Saturday, February 25 of 2017


Prostate yourselves before God, because I am not alone.

Oh, My God
I believe, I adore,
I wait for and I love Thee
and I ask pardon for those who
do not believe, do not adore,
do not wait for and do not love Thee, 
(three times)

Today I have come here with My Son to prepare, in this place, His Cenacle, where He will share once again the bread and the wine with His companions.

Today I come here with all the apostles and disciples of Christ, which numbered more than twelve, numbered more than seventy-two, and that one day will be more than one hundred and forty-four thousand.

Today I come in the presence of the universe, with the stars of God upon my mantle, so that you may understand the greatness of what you will experience in the Presence of My Son.

Just like today, He will not come alone; He will come with His companions, those who proclaimed Him King in all Creation, so that His Reign may be extended to the planet and many more respond to His Call.

I come today to prepare your hearts to turn you into worthy children of God, to make you worthy of contemplating the Face of My Holy Son and allow Him to transform you. 

He will not come only as the King, Savior and Redeemer of this world; He will come in the radiance of His Consciousness, to renew life on the planet, so that His companions may definitely awaken to the universal reality.

My Son will come with His Heart exposed, just as It is today, but will not remain in silence as He is now, because His Voice will echo in the universe within each of His companions.

Today I come in the silent Presence of My Son so that He may contemplate you, and His Love may invite you to take those steps you were not able to take until today. In His Silence, He makes you transparent and observes the depths of your beings; He knows your imperfections, miseries and difficulties, but today He does not come to contemplate them. 

Today He comes, My children, to contemplate your essences and the possibility that each one of you has to imitate His steps. Today He comes, in silence, to invite you to be in His Presence, to respond to His Call and to sit with Him at the table of redemption. 

He comes in silence because He speaks to your souls, to your spirits, and invites you, even if you are in the four corners of the world, to come to His encounter and to drink with Him from His Sacred Chalice. 

Today I invite you, My children, to extend your arms and open your hearts to receive the help of Christ, because a simple Gaze of His can heal your lives, convert your past and make you worthy of being in His Presence. 

Today I come with all the Mirrors of the Cosmos to ignite the mirrors of your hearts, to heal you and invite you to enter with Me in the Temple of the Sublime Spheres, where the Consciousness of God dwells and summons you to renewal.

When I speak of a new race, I do not speak only to My little children, I am not speaking only to young children, because the new race starts now and must be built by each one of you. This is why I have been trying for so long to awaken, in your consciousnesses, that mirror that unites to My Greater Mirror, which converts you into crystalline consciousnesses capable of reflecting the Light of God upon Earth.

I wish to awaken the mirror of your hearts so that you may become pure before God, so that you may be an example for the little children that arrive on this Earth, because they must find in you the inspiration for a new life, for a new being, the hope of the possibility of converting this world into a world full of peace.

Therefore, I come in this time to awaken the mirrors of your hearts, so that in this way, My children, you may purify your lives, your spirits, your consciousnesses and respond to My call in a crystalline way.

With each Word that I bring to you, each Grace that I give you, each impulse that I present to you, I do not only want you to have more knowledge, but rather, that you may ardently aspire to find this of which I speak. Be grateful for each instance of purification, each opportunity of transforming yourselves, in the certainty that you are getting a little closer to what I expect from you.

Today I will ask you to come a little closer to Me, spiritually; that you draw your consciousness, your spirits, closer to My Heart; that you may recognize My Maternity and do not fear coming to Me.

Recognize Me as your Universal Mother, as part of the Creator, as the Arms that are always open and that sustain you when you need it the most. 

Do not suffer, children, without recognizing the power of prayer; do not remain impure for not purifying yourselves, for not praying with devotion and truly activating the mirrors that protect your essences. Do not suffer for not healing the past, the one you have lived in the universe and from which today the Creator gives you healing, so that you may take new steps. Do not suffer for saying no to God through your actions and thoughts, believing that you are fulfilling His Plan; do not suffer for fearing to take those steps that you know you should take.

Contemplate, in this Sacred Week, the possibility of living redemption, of drinking from the Chalice of My Son, of taking it from His own Hands so that in this way His Blood may wash, purify and transform you completely. 

Come to the encounter of My Son to renew your lives and also this humanity.

The doors of this Kingdom where you are will open definitively to humanity, and all essences will be able to enter it to receive healing and redemption.

My Son will come to open the doors of the Sacred Enclosures that are protected in the inner world of this sacred planet. But He will also come to announce that the cycle of purification is definitive, and that you no longer run or ignore that the time of this world is coming to an end, because the Earth will enter a new time, that will seek from all of you the awakening and the experience of the Divine Principles, of Universal Laws that many of you know but do not live them.

Come to the encounter of My Son willing to become someone else, willing to say 'yes' to what He may request.

The time that you have been waiting for has come, because Christ will call you by your names, just as He called so many of His companions, and He will tell your heart what He wants the most from each one of you.

And today I will also tell you what I want the most from My children who consecrate themselves to Me.

Come to My encounter, on My altar, and prostate yourselves before Me and before Christ, so that I may bless you.

Today, what I want the most, My children, is to prepare your hearts so that you may be in the Presence of My Son, just as I prepared you more than two thousand years ago.

At that time I prepared you in silence, but today I make My Voice echo on the four corners of the world, so that in this way you answer His Call and do not fear to follow Him, do not doubt His Presence, as many doubted at that time. 

The doors to the Cenacle will open once again and all will be able to enter. The table of the Lord, on that day, will have no end; everyone will find their place and will be able to sit with Him to commune of His Body and of His Blood, renewing the covenant with the Father, definitively, to prepare His Return and to be able to recognize Him when He is among men. At that table, the Lord will distribute the seals that will be on the forehead of His companions, because this is how He will recognize them among the crowds and will know that He will always be able to count on them.

On this Sacred Week, the Lord will not only put the seals on the forehead of those who are in His Presence, but He will also put other seals into their hands so that, in His Name, they may distribute them to humanity, as codes of Light for those who did not have the opportunity of being here before Him.

Today My Heart rejoices for seeing so may children that aspire to respond to My call, because I know, children, that you not only sing with your heart, that you not only elevate your candles in devotion, but that you are true in everything you say, that your acts are sincere. That is why I am here and that is also why I am not alone.

While you kneel on My altar, I open the doors, not only of My Kingdom, of My Kingdom in Heaven, but also of My Kingdom on Earth. Offer to God your essences so that they may be healed, because He will heal them.

Play the Hymn of the Children of Mary in order to call My Angels, who assist Me with these consecrations. This is a new mystery that I reveal to you - that not only your guardian angels help Me consecrate your lives; I have many angels that take care of each one of My children on the four corners of the world, that protect their consecration and watch over it so that it does not get lost and so that it may grow every day.

This song awakens in your hearts the joy of consecrating yourselves to Me, and this is the joy that attracts the angels, who put My Blessings of Light into your essences and consecrate your lives. This same joy makes you pure before God so that you may enter into His Kingdom, and in this simple way I transmute you, heal you, free you from the past and untie the knots that bind you to evil so that you may be committed to Me and no one else.

It is through the joy in this song that I awaken the gift that each of you must express to hand over to My Son, the One who today smiles at you in silence.

I awaken the purity of your hearts so that, as children, you may receive the Grace of spiritual conversion.

Tonight I have a special request for you: that you pray for the Kingdoms, that you establish a planetary prayer for the Kingdoms of Nature, for the elements, which will also purify themselves, for the devas and angels of each nation, so that they may be supported and repaired on the planetary purification.

 For this reason, I will give you some of My consecrated children, to pray with Me for the Kingdoms together with each one of you. It is essential, My children, that humanity comprehend that they must not only pray for themselves, but for all Kingdoms of Nature, for the consciousness of the planet, for the angels of every nation, who also suffer the consequences of human actions.

Today, to each child I consecrate, I give the commitment to pray for the Kingdoms, and may they be joined by all those who aspire to become someone else, and transform, not only their own consciousness, but the entire life on this planet.

Through this prayer for the Kingdoms of Nature, you will also pray for the invisible Kingdoms and for all those that sustain the planet, but that humanity does not see.

Now, children, sing, raise your voices and your spirits to God and enter into the Sacred Kingdom of the Creator on Earth, into the Temple of the Spheres, into the Temple of the Sublime Spheres, so that your essences may be healed, rehabilitated, and resume their commitment, not only to Me, but to the Plan of God.

I hear you and elevate you.


Song: Hymn of the Children of Mary


Feel the presence of My Angels, because they are already present and they dance and sing with you to express the joy for humanity becoming consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of your Holy Universal Mother. 

Stay in the Temple of the Sublime Spheres so that the healing which the Creator offers you may be profound and transform you, not only as individuals, but as humanity.

I thank you as your Mother and Lady.

I bless you and consecrate you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I will wait for you, together with My Son, with the Creator, with all the Celestial Kingdom, with all the Kingdoms of the interior of the planet, at this table of the infinite redemption of humanity because this Sacred Week, children, will transform you forever.

I thank you.