Sunday, April 24 of 2022

Vigils of Prayer

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come from Heaven to this place to open the doors of hearts again, of the wounded, abandoned and forgotten hearts.

For this reason, I am here tonight, upon this Marian Center and with each one of My children. In spite of the distances. I am with each one of you, and I give thanks for this moment when you gather with Me, uniting My Heart with your hearts so that the Graces of the Father, the promises of the Son and the impulses of the Holy Spirit may descend on humanity, upon this planet.

I also thank My beloved children, on this night of Grace and Mercy, for each prayer you have offered to My Heart, and I promise that each one of your intentions will be placed at the Feet of the Creator so that the Mother of God and Mother of all may intercede for this humanity, as She has done on this journey, through this meeting of prayer, in the most suffering places, in the darkest places, where thousands of souls do not manage to see the Light of God, where thousands of souls no longer believe in the Love of the Father, because their faith has been taken out of them, hope has been erased from many hearts that live the conflicts of the world, the persecutions of these times and the wars.

But My hope for you is firm, it is an indissoluble hope, because your Mother will always come to meet you no matter what happens, because when I come to meet you, I come to prepare the hearts for the Return of My Son, a Return that is very near, nearer than it  may seem or from what you may think.

For this reason, by means of your prayers, through your service, keep propagating faith, and not only by strengthening faith in yourselves, but also in your brothers and sisters, in those who have ceased to believe in the New Earth, because the New Earth is also very near, the moment is near when it will be born in the hearts of the men and women of the Earth, in those who follow the Commandments of God in simplicity and who do not forget that, through the Commandments, they will be able to know the Laws of God.

I ask you to be in silence, so that you can hear the Word of God, a Word that must not be wasted, a Message that does not fade away, an impulse that My Heart brings to all your dwellings, to all your essences, with the higher purpose that you may be aware and partakers of the preparation of the Return of Christ. Because, as He told you, He will need to place His Feet in the places prepared to receive Him, because in places like this, He will bring His Word to you again, not only His Word of Redemption, but also His Word of Love; because when you simply hear His Voice and see the Words emerge through His Lips, everything will be transformed, everything will be redeemed.

I am not here only with the hope that each one of you accompany Me in the reopening of the Marian Centers, but also so that you accompany Me in the task that your Heavenly Mother must carry out with Her Son in the Northern hemisphere, including Africa.

For this reason, My Heart calls each one of you in advance, to be postulants to higher service. Yes, this is what you hear, to be postulants of higher service is to deeply open to walk together with the Hierarchy in the plans and goals that are proposed for this cycle.

A plan that is already thought of and foreseen, a plan that prepares the Return of My Beloved Son. A plan that will benefit many consciousnesses, especially the most vulnerable and discarded ones, not only in Africa, but also throughout the world.

For this reason, I am here, to impel you to the apostolate, My Son has asked this, My Son has supplicated this to Me, because in these times the apostles of the end of times must emerge. This is not philosophy nor is it a theory, it must be a reality for each one of you, the reality of being open, available and unconditional so that, at the request of the Mother of God, you may be wherever might be necessary or most urgent.

For this reason, I brought you to the top of this Hill, for this reason, I asked you to make an offering at the Portal of Peace, because the flowers that you placed at My feet are Graces that I will pour out upon the world today and, especially, upon those places where there no longer is hope, light or love.

I know you will not understand all that I am saying, but do not worry, My children, let My Words resonate within your inner worlds and welcome My Words with gratitude and much joy for all those who cannot live gratitude, for all those who do not know gratitude, for all those who do not live joy because they experience suffering and chaos.

But you, tonight, in the name of all of humanity and of the planet, are under My atmosphere of Grace, within My great sphere of Light, where the Creator Purpose of God exists, impulses that I leave in your consciousnesses and your inner worlds with the aim that the Will of the Father could manifest through your lives, that Will that He has foreseen for each one of you and your brothers and sisters.

For this reason, rejoice and serve without conditions or rules. Give of yourselves to the world so that suffering can be relieved in many places.

May your feet be pilgrim feet, may your hands be hands of service, of selflessness and unconditional surrender, so that the Love of God may return to the world, especially to those spaces where Love has been lost.

May this Love reach the main Project of the Creator, which are the families, because many families are split and separated.

This whole moment is also for the families of the world, so that the alliance within families may exist in these times, and thus the New Humanity may be gestated, a humanity that will not be subjected to the current conditions but rather be a spiritual family that will be able to know the happiness of God, that happiness He promised from the beginning, since Adam and Eve; a happiness that was buried by the sins of the world and by evil.

But rejoice, My children!, because the promise of My Son is there, the promise of the end of your captivity, of the captivity of this humanity.

May you tonight receive the Grace of being in the Mercy of God so that you can learn and know that the Mercy of God is infinite and invincible, and that the soul or heart that truly repents, will know the Mercy of God within their heart.

This is all that I wanted to say to you today. Follow the steps of the Sacred Hearts attentively. Our promise to return to Africa is there and we aspire for this to take place soon, very soon; because when this happens, My beloved children, the door of love and healing will open to Africa.

I thank you today for being with Me and for having made this Marian Center of Figueira shine. Once again, the Sacred Tree of Figueira grants you the fruits of the Grace of God, not only for your hearts, but also for all the hearts of the world that open to My Love, that hear My call.

I thank you. God blesses and protects you.

Under the authority that He granted Me, under the powerful Light of the Cross of Emmanuel, which I invite you to visit after this, to thank the Creator God, because His Mercy is infinite and His Love is invincible.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:


At the request of Our Lady, we will sing, to bid Her farewell: “Blessed are the Merciful.”