My Children,
Your siblings, the missionaries of peace, are already on the way to Uganda, a nation marked by internal diseases, which have led to the illness of the body.
In Uganda there is the consciousness of the extreme poverty and the lack of basic resources to survive and persist in life. But God, children, knows and is aware about all these things and for this, from the beginning He has sent missionaries from different parts of the world to relieve the sorrow that is unknown to many.
By means of this humanitarian mission, My Beloved Son has allowed Me to arrive to Uganda, a place where I have never gone down, but today, in the name of the Divine Mercy, I descend to work and heal through your serving hands.
There are huge realities, different from yours in this humanity, but a great part of it suffers in silence because no one wants to hear the truth. For this I descend upon Uganda as the Mother of the Relief of Suffering to liberate the sick and injured bodies and, as I am the Mother of all, I lovely bring a Grace of liberation for the souls that hope so much to enter the Kingdom of God.
On this day of arrival to the consciousness of Uganda, everyone will discover and know a deep part of the human misery and the abandonment of the simplest souls.
For this reason your Mother of the Divine Word appeared in Kibeho to carry to of the whole Africa an opportunity to reverse all causes and all of the evils.
On these days on which you will get to know the inner Uganda, prepare your hearts to get to know sufferings that are very similar to those that your Master had on the Cross. Because the things that happen in this world today are part of the reflection of indignation and of the transgressive conquest.
I teach you to walk in love and at the same time to recognize that without love we get nowhere. Therefore, dear children, this mission exists so that you may no longer be the same and, from then on, may convert yourselves into soldiers of Christ.
Uganda is a nation marked by the most unpleasant and unknown to many. I send you in mission of peace to help these souls to rediscover mercy and forgiveness.
I thank you for answering to My Call!
I Lovingly prepare you with love to discover the unimaginable,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The Shrine of the Mother of Kibeho will welcome you with joy and bliss because the missionaries of peace will be receiving the sacred gifts of the divine word in their hearts.
On this day, the cultures of America and of Africa will unite for an instant and the fusion of the races will be manifested by means of the essence of the Love of God. In this important moment, in which charity and service are unified, the Lady of Kibeho brings between Her hands the ultimate Graces, those that will help many imprisoned souls.
Remember, children of Mine, that Rwanda, Uganda and Congo were nations marked by suffering, by indignation and by conquest, something that to the present days continues to happen in other levels of consciousness.
But the barbarities of the times must be suppressed by the Law of Justice and prior to this taking place, your Heavenly Mother accompanies you through the paths of abnegation and trust so that in this way some situations may be reverted in time.
For this, from Heaven, your Lady of the Word materializes the works that are part of the Will of the Creator, and from there, all of My children are placed in states of opportunity and of Grace so that all evils may be reverted.
Kibeho was the place chosen by your Lord so that, from this most simple place in the world, in the heart of Rwanda, the voice of the Mother of the Divine Word would be pronounced so that humanity would place in its consciousness that which should never happen again.
For this reason, when your Most Holy Mother sends you in a mission to Africa, it is because Grace exists so that the marks of yesterday may be erased by the prayers and by the charity of today. In this way, children of Mine, the three African nations will receive an extraordinary state of Grace and, chiefly, the souls will be assisted in order to rethink and correct their paths.
Africa is the continent of subjugation and of injustice, and the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary, and of Saint Joseph have proposed to assist in alleviating the burden that overwhelms it due to the lack of faith and of surrender to God.
Also at this time, your visit to the Sanctuary of Kibeho will awaken an inner unification between the cultures, that is, the marks of the genocide will be erased by the simple act of fraternizing and of instituting the Spirit of Christ in the wounded hearts once again. This is the work of Grace and of Mercy.
Now, having been guided toward the Sanctuary, offer to your Mother the most holy sacrament of communion in thanks to all of your brothers and sisters, for having arrived to Africa in a spirit of mission, and for how much will be spiritually healed by the praying collaboration of all of the groups of prayer.
In this way, children, at each step that is taken as you answer to the divine call, doors of light that were closed are opened and the souls that are the ones that need assistance and piety the most receive the liberation that they long for. This is also the work of the Love of God.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who protects inside the Sanctuary of Kibeho,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Divine Word
Dear children,
In the heart of Africa the nation of Rwanda is being much assisted by the Graces that My missionary children are generating by means of service and of transmutation. In the present humanity there are few conscious souls that offer themselves, such as My Son did, to suffer for love and for the redemption of others.
On this day My missionaries of peace enter a new school of knowledge and of maturity of the task, deepening in the spirit of service for peace and for the good of humanity.
Children, Rwanda lives a time of peace that was generated by the prayers and the petitions of all those who lived the consequences of a cultural and social decision. After the Mother of the Divine Word was in Kibeho, the humanity of this region suffered what it did not want to hear, that which could have been prevented.
Humanity is characterized by living in a well-marked foolishness and deafness, which lead it to close the inner heart, and to not understand the things that come from Heaven.
In Kibeho the Lady of the Word managed to recover a certain group of souls that needed an assistance that would motivate them to live a path of redemption. Later emerged the spirit of prayer, and of the restoration of all that happened, and notwithstanding that the message of Kibeho did not reach greater repercussions during the time of the great mistake, there were souls that were able to maintain their fidelity to the call from Heaven, and that protected them spiritually from any inner deterioration despite of what took place later on.
The message of Kibeho is based on immediate repentance, something that the Mother of God exemplified through Rwanda, which headed to an unsafe destiny. In this way, humanity could understand that the act of true and sincere repentance is capable of balancing a certain degree of spiritual debts that compromise the profound awakening of a soul.
For this, children, remember and relive My message of Kibeho, because My Word was not only pronounced for that critical moment, but rather, it remained present in everyone, so that the same errors would not be committed again.
In Rwanda, a great wound is healing after many years, and this begins to occur through the missions of peace.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who entrusts you to God the Father,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
On this day, My beloved ones, I invite you to meditate with the heart about what you are willing to suffer out of love and for the sake of the redemption of humanity.
Dear ones, many are never tired of meditating on the Mercy of Christ and rely on it as the hope for their salvation, but very few are the ones who recognize that this Source springs out from the injured Heart of My Holy Son and from His Wounds, which were opened for the final redemption of all the souls. Few are the ones who accept to share with the Lord His martyrdoms and who offer the little that they suffer for the sake of those who just seek the constantly material comfort.
My beloved ones, on this day of Grace and Mercy for all the souls, I want you to have the Passion My Son imprinted in your consciousnesses, because from it, comes all the Mercy and all the Love that for over two thousand years have been poured over the just and the unjust souls of this world. In this way, I want you to understand that the path to become merciful in life is found in the complete offer of oneself, independently of the state in which you find yourselves.
My dear children, My eyes contemplate the world and are almost unable to find in it, those who may wish to bear in their heads, the crown of thorns of My Son, in order to thus, relieve Him from this sorrow and to allow His Mercy to keep on being poured over the world.
Today, with the eyes and the heart turned to My beloved Africa, discover in the service the possibility of relieving the sorrow that Christ lives in the hearts of this Earth.
Remember everyday that if the Lord was capable of surrendering life in His Passion for the Salvation of the world, you will also be able to do much more than what you do, and you will be able to give to God the Creator great offers that come from the heart for the salvation of the sinful souls.
My beloved ones, I do not ask you to martyr the body, I only tell you to transcend yourselves everyday, out of love for the others and for all this humanity. May you renounce everyday to all the comforts of this world, for the sake of the souls who do not know the power of sacrifice.
I say all this to you because, in consciousness, you are all entering into the heart of Africa and finding all the spiritual and physical penury in the history of that continent, and also, My children, the power of transcendence and overcoming that this people lived in order to keep on smiling in a world like this, a world that very few know in depth.
For this, in face of the inner Africa, know how to learn with those hearts. And on this exchange of experiences that you live in the level of the souls, give to My beloved Africa, the possibility of forgiveness, of forgiving oneself and the others. Thus, My beloved ones, I will be able to count with you on My Plan of rescue and of redemption.
I want you to know that you are being internally placed before the need of taking a great leap, now that you are in the heart of Africa, because now, My dear ones, out of love for God you will have to assume your own redemption and the redemption of humanity by means of the offering of self and of the transcendence of the old atavisms.
On this day of Mercy, the Lord is attentive to your prayers, and through His Faithful Servant, He announces to you that nothing is impossible, and that by asking with the heart, everything will be granted to the spirit.
Do not weaken before the tests, but just keep on going ahead, in the same way that the spirit of Africa was able to overcome itself in order to be before My Heart today by means of all of you.
I thank you for your sincere prayers and I ask you to never get tired of praying. The world, humanity and the kingdoms of nature need you in prayer.
I bless you and I leave you My Peace.
Mary, Rose of Peace
Hail Land of God, hail!
I come to remove from your entrails the evil that subdues My children.
Hail Land of God, hail!
I come to liberate perdition and suffering from your heart.
Hail Land of God, hail!
The Redeemer pours out His last drops of Mercy so that your spirit may be prepared for the purification.
Hail Land of God, hail!
In My hands I bring the relief for your children that are Mine because you are part of Me.
Hail Land of God, hail!
With My feet I go through your spaces rescuing the souls that, deceived, suffer in the hells that the enemy has built where there used to be other destinies.
At this time of redemption and liberation, of rescue and fight for the supremacy of Light, millions of souls wait in despair that My soldiers open the doors through prayer of the heart so that an opportunity of liberation may reach them.
I traverse, together with My missionary children, the sick Africa and, by means of each word and of each service that they offer, I unite Heaven with Earth and through a safe door the souls and the essences are liberated so that they may be able to follow their path of evolution.
The consciousness of each African child that is touched by the Grace that I pour by means of My missionaries is led out of the hells and the purgatories of this world towards where they will find the path that God has allowed Me to offer to some creatures of this humanity.
For this, I ask you, children of Mine, who do not suffer what My children of Africa suffer, may you pray with all the heart so that by means of each prayer I may be able to rescue one more soul, one more essence.
When the Father hears each one of your prayers done with the heart, He allows Me to pour one more Grace over more children of Mine who for so long have suffered without any possibility of relief.
During the three next weeks in which My missionaries will walk along with Me through these lands of sorrow and without peace, I beg you that we may keep each time more united with one another so that with the most pure love that emanates from the Sacred Hearts we may be able to elevate the African consciousness to the Celestial Kingdom and thus liberate this planet from this debt that humanity has with the Universe before the Great Divine Justice arrives.
Be attentive, children, to what I say to you. Be aware of the time in which you live in, of which you must make good use in order to collaborate through prayer and through charity with this Plan of Rescue that the Most Sacred Hearts of Joseph and of Mary carry forward along with the Redeemer, Christ Jesus.
Today I infinitely thank all of the Children of Mary, those who make an effort to accompany Me in My flight of light throughout the Earth.
Do not forget that I always count on you.
I love you and I protect you under My mantle of love and light.
I thank you for being with Me today.
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
My Children,
The mission in Africa has recently begun. For this your spirit of unity and love must be stronger than your differences. Soon you will enter the nation of Rwanda, highly beaten by error and death, events that happened 10 years after I tried to avoid a continental massacre.
For this, My children, you were called to consciously collaborate on the liberation and forgiveness of the suffering caused to the Rwandans during these last years. Through the missionary heart of all who serve the Plan of the Redeemer, your Celestial Mother introduces Herself in the African continent for the second time and, through the missionaries of Peace, My Heart will be able to reach all of them.
My missionary children, on this nation will not only see the material result of everything that has been gestated by My adversary, but they will also find on the faces of their brothers and sisters, the sings of the degeneration of the culture and of fraternity.
But the victory of My Immaculate Heart will be possible through the loving and selfless help of all. For this, the prayer of the heart of all the consecrated missionaries will be the entrance door to the Kingdom of God.
Your Most Holy Mother is already descending over the nation of Rwanda in order to impart again the spirit of peace and of spiritual restoration of the consciousnesses.
My children, it will be important that all be very united in soul and in heart, as it will also be important that your ideas and differences do not prevail among the groups that are congregated to serve through the spirit of mercy.
Beloved children, do not open the doors to My adversary. He will try to make your ground shake, but remember that the fortress of My Heart will always help you in any perdition.
Follow the steps that I ask you. You will soon visit the sanctuary of Kibeho where the faith of all of My children of Rwanda expresses a sincere restoration of society and human dignity.
While My plan in Africa, especially in Rwanda, Uganda and Congo, starts to be projected on the hearts of the servers, I ask you to search for the essence of unification. This will protect you from your own selves and you will avoid to get lost on superficial matters.
My missionary children already enter into the first cycle of purification through the transmuting service, but My hands will support them.
I thank you for answering to My call for peace.
Who takes you to the heart of Rwanda,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
With Africa in My Heart, I prepare all of you so that in the spirit of prayer, you may peregrinate with Me to this beloved place so that the souls that suffer the most, may receive the moral and spiritual help that they need so much.
You, My children, strengthened by the codes of light of My Immaculate Heart, are already prepared to continue to find Africa in each brother and sister, in each soul and in each place of this world. The need of collaboration and charity is immense on all the levels of the life of the souls that suffer.
As your Mother of Consolation, today I come closer to your humanity in order to reveal to you and remind all of you about the places that need humanitarian and spiritual help. The society of this world prefers to turn its face around in order to not find the true misery that is not just physical, but spiritual, what generates the loss of the dignity and of the love that the souls deserve.
But our Celestial Father that is in the Heavens sends His Divine Messengers so that through Them you may recognize the immediate will to respond to a need that embraces other levels of consciousness.
My Children, on this day I already show you in My Heart, the Africa in need, the one that throughout the ages was degenerated and lost the possibility of receiving the charity that the souls expected so much.
In My Immaculate Heart lives the Africa of the poor and of the indigent. From the internal heart of My being, your Celeste Mother expects that all of Her soldiers may feed the hungry belly, heal the depleted body, wash and purified the wounds of the dying and mainly, reflect the light of the Kingdom of the Heavens, which is within you, on all those that live eternal darkness.
For this, dears, may this sacred encounter motivate you to renew your vows with selfless loving service for the humanity that is buried on its own desert of aridity and despair.
I ask you, dear children, that you may be able to see in My arms, this great Africa, the one that, because of humanity, has not been able to fulfill the designs of the Creator.
As the Mother of Peace and of Mercy, I come on this day to pour Graces on everything that seems impossible to be solved. But know, children, that you, awakening to the selfless love for the interior Africa, will help Me so that the most basics needs may be able to be supplied by means of the servers of peace.
On this day I prepare you to embark on a new mission that all will be able to accompany closely. With this purpose I tell you that from the first day of the mission until the return of the missionaries who will take Me as light in their hearts, you must pray the Holy Rosary, that is, the fifty beads of a mystery in an African language, offering to the Creator a supplication and an internal wish so that His Infinite Mercy may be poured over the places that were hurt by My adversary the most.
May this day of celebration and renovation have as a consequence for all, the immediate response to a planetary emergency of help for the recovery and for the spiritual resurrection of the human dignity.
Remember, children, that love is capable to transform everything, as in the Love of My Son it is found the key to revert everything.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who congregates you on the favorite Cenacle of the Heart of Christ,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Queen of the New Humanity
I come to repeat to you the message that was not listened to in Rwanda:
Repent, you are still in time to do it, before it is too late! Offer to the Eternal the opportunity and the moment of your sincere repentance.
Day and night, from the top of the mountains and ridges of Africa, I listen to the request for help and relief of those who have to been mutilated. Offer your repentance to the Eternal and Supreme for all those who do not seek My Unfathomable Mercy and who, in this bloody hour, only seek to generate fear and sorrow in the world.
Since the last day in which I was with you, I promised you to return in the moment of the greatest tribulation. Today, I tell you, as I told the whole Rwanda: Repent and do not only apologize! This will no longer suffice to the law of God! Seek to understand and to know where the whole humanity is failing.
But today I do not come to be your judge, but your beloved intercessor that cries and sees blood streaming like water among the streets of this world. There will only be one solution for all that occurs: that you clamor all the time for My Infinite Mercy. Thus, My friends, you will be deserving, as many others, of receiving in this time, the last table of salvation and pity.
While My Sacred Heart collects the weeping of the innocent and of all the faithful Christians, I ask you to remove from your lives everything that is considered as normal and that, from today on, you begin to penetrate more and more into the Mystery of My Heart Flagellated by the world.
I encourage you to walk amid darkness and to not feel any fear for what will come because if I Am Your Master, the one who walks before your lives, why would you stop trusting Me?
Accept My convocation. The result of all the serious faults that are committed and that once again deeply offend Your God, is already being observed in the universe. For this, feel blessed for listening to My call, it must echo into the deepest of your hearts.
And I repeat to you: Repent!
It is urgent and indispensable that everyone opens the doors and the paths to this important humanitarian and spiritual mission to Africa, for Peace in this suffering region of the world.
Today I leave you the only thing that I can legate and deliver to you, which is My Merciful Love, the one that is not being well availed by My good souls. Heal My Heart, in this way I will always be able to comfort you until the last days of your lives.
Under the Supreme Mercy of God, may the innocent be raised to Heaven!
Thank you for listening again to My Sacred Call!
Christ Jesus, the Flagellated Heart of Love
Today, in a divine and omnipresent way, My Chaste Heart descends to the world to gather the prayers offered by your hearts to the Celestial Father; thus, in a special way, I am present in the two Marian Centers, so that humanity may understand the emergency of being able to serve in these times.
Today, My most chaste Essence gathers all the lost essences of Africa and of the world, elevating them to the reparative Celestial Kingdom, so that the angels of the Lord may rebuild them and re-integrate them into the cycle of their original evolution.
Today, My Sacred Heart of divine lilies opens like a flower for you, so that you may hold the original purity that God granted everyone.
My companions and children of Christ, have faith, and the certainty that your holy service and effort will come to touch the heart of the whole universe, so that in this way, the Graces of Heaven can be poured out.
The Most Pure and Immaculate Heart of Mary has sent Me to remind you, on this sacred day, that you are to only seek the awakening of the original purity that will allow you to be transformed and redeemed.
As a faithful carpenter of God, allow Me to take your lives so that the new instrument, free from malice and hate, may be able to emerge and become a celestial gift for God.
My Chaste Heart promises immediate assistance for those who always remember to open the doors of their hearts so that God may labor. In this planetary hour, in which essences are distanced from their real purpose and mission, I come so that you also remember to pray for those who do not pray to God, nor do they remember the spring of divine existence.
After the last mission of charity carried out in Brazil, where My Chaste Heart granted a time of peace and Mercy for all the forgotten and displaced, for all of Africa, through all the servers of the Plan, I am preparing to gestate its great cycle of redemption, forgiveness and peace. So that this may be possible, I come to ask all My companions on the path and the Humanitarian Fraternity to dedicate three prayers a day to My Chaste Heart, so that I may intercede with God and grant the sacred mission in Rwanda and Angola.
I have come to the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit to ask all the missionaries to raise their inner offering to God the Father in order to help and to collaborate in Africa, in the coming year of 2015, in honor of the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.
If the offering of all the servers is sincere and firm, I promise to descend in glory in Africa and free what is still not free from the spirits of My children.
For this special meeting, I am grateful for the collaboration of all who, in charity and for the good, made the mission in Brazil possible.
From the Most Chaste Heart of God, I bless you.
Your faithful Instructor, Saint Joseph,
Father of Love and Unity
Dear children,
From Heaven, I bring you the Most Holy Body of My Son, so that you may always remember to adore it in all moments of life.
As your Mother and Mother of the World, today I announce to you a main call to immediate prayer for the good and innocent souls who unjustly work in the slavery of the refugee camps and in the gold mines, which are mostly found within the African continent.
Therefore, today I stand before you as the Mother and Lady of the Divine Word, the same Aspect that I manifested in Rwanda to prevent a great social and material catastrophe. In spite of my announcements, the majority of My poor souls did not listen to me and now, again, I come to you, My dear children, so that you may also become conscious of the changes that will come.
Today, I deeply wish that you, who respond to My call, can respond with your prayers, under the intercession of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, for all souls that are found in these camps of suffering and in the mines of pain and indignation.
I want to help, through My blessed Mercy, those who suffer day and night in sickness. The world suffers for the actions that are unjustly committed among brothers and sisters of the same race, created by the God of Love.
My Son, through My prayers, has allowed Me to arrive in consciousness and omnipresence to the underworlds of suffering, which are a reality and exist on the whole surface of the Earth.
I want to banish the injustice which many experience without an exit and without relief. I want to pour out My relief and My hope through your sincere and true offerings.
I find within many of your hearts the potential to serve and love in this time of chaos.
My Consciousness promises deep and spiritual liberations through the means of your mediating prayer, thus I can intercede and assist as Mother of all Christians and non-Christians, for all those in need of the Mercy of God in this time.
My children, the group of souls, who live in the refugee camps and work in the gold mines scattered across various locations of Africa and the world, are the miserable result of the condition that evil sowed in humanity.
I am the Light of Heaven, that comes in honor of God, to untie the knots that oppress the path of souls and of holiness.
I come to establish the Love of God and inner serenity in all those who suffer unjustly.
If humanity does not change this very serious attitude of slavery and death in time, many will suffer the price of what others have done and, as a consequence, in large regions, the world could lose peace.
So that this may not happen, I come to ask you urgently for the devotion to My Immaculate Heart, thus you will prevent the world from losing peace and the Grace of God.
I will not tire of working for you. My Immaculate Spirit is unwavering and powerful. It has the maternal power of transforming the untransformable, of raising from the ground what has fallen and is lost, of loving what no one could ever love.
I love your beings, beyond the miseries that make you succumb to the world of today. My angels fully serve God the Father to help the guardian angels of many of My children, who remain imprisoned by the ties of temptation and desire.
I once again come to tread, with My feet, upon the impure head of evil and to resurrect in spirit the souls who, in this life, die losing the Love and Mercy of God.
So that I may help Africa and thus fulfill My Designs of salvation, I wish that, on this 13th of August 2014, hearts willing to serve me, may venerate the Sacred Face of the Lady of Kibeho, the Mother of the Divine Word. In this way, I can intercede through the state of Grace which many experience.
I thank you for paying attention to this important call!
The planetary need is deeper every day in this world and in humanity.
Who loves you, blesses and heals you,
Your Mother Mary, Lady of Kibeho
Today Our Lady appeared as the Lady of Charity which is a new manifestation that is approaching to us, it is another face of Her task that She is inviting us to know.
This manifestation of Our Lady of Charity existed in the world and She asked the sisters of the Network of Prayer to transmit to all the groups of San Paulo the story of this manifestation that happened on the Island of Cuba, because the groups will realize a task with Our Lady of Charity.
Today Our Mother came with a child in Her arms, but it was not the Child Jesus. She was dressed in very simple clothes as in the era of Nazareth. The child that She brought in Her arms was an African child, who was two years old. Our Lady was tightly hugging this child and presented him to us.
Afterwards She indicated a task for this group which was transmitted in the message that She gave to us. In the moment of the message She told us that humanity did not have the consciousness of how many faults it still has as humanity, primarily among the nations. She said that when She manifested as Our Lady of Charity it was for us to have a conscious reference of how to alleviate the offenses that we have with Africa, which in that case of Brazil are still not resolved.
The Father made a request to Our Lady and granted Her for this group of prayer to pray for the souls of Africa, and that if the group would do so it would help to resolve many things. She said that She especially needs that this group unite itself with Our Lady of Charity and that, when the group of prayer becomes acquainted with this face of the history of Our Lady it would understand what She is asking through this message.
She not only wants that the group continue working as it has done until now, but that it grow a little more in its tasks. She proposed to accompany them in this prayer for Africa. This path of prayer that the group will realize and that will be for an indeterminate time, should be done through the intermediary of Saint Joseph; He must be the regent of this work.
Mary said to us that everything should be entrusted to Saint Joseph. That which Saint Joseph receives from the groups, will also be received by the Divine Mother.
We asked for how long this task of prayer should last and She answered that each one will know how to make their offer, it may be days, weeks, months or years, depending on the commitment that each one wants to make for this request. She only needs this help. She knows our potential.
At the end, Our Lady said something important: that the groups of prayer of the State of San Paulo have this important task to link themselves with the manifestation of Our Lady of Charity and that it was not by chance that Our Mother had requested to reopen the work of service in San Paulo. She not only calls us to serve but that She is calling all those who once served through the Nucleus of Figueira in San Paulo.
Our Lady said on this evening that She would like that all the groups from San Paulo become at some moment only one group, for this She will peregrinate for all. The task of Our Mother is to awaken the talent that the groups of prayer cultivated by means of spiritual work. Mary comes to open this door and so that we may have consciousness of what we have to do in this time.
Remember, My dear children, that I come to the world to alleviate and separate you rapidly from the severe consequences that are brought by the sins committed by all of humanity.
Opening My arms of a Mother on this evening, I comfort and encourage you for the permanent search of the truth that exists in your hearts. When the thirst of a soul is quenched, another thirst awakens in those souls that do not live the Love of God. In this way I guide you as the flocks of My Son so that you may fulfill a part of the Divine and Great Will of the Eternal Father.
For this today I manifest and announce to this group that it lives, without knowing, the gift of healing of all things in life through faith, the primordial energy that always allows you to go ahead and overcome the tests.
My dears, that which strengthens faith is the renunciation of that which the soul most desires, and primarily the personality. I, with My Glory and Love, come to teach you how to die to yourselves, this will help so that your spirits may be born to the mission that they have come to accomplish.
On this evening I gather you under a fundamental purpose, which is to serve your familiars by means of faith and of the power of prayer that I have revealed to you in these last times.
God wants from this group a growth in the spirit of humility and of charity, in this way as souls they will be able to answer to My call.
My dear children, while a great part of Africa suffers spiritual misery, I recommend to you to pray for these brothers and sisters, imploring to the most Chaste Saint Joseph for all these precious essences that live the affliction in their own flesh and suffer from material and spiritual hunger. If you, at least for a determinate time answer to this, My special request, your nation will be liberated from the grave faults that it caused Africa through slavery and the spiritual colonization upon these brothers and sisters.
I will give thanks that your faith will embrace My Divine Mysteries. We will meet in the prayer of the heart and in the inner silence.
I thank you now and always for answering to My call!
Your Pilgrim Mother, Lady of Charity
Today, My Heart listens to the supplications of the innocent and the poor.
Today, My spiritual Soul embraces those who have suffered the most from chaos and destruction.
Today I announce Myself to your hearts as the Lady of Akita, to remind you that My Immaculate Heart belongs to the entire world and today, especially, to all of Asia.
Dear children, I remind you that once, not so long ago, the Lord sent me in pilgrimage to Japan to transmit an important call to conversion, prayer and peace.
Today, in a time of great emergencies for all, My Son Jesus has asked Me to tell you the truth as the good Mother of all, although the truth may be painful as it was for Me in the Mount Calvary.
I want to help you, assist you, prevent you and advise you that, in this cycle, it will be necessary to transform yourselves so that the world may also transform itself and become consecrated once again to the original Project of God.
Beloved children, you have seen that your planet suffers with each new movement and that these catastrophes take away the precious and innocent lives of many souls.
This is why today I ask you, My dear ones, that you open your eyes to the call of the Light that comes from Heaven. While you, without perceiving it, share My Kingdom of Peace, on the other side of the world souls die and disappear from the surface of the Earth.
God desires to spread the absolute devotion to My Immaculate Heart, and in Akita, Japan, I have transmitted an important call to transform the actions of the consciousnesses, just as since 1981 My Voice made Itself be heard in all of Africa through the Apparitions of Rwanda.
Now, I am among you. Would it be for some reason? What is it that your Most High Father wants to say to to you through My Holy Presence, in South America as well as Medjugorje?
As it has always been, humanity matures after everything has happened, but now, I ask you that, out of love, you awaken in time for the Truth that Heaven wants to reveal to you; it will be this Sacred Truth that will prepare you for the return of My Son to the Earth.
Dearest children of Mine, today I also invite you to love the sacrifice you make for the reparation of the offenses committed against the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Today, I call on you to make a little more effort, although it may seem to you that the forces of the inner will disappear.
Little ones, the world is coming to a culminating moment, because after My Apparitions, here in South America and in Medjugorje, the times on Earth will change and humanity will have to prepare for the Universal Judgement.
Now, on the eve of my special arrival to the Marian Center of Aurora, on this 13th day, the Lady of Heaven prays for the innocent and condemned souls, saying:
Prayer for the innocent souls
I thank you for always responding to My sacred call!
Who blesses you always,
Your Mother Mary, Lady of Akita
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more