On this evening, in a special way, I would like to see you with your candles lit so that in this way, My children, I am able to ignite the essence and the heart of those who are not here.
I want you, on each day in your lives, to deepen into the meaning of your simple actions, for in this way, My beloved ones, you will be able to continue to experience the sacred in your days, and this life will cease to be ordinary and become in likeness to Celestial Life.
As from today and forever, each time you light a candle in your lives, I want you to remember Me. Remember that I will be igniting an essence, especially if you were to send Me a sincere prayer before this sacred flame.
And if, besides that, you should sing to Me in joy, the doors of Heaven will be able to open to those who live in the darkness, through the light that emerges from those candles lit with the correct intention, and thus, with that simple action, you must pay attention to all the actions in your lives. Each word pronounced must be filled with love, with humility, for in this way, you will learn with the Divine Messengers and with all the messengers sent by God, who do not pronounce a single word in vain.
Even though at some moment We may say things that are difficult for humanity, Our Verb never lacks love, understanding, humility and unity with all beings of this world. This is how, My beloved ones, you must follow the example of Those whom God sends into your lives.
Why do you think that, while I speak, I need there to be a song? Because it is in this way, My beloved ones, that I enter deeply into your souls. My Voice unites with the sound of every instrument played with the heart. Through them as well, My Love expands throughout the world and My Peace permeates lives.
But today, I wish to speak to you about something important, important for God and for humanity. And before speaking, I become silent, because I need you to feel Me, so that you can thus understand what I want to say to you.
Through your simple prayers, many of the evil actions caused by this nation could be released, but there is still much, My dear ones, to be converted in the heart of this nation so beloved of God. Many think they came to meet with Me so as to visit Me, but I was the one who summoned you inwardly so that you could be here. It is I Who summons the soldiers of My army, and from Heaven I call them by their names, because I know the potential held by each one. I know what you can offer Me and what you cannot, but much of what I know is unknown to you.
I know, My children, that humanity can give God much more than it gives; that if prayer and the spiritual life were a priority for all souls, they would change this world forever and would make it sacred. But many do not know the grandeur of simple things, and others fear to enter into the Heart of God because they think that there they will lose everything they have, what they are; but they do not know, My dear ones, that they have never known what they truly are.
This world that you can touch, see and feel is merely a small part of the Creation of God, which is infinite, sublime, sometimes unreachable for the human heart, which is locked up in its small material life. I do not ask that you abandon everything, your families, your jobs, your studies. What I ask, My children, is that you set yourselves aside, that you reconsider the values of your life, that you live each instant of it knowing that the priority and the truth are found in spirit.
I want you to continue studying in the schools, the universities. You know that if your presence in those places were to be a true bearer of the living testimony to the Presence of God in this world, it could convert many souls and give opportunities to many of My children to not be lost. I want you to continue to work, going every day to your job, if you know that when you get there, you can become a doorway to My Immaculate Heart so that My Presence may transform the way of living in this world.
I want you to take care of and love your families, to discover in them the true opportunity for loving others just as they are, for accepting each member of your families with their limitations and difficulties, and even so, discover the beautiful, the sacred that exists in each heart.
But there will also be those from whom I will ask everything, including their life in this world, because they can surrender it to Me in order to unconditionally serve My Plan, and so that this absolute surrender is able to serve as an example for those who are still imprisoned by material life and cannot manage to make it sacred, but who on the contrary, are submerged in illusions every day and forget that I am calling them to transformation.
My dear ones, I tell you all of this because I call each one to a greater definition. May those who should make life sacred where they are strive to do so every day, defeating their own human limitations and human tendencies, defeating the assault that My adversary imposes on them through the modernities and material desires, in order to affirm themselves every day in the life of the spirit. May those who know they must surrender their life to Me, that they entrust all that they are to My Immaculate Spirit, throw themselves without fear into My Maternal Arms, because I will always take care of you. And if indeed I give you hard tests to strengthen you, I will always be at your side.
The time of humanity's ignorance is already coming to an end. The higher world draws closer to human eyes. All will be able to see, touch, feel that which they have always feared. Those who as from now cause faith to be born in their hearts, will sing glory and hallelujah when the Kingdom of the Heavens should descend to Earth. But those who decide to remain in ignorance, holding to the kingdom of this world as the only truth, will have their eyes dazzled by the greatness of the Divine Light and will burn in the fire of the Return of My Son.
I know that many trust in Me, but do not believe that this day will come. It does not matter that they do not believe. My Immaculate Heart understands them, because their heart is very human and has penetrated little into the mysteries of spirit. What I ask is that you persevere, because one day relief will come for your minds, for your souls, because you will see that everything I have told you has always been true.
Blessed are those who will follow in My footsteps without understanding, without seeing, without believing; who will persist in hope, even feeling they do not have faith, because I tell you, My children, that your faith is unbreakable.
Blessed are those who will trust in the guidance of those I have sent to the world, because no matter how imperfect your instructors may be, the Will of God lives in their hearts.
Blessed are those who will be witnesses to My Presence in this world, who will defeat the shame and the fear for proclaiming and announcing the Return of My Son, for disseminating each of My Words to the four corners of this world, for through them I will open the doors of Heaven for the incredulous of spirit and of heart.
Blessed are those who do not tire of listening to Me and who allow each one of My Words to enter into the depths of their beings, breaking the barriers and the structures that separate them from God, and transform them forever.
Blessed are those who have not feared to consecrate themselves to My Immaculate Heart and those who one day will be consecrated, because with them I will build My army of peace, and in a time of chaos, I will expand My Peace throughout the world.
I call on the Children of Mary who will be consecrated tonight to come up here. Think well before you come to Me, for I will transform you forever. On this evening, I place you before the Consciousness of God, which manifests and expresses in the world through Its Servant.
Blessed are those who have discovered that I Am the Mother of Jesus, but Am also the Universal Mother, that God lives within Me and I within Him.
Dear children of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, today I will bless you, awaken you, free you from all evil. I will allow you to be reborn in spirit so as to be full servers of My Heart. Know that in responding to My call, you will be fulfilling the Will of God in your lives, a will you have so much searched for in this world, a path you have wondered so much where it could be, how to walk it. Today I show you that this path is the one that goes toward My Heart. If you take My Hands today, stretched out before you, I will lead you to the Universe, to the Heart of My Son, and He will take you to God.
Now I want you to sing in joy, with devotion, to proclaim My name, to consecrate yourselves to My Heart with the absolute certainty that you will never again be the same, for I will show you who you really are.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Smile at the Universe which so long has awaited your response.
I love you and find you in My Heart every day. Raise the Verb to the Heavens and announce to the world that you are consecrated to My Heart. Announce to souls that live in darkness that there is a Light that guides them, a Light that is available to all, that will not judge any of them, that will bring relief to their suffering, dispel their pain, will consecrate life and make the heart sacred.
I love you, today and always.
Song: Hymn of the Children of Mary
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
Our Divine Mother came today as the Queen of Peace, but She was present here long before beginning to speak Her Words. From the beginning of our prayer, our Divine Mother was already upon the Marian Centre of Aurora, carrying out a great task of liberation through the presence of the groups from Uruguay.
When She arrived, She was pronouncing Her Words very slowly, first because She observed each one of us to know how far She could speak about what She wanted to say, and also so that Her Words could enter into each one of us. Each Word She spoke was like an impulse of Light that came out of Her Heart and entered into us.
She did not only speak with those who are present here. At the same time She was here, She was showing us other places in the world that received this impulse of Her Verb, not only the brothers and sisters following us through "Misericordia María TV," but also souls that have absolutely no knowledge of Her being here, and that through our prayers, were able to receive this Light of Our Lady.
Mother María Shimani:
We would like to tell you that when we began to sing "Mary, touch our hearts," you saw that, at a certain point, it became a bit intense, because with that opening of our hearts, of all those who are here, representing this country, we have given the universe permission for Mary to be able to free this country from some mistaken lessons that, throughout our history, were not good for its inhabitants nor for the Universe, for Universal Law.
This is what makes it possible for what weighs upon this nation, what is not in accordance with the Law of Love, with the Law of the Universe, to be relieved a little, and perhaps one day, when all here understand some things and we open our hearts to the Divine Mysteries, our destiny may change.
And in this way, Mary, with the other Divine Messengers, walks through the world, releasing the errors of nations so that, in the process of purification, nations may have new opportunities and do not have to experience the weight of their errors.
So we must always be attentive, because sometimes, from our inner world, when we say yes to Heaven, we open up an opportunity not only for ourselves.
For this reason, today, Mary asked us to observe simple things, because look how simple it is to sing with the heart and how grand the result is.
Thus are the things of God. So we need to learn to live more in God.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more