Just as your Lord renewed all things in each step with the Cross, also renew yourself in the planetary passion, My child.
There is no weight that God may place on you that you are not able to bear.
There is no fall that you may experience in which you cannot get up from.
The love latent within you must awake and grow, and that will happen in your overcoming of self, each day.
Receive the graces from the Father so that your heart may be firm and anchored in the love for His Divine Purpose.
Pray, and may your prayer be sincere, because from it will come the strength that will make you rise, again and again, with cross of these times, and in each fall, love will grow within you; in each step, love will expand within you.
Experience agonies without fear; experience humiliations without fear; experience loneliness without fear; experience sacrifice without fear.
Fix your gaze and your heart on the calvary of this time, where you will not only die to yourself, but you will surrender everything that you are so that, through you, God may renew and surpass His Love.
Without fear, shame or pride, dare to be a Christ of the New Time, because for this your Lord called you by name. Let each day be lived for this Divine Purpose.
Contemplating the memory of your Lord with the Cross, imitate His steps and allow your heart to find the Love that He felt for the world and for the creatures that inhabit it; the Love He felt for the Universe and for all the life that evolves within it.
Let your heart make space for the Heart of Christ so that you may learn to be in the passion of this time, not only as an imperfect human being, but also as a spirit envisioned and manifested by God to recreate His Creation.
That is what you are. That is what this planetary moment will forge within you.
Thus, release the reins of your life and no longer walk towards what your think you should be. From the way you are now, God will make a Christ of you. Simply live that calvary and surpass yourself each day. The time will come in which God Himself will surpass Himself, within you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My children,
It gladdens Me to know, from the depths of My Heart, that I will be with you again in this month of March so that, from Mother to children, we may share the Graces of God again.
It gladdens Me to know that you will gather, once again today, to pray and cry out for peace, Mercy and Justice for the world.
It gladdens Me to know and see the efforts that you made everyday, and especially during these last months, for your humanity and for the planet through the Prayer for Peace in the Nations.
It gladdens Me to know that there are decided souls, willing and adhered to the Celestial Hierarchy in order to be able to carry forward the manifestation of the Divine Plan on Earth.
For this reason, dear children, today I give you thanks from the depth of My Heart and My Face does not cry for an indifferent world today, but it cries with joy for the reception and the response of My children to the call of the Mother of God.
I impel you to continue building the Plan for these coming months, because greater and more determining challenges and commitments will come to all, so that you may keep maturing in faith, in prayer and in the inner communion with the Sacred Heart of the Heavenly Father.
Know, My dear children, that I am with you in the joys as in the difficulties, in the triumphs as in the defeats.
May the Love of God always reign in you, may the Love of the Eternal Father impel you to live the challenges and to transcend the crucial tests of these times.
I am with those who pray, with every heart and soul that opens day by day to discover the mystery of praying with the heart.
Let us keep walking firmly towards the goal because the planet and all of humanity need beings of love, souls that live love and spread it in order to be able to dissolve the pain and the suffering generated by the chaos and the wars in the nations.
But remember, My children, that at the end of everything, My Immaculate and Maternal Heart will triumph.
I thank you for responding and for living My call!
Who blesses you under the Love of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Learn today to calm your mind and your heart through prayer, singing and silence which, together with the exercise of breathing with awarenesses, lead you to the state of peace in which you must be.
Learn to be meek before the times that present themselves so that thus, your mind can unite to the heart and together may attract wisdom and divine discernment.
May you be able to stand before all trials in calm and in peace, inside and outside of yourself, and even when hearing, with your inner ears, the trumpets of Divine Justice, may your heart know how to perceive that a Grace is approaching and that the New Time is closer to being a reality.
Always place your heart in the Grace and in the Purpose of God so that you may always find faith and hope in everything. These are not easy times that are approaching the Earth, but there must not be hopelessness in your heart because of this.
Fill your inner world with faith, consolidate in your heart the strength of knowing yourself as part of a Greater Will. And do not be afraid. Let your spirit learn to seek peace and send this peace to your most human bodies.
For this, child, you must create a bond with your higher self, and this is done with intention and with sincere prayer, which will allow you to enter into an elevated state.
Now prepare your consciousness for what is to come, and this is not just externally. Prepare your inner world, your heart and your mind, because that moment is unknown and it will also awaken unknown reactions in you which can destabilize you if you do not learn to be in peace now.
Pray and strengthen your heart.
Pray and unite with your spirit.
Pray and find the path to the Heart of God, this way you will be ready to endure all things.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Wherever you go, take with you the graces and the blessings that you received from God.
Whoever you meet on the path, may they receive from you a compassionate gaze and a presence that radiates peace.
Whatever you do, may there be the Gift of Divine Mercy in your actions so that within everything, you put forth love and gratitude.
In your life, child, recognize you were rescued by the Power and the Love of God and, in everything you do, give thanks to the Father for His goodness.
Fill all things with the spirit of gratitude so that, thus, more souls also receive this blessing that you, as a beloved child of God, have received.
Make your life a permanent thanksgiving action and aspire that each being can receive these same graces.
Your heart was called to be a gardener in the Gardens of God and, with the seeds of the flowers that were born within you, to generate more Life and more Good.
Go and do not be afraid to announce, give out and multiply what you have received. See each soul like a flower that thirsts for God and pour over it the water which overflows from you when you are united to the Father.
So that you could grow, a gardener of God sowed Love within you. Now, child, you too learn to be a gardener in this time.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May the tests of each day help you to grow in spiritual maturity, in faith, in love to your brothers and sisters, in trust in God.
May the tests of each day forge your discernment so that, in the acute moments of the planet, you may know how to unite to the Spirit of God to think and act.
May the tests of this time demonstrate to you the presence and the accompaniment of God so that, in times when most of humanity will lose their faith, your hearts may be filled with the certainty of His Presence.
May the tests of today make you strengthened in spirit, and may this fortitude reflect in your human condition so that you may learn to be humble and know that nothing happens out of the Divine Will when the hearts live under His Laws and fulfill His Plan.
Each day, children, God builds within you a little of what you must become. This happens in different ways, with graces, but also with difficulties, with miracles and with human frustrations so that, gradually, you may abandon your most profound roots of the retrograde condition and express the true essence of what a human being is.
Live each day with gratitude and live each test with the consciousness of the Presence of God. Thus, you will know how to let yourselves be guided by His Holy Heart.
I bless you today and always.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
On this day, when once again we gather to pray, I ask you, children, to place within your prayers all of the spiritual needs that must be supplied through the light column of prayer.
The planet advances itself, entering thus into new tests while humanity is materially distracted by the novelties of these times.
And few are the armies of light who are aware of the worldly need and respond immediately. With these few, the Spiritual Hierarchy does much, stepping up to cover the greatest amount of emergencies possible.
These are not easy moments for humanity, My children, as you already know, but your response in each new prayer meeting helps many graces to descend towards the Earth, although they are not deserved. And mainly, it helps the souls of people, through the spiritual impulse of Grace, not to continue making hasty decisions that do not make sense.
This whole situation is reflected in the nations, which are the areas most affected by the chaos that prevents the manifestation of the Plan. But that which is possible, in this time, is that the Plan be fulfilled within each one of My children so that afterwards it may be fulfilled on this planet.
Therefore, continue rowing and do not stop rowing because every inner or outer adversity will be overcome and you will find the true refuge in the Heart of the Celestial Father.
I am grateful for all the groups of prayer, for their dedication to carry out the Plan of Love.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In everything that you do, place the power and action of the Divine Mercy.
Wherever you go, take within you the graces you have received so that all beings, through you, may know peace.
In your words, manifest the power and the Gift of the Divine Mercy and tell your brothers and sisters only those things that the Creator, full of Mercy, would pronounce to His children.
Look at your fellow being with a look of Mercy and feel for each being the love that is born in the Heart of God when He is before His creatures.
Aspire, child, every day, to be an instrument and a vehicle of Mercy. Thus, you will make worthy your existence and the sacrifice that God lived for you, on the Cross and in the Calvary of this world.
Allow for the Blood shed on the Cross to convert your most profound human condition and transform you into a being full of Mercy.
I bless you at this time and pouring on you the graces that come from God, I ask you: plea for Mercy but, above all, let your heart be the Mercy of Christ itself.
Your Father and Friend,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
Little soul of God,
With love, embrace the sacrifices and the renouncements that the Creator sends to your life. They are equivalent to the immense grace that you live everyday, with the Presence of God, calling you by the name to respond to His call.
Set your heart to surrender every day, and no longer think about the limitations of your body, about the miseries of your mind or about the uneasiness of your heart. Think, child, about the sacrifice of Christ, everyday, so that more each day you may go deeper into the surrender of the Lord, in the price He paid for your redemption and, thus, you may know that everything you live, surrender or renounce, cannot be compared to the sacrifice of He Who lived and died for you.
Have the limitations of your body be an offering of humility for the arrogance of humanity.
Have the miseries of your mind be an offering and a crying out for Mercy to descend to the world and fill the destructive thoughts of men.
Have the uneasiness of your heart be an offering so that the peace and trust in God may fill the inner world of beings and give them back peace.
You were called to be part of the Heart of Christ in this world, in a living, conscious and unconditional way.
The Lord put His eyes on you, not because you are perfect, but because He knows that your soul thirsts for His Presence. Because He is an inexhaustible Fount, He came not only to satiate you but to make you a new fount, so that other souls may drink of the Mercy that breaks out from His Divine Heart.
Between your miseries and the Mercy of Christ, let the Mercy of the Lord win and focus your heart on His call, rather than on your difficulties in fulfilling it.
Just as you are, Christ called you. He only expects you to say "yes" every day.
While humanity sleeps the sleep of ignorance, give thanks to the Father Who healed your blindness. Open up your heart to be a living miracle of the Lord, in this world and in all others. Because today I tell you, My child, that your redemption in this world is only a symbol of a greater redemption, even though it is unknown to your heart.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While souls pilgrimage within the Marian Centers, they comfort the Heart of God and relieve the wounds that human indifference causes in the depth of this Sacred Heart.
The souls that peregrinate at the Marian Centers are also restorative because they are not only healing and repairing their own being and spirit, but they are healing and repairing human consciousness, so often distant from the Heart of the Father.
To peregrinate to the Marian Centers is like walking to the House of the Lord, climbing the steps to His Celestial Church and being before His Divine Altar, to live redemption and thus open the doors for others to also be able to live it.
In these times of chaos and of indifference in the world, the Heart of God finds His encouragement and joy in the souls that peregrinate to the Marian Centers, because, in spite of their lives and responsibilities, they recognize the importance and urgency to create a real bond with God withinin their interior.
This world, children, needs restorative souls that peregrinate to the Marian Centers not only to find Peace, but also to open the Fountain of Peace to the world.
The souls that peregrinate to the Marian Centers are also seeding beings because, like birds of light, they seek the seeds of the new life in the Source and take them to their homes, cities, nations, fertilizing this principle of newness in the human consciousness.
The pilgrims who arrive in the Marian Centers receive from the Father His Grace and bring it to multiply in the world, wherever they are.
The importance of peregrinating to the Marian Center is still unknown to many, because the mysteries that are kept as spiritual treasures in the inner counterpart of the Marian Centers have not yet been revealed to the human beings.
Happy are those who pilgrimage to the Marian Centers because they become instruments of the Lord and bearers of the new life over the Earth, even though they do not know it.
Today, children, I thank you for being pilgrims and for having come to the Marian Centers in search of peace.
Joyous are those who receive with love and shelter in their hearts, the Love of the Hierarchy. Multiply what you have received. Be peace-makers in this world.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
With the heart willing to be in God, close your eyes, child, and learn to thank the Father for life; thank, because the Creator chose you among so many beings in His Creation, to be on Earth learning to love as He loves.
Learn to thank God because, throughout your life, He has led you by your hand, that you might err enough to be humble and to grow, but he removed you from the errors at the right point of your salvation so that you would not lose your way.
Learn to thank God because patiently He observes you entangled in small things of the human life and distracted from the superior Purpose, for which you came to the world. With eyes of compassion, the Creator follows your steps and waits, because He knows that at some moment you lost sight and you will turn to the highest, and finally find the Heart of the Father.
Learn to thank God because He created a perfect project and placed this hidden perfection inside of you. The Lord is so perfect that, in order for you to open this door inside of you and find this divine treasure, you must be simple, humble and, above all, thank God for life and for the constant gifts He hands you.
Learn, My child, to thank the Father every day, even if you do not have a reason for this. Be thankful and already you will see how many reasons your heart has to thank the Father.
Place your heart in Truth and in the Infinite, in the Love of God for you, and today just give thanks, because, among so many beings in the world, you listen to God in the echo of His Messengers who teach you to love and awaken to what it really is to be a human being.
Thank the Father and give thanks to the Heavens. Offer your heart as a shelter for gratitude and so you will take sure steps of love, because by thanking everything, you will find the possibility of love in all things.
Your Father and Friend,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
Gladden your hearts and glorify God, Who never forsakes His children and never ceases to pour out His graces over those who, with faith, serve Him, and in trust, respond to His call.
Today I come to the world for each one of you, servants of God, who every day, with effort, try to go deeper into your own surrender and transformation.
I come for those who feel alone, inwardly forsaken sometimes, because they feel they never reach the place where God needs them to be. I come to tell you that, indeed, you are on the correct path and must not fear not reciprocating with God, because what the Father needs from you is your perseverance and not perfection.
I come so that you never stop learning to love, because the simple effort of living love is already enough for you to cross the threshold between the old and the new man.
Remember, children, that you are in a time of transition, in which you are stepping out of what you were but have not yet achieved what you should be. You are the tip of the spear of a new life, which perhaps will be fully lived by others.
Today I simply ask you for your constant effort to love and to live these times in unity with your brothers and sisters, and each time you feel disunity knocking at your door, know how to say "no" so that you may remain in love and in unity.
I want to help you take a new step toward the Heart of God and for this reason, I am here.
Receive My presence as a response of the Heart of God Who, placing His Grace within your spirits, simply tells you: "Persevere! And try to love every day."
Love His Plan, love His Purpose and love His Will for each one of your brothers and sisters. Love the existence of each human being, of each Kingdom of Nature, because all beings that live on Earth are here because, being fully loved by the Father, they have received, from Him, an opportunity to imitate His Love.
With these words, I bless you and I thank you for trying every day to take a step toward the Heart of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
After the daily Message, Saint Joseph added:
I also come today to make a request: the Group Effort of Saint Joseph, at the Marian Center of Figueira.*
Just as this practice of unity with My Chaste Heart has brought results at the Marian Center of Aurora, it will also do so here, in which is My home.
So that hearts may be strengthened in unity with one another, and so that this very unity may make you strong in the face of the situation of chaos that the world is experiencing, I ask you to carry out this Group Effort, in which I will always be present.
As from now, on the days in which you pray to receive Me, you will experience a moment of service and of community among you, to then commune with God.
I ask you for this because the Communities of Light must become a bridge of salvation and of healing for the human consciousness and this only happens when beings learn to be united, and thus, learn to be fraternal and create a connection of love with one another, and thus, with God.
During this first period the Group Effort will be weekly, and when My channels are not here, it must be done bi-monthly.
You will see, children, how in a short time, unity will dissolve the conflicts, and being closer to each other, you will be closer to God.
I bless you and I thank you for fulfilling this request of Mine for unity and fraternity among the servants of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
*The Marian Center of Figueira is located in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil.
I bring a lot of infinite Graces to the world, but only a small part of humanity receives them with joy and plenitude. For this reason, I will not rest until I am able to give My children all the opportunities that I have for this suffering humanity.
My Graces allow very powerful conversions and redemptions in the hearts of the world, as well as great chances to be able to revert the spiritual and material life of the beings.
This is the time when the souls of the Earth should have, even more, their attention directed toward Heaven because from there will come the so needed help for these critical moments; from there will come what each being needs for their different phases of purification and redemption, until they reach the total consecration of their soul to God.
May humankind know that My Heart is full of Graces for souls and that I wait for you to ask for them through sincere prayer.
I wish that this petition may not be personal, but planetary; that it may be a request of Mercy for hundreds of souls that, day by day, walk towards the portals of perdition.
I thank you for the dedication in praying for the nations of the world; they are, in these times, very much in need of intervention and spiritual help.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Be firm in prayer and in unity with your brothers and sisters, in the certainty that you are in the right place and that, in this time, there is no other place to be except for where the Hierarchy is, where God allows you to serve the planet and awaken love.
Silence the doubts in your heart, strengthening your faith. Pray for peace in the nations because, in this way, you will not only be clamoring for the planet but creating a network of light that, through the unity between those who pray, consolidates and protects the Work of the Divine Messengers in the world.
The Prayer for Peace in the Nations, child, was a Grace granted to you by God so that, wherever you are, you feel united to your brothers and sisters and, above all, to your Celestial Mother. In Her Divine Heart, the Most Holy Mary welcomes all the pleas and true intentions and converts them into a source of redemption and salvation for the souls and for the Kingdoms of Nature present on the planet.
Know, child, of the importance of the Prayer for Peace in the Nations in times of transition because your words, uniting with those of your brothers and sisters, overcoming borders and differences, will keep within all of you the Graces that the Father granted you; it will help you to multiply them and mature them within yourself so that they may transform you into a peacemaker in this world, which needs peace so much
If you pray, everyday, for peace in the nations and embrace this purpose as a priority in your life, you would be opening the path so that the Mercy of Christ, your Lord, would continue to pour out over the world and so that your Heavenly Mother may grant the world a greater time of peace; a peace that does not depend on all the events that accelerate on Earth, for within you it would be immutable.
Trust in what I tell you and pray for the establishment of peace, so that, just like you, other beings of the Earth may awaken and feel the Peace and the Love of God in their hearts.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Keep in your heart all the Graces that the Lord granted you and consolidate, within yourself, the action of His infinite and unfathomable Mercy.
Remember, every day, that you are the fruit of the Grace and Mercy of God, which acted within you, as in your consciousness, releasing you from all the evil that kept you tied to the things of the world.
Keep your heart immersed in Divine Mercy, remembering that the Grace of God is something that must be cultivated and sustained within you. Make the gifts and virtues that the Lord granted you grow and multiply, because the time has come to put into practice, before the atrocities of the world, the faith and perseverance in the Love of Christ.
You will not be free from this test, child, because the purification has now extended beyond the invisible of your inner world and has reached the consciousness of the planet. But, just as you pray, you clamor and sustain your own inner self; now with more fervor, pray, clamor, and sustain life upon Earth.
Do not let chaos, hate or fear approach your heart. Love and do not forget that love is your only tool at this time.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My dear children,
Today we meet again in this Pilgrimage for Peace, to unite and elevate our prayers to God so that many more graces can be poured over Argentina.
Yesterday I revealed to you My appeal for Brazil; today I also ask you for Argentina so that your homeland may preserve the values of Christianity, beyond the leaders of the Church and their deeds committed.
I ask you to place your trust in God so that guided by this Sacred Unity that you will have to learn to live, the presence of the Kingdom of God may be established within each soul.
With the presence of God in you, by means of your prayers, children, you will allow that Argentina may be also guided by a true justice, equality and solidarity, attributes that are so necessary to maintain the order and the harmony in the entire Argentinian nation.
But, My children, from you must be born the interest and the inner impulse so that by means of service, prayer and unity, the patronage of the Lady of Lujan may also be maintained, a patronage that some want to banish from the consciousness of the Argentinians.
For this, children, in this cycle in which you are called to consciously assume a life of true prayer for Argentina, I ask you to establish the sacred image of the Lady of Lujan in your homes and in your groups of prayers so that not only your homes may be protected and supported by Me, but also in the Argentinian families, the devotion to the Mother of God may be protected.
In this way, children, with My Presence in your homes and in your families, as Your Mother, I will be able to intercede before situations of great social injustices in your entire nation.
I wish, children, that this love which exists and is kept within each Argentinian heart, that you may offer it in good and in solidarity to the Mother of Lujan so that in Argentina the divine grace and the sacred discernment may never be lacking.
Your country and your government must continue under the protection of the Virgin of Lujan.
Do not allow, children, that the Mother and Patroness of your nation may be banished.
Unite to Me in prayer, and love will win, just as it won on the Cross.
I am beside each of My children of Argentina, waiting for the importance of keeping the Kingdom of God in all this people to awaken in your consciousnesses.
I thank you, My children, for all that has happened in this Pilgrimage for Peace, because the spirit of your homeland is being sustained by the consciousnesses of all praying beings of Argentina; this allows some events over your nation to be prevented.
Do not forget, beloved children, to carry forward the consecration of Argentina to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart every 13th, during six months, because in this alliance between your souls and God, between Heaven and Earth, we will maintain the country in the greatest possible order, in spite of all that may happen.
With an infinite love, My children, I thank you all for having concretized this Pilgrimage, I give you thanks, because it is important to Me.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Lujan
Child, I know that it is hard and painful to see that the world agonizes because of ignorance, blind to the Light and the Love of God. Think of your Creator Father, with arms extended to all creatures, with the Fount of Mercy streaming out from His Bosom, even though His Children do not want to receive this gift.
Contemplate the Firstborn Son, reliving His Wounds, again and again, to give beings a new possibility of experiencing and multiplying Love.
Contemplate the Eyes of compassion of your Lord, which observe the world, waiting for hearts to open to His Grace, to His path of Love.
Contemplate the Spirit of God blowing like a breeze and touching the faces of beings, waiting for them to open themselves to deeply breathe of this Divine Breath, so that beings may purify and consecrate themselves to the Spirit of God.
See that the whole Universe has its eyes on the Earth and place your heart there. Let your attention be on the Hope of God and not on the ignorance of humankind, because the Earth will tremble and everyone will experience the consequences of human blindness, but those who have their hearts in the Heart of the Father will not lose peace, faith, or the fortitude of their spirits and will be the forerunners of a New Life, establishing peace together with Christ, on His return to the World.
Do not forget My words and live them, because everything has already begun and hearts are not ready yet for what is already precipitating over the Earth.
Live in God and do not allow the world to close the doors to His Heart. Be a bridge between the Heart of the Father and the heart of humankind, no matter what comes to take place on Earth.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Breathe the Breath of the Spirit of God and allow Him to transform you within, placing inside of you the first thought that God emanated in thinking of you, to create you as a living part of His Heart.
The Creator is so mysterious, His Plan so unknown, and His Love so incomprehensible, that human errors or the distance which hearts are to be found from His Sacred Heart do not matter. God, child, only expects humanity to repent, to surrender at His Feet and cry out for Mercy because in this way His Love will triumph beyond the darkness, and evil will lose its influence over souls.
The Breath of God approaches all hearts to remove them from ignorance and awaken them to a boundless Forgiveness and a Mercy whose source is eternal and abundant.
Only the one who chooses to be in darkness will remain in it, because the Breath of the Spirit of God comes to ignite the flames of the hearts that went out for not having air, for not having life.
Therefore, today believe in the renewal that comes from God, in this Grace that emanates from His Spirit, because He has the power to clean every stain, to place you at the beginning point, to reveal His perfect Love to you, and to give you everything, even if in life you did not generate merit to receive anything.
Mystery among mysteries is the Love that God invites you to receive, to live, to multiply and to share with the world today.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My dear children,
My caress is like the passing of a soft wind.
My bosom is like receiving the warm heat of the sun in wintertime.
My Love is like the tenderness of a mother with her little child.
My prayer is like the rain that constantly falls.
My hope is like the flower that opens to sunrays.
My faith is like the celestial dome at night.
My supplication is like the call of the Universe to all beings.
My devotion is like the fire of the night.
My peace is like the waves that harmoniously strike the oceans.
My healing is like the sunray that penetrates the dark earth.
My unity is like the balance and harmony of the Local Universe.
My light is like the Sun at dawn until it reaches the highest point.
My happiness is the consecration of the children of God.
My joy is the concretion of priestly life.
My patience is like the fruit that slowly ripens in the tree.
My sweetness is like the sweetest fruit of the planet.
My mission is like the selfless service of those who tirelessly serve God.
And how are your virtues, My child?
Have you found the similarity of your actions in the Creation?
Let this principle of the Gift of God flow in you.
Allow the talents of these times to awaken, so that the Earth may be repopulated with simple, but true values.
Dare to say “yes” to the virtue of the heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The enemy of love: the Apostasy
My dear children,
While today My Divine Consciousness approaches the planet and humanity in a special way, My Voice directs itself to each one of you so that you may continue assuming the prayers for the nations with the seriousness and responsibility that they have, because, for these last times, the great enemy of love will be the apostasy.
This state of consciousness, contrary to the awakening and to evolution, is begining to gain place and space in the hearts of the people through My adversary.
To become apostate means, for the spirit, to consciously dissociate itself from the Love of God and give permission so that the consciousness begins to be ruled by suffering, something that will lead it, gravely, not to have a spiritual opportunity to receive some grace.
This is the urgent reason why the Divine Messengers will go to the encounter of this and other spiritual situations that, in this case, is compromising Argentina.
If the Southern Cone assumes, in a conscious way, lifestyles which are against the Law of Creation, incredible experiences will develop overnight in this region of the planet, and South America will cease to be the promised New Earth and become converted into the Earth condemned, by itself and by humanity.
This will lead to the minority of humanity, less than five percent, being participants of the new race.
Do you understand, children, what this means?
Therefore, on this day I come to ask My children of Argentina, and of the whole world, to unite efforts and hearts so that, from the coming month of September until the days of the first meetings, the propagation of the next prayer meetings in Argentina may be massive, in order to reach as many essences as possible.
I wish and aspire to be able to deliver My Graces to many more hearts, this will strengthen the consciousness of Argentina, in order to prevent it from becoming a scenario of horrors at the end of these times.
For this important mission of propagation you must count on the great help from the angels of Heaven.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Third Series of Poems
Eleventh Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Lord, grant me
the Grace of humility
through Saint Joseph.
May my feet find this path
so that, more each day,
I may be able to serve You in joy and in surrender.
That together with Saint Joseph
I may carry out the Designs of God
so that the planet may be repopulated
with love and hope.
Lord, make me so humble
and small in all of Your Works.
Take us, my brothers and sisters and I,
along the paths of love
so that we may be blessed and touched
by Your Divine Mercy.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more