Monday, September 25 of 2023

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Like an ocean of Love, I return to the world, because as I told you in these last days, My children of humanity cannot live without the Love of God.

Today, in a special way, I bring a symbol between My Arms, a symbol that corresponds to a nation of Eastern Europe; a symbol that has been stained, because this symbol has compromised with all thoughts and ideas that are not of God, and this falls onto My children of this nation and of other nations.

Therefore, in the vast ocean of the Love of God, as a good and patient Mother, I come to purify and to wash this symbol, through the water of this lake; so that My children of the world may remember that God, in the beginning and at the origin of Creation, He first thought of water as a symbol of purification, of baptism and of consecration of souls; but even more, as a symbol of purification of the nations of the world, so that all of you, My children, and also your brothers and sisters throughout the world, may enter through the door that opens in My Heart to God.

In the same way, I open this spiritual door to relieve the angels of some nations of the world, especially the angels of the nations of Eastern Europe, like the angel of this country, Lithuania; because they, in their anonymity and spiritual silence, bear the weight of the spiritual debt of some nations.

And, although their prayers are broad and deep, the prayer of all the angels of these nations that are part of Eastern Europe, it is necessary and urgent, My children, that the Mother of God, the Messenger sent by the Eternal Father, helps the holy angels, just as She also helps the children of humanity, so that they may be protected and withdrawn from dangerous ideas and projects that would hurt humanity even more.

Therefore, I speak to you again of the prayer of the heart, because it opens the door to the Heart of the Eternal Father; so that He, through My Immaculate Heart, pours His Graces into the world and hearts receive the help they need. Just as at this very moment, My children, some nations of Eastern Europe receive spiritual help so that evil does not spread upon the world, so that hearts do not continue to suffer persecution and death through conflicts and wars.

I need you, My children, to understand the emergency of these times. Because as time passes and souls suffer as they enter unknown inner states, as they enter unknown uncertain doors, My Beloved Son sends Me to the world once again, to carry out this sacred, silent and I would say secret task, of placing My children under My Mantle, so that they may remain invisible before evil and nothing, but nothing, may happen to them.

But there are still many souls to enter under My Spiritual Mantle; they are the souls who are in war, in religious persecution and in conflicts; they are the souls who live in exile, a painful reality for the Mother of God, where the majority turn a deaf ear to the suffering of their neighbor.

In this mission that we are carrying forward, from the beginning, in Finland, and all the mission that will develop later, in the coming days, will allow in a broader and unknown way for the Sacred Heart of Jesus and My Immaculate Heart to continue working for the nations of Europe and, through the nations of Europe, with the whole world.

Because if in this part of the world some situations are not resolved soon, then these situations, My children, will have repercussions in the rest of the world and especially in Africa, a continent wounded and subdued by the exploitation and slavery of a few. But My promise to go to Africa remains in place. I want you to know this and, especially, I want you to place it in your hearts.

My children, the countries of Eastern Europe, especially Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, need spiritual liberation, and this is what the Hierarchy is working on.

Be aware and join us. Continue to open, through the prayer of the heart, the door to the Divine Mercy of Jesus, so that the most ignorant, those who have closed their hearts to God, may be touched by the Light of My Grace to be touched by the power of the Redemption of Jesus.

These are times of great efforts. This is the hour so long awaited by My Son, in which He observes and contemplates attentively the donation and surrender of His disciples and apostles, giving everything for Him without anything in return, just as He gave Himself for you without anything in return.

Who will accompany the Hierarchy in a decided and confirmed way in this risky task for the nations of the world?

Who will decide at this time, without much delay, to donate their life and their heart, and place their hands in service to those who suffer most, My children of Africa?

Do not forget this, My children, because it is not enough to listen to the Word of the Hierarchy; it is time to do something, I need you, My Son needs you, God is waiting for you, now and always.

May the Aspirations of God be fulfilled, through the offering of the Sacred Hearts and through the surrender and donation of the apostles of Christ; of all those who at every second of this material time say "yes" to the Lord: Your Will and Your Word be done; may Your Message be fulfilled in us, Lord; may we learn to be instruments of Your Peace.

This is the attitude you must attain for the end of times. In spite of the waters moving, in spite of the contrary winds blowing, in spite of the storm or tribulation, your gaze and your heart must be concentrated on the Purpose. Because that which is not of God will perish, that which is of God will remain and His Will shall always be done.

Never challenge that which is not of God, be like My Son Jesus Who, with His silence, reached the depths during His Passion and, thus, freed the lost hearts and saved the damned souls at that time.

I thank you for fulfilling this third stage of the mission in Lithuania.

I would like to make one last request to you, that to the Prayer for Peace for Eastern Europe and Russia you also add the Prayer for Peace in Belarus. Thus, you will pray for Eastern Europe, Russia and Belarus.

I thank you infinitely and bless you in the name of My Son so that you may go in peace and trust.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.