Monthly Messages

I finally arrived at the place of Your Greater Ruler, who holds you in Her Heart and gives you life, Who leads you to My Heart at all times so that you can feel Peace, the Peace of God.

In My Kingdom there is no evil, only the victory and triumph of My merciful Heart. Therefore, on such a blessed day when I gather you all together in My holy Temple, I come to give you My Peace so that you may multiply it in the world, first with your families and friends, and then with all those who surround you, with all those who cross your paths and who, in their sad gaze, are also in need of My Peace. So I send you as My apostles, I give you My Heritage, My Word, and My Love so that you can carry them throughout the world, first to those who are around you, your dear ones who are in need of the word of My Heart so as to bear these difficult times in which the world plunges into chaos and into the abyss.

I came to Europe, and especially to Portugal, because it is a land much loved by Our Creator, where hearts can truly be healed and find the meaning of their lives on the spiritual path that God invites them to traverse. I also come on this day, at the request of the Eternal, so that your hearts can expand and enter My schools of love, of sacrifice, of charity, and of service for the many souls here who need it. Look around you, companions, and you will perceive how much need there is in the world, especially in souls that cannot find God, and lose their guardian angels because they are immersed in the material life, in modernities, and in unconsciousness, situations that separate them from God and that distance them from His Heart. For this reason, companions, cause original purity to emerge from yourselves; it was not by chance that My Holy Mother of Heaven came here almost a hundred years ago to bring you that special attribute.

Adore the Sacred Hearts and not only will you bring about the triumph of the spiritual task of the Divine Messengers in Portugal, but this impulse will go beyond this country, will travel across the continents, will unite hearts, awaken consciousnesses that are very asleep at this time. So I invite you to be My apostles as from now. The flame of your hearts must still light up a little more, the ardent devotion of your spirits must be available at this crucial time through prayer, peace, and communion with Me.

At this time I come to call you as I did to My apostles so that you can also redeem and purify yourselves, so you can choose a single path and no longer walk two, because there is no more time, companions; open your consciousnesses, open your hearts, and you will be able to take in My Call.

I come, after My Mother, to demonstrate the great Humility of God that needs to be among you all the time so that the Work of the Father is accomplished in Europe and also beyond, in Asia.

I come to this place with My angels to convene you; My commands allow the doors of the whole Universe to open so that your consciousnesses may enter and define themselves by the Christic path of love and of truth.

I come to awaken in you, companions, that sacred task that you must always fulfill. This is the time and the moment in which your hearts will be able to work in the Name of the Lord, and that I can count on your hands and arms to perform this work of redemption in the world. Many others are being convened for this task.

I come to this sacred Portugal to awaken the new Christs, those who commited themselves to Me to live a life of redemption and of transformation for the greater part of the souls of the world that are lost. You, My companions, who come from diverse nations of Europe, wil be able to perceive the chaos in the world, in society, and in souls, in all the hearts that need of a greater strength in order to move forward.

The end of time has not yet come, and Armageddon has just started. I come to bring awareness to your spirits and souls so that you do not live in illusion as many souls do that do not seek the wellspring of My Heart, who do not know My Love because I am very unknown to them. I am the same Jesus of Nazareth as from the past, but now in My Glory. I come to prepare you for My return because that moment is approaching and it is time, companions, for your hearts to be well prepared, that you should know how to read the signs of the Universe, that you know also how to read world events that are being precipitated over humanity in a serious way and souls do not know how to get out of them.

I bring you the key of My Heart so that you can live in this moment through adoration and prayer with Me, so that I can thus pour My Gifts over you, you will have the impetus for carrying out My Works at this time, so that My Works touch all hearts on Earth, so that even the most evil can be resurrected by My Divine Mercy, and I can give them redemption, a precious Gift of My Heart.

When your hands open to receive Me, it is a sign that inwardly you are understanding what I ask of you, because My time is precious for the world and for all of humankind that must recover the values it has lost, the true values of Christiandom to be united with Me in spirit and in consciousness. So today I come again with My angels of the Universe so that your souls and bodies can be assisted, so that your spirits rise up and matter find the light it needs to understand the Will of God. I open the doors of that knowledge to you, because My science is not like that of the Earth; it is a mystery not yet known that is only revealed to the simple of heart, and to the soul that in humility searches for Me to be with Me all the time.

Today I also come to give sacrament through the Gifts I gave you in the past. In this meeting of prayer, companions, you will experience My Spirit and feel My Gifts of forgiveness and of love that will bathe you completely if the heart accepts them in the sacred convocation that I call for at this time.

I wish for your hearts to perceive the urgency of the times, the need for all souls, the importance of stepping out of individualism to find group life, kinship, love among beings which is what will sustain you in these end times. If that does not exist in you nor in humanity, how will you bear the currents of the Universe that will come to bring order to the planet in the four corners of the Earth? Who will be able to bear this current that is already descending into the world? Because it is the Law of God which descends to correct the hearts and the lives that have forgotten His Purpose.

Keep clearly in mind that God does not punish humanity; it is humanity that punishes itself with its actions and that forgets that the Son of God incarnated in the world, suffered and died for you to give you eternity and salvation. Do not forget My Cross and do not fear to look at it; in My Cross is the love that I gave because of you and for you throughout time and up to the present. My Love does not cease to be poured out upon the world through My Divine Mercy; whoever believes in this must live it because they will be safe.

May this Marathon represent the finding of truth for each being, so that the lie, inherent to this world, may dissolve. May each soul be able to find My Heart as a symbol of salvation and of the surrender of God for the world. May you live My Heart in this sacred meeting so that all blame may be dissolved in the consciousness, thus you will be closer to Me as you open your hearts at every step of this meeting.

Today I already give each of you and your brothers of the world My blessing so that you have more inner strength and thus continue on this path that I invite you to traverse with Me; a path to peace, to purification, to the Mercy of God that still descends into the world before Justice comes.

Just as you raise your prayers to My Heart, I want you to raise them to the Heart of God for all the souls of Europe and the Middle East so that those that suffer most may find peace, consolation, and human help that are so needed in these times. I want to see more missionaries who carry My Peace to chaos, My Light to darkness, My Love to wars, and fortitude to those who are hungry. This is the greatest offering that I am giving you in over two thousand years. I told you that whoever did this in My memory would have eternal life and so I give you life, I give you renewal through My spiritual Ministry.

I thank you for searching for My Truth, so necessary in these times.

May your hearts open to feel My Peace, and thus they will be liberated from the faults of the world. Peace.

Christ Jesus Glorified

Monthly Messages

I have finally come here to be with you and never to separate Myself again, if you allow Me so.

I have finally come here to liberate those who have needed it since a long time, and this is due to your intervention together with My redemptive Work in this final time.

I Am this Most Holy Heart that presents Itself to you to show you the Universe of God and for you never to lose the filiation with My Father, who is in the Heavens.

I ardently expected to be here today with you for you not only to proclaim My Divine Mercy, but also for you to feel Me in the depth of your hearts and lives, in each space of your beings, in each aspect of your consciousnesses.

I am finally here, companions, to pray for My Argentina with My Mother, Saint Joseph, and all the angels of Heaven that have come here extraordinarily to elevate to the Universe the prayers of the children of God, of the self-summoned.

I need that in these three days that you will be with Me to adore and love Me, you venerate My Most Holy Heart, that is your Eucharist, the perfect union with God that dissipates all evil, that liberates the bonds and that brings healing to the hearts.

I am finally with you, companions, so that you can renew your vows with Me once and again, without leaving behind My Projects, that are the projects of your lives, of your families, of the whole nation that is also in its transition and in its test as all the nations of the world. If you, companions, strengthen this vow with Me you will not perish, and the nation will not perish either because there will be consistent hearts that will follow My Path in spite of what happens and you will face the challenges, those that will reach the encounter of everybody to confirm the great Project of God, that is His Love and His Unity with the whole Universe.

Today I come especially, companions, with the angels who adore My most holy Body in the Eucharist, and today I am here with you with a very special company, who gave the impulse to the revelation of My Sacred Heart: Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, who brought in advance the revelation of My Divine Mercy, first through My Sacred Heart, and then through the union with Me. What greater treasure did I leave you at that time, as well as with Saint Faustina, who showed you the path of the apostolate and the devotion to My Rays of mercy that are present nowadays among you to purify you, to consecrate you to My Lord?

With each guardian angel feel the Universe of God that approaches itself to this material and illusionary reality and opens the eyes in all the inner worlds of the souls that are still searching for a way out. If you persevere, companions, the people will persevere, and in spite of the time that is approaching, the hearts will be with Me to honor God and to make His divine Project descend in each heart and in each consciousness.

Today I come, companions, finally, for you to be between My Arms and to feel My Love that gives you warmth for the cold you feel, that gives you strength for the fears you might feel, that gives you joy in each test, in each challenge, that gives life to those who are dying spiritually.

I need to live in your hearts all the time and a little bit more. I need you to hold Me in your lives as the biggest testimony that redemption and peace have given you.

I open the doors of the Universe to those who do not deserve it; I hand opportunities to all the hearts who listen to Me and who live Me in the plenitude of love.

I am here, companions, finally, so that through prayer we may restore many consciousnesses that still wait for salvation and liberation.

In the most holy presence of My Heart I adore, contemplate and love you, and dissolve from your memories all the imperfection in whoever really believes it.

I am here today, companions, to summon you to be My missionaries not only in Argentina but in the world, because I need missionaries in each country for the doors of evil to close and the Work of God to triumph in the simple hearts.

See My Sacred Heart that reveals itself to you for you to adore It and feel it in your hearts. This is the Love that surrendered Itself to you and to each of your brothers and sisters. This Sacred Heart is the fountain that quenches the thirst and that renews you from time to time. This is the Heart that comes from God and that pulsates for each consciousness of this Universe; it is the Heart that brings you peace and hope in times of darkness; it is the Heart that gives itself as light for the inner and outer paths. This was the human Heart that carried the Cross and all the sins of the world until today. It is the heart that is not much honored, that is full of Grace, mercy and healing.

How much My Heart hurts for being full of love and not to be able to shed it on those who do not invoke it! The thorns of indifferences and sins do not hurt Me so much, what hurts Me is the rejection that the hearts feel towards Me, because it is not I who am with you, but My Father through Me, it is the Universe of God in life and hope. Drink from this Heart that sheds a fountain of Blood and of Christic life for all. Receive the rays of My Heart in your hearts and say, “Lord, I trust in You.” With this confidence you will not fear and through this confidence you will be able to do anything.

Today I do not come to see what Argentina has not done well because this is of no importance for God or for His Plan. Today I come to see where I have left the talents and how they have flourished through each one of My companions. Today I come to touch your talents in the depth of your hearts so that you can awaken and serve Me in brotherhood.

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Many of those who are indifferent in this nation today receive My Divine Mercy because you have opened the door for this to happen and persevered in faith and confidence to My Sacred Heart, this is incalculable for Me, even though I see all things and your inner worlds. The souls are unpredictable because without being aware it, they hold invisible keys that open the doors of the Heart of God.

I thank you, and let us honor Our Father who is attentive to the voice of all His children in Argentina for them to cry out for more mercy, for more redemption and especially for peace.

I will glorify this altar that you have prepared for Me in the simplicity of the spirit and of giving. The beauty of the altars is in the gestures that you emit to My Heart, in the hands that place each flower, in the arms that give themselves to lift My Image to the world.

The Lord listens to the prayers of all of His children and opens the doors of His Heart to receive the call of all creatures on Earth. Thus He establishes His Love in all consciousnesses that unify themselves through His Presence and His infinite Love. He banishes all that separates the souls from His Divine Kingdom and from His Glory. With His Angels of Heaven, He establishes the mission for each one of His children, and whoever accepts Him with all their hearts will never cease to serve Him or to have the opportunity to do so as He has thought it.

Today I bless those who have always been loyal to Me in joy as in sadness, in confirmation as well as in discouragement because I never leave behind who is with Me and lives Me.

I bless these elements that will be the divine life in your cells and bodies and will reach the greatest depth of your beings for you to be in constant renewal and in My Peace.

I renew and also redeem you and I embrace you with My Light whenever you simply ask Me for it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us give thanks to God and to all His Glory.

I thank you, companions, for being with Me today in truth and simplicity.

Celebrate My Being with joy and may the Holy Spirit guide you until I return to your encounter. Amen.

The Glorified Christ Jesus

Monthly Messages

May your hearts not become cold tonight, because My Love has come to warm you in the divine fire of love and brotherhood.

At last, I finally return to My home, the place to which God sent Me to open the doors for the liberation of the world in a place unknown and distant for many souls.

I am here, in Glory, before you, My friends and servants of My Father. I am here for the ones who have been consequent with Me and continue to be so despite the time and the purification. I am with the ones who are with Me in spite of what happens, in this place or in the world, inside or outside of yourselves, in your spirits or in your bodies. I am with you.

I come to give you My Alliance and My divine Love. I come to give you the hope that lives in My Heart in spite of what happens in the world each day. In the end, everything will be consummated after I am no longer here among you to address the words from Heaven, which are the Words of My Father.

I also come for those who are not here with Me today and who should be, because I entrusted a legacy, a purpose and a mission to them, which is indelible at this moment and, above all, in the consciousness of the Universe. Therefore, I thank those who are here with Me today, for the spirit of perseverance and faith, a spirit that allows you to face the battles and challenges, in this last cycle.

Little by little, Aurora begins to arise in the hearts that shine today in the firmament, and this is impossible to put out because it is the Aurora of love,  the Love that comes from God and that, from the Universe, was deposited within this place, a long time ago. Nobody should ever forget this, companions, because it is Aurora that will accompany you in the last days of this world and in the Final Judgment.

Today I come to deliver the signal to you again, the confirmation that this Kingdom exists in the consciousness of those who believe in it, because Aurora sparkles like a shooting star in the invisible worlds and in the consciousness that opens to receive it, and thus awakens to healing.

There are soldiers of Aurora who are not here, and who should be so as to respond to My call, because to those who have been here for a long time, I have already given much to do, and in faith they have carried out My plans.

I wish you would understand the importance of this Kingdom, because this Kingdom is the one that brought us here, since the first day when My Holy Mother alighted and placed Her feet on this place, and built the bases for this work, first in the hearts that were receptive to Her call, and then in the whole of humanity, just as you have seen in these latest times.

Aurora does not need quantity, but rather firm hearts that can endure its currents that flow in this Universe to liberate humanity. For this reason, I have also given you Archangel Michael, who has been contemplated in gratitude by the hearts that arrived here to receive the intercession of the Creator Father.

There are hearts that should be here to receive healing, and are not. I would like to know, companions, what you are waiting for to liberate your lives from the chains of evil that bind them to the past. I know that the presence of Archangel Michael being here to accompany you is not well understood. It is the Creator Father, it is God present here among you to help these people who are falling apart through not activating their faith or their devotion. On the day of Final Judgment, everything will be understood, and many will see, in the last hour, all they received and yet were not able to recognize.

Aurora is constant and persistent, and activates its fire in the hearts of the world, activates its light in those who adopt it as part of their lives. Today I come with this preamble to prepare your hearts during this month in which the doors will reopen so that consciousnesses can enter into the Kingdom of Aurora. The Brotherhood of Heaven hopes you can take this step, not only those who are here, but also those who are in the world and who seek this healing and redeeming light.

Who prays with Me will be able to value the treasures they have received, and nothing will have been in vain.

I came here to restore what has been destroyed in the consciousness of these people, in those who are not here today and in whom I have trusted, but who have not been able to follow Me as I wished from the beginning. But do not worry, because My Father takes care of everyone, as well as of those who are constant with His Law and His Purpose despite what may happen.

I would like you, in this Marathon, to live in retreat in order to mature spiritually so that, in silence and prayer, you can take another step towards Me; because My Work is still infinite and I must build within hearts new projects that may be carried out upon this planet and in humanity. Because of this, today I place everyone at My Feet so that you may be at the Feet of God, contemplating the Mercy of the Father during a moment of great injustice in humanity

Truly I say, you do not know the Justice of God. I make His Love known to you, which is invincible and eternal. It is in the Love of God where you must enter into, every day, and unite with Him, so that He may fulfill what He has thought of for you and for those in whom He has not yet been able to fulfill His Project; pray so that you receive the Grace and deserve to live it so that, through My Heart, I may intercede for all and especially for those who have not responded to Me.

From Rwanda, from the place where I last was, I make a bridge of light to here, to finish My redeeming Work before the world lives its inevitable judgment in these times.

I come to prepare you for the hardest moment of the Apocalypse. I come to bring you the awareness of the truth so that your hearts do not sleep while I am present, because each second with Me must be unforgettable, each word received must be valued so that it can yield its fruits in you and, in this way, I can go back to the Heavens to prepare for the great moment of the return.

While your hearts grow in love, I will be freer to assist the world that needs it so much; remember that I chose you to carry out, in this forgotten place of the world, My final Work for the whole Southern Cone, and from the Southern Cone to the whole world.

I am already delivering the last signs to you; it is for this reason that I gather you month by month to pray to My merciful Heart and to repent for yourselves and the world, for those who do not repent before God due to their pride, their evil, and their vanity.

I hope you will be with Me in the most difficult times and that you remember I was here to contemplate you in My Love and My Goodness. All that you do, do it for Me; thus, companions, you will no longer be yourselves, but rather I will be in you, working in light and in brotherhood.

On this night of vigil for humanity, that is still very asleep, I again pour out My Codes of Light upon My workers of the Plan.

While I am here, the Universe is with you. I will pray to My Father for you and your brothers and sisters, so that My Plans may be fulfilled in the greatest number of hearts as possible.

Stay calm while I am present so that you do not miss the opportunity of receiving Me in your hearts; stillness makes the guardian.

Adonai, My Father,
      in Your children, build the unbreakable fortress,
       elevate to Your Throne the last soldiers
       who still must awaken to Your Plan.
       Restore all that has been damaged
       and erase with Your Light all darkness
       so that the true spirit may emerge,
       the true being in each human heart.

       do not tire of contemplating those who persist
       and those who walk by My side, holding My Hand
       along the path of redemption and sacrifice.

       alleviate the cross of those who cannot bear their purification.
       Open the doors of the Heavens so that Your angels
       may descend in glory and adorn, with the treasures of the Universe,
       each one of Your children who will honor You
       eternally, until the new human race.

       do not forget those who have not been consequent with Me,
       hold them in Your eternal Heart
       so that they may grow in Your Goodness and Love.

Give strength, Lord,
       to those who are fallen so that they may stand up,
       give spiritual help to those who fail due to their own debts.
       Live in all of Your children as You live in Me,
       so that we may praise You,
       forever and ever.


I thank you and, in My Truth, I love you beyond your lives and consciousnesses.

Remember, companions, that with My Light you receive a sacrament while I am present; this is the greatest blessing of Heaven, for the one who wants to receive it.

Go in peace and give peace to those who need it,

The Glorified Christ Jesus

Special Message of the Glorified Christ Jesus, transmitted in the city of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón, for the 33rd Marathon of Divine Mercy

Prayer: Our Father (in Portuguese).

With great gladness and joy, listen to My Voice, which comes from infinity to speak to you and all your brothers and sisters, who, in trust and faith, have walked by My side over the years, and especially in this Work that is carried out here by the Sacred Hearts.

You do not know, companions, how pleased My Soul is to be here today with you, in perpetual spiritual communion with all those that are not present, and that are lost in the tribulation in the world.

But today I come to stretch out My Hand to you so that you may see My Heart, which is luminous among you. I do not stop acting in this world so that My disciples may feel Me close and walk by My side, in this desert that a part of humanity is experiencing in this cycle of transition.

I want you to draw close to My Heart, in the same way that I offer It to you, so that you may enter into My Spirit and feel the Will of My Father showing Itself to you, for example, through this meeting.

I would not like to fail to go through here without you feeling Me, understanding what I request of you as a spiritual flock, as a purpose for this end time. 

I come to bring you My Peace and also My gratitude for having allowed new doors of Heaven to open upon this needy place in which hearts, without perceiving it, cry out for My intercession.

This Marathon will bring results for everybody; it will open new paths for the consequent, those who have made a promise to My Sacred Heart, giving a victory to My plan through service and prayer in this region of the planet where God has been able to mirror His Presence simply through the realization of His Creation and its beauty.

Today I come to invite you to be in My Cenacle, not only to commune with Me, but rather beyond Me, in the name of My Father and of all the universe that gathers especially to bless you, transfigure you, and lift you up to My Heart.

I need you to continue accomplishing My Purpose, in spite of what happens.

Today My Hands close impossible wounds, the deepest wounds, those that humankind cannot heal. This is the work of My Mercy, of My unfathomable Love and Pity, not only for you, but also for the world that grows darker and is blind because it does not recognize Me.

Now, companions, that you do recognize Me, make Me known to those who sleep, that do not vivify Me and do not adore Me.

My Heart offers Itself in this end time to all, without exception, before the Justice of My Father comes to this world and this humanity. A Justice that humanity will not understand because it does not know it nor does it feel it; but I bring you the source of My atonement, the healing for your spirits and souls, the renewal of your paths and surrender to My unfathomable Heart. 

In your lives, I only wish to institute a spirit of apostleship, of mission, and of service.

Let this Marathon represent the renewal of service to God, that which you can give Me beyond the limitations and the tests, the fears and the uncertainty.

I would like you to be able to be renewed every day and stop looking back, to the past, because if I Am your renewing and Christic sacred Presence, why are you stuck in the past?

When I am present, I bring you what is new, what you still do not know or experience. I bring you the presence of another Law that participates in other universes, and which gathers you here so that you may live and feel Me.

Your hearts are potentials in service and in prayer. Here, stronger pillars of prayer can exist that propagate that Light throughout the world with the precious prayerful word.

Your hearts should not only pray, they should be living mirrors that reflect what the rest do not experience in this time and to which many do not pay much attention because they do not deeply know Me.

I need your hands to reach others so that at the same time, you can see Me in those that suffer, in those that are lost, in the Lower Kingdoms.

The whole of Creation participated in My surrender on the Cross and continues to do so in My Glory and in My Divinity. Nothing is separated after I ascended to the Heavens, to the House of My Father.

I left you the task of being children of the Mother of the World, of being seeds of the New Humanity, spiritually speaking.

I left you the task of propagating My Gospel through acts of charity and of peace, a peace that is lacking in the world and in many hearts.

The Americas have this mission with Me and with the other Sacred Hearts; it is part of this spiritual trilogy between your Master, Holy Mary, and Saint Joseph.

You and your lost brothers and sisters are called to live this project that is still not understood, because it is a project of higher Love, of an unknown existence that is today drawing closer to you so that you may perceive and live it.

I provide you with this Grace and this Mercy so that your paths may be peaceful and non-confrontational, so that your hearts unite with Me, just as they should unite with your brothers and sisters, without differences or denials.

I open a door for you to live the experience of love and of redemption. You have already experienced these things through the Work that you have carried out here for so long, in honor of My God. It is for this reason that I come here to give you My Graces, the spirit of My infinite and universal gratitude.

I thus come to wash your feet, to baptize your heads in the name of the Holy Spirit, to anoint you and heal you in the name of Love and of Unity, something that humanity is rapidly losing; but if you go through the end of times with Me, you must fear nothing. 

I want your lives to be surrendered to Me.

I want you to embrace the Cross with Me that I carry through the world in this time.

I want you to remove the thorns from My Heart because of all the unjust and prideful.

I want you to contemplate the immensity of My love and submerge in My Spirit, living each of My Words, just as the apostles lived them in the past.

I want you to be a quill of light in My Hands so that I may write the new history in the Book of My Father, your history of redemption, of atonement, of forgiveness and of Mercy, of liberation and of peace; because the time will come, dear companions, in which you must be gathered together like today, in this sacred cenacle that you are lovingly offering Me.

Just as I gathered together the twelve, today I gather you and those that are spiritually not here.

I leave you the greetings of My Peace, the luminous sign of My victorious and resplendent Cross throughout the universe.

I leave you My sorrow for the world, the denial of hearts, the indifference of the arrogant, the poverty of the non-humble, the pride of the blind, the malice of the ungrateful, so that you may share this with Me and so that your love, together with Mine, can erase all the miseries and My Sacred Heart may triumph as it is triumphing in your lives.

Let this Marathon open the doors to those who must come, to the young people of this region that must also find the Path of Christ, not a strict path, but the path of love, of redemption, and of peace. The path of the prayerful apostleship, of the mission in service and in charity through pity.

I invite you to be renewed in the name of the Law of the Hierarchy, in the name of unity and the good.

Adonai, Mercy, Mercy, Mercy,

Redemption, Redemption, Redemption for this planet.
(three times in Portuguese)

On this evening of communion with Me, I give you the blessing of these elements and My paternal embrace in perfect union with My unfathomable Heart of Love, so that, renewed by My Spirit, your paths may be on My Paths and your hearts may be In My Heart in honor and adoration of the Father.

I renew you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As I rise, accept My proclamation of Peace and confirm yourselves to Me as each one is able to live it in this offering that is lifted up.

I will return tomorrow to be with you in spiritual union and in vigil for the world.

Thank you for granting this space to Me in your hearts. The fruits will be seen in the next world, in the new humanity and in the joy of your countenances.

Remember that this is done for all of humanity, not only for you, but for those that most need it and that most suffer the tribulation.

Monthly Messages

Surrender to Me, for this is already My last time.

Hours pass for this world and souls get lost. Blessed are you for receiving Me and for being worthy in the Lord, even though you do not deserve it. For if you do not surrender, how can I be in you and you in Me?

My Sacred Heart pours Its Blood over the horrors of the world, over all sins. Who will be worthy of collecting My Blood as My Mother and Mary Magdalene did? Who will be like John and will be at the Cross without any fear until the last hour?

What I have given you in your life is the best that I could give you; there is nothing better that I can give you. Each one has what is just and what they deserve before the Law of My Father. But why do you not surrender? What harm can I do to you if, even in the midst of tribulation, I come to you on this blessed night to shed the codes of My Blood and renew them in the Spirit of God?

There are many who claim to be with Me, but are not. I need true apostles, not apostles of clay that can be broken with a single blow. As I told My apostles in the past, you do not know My Justice. I do not come to punish you, I come to bring you the truth, that truth which can be in you if you are in Me and do not reject Me in your brothers and sisters.

If you do not live the tests, how will you learn? Without tests, do you think you will reach Heaven and Divinity? I am not talking about impossible things, companions, because today I come to dedicate this message to you, although the need of the world is greater than your own needs.

Today I show you My sorrow, which is the sorrow of the world, and I invite each one of you to know it, to accept it and to live it in prayer. But I know that some of you do not accept that sorrow because you are afraid to know it. I gave that sorrow to all the saints and simple-hearted people throughout the ages. The sorrow is greater than My Mercy, and that I cannot hide. Who will carry this heavy Cross and not only live on My Prodigies? Those who are called by the Shepherd must live all the things I give them from time to time.

But even My Sacred Heart expects of each one of you that, in this merciful offering of prayer, you will no longer be the same because there is no more time to lose. The world is gradually darkening, and fervor cannot be extinguished in hearts. How can you be depositaries of My Graces if at times your hearts close to Me and to your brothers and sisters?

I do not come to promise you a magnificent life in this world, but I do come to promise you eternal life in the next world. If you separate from each other, you separate from Me and My Hand cannot come near you because you move away. You move away from My Light, from My unfathomable Love, from My Peace, from My Hope.

Today, I do not want to leave you a message of sorrow, but a reality. All souls are in their Judgment and this has just begun. Your Judgment may be lighter if your love is greater. Love for what you do not yet feel, love for what you do not accept, love for what you reject, love for what you deny before all that you have received on My right and on My left.

Today I cannot open My Arms and extend My Hands to you because I do not see the love of the world. Very few flames are ignited to glorify Me, but there is still time, companions, to take one more step in trusting My Sacred Heart.

I wish to see you in fullness and not in bitterness. My Heart sheds Its Blood to renew you, to vivify you in the Spirit of My Father in Heaven who contemplates you day and night. If you do not accept what I give you, you will not be able to vivify My Eternal Father; for My Father is full of Gifts for all souls, but the souls do not allow the Gifts to be poured into their hearts.

I wish to speak to you about what the world truly needs, but first I must care for those whom I have chosen with My Hand throughout the ages and pointed out with My Light in this last cycle.

The apostles were separated to preach, but they never ceased to unite, just as I taught them in prayer, in the Adoration of God. You think you adore My Heart, but you do not know. It is a conquest for your spirits to adore My Heart when you have trust in Me for all that you live. Nothing is by chance. You live what you have sown and you are harvesting what you have planted. There is no mistake in all this. Heaven knows that souls make mistakes, but they must start again every day, in the absolute certainty that they will serve the Shepherd in spite of the consequences.

What more do you want from Me? This is all that I can give you, and it is already a maximal Grace that you can live in these difficult times. Raise your mistakes to the Father because they are the mistakes of the world, the indifference of hearts that suffer for not being able to recognize the Purpose that has passed before them many times in different ways and with different signs.

Welcome My pain for human indifference and transform it into love and compassion; welcome the indifference of your brothers and sisters, who suffer for unconsciously rejecting Me; welcome the pain of others and thus you will help Me fulfill the Plan. May this Marathon be to assume the pain of the world, which most people do not want to live. For if pain is not assumed, the world will suffer for not having listened to the Message.

Today My guardian angels adore your essences, which is true and sublime before the Eyes of God. They do not see your defects and imperfections; they see what you really are and do not get tired of doing so. It is something that you must learn in yourselves and in your brothers and sisters; thus you will free yourselves from the influences of My adversary who crushes minds, as the wheat is crushed into dust.

Be merciful even if you are not. Renew your vows before My Heart every day and do not be afraid to live your cross, because if I carried the Cross for you and for the world, why will you not partake of the Cross that I carry today for this humanity? Even if I am an ascended being, may My humility humble you, may My truth purify you, may My Heart cleanse you from all stain, from all adversity.

If you believe that I am the Light amidst darkness, why do you not follow Me in what I have placed on your paths?

My Face is drawn in the hearts that are true and in those that are honest in their transformation, despite the falls. I do not cease to help those who cry out for Me, but I cannot help those who take pride in their own virtues. Banish that which no longer serves to My Father, so I may enter within you as I entered within Father Pio leaving the visible sign of My Presence for fifty years. I have something special for each of you, but I have not yet been able to give it. The trust in God is found in sacrifice, the divesting of self in found in humility and humiliation and all barriers of matter are transcended.

I want you to be true to Me in this Marathon and not just in words. May your words say what you truly feel before My Merciful Heart, for while a great part of the world is suffering persecution and war and cannot receive Me, what will you do with all that I have given you with so much Love and Mercy? Be honest before the Heavens and renounce not with pride, but with humility, with peace, with effort and sacrifice. Truly renounce to what you believe is better or to what you could improve. My apostles went through this test until the end of their days.

Do not let your consciousness sleep when I am speaking. I am your King and your salvation.

I need you to grow in consciousness and not in vanity. My precious pearls cannot be lost in this world. Adore My Heart so that nothing bad happens, for the time of My Justice is approaching for all humanity.

Come out of yourselves and see those who are dying, whom television shows as if they were a victory. O My companions, you still do not know what God feels when a heart is indifferent to what has been given to it for Mercy.

I am leading you all to an inner evaluation, for when I return I shall not be able to see any stains on your garments, and if there are any stains I shall not be able to recognize you, for up to now I have taught you to wash your garments with the water of My Mercy and My Glory.

Try to love a little more, even if you cannot. My Heart offers itself for this and your brothers and sisters also offer themselves to be truly loved. Let us pray to God for those who cannot love My Father and Me. Let us pray with fervor and with Mercy, just as I taught you in the beginning.

Prayer: Our Father.

I would not like to see you with long faces in this Marathon, because the world needs joy, true joy to be able to transcend all evil and indifference that the souls commit daily before the Celestial Kingdom.

Today I can bless, out of compassion, these elements that you have placed before My altar, which is in Heaven and on Earth, so that your hearts may be washed by My Blood and your spirits may be purified by My Body, two visible signs of redemption and surrender to My Heart that always waits for you.

Two thousand years ago I left you a universal treasure, a perpetual badge for your hearts and souls. I left you the living treasure of the universe, the Teraphim of God manifested in body and blood for the whole of humanity. How many times have you now received communion with Me? Did you do it truly or only in a hurry? How many times did I offer Myself at the table of all souls so that they would live Me in the Passion and on the Cross?

Today My Sacred Heart sheds Its Blood for indifferent souls, for those who do not dare to confess with Me, before My divine Humility and before My Peace.

Today I prepare with this communion this whole part of the Earth that must be consecrated to My Divinity before I come back to the world for the second time. To reach My Divinity they must cleanse and purify themselves every day. That is why I ask you to surrender to Me so that your hearts may overcome all tests, in the name of God and His infinite Project.

Before the Guardian Angels of the universe, before the Archangels who glorify My Father perpetually, before the most Holy Spirit of God, before His beloved Son, before the Celestial Father who unifies all creation and vivifies the spirits that respond to Him with sincerity, and before the majesty of the Mother of the World, I absolve and forgive you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

When you commit an indifference, wash your feet, just as I washed the apostles so that they would recognize that God becomes so small before the proudest souls. Do not offend God anymore, the world has offended Him a great deal.

Live My celestial Treasures and you will attain eternal life. Amen.

The Glorified Christ Jesus


Although the pressure is great, My Grace is infinite and can save souls. Therefore, I have come from the universe today to bring you peace, the peace that is missing in the world, and that is dissipated due to the darkness. But My Kingdom can become visible in the meek and pacific hearts that carry this peace to the world as an emblem of union with the Celestial Father.

I have asked everyone to come here, to this Sacred Center, to establish a purpose in your consciousnesses that goes beyond your understanding and is experienced in the spirit.

Today I have come from a very special place on the planet where I experience a retreat and a profound silence to meditate before the next steps that humanity must take. I would like to elevate you to that place, but first, you must pray so as to be able to enter it. This place of which I am speaking to you today is the desert of Shambhala, where the true inner reality exists, where everything had its origin, at the beginning of the Creation of My Father, for this planet and humanity.

Today I put you in this place so that you may seek Shambhala and thus remember what your purpose is for these times that are coming. But I will request this only to a few because I cannot do it for the whole world. The world is very distracted and thus it will not be able to see Shambhala, but you who do know it and have known it, relive these principles. Enter into the desert with Me, way into the desert, to find the temple within you, so as to be able to hold on to these gifts during the time of tribulation that you will still experience in the world, the tribulation that has not ended and that has just started.

I am your Shepherd and I guide the flocks of My Father. This is why I call you to enter into the inner Shambhala, and not to forget your true face, that which comes from time to time to live this experience of love and forgiveness that humanity has forgotten.

If I am to be found meditating and in retreat in the desert of Shambhala, why will you not do so? After the decision that My Father has made, new things must be thought from the heart so that spirits are able to be born in the works and carry out the designs of God. Therefore, the retreat is important, your inner retreat in the face of so much demand from humanity, in the face of so much service, and of spiritual and material need. I invite you to be in an inner retreat for you to be able to perceive things from another point of view, just as I see them.

I take you all to the desert of Shambhala so that you may open your eyes and in this reality of the inner Shambhala, you can discover and understand what the Hierarchy needs. If your hearts are united to this mystery, you will be able to be in Shambhala, because Shambhala is the main source of Love that has emerged on this planet to establish in the world the spirit of confraternity and unity with the universe that today's humanity does not experience because it is separated among brothers and nations. Therefore, everything that you do, do it in the name of the Lord, each action that you perform, each work that you carry out, each word that you proclaim must be in the name of peace and not of disunity. 

Times are still difficult and many do not want to believe it. I need the self-summoned to see the convenience in which they are and how great the call from Heaven is, which summons souls to serve, surrender, and renounce everything.

I promised you that I would return, first in My Divinity so that afterwards you could see me resplendent among the clouds as the Sun of the universe, which will establish the new humanity for all worlds. This moment has arrived, companions. I am returning, although you do not see Me. If in previous months, in previous meetings of prayer I led you to know to the Law and adopt it in your lives, I made you go through the Middle East to refuge souls in your hearts, now why do you not follow me to the inner Shambhala where everything started for this planet?

I invite you to the desert so that you can be empty of everything and of any circumstance because I will not be able to place My new Principles in souls full of other things. Therefore I invite you to the inner retreat, to prayer and silence so that the world can be saved. This is the simplest thing that I ask you, companions; I do not need that you surrender to me your families, your work, your material life. I need you to elevate yourselves in consciousness, so as to be able to abandon these things, which should come in second place so that My primordial Work can be accomplished. I am not saying, companions, that your families should be abandoned nor that your jobs should not be attended. I need your consciousnesses to be in the priority that My Father needs in these final times. If I am returning it is to call you, to form you as the army of the 144 thousand that must be ready to answer the planetary need, the call of the Plan, and the Work of God in the whole universe.

Dear companions, we are speaking of great things and not of tiny things. Terror is being spread in the world and pain is becoming more acute, and someone must relieve it so that nothing is lost in this humanity. This is why I come as your Shepherd today, to lead you to discover, in Shambhala, your inner void and everything that has always filled it, time and again, time after time. But do not fear. Who is speaking to you will not abandon you, will not leave you aside, because I will share your purification with you, as I share the purification of this unredeemed humanity, which is far from God and especially far from love, the true love of the universe.

We are doing the impossible for the world not to continue deviating towards the abyss. Therefore, the efforts will be extreme and you will be aware of this. And when the time comes for each one of you to be able to give your maximum, to totally surrender to My Father, you will not be able to say that you did not know. Just as I once told My apostles that I was waiting for them to follow Me to the Calvary and in the Passion, today I tell you not to step back, for My Glorified Heart will be your sustenance at the most acute moment.

My heart can make you be reborn because My Mercy allows it. And if you are in My Mercy, you will embrace My Grace. My Grace will fulfill you and thus you will be in My Divinity, the Divinity of Christ that humanity has not yet known nor reached at any time. Therefore I demonstrate My Glory to you so that you can know My Grace, and in My Grace, you can be divinized in the name of My Father, in honor to Adonai and His Eternal Kingdom, which always awaits all His creatures to pour out upon them His Love and Peace from time to time, from epoch to epoch.

Do not be frustrated, do not be disturbed. Answer in obedience and you will know the reason why. Embrace My Call and you will feel My Divinity that always awaits you so as to guide and conduct you to the Kingdom of My Father.

Through this call to the inner retreat of Shambhala, I am inviting all souls to mature consciously and to cease doing what is no longer necessary in these times. Because when you are busy with useless things, I only observe you and wait for you to be able to awaken to feel My Voice in your hearts, the Voice that cries out, before the Celestial Father, for this Project of humanity.

May this Marathon be the deepening of the spiritual life of every being and thus the reconfirmation of your vows may be established before this definitive Project that must be fulfilled. May this Marathon not only go through Aurora but also through each one of you so that you can perceive what I am telling you.

I cannot continue giving more responsibilities to those who already respond to Me. Souls have a point of tension to bear My Designs, now the time has come for you to abandon your insignificant things so that everything is balanced and you embrace My Call and fulfill a part of the plan that is still waiting to be concretized. In this way, the 144 thousand will be born and will cease being written in the sacred book of the Bible to become a reality at this time. These 144 thousand consciousnesses are on the entire planet in different regions, nations, cultures, languages, and beliefs within the spiritual Christianity of the planet. Thus, I establish the symbol of My Divinity through My Grace, because if you love the power of My Grace experiencing My Divine Mercy, you will understand the magnitude of this proposal, and thus you will respond in time.

See your inner Shambhala, which calls you to unite to the Masters and thus reconfigure the Plan under the reign of Christ, your Beloved Lord. The doors of the desert of Shambhala are not open for making you suffer, but for you to enter into the path of the void that your hearts need to experience, and being free from all this, to carry out the Works of the Master in the simplicity of spirit and in the humility of soul through service to others.

May your hearts be re-ignited in this proposal, may your voice truly cry out for My Mercy after so many Marathons of prayer. May your souls ask for that which they need, for I will give it to you. Do not be afraid of the void, because the soul attains its freedom in the void. The soul becomes divinized in the presence of My Priestly Spirit.

I wait for you in consciousness and in love towards the Plan,

The Glorified Christ Jesus



In the same way as the twelve apostles sitting at the table, today I have all of you close to Me, to fill you with My Gifts of spiritual life, to show you the Purpose of God in these times of chaos.

I Am this Sun that shines in the darkness of these final times. I Am the Eucharistic Heart for the universe of souls, for all the spirits that are in God; but I also come for the sinners, for the ones who turn their backs on Me through those I send to give My word of salvation.

Today, you are before My cenacle not only with the twelve that followed Me at the beginning to give the greatest impulse of Christification of humanity, a Project that has been achieved by very few. I do not lose hope, the battle has not finished and the truce has not been established because the Apocalypse has not passed and the hearts do not know what will happen.

I come to give strength to the inner worlds where God and His great experience of love truly live. While the forces of evil furiously unleash over the world to conquer the hearts, I come to establish in the ones never seen My true cenacle of consecration impregnated by the Purpose of God and by His divine thought in all this creation and for this entire race.

If Adam and Eve broke with the Project, humanity had to assume their own faults throughout the times and generations. But I incarnated in this world to end these things. I offered Myself for you in the Passion and on the Cross, in the Death and in the Ascension to be this thread of light that united all the commandments.

Now that you already know that you must love one another, you must support yourselves. You must learn to heal yourselves through the experience of love and unity. In this, My adversary will not be able to work because he does not know what the True Love of God is. When he was in Heaven, he got confused and the Law ousted him; he will be the last one to be defeated by the force of My own Blood when I return to the world in glory and in light.

While this is to take place, the good Christians will be persecuted and the ones who believe in Me will be mistreated, not for chastisement, but so that they do as I did. In silence, I surrendered Myself out of Love, out of Redemption and out of Salvation. You must not think who will live it or how it will take place. In the Heart of the Father all is written, but you, beings of the Earth, created in the image and likeness of God from the beginning of the project of the Earth and of humanity, can change the events when you are true, pure and humble.

The sins embrace many hearts that do not find solace or exit. I give you the table of My Mercy so that you make it known. This table replaces your faults in the book of the universe where everything is written, from the beginning to the end. I told you some time ago that I Am this Omega that comes to give an end to all things, but for this it will be necessary to go through the transition. I know that many of your hearts would like to hear words of hope, but this time has already been written in the hearts of the prophets, in the peoples of yesterday.

I Am the star that shines in the universe, which ascended towards the house of the Father first to return in the divinity of the beings and in the spirits of the workers of God who work untiringly to concretize the Plan. No longer suffer for your imperfections, just work to concretize My plans, and I will give you the transforming power and the power of the life of the whole universe.

I Am the Sun that comes to announce Itself again in the end of the times just as I once came to this world to die for you. I Am this glorious Sun, this Sacred and Glorified Heart that brings Grace and Mercy to you; this is the reason why My enemy works to dissipate the aspiration of the hearts of finding My Mercy and My Peace.

The soldiers align in the first lines of the Apocalypse and the spirits of all humankind prepare themselves to face the final time. I wish I could tell you all that is foreseen, but humanity changes the destiny of things as a consequence of their actions and their endeavors.

You must learn to love the will of God without judging it or questioning if it is good or not. You must love the will of God as I loved it and as I will always love it because it is a will filled with the Love of God, with His Heart that is most pure and noble for the whole universe. Human will is the hardest to die, it is the most resistant stone in the heart of humankind and behind it is pride and is negation.

I come to give you the impulse to change all these things, so that you may not be the same. I come to draw by means of your lives the new paths towards the Lord. Because of this, when you purify yourselves or when you rejoice you must thank God, because in truth I will always be extending My Hand to give you inner strength and reasons to change life, to change the genetics of the Earth, of the whole humanity.

I have come through Jesus to show you the path of overcoming, of redemption, of transcendence. Though I was constituted as a Divine Being, the apostles reached the same prodigies I lived through the Archangel Michael. If you have faith, everything is possible and nothing makes you wait. This form of project of God descends and takes place in the heart of all beings.

I hope that all souls recognize My Presence in this place where the aurora dawns in the life of each being. I leave in this forgotten place the refuge of My Heart for the upcoming times and I hope My apostles will assume their positions to take care of this refuge that I spiritually leave here, and that will serve the souls that will come to seek help, just as the holy oratory of Saint Michael.

I come to remind you about the humility of things in the simplicity of the forms and in the beauty of what is manifested. All must be bearers of the spirit of harmony and of vigilance of all that is sacred, of the cares that it needs in order to endure throughout the times.

All the praying ones have the mission of, in My name, helping in the manifestation of the Centers of Light of the communities that I institute, for the great final task. Figueira must keep sprouting, giving flowers and fruits so that may be born new Centers of Light, which will serve as support in the transition of Earth and especially to the groups of mercy that have responded to My call all this time.

Thus, you will be able to see, companions, that when we are no longer here to announce Our word, Our Spirit will be here until the moment when I return to this world to redeem it again and take it towards the New Humanity. There will be no other place on Earth to go but where you have worked spiritually during so long to learn and to instruct yourselves, to grow in prayer and in service to others. When everything is harder, My Church extended throughout the Earth will recognize what I did here, and it will be too late for the impious, for those who say they are immortal before God.

God is the Spirit of Immortality of yourselves, is the Eternal and Omnipresent Spirit, just as His Son, who was born from the Spirit of Immortality to give you eternal life and teach you how to transcend the times by means of Love and Sacrifice.

I institute here a sign that will be seen in the hearts of those who believe, not only out of their faith, but also out of love of the unknown, the love of the overcoming of themselves on behalf of My holy name. Because of this, I have you sitting at the table today, celebrating this first spiritual communion, on top of the Mount Sinai. Because remember that I Am this thread of light that unites all the commandments.

Next month I hope to see here in this Center those who say they are with Me, to implore for My Mercy for this humanity. Because what will happen with the missions will be important, and this work here must be supported. Aurora needs it, just as Aurora has given it to you in each new inner encounter.

The groups of prayer must organize themselves to be next month in this refuge that I am giving you. Thus we will constitute a new ceremony of redemption for the ones who suffer in humanity and will be bearers of My paternal blessings.

In this sacred cenacle, over Mount Sinai, I meet many coming to Me to present many petitions. I hear them when the prayer is true, just as it has been these days, on which My Heart alleviates itself of the sins of the world, of the ones who forget the Lord.

So much love I have to give you that you would not bear it. Each drop of blood poured in the Passion was a drop of love for the world, for each one of the souls in the passing of the times. If you counted how much blood I poured on the cross, in the Calvary or in the flagellation, and in the crowning of thorns, you would understand how much I love you, because My Father loves you through Me.

I leave you this sign and I bring quietude to your hearts. In the Light that comes from the infinite, I bless you in the Holy Name of My Father, the Victorious Light of His Son, and in the Power of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, uniting you with the High and Superior, renewing your hope and strengthening your faith to be able to live as I expect.

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen

The Glorified Christ Jesus


When we were praying the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy I started to see the Master very silent, very introspective, walking on a desert different from the last time. At that moment, the Master, who was followed by the apostles that were with Him in the past, showed me that He was walking in regions of Egypt and that He was heading for a certain place. Until that moment we did not know what it was or what He was seeing.

As we were praying, He started to climb slowly a quite long stone stairway, which surrounded a great mountain. At that moment He showed the image of Moses with the peoples of the desert of that time and in this same place. The Master was going through the same route that Moses had gone, through this stairway to the top of Mount Sinai. After sometime He got to the top and started to look towards the abyss, towards the horizon, where other mountains and another desert were drawn around Mount Sinai as if from above, scenes of various situations of the planet started to appear.

In one of them the Master contemplated in profound silence and soon He signaled with His Hand in order that the apostles could also learn and be instructed with what He wanted to show. At this moment the Master was dressed in a light brown tunic, He also had a brown veil which covered His Head and He observed the scene that was unfolding: it was the situation in the Middle East. From that scene, He began to contemplate others and used the situation that the planet is living now in order to instruct us a little bit about this. While He spoke, He tried to place our consciousnesses, through the message, in another point, as He said: “In another level”. He needs us to be there as consciousnesses, as brothers and sisters in order to see the things with the seriousness as He sees them.

Take My Merciful Heart as an emblem for these final times.

From Egypt, on top of the sacred Mount Sinai, today I utter to the world the sacred word of salvation. I have come to Egypt for the second time, after having visited it when I was a child with My Blessed Mother and My Beloved Father Saint Joseph. I am in the place where My Father Moses received the first instructions for the world, the Ten Commandments. I have climbed to the top of Mount Sinai with the apostles in spirit of life to show you what happened at that past time.

I come on this day of prayer to remind you about the fundamental legacy which many did not want to pay attention, for letting themselves being carried away by the sins of the world. I have climbed to the top of Mount Sinai to reintegrate with My own Hands the restoration of the ten basic Laws, which in these times of today are no longer respected.

When I met Elijah and Moses on the mount of the transfiguration, we concluded a stage of the teaching and this teaching is still valid in the times of today.

You shall love God above all things, and His Shepherd complemented at that time: you shall love God above all things, and your neighbor as yourself. This first Law was not comprehended nor practiced.

Neither was lived the commandment: you shall not commit adultery and you shall not murder. It was thus that the Son of God gave Himself as a lamb to be led to slaughter and in order that all of the Laws do not precipitate over the world. The lamb was led to the most sorrowful slaughter and in silence gave life for all.

Therefore today, in glory and spirit I find Myself at the top of Mount Sinai in order to remind the world and all of the souls that the basic Laws have not been complied by the majority, even though the great Lamb was led to slaughter and gave His Blood for you.

I come to give you the true sign of your salvation. I come to show that many of those who claim to be wise are wrong and have not enforced the Laws of My God. If the Laws were delivered by Adonai they must be practiced in the experience of life. Many still believe they have victory over others but they are dead.

I come to unveil those who claim to be immortal and are within My Church.

I come to demystify those who claim to be heroes of My Divine Instruction, because in truth, I asked Peter the Apostle to just found the true church of the heart, not the church of possession.

The works are fulfilled spontaneously. If the works are not spontaneous, these are false, they are not true. The head of My spiritual church happens through the simple, the truthful and the humble servers who are not seen by the crowds. In them is the multiplying Power of God, in them is the only work for these times. It is for this that I have come to remind the scholars and those who claim to be wise that the true church dwells in the spirit of each heart surrendered to My designs. There are not two churches, there is only one, which is the dwelling of the pure, of the innocent.

For this, from the top of Mount Sinai I lovingly declare that you are not fulfilling with what I have asked, by giving your wealth to the most poor, giving your banquets to the hungry. The Heavenly Church is supported by the always forgotten, by the most simple of heart. If those who claim to follow Me do not comply with the Laws, how will the others be able comply them?

I come not to accuse anyone, but to correct what is twisted from the beginning.

Know that My holy name is everyone´s, My name is not possession of anyone or of any autonomy. I have come to the world for the desperate and not for the Pharisees dressed now in current time.

My true dwelling is in the crystalline hearts. It is on those who make a child smile with simplicity. It is on those who extend their hands to the sick and to the possessed of spirit. My Presence is in the spirit of the simple people and not on the walls of the temples. Search for the church that lives within you so that I may dine with each one of you.

It is thus that from the top of Mount Sinai My gaze already follows the steps of those who will truly move towards surrendering their lives in the next mission to the Middle East, as other followers of Mine do. Because those who claim to speak about Me in the whole world, are not where there is sorrow in the world, the hunger and the despair for such a long exile.

A true apostle of Christ does not work for My Father from their armchair, an apostle of Christ gives a little more of what they can give until it hurts. The true peace is reached in extreme challenges. It is not enough to look with consolation at those who suffer, it is enough to deliver to them a place of relief and refuge.

I wish that in this Marathon your consciousnesses, after twenty-nine encounters, may already be in another stage of charity and service. Do it not only for those who suffer in exile for the wars, but also for those who govern and break the Laws of God. Face through this Marathon an Armageddon with faith and hope, without lowering the arms, without ceasing to feel inside the request for mercy. This is already the time of the battles, but also of the last Graces. Declare to My Heart your trust in Me and give yourself completely without fear. Thus the world, at least a small part of it, will be worthy of being in the Lord and returning to His infinite Plan. May this Marathon unify you all the time. May this Marathon make you grow in maturity as you assume your places in this final battle.

May My soldiers hold the torch of the victory of My Mercy until the end, even if they have to give their lives for Me to defend My Redeeming Work.

It is so that from the heart of the desert of Egypt, from the top of Mountain Sinai, I send a greeting of peace. May this peace echo in the hearts that are open to hear Me.

Under the Mercy of God, be blessed and meek.

Who encourages you, who loves you, who guides you,

Glorified Christ Jesus


Listen attentively in this hour of Mercy.

My paths are your paths and if you are not in My path, you will not concretize anything. God wishes to institute in the world the devotion to My Sacred Heart. In order for this wish to be fulfilled, I need witnesses that have lived through Me the experience of redemption and rehabilitation.

From Heaven, I wish to see you all united all the time so that My Plans may descend and become flesh in the life of people through the experience of love and forgiveness.

The world is far from God because it wanted, because it has separated from the Kingdom of God that once We brought for all with the Good News. Because of this, many souls despair and get crazy in these times for having separated from My Path, from the Path of God, from the Path of the Lord; for having substituted My Plans for their plans, to comply with the vague human will. I know that many do not know how to make die this energy which corrodes the essence of things and that sets them apart from My Father. Nonetheless, if their hearts are humble to ask for My help, I will give it to them, both during the day and at night, and in the times of tribulation when things will become intense inside and outside the beings, as I told you yesterday.

Today I come to deliver My Words in another way and with another energy, because I need to dissipate certain obstacles that keep My Works from being fulfilled on this Planet.

Many are part of My Church, but few are the true disciples who fulfill the Commandments of Moses not to sin. Nonetheless, as the essence of the old instruction has been lost throughout the times, I promised My Father, before the year 2013, that I would come here, to this lost place, to give My great message of salvation to the world. As I did it once in Kibeho, where many did not believe, and still do not believe, that the Son of God blessed the heart of Rwanda to avoid a catastrophe that was the result of not having heeded the Heart of God through His Beloved Son.

I do not come here, in this time, to prophesize these things, because the great prophecy of John the Apostle is being fulfilled to the letter. Blessed will be those who know how to read between the lines the symbols and the message.

I have come all this time to prepare you for something unknown that does not even exist in your memories or cells. I have come to congregate you in the name of love and truth so that, despite the difficulties and the tests, you do not cease from trusting My Heart. You will learn about unknown things inside you, but I once again tell you not to fear. For the dirty water to become pure, crystalline and clean, it must purify itself. I bring you the Water of Life that comes from My unfathomable Spiritual Mercy to remedy all your evils and the evils of the world, which deteriorate the whole humanity.

I have come to bring hope to the one who seems not to have it. I have come to bring Peace to those who do not have it. Without these attributes, it will not be possible to cross the threshold towards the new humanity.

The misfortunes keep happening in this world and nobody detains them. Woe to those who have power for these things and do not do them because they are far from God and form His Law! How many innocent souls die day by day on this scale of imbalance, injustice and lack of fraternity.

If I come here, to this country, as it was once prophesized in the letters of mother Esmeralda, it is because I revealed to her that here there was the seed to give new fruits in the souls congregated for the redemption and transformation of humanity. Do not believe that you live transformation for you alone. You live it for the planet that decays and decays.

God needs once again to congregate His old peoples, as it was in the desert, to once again start to accomplish His Project with another divine state, another consciousness. Because of that, you must be clean inside and outside, so that My subtle energies may express themselves in the consciousness that said “yes” to redemption and to the call for peace.

Today I cannot promise, companions, that the whole world will be saved, that the whole humanity will be rescued by the powerful currents of the Hierarchies. We will try it until the end, but your part on this planet is important. Not only for those who today listen or who have listened to Me, but also for those who, still asleep, are not conscious of their spiritual mission, which they will discover overnight.

If you have offended Me, do not be disturbed. The Son of God got to know on this planet the terrible human condition, which leads to the deterioration of the Divine Purpose, to the marginalization of life, to the precariousness of the spirit. For this reason, the angels have sent Me here to incarnate among you and save you. Not for My Works, but for the Works of My Father, which descend like lights over the world throughout the times. If God Himself, incarnated in His Son, had not been martyred, scourged and crucified, the Project would have been lost. But now, in these times, the risk is bigger, and many do not believe it is so.

When the Law descends, all will have to be sure of what they do and be conscious of their works. Because when the time of My Divine Mercy ends, the last trumpet will sound and will spread the power of the wind over the four corners of the Earth for the seas to rise and the Earth to swallow the unjust. There will be nobody who can detain it. The sin is bigger than the sinner themselves, and the innocent blood has its value, like the Blood of the Lamb that died for you. The same ones repeat the same sins once and again and still do not redeem themselves because they do not accept them.

Your minds must not make judgments, not even feelings of criticism. Each one will live their time of purification, because that is how God needs it to be in order to fulfill His Works in this Universe. Humanity could already be confederated, but it did not want to and deviated from God and His Heart.

I leave My feeling to all and a great change in consciousness before everything happens. I leave to all the blessing of the gifts called Sacraments, which infuse in the souls renovation and faith, and the union with the Eternal, with Adonai.

Do not stop rowing inside My boat. Do not let any of your brothers and sisters drown for not being able to row. Do not lose sight of your fellow humans who are a part of My Project. But do not insist on those who do not want to change out of their own will, I will take charge, because it is part of My responsibility that all be just and merciful.

In truth I say to you, companions, that not all are aware of what happens on the planet, because they are not suffering as others suffer and feel sorrow day by day. Offer to God the best of yourselves all the time. Please His Heart with small efforts in order to start to conquer surrender and thus be able to enter the path of humility and peace.

I come in these three months to Aurora to announce new times that soon will not be preparatory anymore to become decisive. Times of decisive Works on the part of My congregated. Many will unite to this work when you truly change. At least, do not cease to try so that the doors to redemption be open for all who must arrive at My Nucleuses of Love.

Understand, companions, that the times have already changed and that it is time to implore to the Creator. Do not be just blessed, but also constant, meek and peacemakers.

I come here to show you that I have not abandoned you. Although My Work has some time with you, everything must continue until at least one reaches My Project.

Adonai, Eternal Father, I implore to You for this world, extending My Arms over all, offering My Hands for them to hold them strong and walk by My side. Do not keep from looking with mercy to Your youngest children. Observe, Adonai, with hope, everything you have created in Your Holy Image and Will.

Take me, Adonai, toward those who do not want Me, who do not Listen to Me nor accept Me. Take Me, Adonai, through Your children, as a spark of hope for the darkened hearts.

Show Your Power, Adonai, in the beauty of Your Kingdoms of Nature. Make Your souls and Your creatures live in the perfect union with Creation. Forgive them, Adonai, for their sins. And, resurrect them in spirit every day of Your Existence, in the Heart of Your Universe and of Your Peace.

Adonai, believe that it is possible in Your Infinite Purpose, that those who hear Me will manage to do it. At least so that the Earth may fulfill its promise of redemption.

I offer you, Adonai, the supplications that reached My Heart in these days. I offer you, Adonai, the humiliations, the renouncements and tests, as the testimony of a great conversion of humanity.

 Do not cry, My Father, for what You see in this world. Calm Your Heart with Mine, so that from Your Heart may spring the Infinite Piety, which transforms life and the consciousnesses.

Adonai, never cease to open Your Fount of Peace in this race, on this planet. Amen

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Glorified Christ Jesus


For this work to be accomplished I need everyone, until I return to this unfaithful world, to be able to repair the hearts and raise from the ground those who have fallen to My right and to My left.

I will come to spiritually resurrect the nations that have been annihilated by humankind.

I will come to resurrect those who have died in life and who have lost their spirit of union with God.

I will come to resurrect the purest part of yourselves in order to bring you My Peace and the renewal of the spirit for the times to come.

For this reason I need you all in My Work, in this definitive hour when the greatest part of the world condemns itself without being able to see the light again, the Light of My Heart, the Light of God.

While everything happens, while the cup of injustice overflows by the offenses of humankind, I come to deliver to you again the spirit of My saving Mercy, that which penetrates the spaces and bears fruits in the humanity who lives in My Solemnity.

Every day I make you face new things, which you may not want to see, but for you to be within My paths your feet must be cleansed from everything you have done in other times and in this way walk free beside Me, together with Me or in My Heart in order to achieve the Purpose.

I know your doubts, your uncertainties, your lack of peace and tranquility. I know your mistakes and your faults. I know everything. But My divine vision does not come to focus on those things, even though I know you will have to purify them in an arduous and firm way.

My gaze penetrates your souls and hearts, there where the essence of everything created exists, that which has been designed by My Father from the beginning of this project for all of humanity.

The most acute part on the planet has not began yet; the first Armageddon will be an inner one, to then happen exteriorly in all the planetary life. What will you do, My companions, when you see things precipitating? Will you be more concerned? Will you lose control of your skills?  Will you lack peace or will you panic?

My Lord wishes that, through My Heart, your hearts be steady and secure in the path that I offer you, facing changes with braveness and not fearing that which you will find inside and outside of you. I know that the transformation of the human race is very hard; I suffered it during the Passion. Each minute that I suffered for you was due to the sin of some man or woman, to a fault of humanity that was irreversible before the Eyes of God. Before your humanity would get lost in that time, I incarnated, at the request of My Father who is in the Heavens, to bring the message of salvation and redemption for the hearts.

What causes affliction to My Heart is that the humankind of the Earth in these times have gotten used to listen to My words but have not changed yet. For new things to ingress in your hearts and lives, you must be already transformed and make new things. As I have said once, I will not be able to "pour new wine into old wineskins"; until these days this Law is applicable for those that in truth recognize it with heart and soul.

The times of the definitions have come to all, and there will be no one else to you to tell about it. This will be between you, between each one of you and God. But My Heart, which is Kind and Compassionate, opens itself as a chest of light so that your souls may be deposited in It. In there, in the precinct of My Heart there will be no evil, no temptation, no adversity.

I come to bring to the world a message of hope, a hope that fades away little by little from the consciousness of humanity. Because now what embraces it is the fear of failure. Many thought in that time, during the Passion, that I failed; that I failed from My public life to My death. But what was that which led My Heart to persistence  in face of so many offenses and injustices committed by My own brothers and sisters, by the children of God? Love was the unbreakable power that overcame all the tests. The love that was being generated within love opened the doors to redemption and to life for those who were dead. If in this time you do not live from this very love that I offer to you through My Spirit and through My Sacerdotal Heart, many will perish, and this will not happen due to the fault of any one, nor to the action of someone. Your steps may get indefinite if you do not take the risk to live this love that transforms and redeems everything.

But to reach this love that I talk to you about, companions, you must first die to yourselves, so that in this way you may be empty, and love may be born and spring as a source in the greatest desert of your lives. Many think that in these times of purification they will not be able to cross the desert, but if I am here today to encourage you, to bless you, to console and renew you, why do you believe you will not manage to do it? If I Am the Power of the Love of God that moves the Universe and all forms, why do you fear that your structures or your beings may tremble?

I come to remove from you that which is already old, that which no longer serves Me, because I have never used it to My profit. But you, as humanity, have made profit of humankind itself and of your own will. It will be through the love that I promote in the whole Cosmos that you will manage to minimally live the Will of My Lord. Do not be afraid, companions, of tearing you apart from inside and of asking the Heavens.

I come here, at this moment and in this time, for this part of the race, which must fulfill the Project that is written in the Heart of God. If you fail many will fail.

I come to bring you the Light that emerges inside this great abyss of the Earth where all have put themselves and where many have condemned millions of souls throughout these last times.

There may be a worse war than the one that happens in the world today, because the cruelest war is the spiritual war, which is being faced by the world and the human beings, with no consciousness and with no forgiveness.

Our Hearts overflow in pain by seeing the deeds committed by all humankind in these times. This way you will be able to comprehend, companions, that if before so much cruelty in those times My sacrifice was grandiose, your transformation is very small before so much adversity. I come to place your consciousnesses in another state and in another plane so that you may achieve a deeper and truer vision of what is happening.

Our last attempt as the Sacred Hearts, as Hearts of the Celestial Father, will be to give, in this month of December, the great and last impulse to all of humanity. It will be in this culminating moment that your hearts, humiliated before the Creator, will receive once again the Spirit of My Grace and of My Forgiveness, bringing to memory the recollection of My sacred birth in Bethlehem. May this month, for all men and women of the Planet, be the Good News proclaimed by Your Most Holy Redeemer.

Do not get desperate, do not get discouraged, the vessel may wreck, but it will not sink if I am in you and you are humbly in Me.

Try to promptly banish everything that bothers you, because I need you as My empty instruments so that My Laws may descend and be infused into the whole non redeemed Earth.

Better times will come after purification. Everything that happens in these times have already been prophesized and written by John, the apostle, My beloved disciple. But it has not been prophesized that the times of today would be so difficult. Today I deliver to you with My Hand the Grace of being able to get out from the abysses that Earth has generated. Be My apostles of Light, in redemption, and encourage yourselves to follow Me until the end. In this way, the Plan will be able to be accomplished and the most lost will receive the opportunity of returning to the House of My Father.

The chaff is being separated from the wheat,  and with this wheat, however imperfect it may be, I will make the new bread of life which will be on the table to the end of times, when your Priest comes to take communion with His redeemed ones.

Have faith and persist. My Mercy, throughout times, can do all.

I thank those who say they love Me, or who proclaim that, because there is no shame on that, but rather the renewal of the spirit of those who seek the Love of the Redeemer.

Go in peace, facing the end of times and in the spirit of inner transformation, I will help you.

I thank you.

Glorified Christ Jesus


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

When we were praying the 150 beads of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, the procession with the Most Blessed Sacrament was taking place in the Marian Center. While the brothers and sisters walked and followed the Most Blessed Sacrament, I saw, among the people, a being that was the Master, but with a different aspect from what He is. He was thinner, with a short beard and hair, and He was walking and singing among the people. Later on, I saw the brothers and sisters entering into the House of Adoration, and as they passed through the door, He touched with His Hand the head of each one, carrying out a sort of healing that cured them inwardly. Following that, I saw the group during the adoration, and Christ in the same person I had seen during the procession, seated at the back of the room.

Soon He showed the image of a field, where there was a group of sheep that were walking to a specific place. Although He was not present in the image, He had us understand that He guided that flock. At a certain point, the flock encountered a great and dark abyss at the bottom of which fog could be seen.

When the Master appeared, He had a great golden six-pointed star on His chest and His Heart was in the center. He was surrounded by many sheep, with a small baby lamb in His Arms, and He was caressing it.

Based on that image, Christ transmitted His message to us:

I hold in My Arms the most spiritually ill of My sheep so that it never loses its trust that, in spite of the time and the moment of its purification, I will not abandon it. Although it has distanced itself from Me through its mistakes, I have it return to My flocks, because above all just or unjust causes, your Shepherd knows what the divine Purpose of this being is.

You, as sheep, are facing the great abyss of the times, and you must learn to walk among the shadows safe within My Heart.

First, I tell you to not fear because the Lord, your God, will show each one of you that which is saddest and most unjust within you. In this way, you will be consciously invited to live the Law of purification, which is completely supported by the merciful love of My Heart. God will not abandon you because you failed or made a mistake. But your Father that is in the Heavens will apply Divine Justice so that you may soon be free of all adversity.

Second, in this great abyss where the world is, you will see the opportunity for consciously purifying yourselves from all stains and that, just as I teach My disciples, you may love one another as brothers and sisters and unite with one another. At this hour, when hundreds of souls are lost in the darkness, you must be very united, because it will be this inner union that will cause the fountain of love to spring out of nothing, and it will be that extraordinary love that will heal impossible things in the consciousness.

Third, in this abyss of the world, you will see that souls and hearts will face their truth, something they never thought of or saw. The blindfolds will be taken from their eyes and then everything will tremble, but again I tell you not to fear. The Son of God will assist you just as the woodsman assists in a great fire. My Water of Life will dissolve all disgraces in its perfect complement of love.

Fourth, in that abyss, you will see the revelation of humanity and the moment all are going through. Just as it was written, nothing will remain hidden. What is within the soul and the body will be visible, as well as the trickery of the false, those which before were invisible to many will be as visible as the dawn.

There will be no governor, nation, or humanity that will not be exposed before the Universe of God just as they are. Every lie, deceit, or human power will be revealed, and everyone will know it. It will be the moment in which the seeds that I gave you will blossom within you, mainly the seed of compassion and love. In truth, I tell you that if you do not practice these attributes from now on, the transition of the Earth will be difficult and hard for many.

There will be no more resistance that can remain in place, all will disappear. But if in the face of all that is revealed, you searched for the essence of transformation and honesty, unimaginable and unexpected things will happen, something that will go beyond that which you call miracles.

In this definitive time, I will be counting on the fingers of My Hands all the acts of Pity and Mercy that will occur and which, motivated by Me, you must carry out, overcoming shame, the evidence before others, or even sadness.

Joyful will be those that consciously place their spiritual aberrations at My Feet because I promise to help them exit this abyss.

Finally, My glorious Heart will want to see, during these days, those who say they are My apostles preparing, under the luminous power of prayer, for going through the times with courage and without fear.

That this Marathon of omnipresence, which I call it in this way today because I will be in several places at once, may represent for My followers the unique opportunity of overcoming themselves so that all human cruelties that happen today on the planet, to all the Kingdoms of Nature and to humanity itself, receive the Grace and the amnesty of Divine Mercy.

I will be by your side, together with your voices, imploring the Celestial Father that I may soon return to guide you again towards the New Humanity.

I give thanks for the union of all at this moment. The Lord pours out His Pity and His Peace upon you.

Do not lose your inner strength, live through faith. If you are in this time of Armageddon and tests, it is because you are prepared to experience it, at least for My glorious Return. Transform yourselves into peace, as the entire universe awaits you.

Under the infinite Love of Adonai, be blessed and meek.

United with all the prayerful beings of Mercy,

The Glorified Christ Jesus


After twenty-six years of preparation of the spiritual foundations for My long awaited Return, through the work and life of the Light-Communities of My Heart; today I come to announce a special Grace that in critical times will try, above all, to spiritually elevate the life of humanity through the sacred values that it must express to all universal Creation.

It is for this cause that My merciful, glorious and living Heart grants to the International Humanitarian Federation, in the name of My living Heart, the divine and autonomous permission to spread all the works of fraternity, service, healing, instruction and prayer that all My selfless volunteers carry out.

This will mean to your Master the unique opportunity that, through a space in the channel of communication Misericordia María TV, you companions, lead the world to know this Work of redemption, love and Mercy that has been carried out for twenty-six years with the Mineral, Plant, Animal and Human Kingdoms. 

In the name of the ultimate Creator who governs everything, I wish you to relieve My Heart outraged by the disasters and punishments that the Younger Kingdoms and also the Human Kingdom have received.

If the world knew the Work of service and rescue that is carried out through the union of all Associations of the Fraternity, this would widely help all the human beings, that are not interested in the Kingdoms of Nature, to find out the value, the reverence and the compassion that the younger brothers and sisters of nature deserve. 

After My last visit to northern Brazil to spiritually work in the Amazon, an atoning door was opened to this part of the world. That is why your Master, joining you in this mission to value life and Creation, lovingly requests that several spaces dedicated to the diffusion and knowledge of life and of creation on the planet, manifested in all the Kingdoms to be included from now on within the calendar of meetings with the Divine Messengers, in the schedule of Misericordia María TV.

I wish for humanity to come to know what a mineral is and how it lives spiritually. I wish for every human being of the surface to know what a plant is and what an important mission it fulfills. I wish for you to love the Animal Kingdom as you love your own lives. Thus, you must know why God created them and why they exist.

I also wish the world to be motivated to serve their neighbor through the spirit of charity, so that the majority may step out of themelves and there be no longer borders or languages, only the profound language of your hearts.  

If in a short period of time My request were put into practice, the world could suffer less from purification. If millions of human beings placed their interest in the Kingdoms and made works of restoration of all evil that is done to them, there would be no third world war. I will give inner and humble powers to anyone who is willing to offer a great reparation to God. 

Companions, today, before the Creator and the celestial choirs, I open this door for you.

I wish the International Humanitarian Federation and the life in the Light-Communities, as well as the appreciation of the Kingdoms and the healing of all beings, to be known. This will placate the actions of evil in the world and My Sacred Heart will grant some more time of peace.

It is for this purpose that today a spiritual and material union is instituted among Misericordia María TV, the International Humanitarian Federation and all those who would lovingly like to be part of this diffusion of the creative life of the planet. 

From Heaven We expect humanity to deeply value and love what God has given you since the beginning.  

Under the glory and the Grace granted by all these things, be blessed.

Who always loves and supports you,

Your Master, the Glorified Christ Jesus


Companions of Mine and favorite children of My beloved Father,

Today I am here with you for a higher and spiritual reason that I am going to explain to you. Today I am in this city and over this region to help it, but I have come here especially because I have heard from Heaven the voice and the faithful petition of My children.

Dear brothers and sisters, children of My Father, servers of My Mercy, this nation has lost the consciousness about the true existence and purpose of all the Plant Kingdom.

At the request of all the Celestial Universe, and through the supplications of all the angels that take care of the consciousness of the Plant Kingdom on this planet, I have decided, along with the divine authority, to descend in Glory and Piety over all this region that conforms one of the most important creations of My Father for the material universe: the Amazon.

There, just as in other places of the world, exists the spiritual sustenance for life of all the beings of the planet. The Amazon is the cradle for the New Humanity. It is the sacred epicenter of the whole Plant Kingdom.

It is for the suffering and annihilation that the Plant and Animal Kingdom live there that My Father has granted Me the Grace of coming to prevent a disaster with world consequences in this entire sacred area, an area that is subdued by humankind in a perverse and materialistic way.

The reality that the Amazon suffers is a weight for humanity: a reality that generates, as a result, the illnesses, the wars and the lack of peace and of harmony in the humanity of the Earth.

My Merciful Heart did not want to descend in a city of the Amazon not to commit, neither to generate oppression in those who perpetrate so many works against the balance of Creation.

If in truth the planet were loved and respected, humanity would never have to undergo a great purification.  It is for this that the Son of God incarnated in an ancient humanity to avoid the self-destruction.

Here in Boa Vista I found hearts willing to lovingly help Me and to pray with Me for the sublime action of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy.

Thus, companions, I have asked the consciousness of all the members of this nation to come here, to Boa Vista, to work with Christ for the redemption of the Amazon. I hope you have understood Me.

For this, I thank you for the presence of those who are here today to pray in union with the Heart of Jesus.

The suffering of the Kingdoms of nature is caused by the lack of love and care towards the Creation.

God created the Minor Kingdoms to help on the evolution of humankind of surface and, throughout so many cycles and centuries, humanity has done everything wrong, everything has always been outside the Holy Law.

However, as My Mercy is unfathomable, I have come to Boa Vista to implore together with you for the Mercy of God to descend over all of humanity.

For this reason, this next Marathon will be dedicated to all the Minor Kingdoms; all the praying people and devotees are called by Jesus Christ to pray for them.

Thus, they will permit humanity to heal and redeem its main spiritual illness: the destruction of that manifested Creation on this planet. This is the root of the whole chaos of humanity and of the events that precipitate, each day more, over the world.

May this Marathon represent an awakening of the consciousness of each creature that has lost love and the notion of what the Minor Kingdoms mean.

If most of humanity took care of and prayed to revert the causes that harm the seas, the continents and the Kingdoms of nature, there would be no planetary transition nor would there be an Apocalypse.

I thank you for the interest on the part of all the praying Brazilians for the reality of My beloved Amazon.

In the name of Truth and of the Divine Consciousness, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to My Heart,

Glorified Christ Jesus


My companions,

I Am the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus.  I Am the Universal Source of wonders and truth for souls.  On this holy day, of consecration and glory, I descend from the House of My Father to this house, to this Sacred Chapel of Redemption and much Peace for whoever searches for Me.

I send My first spiritual and profound thanks to all of My children who fervently made possible the manifestation of this work of the Sacred Chapel of My Glorified Heart.  I would like to tell you that this place will be the refuge for the whole world and especially for those who are tired of themselves and who will arrive in humility to surrender at My Feet.

Here in this place, I will not only be Your King but also Your Consoling Spirit, Your Brother.  Here, in this Sacred Cenacle, which I bless today, I will be one with each one of you so that, in reverence, you may again find the true meaning of persisting. 

Companions, I asked for the construction of this sacred place so that when you need it, you may know that here, in silence, I will be, to listen, shepherd and guide you towards My Most Sacred Heart.

I bless this place for those who always adore Me in the Blessed Sacrament and I will also pour out My inner Graces upon those who will decide to follow Me.  Yes, I am here in this Sacred Chapel to find you every day. You will have no reason to fear, children of My Father. Where Christ resides, not even a drop of evil resides. This is why I will also come to this Sacred Chapel as the Holy Spirit, to liberate you from the ties and from the obstacles imposed by My eternal rival.  Be brave and always come here.  I will be here to listen to you in silence, in the word, in the confession as well as in constant prayer.

This place is the divine fruit of the work of My Most Holy Mother, through each one of you.  While times are difficult and dark, My Divine Light deigns to descend and becomes present, to unite you all in the name of Peace.  My Sacred Heart will be here in Spirit.  Here you will find the Invincible Strength of My Heart whenever you need it.

Do not forget that I am present here, so that in the most crucial moments you will not forget Me or sleep in front of Me.

Companions, in this Marathon, I promise you an internal synthesis for your lives before the Graces that you have received, meeting after meeting.  This Marathon of Mercy will be the last confirmation for your paths in My paths of peace, of sacrifice for humanity and of redemption.

I wish you could truly understand beyond My Words.  I wish for everything that happens upon this Hill of Light to be the testimony that the Plan will be fulfilled.  For this reason, I will not look at your offenses.  Today I hope that you give of your talents to Me, for all those who are losing them in the face of human cruelty.

In Spirit of Grace and eternal joy, I unite you and I bless you again, in the Name of the Holy Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you for helping in the final Plan of redemption.

Always and forever be blessed.

Christ Jesus, Your Elder Brother

Special Message of the Glorified Christ Jesus, received in San Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil, transmitted to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My Most Sacred heart becomes distressed when souls do not want to listen to God. But I already knew this, I knew it would happen in this century and in these times. During the Agony I received the revelation of the one hundred and thirty-three main pains that humanity would cause to the Heart of the Creator.

Today I tell you, companions, that what happens and is visible to the eyes of the whole world is the sharpest pain that My Heart experiences. For this reason, today I have come to show you My spiritual agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, an agony that wounds My poor Heart because of the sins and injustices of the world.

Everything that happens today is because the majority of souls, in this time, did not recognize the offer of My Love. This is not a punishment; it is a consequence generated by humankind that separates itself more and more from God.

Like the immigrants in the ships, I am in a shipwreck, because, like a seafarer, you have lost Me at high sea. I was not seen in the eyes of the smallest, nor in the heart of the mothers who seek consolation. I was exiled from this humanity for being a foreigner.

Know that I am present in the heart of the most unprotected, for I expect to awaken them someday so that they may give living testimony to the world.

Thus, I present Myself to you so you may understand that everything is not what it seems. Humanity covers its eyes in order not to see the result of decay without limits.

Who will console My Heart that is overflowing the chalice of injustice?

Who will live for Me in order to be saved?

It is time to grow inwardly and not let your own life cause you to perish.

Follow Me along this path and do not continue on the one that takes the world into unconsciousness and lack of faith.

Companions, be My witnesses, My true witnesses before the cruelty of the world.

Open your arms and in your hearts feel the pain of the Redeemer.

I have come to San Carlos because here there are sheep that should follow Me, and, in this time, they must profess their true faith, a faith that will help the world and all of humanity.

May this new Marathon be dedicated to the reparation of innocent souls, for now I am among those hearts, suffering the horror of the world.

Be good prayerful beings and help Me continue to pour out Mercy for the world.

I leave you with the sacred vision of My agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. Who will drink of the bitter Chalice with Me to save humanity?

Under the Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you, children of San Carlos, for being with Me!

The Glorified Jesus Christ

I leave in silence so that you may feel My wounded Heart.

I bless you, now and always, in the name of the Love of God.

I thank you!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Brothers and sisters, today the Master came here, to San Carlos, in a special way, and we want to share a brief story with you so that you can better understand the Message He brought us today, which is different than all the Messages He has given up until now.

When the Master arrived here, He came revealing us the scene of the agony in the Garden of Gethsemane.

He did not come as He has come at other times, with all His Presence, to speak to us directly, but rather He was on top of a stone, He had His Gaze focused on Heaven, on the universe, and He spoke with Adonai. He was like this for a very long time, throughout the whole time that we were here, waiting for Him to begin to speak.

We were asking ourselves what it was He wanted to say with this. And we understood at the end that He wanted to share a pain He experiences, at this moment, with us, and He needed us to be aware in order to collaborate.

And after He showed that scene for a long time, He showed that He carried a crown of thorns on His Head; and we asked Him: but was the Crown of thorns not afterwards, during the Passion? And He said that this Crown is the one humanity places on Him today, and He suffers many agonies caused by this world, just as His Mother Mary suffers them.

So, at that moment, He turned His Face toward us; He was crying, with Blood on His Face and His Heart was overflowing with great sorrow, which was unknown why. He said it was a spiritual agony He was experiencing, something that would be inexplicable for humanity to understand, but that He would try to explain to us, through words, what He was feeling from humanity, at this moment.

In this Message, He included some very symbolic examples, that we have to pay attention to in order to understand, through those symbols, the Message He wants to give us.


My companions,

Like so many others that silently follow Me, may you learn to walk amongst tribulations and evil.

Let the Shield of My Heart be, for you, the barrier that separates you from the wickedness of the world and from enemies.

Let the Light of My Heart be your guide in the moments when only intuition will provide the answer when I am no longer here.

This is why, in silence as in meekness, I prepare you so that you may continue firmly in the Purpose that is above all adversity.

In truth I tell you, first you will find your own hell, but I promise you that I will not step away from anyone who invokes Me by heart and by word.

With a single breath, I will be able to dissolve any disturbance from your core.

So open the door to Me and invoke My Holy Name:

"Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Christ, my Savior, help me, guard me, and protect me."

Thus, I will be your perfect alliance in the name of the Love of God the Father.

Afterward, later, you will see the hells of this humanity burn up in flames and you will see how many will be lost, believing that I am present in some incarnated person.

I am present in the tabernacle of the humble hearts of the Earth. My Spirit is Holy and cannot yet descend to the abysses of this world, until the prophecies are fulfilled.

Have you read the writings of John, My beloved disciple?

Observe, then, that these times were already written, see the signs and do not fear, the Lord will help you to walk in faith and in love.

While you still have time, renounce, avail yourselves of each meeting with the Heavenly Messengers, for the time is coming to an end, the fruits must awaken through the prayer and the devotion of the simple.

My brothers and sisters, do not allow anybody to deceive you. I am only present in the Eucharist, in confession, in the prayer of the one who pronounces My Blessed Name without arrogance or fanaticism.

Seek Me and you will not lose sight of Me. In this time, I come to reveal to you the wise Mercy of the universe and to unmask the false Christs with My own Hands.

The only Christ is I, your Master, Who lived two thousand years ago among you to teach you to walk in faith and in forgiveness, Who was humiliated and martyred by all humankind and was resurrected and rose to the Heavens, whence He will come for the second time.

Woe to those who use the Name of the Son of God in vain and as a lie! On the day of Judgment, you will know the power of My Holy Justice.

Open your eyes and see the true Light of Heaven, which assembles you so that one day you may die for Me and live eternally in My Glory.

Read My Messages. Now I have sent you Saint Joseph every day, so that He may help you to truly find Me in what is most simple and pure.

Under the merciful Justice that comes from Heaven, be blessed and be attentive.

The Glorified Christ Jesus

Special Message of the Glorified Christ Jesus, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón, for the 25th Marathon of Divine Mercy

Today I have come to the world for the second time in Glory so that you may know it, so that you may come to know the power of My Grace.

Before your hearts is the Throne of God, happy are those who enter It with humility in their heart.

Now listen to My Words.

Two years ago, in this simple place, I asked you to gather in My Holy Name, to pray the Chaplet of My Divine Mercy for two days.

The souls that followed Me and the ones that did not follow Me gradually gathered together as My new flock to respond thus to My Requests.

Over the course of these months, your lives have come to know the powers of prayer, have found the real meaning of life in faith, and transmitted this spiritual invitation of brotherhood to those who did not know Jesus or His unfathomable Mercy.

Then, you were called to participate in a perfect and repairing union through My Blood. You prayed each of the beads of the Chaplet by My side and placed your hope in the merciful ocean of My Heart.

Later, companions, you opened the doors of your hearts and your homes to make Me known, but perhaps you did not find great results nor deep changes. But know, My prayerful ones, that because of your faithfulness, I was among your own, and so My Heart began to shine in the consciousness of everybody. You came to know the true life of the spirit and, later on, became aware of each one of your debts.

In these moments, My Heart was among you to help you walk in the sacred confirmation of My Christic Path.

You fell and you stood up, abandoned Me and sought Me, again and again. You died many times through My redemption and rose from the tomb of this unfaithful world.

You became My disciples, became consecrated, and took Me to your families, to your work and friends; you called everybody so that they would return to My Heart. And in this way, through your merciful prayer, you humbly glorified Me.

Now that today you are again before your Guide and Shepherd of Love, have you seen the sacred results of this eternal fusion with My Love? Yes, many have seen them and will continue to see them. In this way, you will set aside your roots and will get out of this eternal captivity that physical life represents.

And so, children of My Father, now more awake, you are invited to meditate on your lives, you are called by Me to turn your hearts into temples worthy of the Lord, because the sign of My Return, for tomorrow, August 5 of this definitive year, will be present before your eyes.

I Am the risen Christ. I Am the ascended Christ. I Am the merciful Christ, and now I Am your glorified King, Who comes before everything happens, to remind you that you must not forget God in these times nor His Plans, which each one must accomplish in light of the Divine Universe.

Dear companions, extend your arms toward Me and take in My meek and peace-bringing Heart.

I come through this Marathon of prayer to reveal the power of My Glory to you, which is the next step after My Divine Mercy.

I leave you My Peace and I give you Peace.

I will not look at your debts, but rather at all you will be able to offer me during these next days.

Happy are those who will enter the Kingdom of God, for He will be open to all over this holy place.

Take up your missions and you will thus always please Me.

I summon you to joy and peace.

Be in Me during these days.

Under the Glory that comes from God, be blessed.

I thank you for having come here, to the meeting with My unfathomable Heart.

The Glorified Christ Jesus, before you and the whole world.

Monthly Messages

On this holy day, when the darkness of the Earth is withdrawn from those of Mine, I would like to dictate an aspiration of My Heart to you.

Today I have come to speak to you about the glorious image of your Glorified Lord Jesus and about the powerful image of the Merciful Jesus.

When I dictated the universal and celestial powers of My ocean of Mercy to Sister Faustina, one night I revealed My merciful Face to her, so that the world would know the infinite compassion of My pious Heart.

In this way, I showed her the Blood and Water that constantly flowed from My Side, but I also made known to her the great thirst that I felt, at that time, before a blind and deaf humanity, which never wanted to hear the Voice of God through His beloved Son.

At that time, the Blood and Water would be the great justification between humanity and God, through Christ, in order to awaken a way of universal atonement in the world.

So I asked Sister Faustina, My daughter, to have an image painted just as she had seen it in an outer vision. I came during the night to show, through My Mercy, that I Am the Light that defeats and illuminates all darkness. Thus, I revealed to her the ocean of My Mercy and asked in writing that whoever venerated and contemplated it in the end of times would be protected by the mantle of My unfathomable Mercy.

After ten years, when the war had already ended, My Face came to be known. No painter would be capable of expressing My Presence; they could only do so if they loved the Mercy of My Heart.

At that time, I asked that My Mercy be known and venerated the Sunday after Easter, for in the past, after My death, the apostles knew the power of My Resurrection through the Wounds of My Mercy.

Thus it was that Adonai, through the Face of My Mercy, granted that humanity, despite their sins, would know the path of the way out toward the universe of the Love of God.

Years have passed and humanity does not understand what this atonement that I offer the souls of the world means. And as I promised in the Garden of Gethsemane, before elevating to the universe, I will return with even more power and glory. That is why I told Sister Faustina, through inner speech, minutes before her death, that humanity would have the Grace to know My eternal Glory through the powers of My Mercy.

That is why I told her that before My return to the world, before the last eight lunar cycles are fulfilled, I would appear again with the Face with which My Father clothed Me, so that in this way, humanity could contemplate not only My Mercy, but also the mystery of My Grace through the essence of My Glorification.

That Face is known to the whole universe. Thus, on this day, I have come days before all can know My Face, to reveal the twelve promises to those who contemplate and hold the image of the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus.

That is why I have come on this holy night, the holy night of the supper, so that the world may consciously know Who they will be contemplating.

To those who will contemplate My glorified image, I promise:

1. To unify the essence of the family purpose through a sacred life, free of the influences and tendencies of these times.

2. The concretization of the spiritual task through consecration of mind, body and spirit to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

3. Divine protection of the travelers and those who work daily out of love for the Plan of God.

4. Inner knowledge of an experience of spiritual love that will allow an inner maturity.

5. Liberation from the evils that influence the life of prayer and disturb sleep.

6. Reconciliation with the Holy Eternal Father, to thus find the spiritual task again.

7. To keep out of danger whoever carries and disseminates the image with reverence.

8. Spiritual union with the Primordial Source during the time of planetary transition.

9. Guidance beyond tests and fears.

10. Expansion of the channel of the heart so that Christ God may dwell in it.

11. Redemption from the habits and actions that lead to a life of condemnation for the soul and the loss of the spirit.

12. Union with the essence of the Most Holy Trinity, that is to say, spiritual Communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Thus, when you face My Mercy, you will be asking for redemption. When you face My Glorified Face, you will be pleading for the evolution of your souls. In this way, you will have two ways of entering My Kingdom, through My Mercy and through My Glory.

Under the Pity that comes from God, Who has allowed all of this, be blessed.

Who unites you with Divine Creation,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Monthly Messages

Children and companions of Mine,

Twenty-four constellations of this universe, represented by the Lords of Adonai, the most wise and humble among the wise, descend today together with the Redeemer of all impossible things.  They descend to prepare you for the anniversary of the Marathons of Mercy, in the month of August of this year.

In that moment, a cycle will be closed for all before the Celestial Universe and a new one shall begin to all those who may have corresponded to the Will of God in wherever place of the world they may be.

It is for that blessed cause that, today, I present Myself to all of you sweating blood and water from each part of My Glorified Body, because the divine tension is too great by seeing that many of you are still deciding for your own lives, easily forgetting the Sacred Spirit of My Sovereign Will.

Today I come to ask, in the name of all, for the Forgiveness of God for your insistence in wanting to do your own stingy human will.

But many of your brothers and sisters, the simplest ones, fill My Heart and encourage Me to keep on guiding you until you can see the great divine need of responding to My requests.

I need, children, that you reflect about your actions and be able to recognize Me in the different masters that I, with so much love, have placed in your path so that you could learn.

Have you internally recognized them?  The masters who you live with teach you day after day about things that you still do not know and about those that are still unclear within you.

Have you been able to see them with the heart?  They are your brothers and sisters.

I know that many cannot believe nor see them as masters who teach you how to truly love the Plan of God and how to love less your own and small plans.

For this I have asked, in the universe of love, unity and fraternity, for the twenty-four Masters, the wisest of all, those who guide a great part of My Redeeming Plan, to come with Me to help you understand with the heart and not with the concrete mind that you must see more than ever the Great Will of Adonai.

I do not wish for any of you to be like Jude, who in the moment of greatest weakness and failure exchanged the Love of the Universe for thirty-three golden coins.  My Sovereign Power is worth much more than all that; blessed be the one who knows how to recognize that in this critical hour.

For this, in truth I tell you that after twenty-four Meetings of Prayer and Mercy something should already be different in of you.

Where is My flow? In which place of yourselves have you put it?

Dear companions, the times will get increasingly difficult, because all humanity is resistant and does not want to change.  Some of your brothers and sisters have already turned their backs on Me and only listen to their own lower self.

What else can I do but wait for the Judgment to arrive?

Be in Me and you will not lose yourselves.  Renew your faith so that it may stop being an appearance.  I need you, for this I have come again to ask you for your fidelity and love for each other.

These are My last words; do not act like in Kibeho, listen with the heart.  I do not speak to any mind.  When you manage to listen to Me with the heart, My words will be pure energy in your lives.

May this Marathon be a renewal of faith and of brotherhood, thus you will be prepared to receive Me in the month of August, in which My Glorified Face shall present itself with Love and Mercy to all.

Under the Unfathomable Piety that comes from God, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to Me with your heart!

Your Savior, Christ Jesus


After the Message, Christ Jesus transmitted the following Words to Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

And today I bless you again, giving you the Sacrament of Forgiveness so that you may renew your lives tonight, at this hour, in which all of humanity faces the inner transition.

Unite to Me and renew yourselves. Never forget that.

I thank you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Jesus!


Brothers and sisters, tonight the Master came accompanied by many Hierarchies of Light, who came with Him for this meeting.

At a moment of the Apparition, the Master showed He was sweating blood, and He later explained to us in His Message what this meant.

Monthly Messages

In honor to God and to HIs Beloved firstborn Son, I tell you:

Prostrate yourselves on the ground and ask for Mercy.

Prostrate yourselves on the ground as the apostles did and ask for Mercy.

Prostrate yourselves on the ground in this culminating time of the cycle and risk being nothing, as My Will is that you prostrate yourselves on the ground and ask for Mercy, pity for yourself, for your faults and mistakes committed, compassion for all the sins of the world and for the grave offenses.

Companions, in this hour, in which the scale is out of balance, prostrate yourselves on the ground and ask for Mercy. 

My Pity is unfathomable and My Love is invincible.

Prostrate yourselves on the ground and ask for Mercy. The angels wait for the call of each one of you.

Ask for Mercy until the last days of your purification.

In truth I tell you that you do not know the Law and you do not know about His return, His imperious force over humanity.

Prostrate yourselves on the ground and ask for Mercy.

Be free of yourselves. Forgive your arrogances and dissolve in My eternal Light the judgments of your brothers and sisters.

Prostrate yourselves on the ground and ask for Mercy.

The clock marks the time of the definition of your paths.

Companions, prostrate yourselves on the ground and ask for Mercy.

The serious faults of humanity are becoming greater and greater and there is nothing and no one that can detain so many errors, but only the power of My Justice.

Prostrate yourselves on the ground and ask for Mercy. The final day approaches and the souls are laughing as if this would never happen.

Do you understand now the smallness of your problems?

Prostrate and humble yourselves before My Heart. My thirst is very great. I am still waiting for the true love of all.

Prostrate yourselves on the ground and ask for Mercy before the Rule of God descends upon the souls.

Will someone believe that I am here among you?

Live in My Mercy until the last days.  Few will recognize that I have been stepping on this ground, but later My Message will be known by all in the world, and also many souls will awaken only upon recognizing My Glorified Face.

Prostrate yourselves on the ground, the Lord waits for you in this sacred hour. Do not seek to embellish your ideas, since I know you more than you know yourselves.

Prostrate yourselves on the ground and receive My Light, My Truth, My Unfathomable Mercy.

I want to tell you that on August 5, 2015, My Face will be revealed to the whole world and My Holy Spirit will unite the Merciful Face to the Glorified Face.  I will be exposed to all at the Marian Center during three consecutive days, and on those days, I will pour out, upon those that come to see Me, many healings and solutions, and during those three days I will untie deep knots, old bonds between souls and families.

Blessed are those that come to see Me.  I will be the Savior, but later I will be, before God, in the final hour, the Judge between humanity and the Universe. 

Be victorious for your redemption. Banish the pride that blinds you and thus you will be My Disciples, the ones who will open the doors for the last salvation. 

The humble will see wonders, the loving will heal wounds, the compassionate and good will transform multitudes before My Return.

I bless you and I instruct you always.

Your Master of the Light,

The Glorified Christ Jesus


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
