Sunday, November 24 of 2013

Vigils of Prayer

The Apparition of the Virgin Mary was silent, and on ending, the visionaries told the story about what took place and what Our Lady transmitted.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Very well, we'll share with all of you some of the details of this moment we shared with Our Lady. Know that we always share what Our Lady requests of us, because She always knows what is necessary. We'll begin with Sister Lucía.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Today, Our Lady arrived expressing gratitude, thanking us for the response of each one of those who came to meet with Her on this day.

She came accompanied by many indigenous beings and She asked each one of us, those who feel so, to carry out a vigil this night up to the moment of Her Apparition tomorrow; because She explained to us that, like all the cities of the world, this city also has much to release.

She came to carry out a task of release with these brothers and sisters of the indigenous consciousness. And when She was showing us the brothers and sisters who accompanied Her, She told us there were many indigenous beings in Her Kingdom, but that there were also many who needed to achieve that redemption to meet with Her.

She also asked us to pray for the brothers and sisters who have no land and that, in our prayers, each one of us may discover the true inner dwelling place; because She said that before obtaining a home on the Earth, each one should seek that dwelling within their heart.

And She also requested that we pray for the governors, not only of this country, but of all the countries of the world.

She told us that Her Presence would be here, during this whole night, accompanying our prayers and that, through them, She will intercede in a special way for all those intentions She put in place.

And through that intercession which She will perform here, She will provide aid for the whole world.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Today, Our Mother came as Queen of Peace, and for those who are here for the first time, we'll explain how it is that the Apparition occurs.

When sister Piedad begins to sing the Hail Mary, it is the signal that Our Lady is approaching this place, the Heavens open and from outside this planet, She comes as a great golden sphere of Light, sometimes in the form of a flower, which begins to descend to this place, as happened today.

Afterwards, that great flower or that great sphere moves into position a few meters from this place, which we could understand as at the height of the roof, and there, the silhouette of Our Lady takes shape. She appears first as Light and then Her image is drawn, as if we were facing another person, in three dimensions.

She begins to focus Her eyes to us, smiles at us and blesses us. And after a period of silence, while She is praying, She begins to tell us some things.

Today, we asked Her if She had something to say to Brasilia, and She said the following:

"Dear children, embrace the path of peace, live on the path of peace.

I want your families to be peace-bringers so the world can change.

Let your dwelling places, your homes, be temples of prayer where peace can exist.

Dear children, I have wished to come here for a long time, and tomorrow I will tell you what I have wanted to say for a long time.

I want to speak to you about the Law of God, about Divine Justice, because humanity has forgotten the Commandments; for this reason, today it is as it is.

I invite your families to remember the Commandments; they are basic rules for living in God.

I greatly thank you, dear children, and I promise to come again to Brasilia when you simply open your door to Me."

Afterwards, Our Lady spoke to us about some other matters; She gave us some guidance, as She always does.

The Queen of Peace manifests with a light blue veil, sometimes a white veil, a pink robe and a belt, and She always has Her hands open, radiating Her Graces to us.

At the end, She blessed the images which everybody brought today, and thanked you for remembering Her.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Today, Our Lady showed us a twin-pan scale. She said that when humanity placed a lot of inappropriate weight on one pan, another part of humanity should place appropriate weight in the other pan. That appropriate weight is the prayers, the good actions, the service to others, so those scales can remain in balance, and that balance is able to keep the planet in the place where it is, and that peace and  mutual understanding among nations can be sustained; because it's essential, in this time, to keep the balance, and that this was ours to do, as humanity; and that these scales represented the Justice of God.

The more we prayed and did good, the more Justice of God would remain in balance. So, it's very important to keep in mind these indications of Our Lady. 

She was telling us that the governors, that all the governors, governing countries or small places, were receiving an opportunity from God to be able to serve, and that what they did for their people was a response to the opportunity God had given them.

She was telling us that it was very important that we all pray for all governors, so that the commitment they made with the universe could be accomplished just as God had planned it, that it be the fulfilling of the original offer God had given them, because this was what was good for everybody.

Tomorrow, Our Lady will surely transmit some words for everybody. So, we invite you all to come again and bring the people you feel you should with you, because the opportunity to be in the Presence of the Virgin Mary also means that we all receive a special energy.

Because all the codes of Light She radiates over all of us allow us to receive spiritual healing, to be reconciled with God, and to change our life forever. So just being in the Presence of Our Lady, whomever opens their heart, will receive the Grace that is theirs, because She comes here for that, to give Her Graces to Her children.

So today we receive that great opportunity and what She asks of us is that we always hold our heart open, because then She can enter.

And now, we will close our meeting with a song for Our Lady, and we're going to sing something that everybody can sing. We'll sing "Mary of Nazareth."

We'll see you tomorrow. Thank you!

Let's sing with much gratitude.


Song: "Mary of Nazareth".