to tempt My Flocks with other food. But facing this cycle, some mature sheep will assume the care and the protection of the other flocks because, from their humility and surrender, they will be fulfilled by the gifts of the Holy Spirit which will give them sight to be able to discern; the wisdom to be able to comprehend; the understanding to be able to have intelligence, and the peace to be able to be all the time in the Love of God and in My Sacred Heart.
Still, the definitive battle has not started, and humanity will be responsible to give an account before the universe for all that it has done. But whoever is inside love and makes an effort to be alive in the Love of the Firstborn Son, will have enough strength to sustain the helm of the boat that will take all of the flocks through a new path of consecration towards the Promised Earth.
For this may no one loose courage in following Me, even more, that for this new time that has already started, may you unite your heart with Mine, so that we may be One in My Father, without separation nor differences.
Gathered at the end of all at the table of the New Supper, the Apostles of the new time will congregate My Followers in love and for love to form those that in My Instruction will take the word of Life, the word of Healing, the word of Redemption, words that will redeem the Earth by the simple and wise examples of the Apostles that will live firmly in Me.
With them I will be and through them My Shepherd Priesthood will be recognized before My Return to the world.
Under the Love and the Grace of the Father, be blessed of heart.
Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus.
If there is love between brothers and sisters you will free yourselves from entering into false judgments. If there is love between brothers and sisters it will not matter who makes a mistake, what will matter will be that the other brother or sister loves beyond the mistake.
This is what My disciples have to learn, to love each other above all things so that they may get to know the mutual respect between beings. If there is no harmony peace will not be able to exist and if peace is lacking there love and unity will be lacking. All has its cycle, including the great tests, but it is in them where the great weaknesses make themselves evident. Who has more consciousness must remember that God does not deal with human mistakes, but with compassion which is the action of acting and forgiving through peace.
For this: be careful with saying that which is not well known or what is not understood because this will be like feeding the wolf. While you are in this world, all will learn. My second coming is to remove the crown of illusion that many carry over themselves, above all in those who deny My Heart.
For this I bring you My Celestial Peace so that you may heal yourselves and love each other. Do not forget the power of love because the love of a soul is that which accepts the mistakes of its peers and which helps to comfort the despair of the neighbor. Thus you will be able to know that your Christification has a long path to travel. You are just at the beginning of My Christic journey.
Under the Mercy of God, be loving and patient.
Thank you for listening to My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus, your Savior.
Dear children,
For the commemoration of My monthly apparitions each 25th in Medjugorje, today I invite you and I gather you in the name of Jesus so that your hearts may contemplate the existence of the Marian Center of Figueira.
After twenty-five years of instruction, necessary for your lives and loving for your souls, today I announce that the Blessed Universal Mother, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, has walked silently together with you through this pathway of teachings and learning.
Dearest children, today I want you to understand in your hearts that God the Father manifests Himself not only through My Immaculate Voice, but also through all those who give themselves from the heart to concretize the Divine Plan on Earth.
Therefore, My children, God the Father is the Great Tree of Wisdom, Its roots and Its branches are the expression of the Infinite Universe and Its leaves are the emanations of the souls upon this beloved planet.
Dear children, in order for this to exist in all of the created life, there exists in your lives the presence of the Universal Mother, the Queen of Peace, the Morning Star that announces the new time before the coming of Her Son.
Dear children, this is why your lives and your essences are al- ways united to the essence of the Heart of God. As the Mother of the World, as the Lady of the Heavens, I come to your en- counter to reveal to you the true mystery of your faith and of your lives; this mystery is called Love for the Whole, Love for the One, Love for the Will of God.
This is why today, with the Rosary of Peace in My blessed hands, again I invite you to prayer, because day by day many souls are lost and they do not find the path towards Light.
For you, My dear children, who are awake to the life of the spirit, it will be enough to serve in this time: to serve by giving yourselves, to serve by loving, to serve to repair the Heart of My Son.
Through your inner maturity and with prayer as a primordial exercise, you will be taking secure steps towards the consecration of your little hearts.
My children, on this 25th of October and after so many events that have happened by means of the presence of My Immac- ulate Heart, I call you to the awakening of your consciousness so that, under the will of God, new and donated Marian servers of peace may emerge. These soldiers of peace have the spirit of loving prayer, of being in inner service for souls and finding, in the Will of God, the aspiration to reach Eternity.
My children, awaken to the call and listen in your hearts to the Voice of the One and Great Lord.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
My children,
In the advent of the new time for this world, a time of changes and learning, today I ask you for more prayer, a prayer that may spring as a fountain from your hearts, a prayer that may help the world, a prayer that may alleviate the great burden of humanity. Prayer will always bring you clarity, wisdom and discernment in the moments that will arrive for humanity.
Your lives are already living a different time. It is necessary, dear children, to be attentive and vigilant to the consciousness and to the heart.
While the world continues repeating mistakes that have now become irreparable, My Maternal Heart comes to humanity to bring Light and Mercy.
I know that some of My children judge the truth of My existence and of My apparitions. Therefore, dear children, today I tell you that the ever Blessed Virgin Mary, Universal Mother and Queen of Peace, has now been among you for some years.
God gave Me the permission to send My saving message to all My children; therefore many hearts were participants in My apparitions throughout the last year.
Dear children, in the face of hunger in humanity, in the face of the wars that are awakening among brother-hearts, in the face of the great loss of children and teenagers, in the face of the path of perdition that many young people are going through, and in the face of many more things that are now unknown to you, I tell you: Pray! Pray! Pray! And pray, as if it were the last time! And recognize, from this day on, the Celestial Grace that you are receiving through the loving intercession of My Immaculate Heart.
My children, you are now adults in your lives of prayer, therefore with maturity and charity pray for Peace and Mercy in each corner of this world.
This is My last and definitive call to humanity: Prayer! Prayer and prayer so that more souls may be partakers in the presence of the Master and Savior.
Dear children, you have the path of Salvation, Grace and Mercy in your hands and on your lips. You have within your lives the infinite power of prayer. You must love prayer and feel it in the depths of your souls.
Dear children, you are in My Heart, therefore you are being awakened from the dream of this world, by the Universal Love of the Queen of Peace.
You are in Me. I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Thank you for responding to My call for peace and for the conversion of the hearts that each day distance themselves from the Love of the Creator.
My children, do you really know why you are My dear children?
Because I want to teach you to love no matter what the circumstance.
Because I want to open your Inner Temple to the Glory of God.
Because I want you to open your eyes to the Light of God.
Because I want to erase conflict and lack of peace in all My children.
Because I want you to pray with Me and to remember how important it is to unite to one another in prayer.
Because I want to recognize your hearts as I recognize, as Mother, the Heart of My Son.
Because I want the souls to be one, as My Son and I are one with God.
You are My dear children because Jesus entrusted your path to Me from the beginning.
Because I want the world to be a Kingdom of Peace.
You are My dear children so that you may learn to forgive, to reconcile and to live in the Love of God.
Because I need your sincere response in prayer as in the communion with Christ.
Because I want to consecrate your lives so that humanity may be consecrated.
Because I want you to be humility in life to quench the thirst of those that are alone.
You are My dear children because I want you to live in Peace, because in Peace you will always find Light and shelter in the Heart of God.
Because it is necessary to liberate the causes of the past to be born under the Light of the new.
Because I want you to be in God.
Because I want you to live as souls and to let go of all control.
You are My dear children because I want to reveal to you the only truth, the truth of love, which will lead you to be able to forgive and thus reconcile your hearts.
Dear children, all My intentions are united by means of prayer; it is the path that will lead you towards the Truth and the Life that Jesus represents.
You are My dear children because I love you as hearts and as essences, because God observes the beauty that He created in you through the power of His Love.
My children, when you are empty, God will fill you with His Eternal Love and your faith will become as strong as iron. Nothing will prevent your life from being joy, even in the arduous tests.
When you are in God nothing will separate you from Him because there, Jesus, His Kind Heart, and My Maternal Heart will be with you illuminating for you the path towards Eternity.
Open your Inner Temple to the Great Heart of God and you will be perpetually in His Trust.
I am here today because you have prayed with Me, and this Grace has descended through My Maternal Arrival in each one of your lives.
Be brave and never stop the pulse of love in your hearts.
I am celestially thankful for your inner pilgrimage!
Joy for your day.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
With joy I send My blessings to all My children of Argentina, who with great kindness, await My Maternal arrival to this nation on the 18th of this current month. This is a Marian date that celebrates the anniversary of My Merciful descent upon Aurora which took place in the morning of the 18th of August, 2011.
Dear children, with your hearts in celebration today I invite you to prepare your dwellings to receive the Merciful Heart of My Son. I know that many of you are tired from such a long walk. This is why today I place you under My Restoring Mantle so that your souls may always say “yes” to the Will of God.
I invite you to remember the importance of working in love, the love of Jesus, in this way you will know how to extend your arms to give and to be charitable with all, without boundaries or time.
Dear children, for this reason, and contemplating the igno- rance in the world, I invite you to prayer for all humanity. Each day, as a Merciful Mother, I want to embrace the greatest number of children.
Being Mother I know well your tests and your learning. In this way today I invite you to persist in the infinite Love of God.
My children, it is in the source of this transforming Love that I daily invite you to stay, and also today I call you to prepare My arrival with joy and bliss for this coming 8th. Remember that we celebrate the Graces that God has allowed Me to pour on all My children and all the Graces of Love and Forgiveness that I will be able to radiate as Rays of Light to many more children.
You are in My arms, today I only ask that you do not leave them because I want to deliver you to Jesus, the Redeemer.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
As Mother and Door to Heaven, today I tell you servers of Peace: live in Peace and for Peace so that the greatest amount of souls may search this Divine Spirit of reparation.
Dear children, the divine time that passes in through the world wants to transform you into instruments of God, but your lives go forward by learning lessons that must mature the consciousness. For this dear children, each moment that you live day by day is a moment to be in reconciliation and in forgiveness before God.
Each moment of life must grow the heart and convert it into a precious heart of Peace.
Many of the faithful devotees to My Immaculate Heart will be called servers of Peace by the Supreme Voice of the Heavens. This means that your hearts must be well formed in the school of prayer, so that each one of you may collaborate in the rescue and salvation of another brother or sister.
For this, you must be as Marian instruments of the prayer dedicated to My Immaculate Heart; this will help so that My Son’s victorious Plan of Mercy may deepen in many souls, more in those that still do not recognize the liberating power of Divine Mercy.
My children for this today I invite you and all My praying children to be guardians of prayer for all the hearts of My children who must live My Son’s redeeming Plan of salvation, when He returns to the world.
Now My children, your hearts must not only be in humility but also, through My Son, they must be merciful with the reality of each creature and thus they may see the service facing their lives. The Plan of Peace is a purpose of My Immaculate Heart, because of this is important the existence of true groups of prayer consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
Be in the Divine Peace of My Son.
Thank you for answering My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
Little children,
Remember being as children so as to be in the Victorious Kingdom of the Lord. With your pure hearts you will find the doors to the Heavens. In the prayer of the Heart you will find a lovely refuge that I prepare for you inside My Immaculate Heart.
And if you are in My Son, the Master of Love, you will know the outpouring of His Grace and His Mercy for this new time that comes for humanity.
The harmony in your hearts together with the act of daily prayer helps to dissolve the great evils and sufferings that many souls live. So that the Light of Christ will be present in each life on Earth you must, in the prayer of the heart, give the permission so that mercy may act in the world.
The Fountain of Divine Mercy needs praying missionaries that can answer the call for peace that My Immaculate Heart pronounce to the world, an urgent call for the reparation of all people, believers and atheists, those who need the Grace of redemption to be able to be in the omnipotent reconciliation and mercy of God the Father.
For all this dear children, My Marian Voice calls you to live the time of true and constant prayer for the souls of this world and for the souls from purgatory.
Every creature of this age that was born from the Heart of God, but that has come by other paths to insurmountable trials and learnings, all of them must become able to be rescued and saved for this time.
My Maternal Heart invites you to convert yourselves into continuous prayer so that each of your lives represents a flame of prayer for this current humanity that must reach the Grace of conversion.
My Marian Spirit is with each one of your hearts that form the groups of prayer and also with those children who in solitude pray alone.
My Merciful Heart wants to touch with Its Light all creatures that are on the face of the Earth because I want to bring all to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Thank you to all praying souls, for answering My maternal call.
I thank you!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
When a flower opens up it expresses the love of the Creation, thus dear children, your lives must be manifested in beauty and purity as the flowers.
Dear children, with immense trust I place you all close to My Immaculate Heart so that you may take the steps towards the Heart of My Son. Know children, that in the path of prayer your lives will approach the consecration of your souls before the kingdom of God.
The fruits that My Son has entrusted you with such a long time ago and that are called talents must be awakened by the imperious exercise of prayer. But, My children, so that these sacred fruits of the talents awaken in each one of you, first the soul must renounce and die to itself so that it may be born under the Grace of the Holy Spirit.
Each path that My children pass through brings to them big and hard lessons that in some cases strengthen the spirit and give firmness to keep going through the path of consecration.
I want to tell you dear children that this is a special time of Graces such as Conversion for each one of My children of this humanity. For this today I invite you to remain in the joy of donation and service to God the Father because thus your lives will be led to the sacred feet of Christ.
Your hearts are true little lights that at each moment must be lit up again to shine in this world through peace.
For all this know that My merciful love day by day wants to help the hearts of this world.
So, your hearts must be persevering and firm as the trees that elevate themselves to God.
Thank you for answering My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
My dear children,
In Jesus Christ is to be found the path that humanity has lost. Today I invite you to prayer so that many souls may be able to be conducted to the Heart of My Son.
True prayer done with the heart will reveal to you the path that you must tirelessly follow towards God, going through tests and learning experiences that make your spirits mature.
My children, the pathway towards My Son will bring you to the Kingdom of God. Therefore, dear children, keep in your hearts the flame of persistence, to be able to reach redemption as humanity.
Dear children, the constant state of prayer done with the heart will build in you a temple of love and peace, a temple that is strengthened in the experience of service and charity.
Little children, My call announces to you that humanity is at the moment of forgiving with the heart, but if souls do not live this state of forgiveness, how will the hearts receive the absolution of all their faults?
Dear children, prayer will lead you to find My Son who awaits you to share His Bread of Life and of Redemption.
Know that the state of redemption begins with the opening of the heart. I want that you build a simple heart so that God, the Beloved Father of all creatures, may live within you.
I accompany you on this day with My Heart of Faith and Love. Rejoice your lives in My Son. He loves you infinitely.
Thank you, children, for persevering in responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Come into My Peace and, in your faith, live in My Immaculate Heart. Drink from My crystalline Source of Love and Forgiveness. Abandon your heart in Me so that My steps may guide the new path. No longer let the time pass without being in prayer with Me because the beads of contemplation form part of the salvation of humanity.
Recognize that your heart is still growing and that life drinks from the source of learning and of the knowledge of God. My child, allow each soul to live the school that it has come to attend. Without experience your lives will not be able to witness the presence of My Son, because love is learned through the walk of each heart.
My Words are nourishment for your lives; they are the fire that illuminates you so that you may find the Source of Peace.
For this reason, little children, today I tell you: remain in My Peace! Walk through each learning experience united to My Heart, because It will guide you. Know that My eyes accompany each one of your steps so that in My Maternal Vigilance you may be able to take refuge under My Mantle of Protection.
Many of My children are still unprotected because their lives are without God.
Now, can your hearts see how close I am to each one of you? I am a Simple Heart that wants to impregnate you as a prayer for the heart. I will only show you the true and the good so that
your hearts may be able to grow and walk.
Therefore, again I tell each one of your little hearts: enter into My Peace! Abandon yourselves on My lap so that I may be able to sustain you as I did with Jesus. Be always like children so you may be very close to God. Return to the path of sanctity through the absolute faith in My Son.
I illuminate you with My Heart and I will find you in prayer with Me.
Go ahead!
I love you in the silence of My Immaculate Heart.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children, I transmit this message to you in a special way, because it will help you to bring Peace, My True and Maternal Peace. It will also be an instruction for all.
If in truth your hearts knew the power of My Love in the words, from your souls there would awaken an eternal reverence.
Today, My dear, walk towards the interior of My Immaculate Heart so that by finding an inner refuge your heart may be filled with bliss and love. When you direct your steps towards Me, remember to divest yourselves of “your faces,” those that may have imprinted themselves in the learning experiences of life. Wash them in the Fount of the Divine Source so that your soul and heart may renew the feeling of Love for God.
Place your little hands in the fount and feel the gifts of renovation and forgiveness of every fault committed. Before the fount of My Immaculate Heart, that which will take you to the pure feet of the Divine Father, detach the past from your heart so that you may advance towards the Heart of the Lord.
On the path that God created for each soul and for each heart there exists only Mercy. Each step in life is the crossing of the pilgrim towards the Doors of Heaven. Each learning experience in life only exists to reform the heart and to convert it in the forgetfulness of itself. A greater Flame will come to the aid of each pilgrim; it will be the ardent fire of prayer, an exercise of reconnection between the soul and God.
My little one, daily unite the beads by means of prayer so that your heart may recognize My Immaculate Face. Breathe slowly the breeze that I bring from the Heavens. Open your little eyes so that they may witness the coming of the Bird of the Sun from the heights. Strengthen yourself in humility so that you may bring peace to each brother-heart.
My little ones, I come from the Heavens to announce My Good News: the hearts must awaken to the celestial reality of the Lord. A new communion with My Son will re-emerge to conduct souls again towards the Infinite Heart of the Redeemer. This new alliance with the Savior will prepare the glorious coming of My venerable resurrected Son.
Therefore, My little ones, each heart must be open to the call. The voice of My Heart is being announced for the last time as it has been announced in Fatima, Lourdes and in Medjugorje. I transform hearts into eternal temples of prayer and Light. I am opening this Fount of Graces to assist all My children that, with love, carry Me in their hearts. The time of the Inner Return of the Christ is on the eve for those that still sleep, that are distant from the flock of the Lord.
For this reason, My little ones, the hearts must forgive before God so that the offenses may be purified and permeated by Divine Mercy. The cycles in humanity are changing; therefore the path of prayer will conduct you. I will help you.
Who accompanies you from the Immaculate Heart,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
I know the offenses that your hearts can radiate, but, My dear ones, hold your gaze on My Immaculate Heart and stop time so that My Divine Love may assist you to revert and convert that which still has not been transformed.
Walk along the way of prayer without stopping; the Lord, in His Glory, accompanies the steps and the learning experiences of life. Do not fear for yourselves; fear for the pain of the world, a world that offends God and that does not pray sincerely to receive the forgiveness for all the faults committed.
For this reason, My little ones, I am forming angels of prayer on Earth so that together with My Immaculate Heart you may help Me in the conversion of the souls that are prisoners of themselves and of the illusions of the world. Listen to My call with the ears of the heart; thus you will understand that we are in the hour of the battle and in the hour of the rescue of souls.
I love you all, My little ones, and the time to grow is approach- ing; this will be day by day in prayer. When you feel that you have offended God, do not get involved in your imperfections; elevate them to My Heart so that My Light may assist you.
Rejoice your hearts because My Love comes in assistance for all the hearts that cry out.
Who loves you eternally,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more