If you believe in everything that My Father has thought of manifesting on Earth, it will be fulfilled, because it is already foreseen.
If you pray for everything that must descend from the Heavens and manifest on the Earth as part of the Creator Project, it will be fulfilled, because it is already foreseen.
If you believe that for God there is nothing impossible, and that His Will will be realized, it will be fulfilled, because it is already foreseen.
There is nothing that you need to worry about because everything will be fulfilled, it is already foreseen.
Unite yourself to the powerful current of manifestation and let it work through you.
Never oppose, nor mentally judge the Plans of God, because you would be going against the movement of the Divine Providence.
Never want to control the gifts of God nor His Laws.
Unite unconditionally to the requests of God and you will be part of the manifestation and of an infinite abundance. This way, you will learn how the Universe moves and when the Universe will be expecting the realization of the Divine Will.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The Blood which My Wounds still pour out expresses the pain that the world still causes Me by its acts, decisions and mistakes. This is proportional to the Blood poured out by My Hands, Feet and Side.
Who shall relieve Me and heal Me?
It is true that I do not need perfect souls, but good souls, no matter how many defects they may have.
What the world makes me feel everyday is very big although, in truth, there is no remedy that can heal Me.
Therefore, it is through My servants that I sustain Myself completely in order to take My Work of Love and of Redemption forward.
I need this Blood, which My Wounds pour out today, to be collected by the container of your prayers and supplications, thus the inner relief will come to all.
I encourage you to share My suffering and to make it part of you so that, within this cycle, Mercy can descend and act in all souls.
May My Sacrifice, that which I once lived, be remembered all the time so that the world does not lose peace.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I know that sometimes you get tired and fall asleep before Me, but do not worry, My Apostles also fell asleep during the culminating night of My Agony.
Now your tiredness is understandable, it can come from sustaining the fulfillment of the Plan for a long time, of living the permanent purification, of struggling and fighting against My enemy; facts, that the majority of humanity does not know and ignore, because it is spiritually asleep.
I come to encourage you, so that, regardless of how you are, you continue working for Me for love, so that the Purpose and all the Wills that My Father desires to concretize in humanity, are fulfilled.
This is the time of great changes, of challenges, of deserts and tests.
Follow My Path despite all the fatigue. I assure you that the victory of My Kingdom lies within you.
In My Arms you will rest and restore your consciousness.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
May peace prevail in times of spiritual war and of difficulty, moments in which neutrality will be the main tool for countering all adversity.
In neutrality there will be no stimulus for confrontation nor for challenge.
This will make you strong in faith and intelligent in strategies, thus you will learn to follow the operative Commands of the Plan, which will give impulse to the manifestation of light on the Earth.
Meanwhile, companions, seek that neutrality within yourselves, allow the powerful current of Peace to stabilize and balance the spaces.
Walk towards this objective so that, beyond all adversity or battle, the greater strength of Love may triumph, just as I showed you on the Cross.
In this time receive the greater impulse of My Commands so that peace and neutrality may reign within you, attributes which will allow you to live an operative life.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Many are the servants who work in My Name and realize works of peace and good in the world. This goes beyond religion or faith, because through them I take forward the highest work of My Divine Mercy.
In these souls I allow to descend the power and essence of My Works so that through this chain of love and fraternity, the rest of humanity can feel the invisible and silent presence of My repairing and healing Love.
This service, which is offered by all of My servants of the world, has them meet other servants of Mine, and thus the spirit of brotherhood and peace is established; there the Celestial Church manifests, which unites, with love and light, all servants.
Through My servants, I can supply the spiritual needs of humanity. And gestating through them Christic Love, more conflicts and confrontations are avoided in the world by the mere fact that there are souls donated, in service to My Heart.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I will always wait for you, day and night, until you can finally reach Me in order to live the inner encounter with My Spirit, until the return of your Lord. I will come to you by means of Communion, of prayer, of confession and of the living Love of My Heart.
I want to be present all the time, close to you, so that you continue to realize, in this hour, the moment that your Master and Lord is living for humanity. I want to have you close so that you accompany Me in this cycle, since there is much to be done and to work out for this suffering planet. It is still necessary to expand and carry My Love to the world so that the souls may truly repent and change their lives forever.
Therefore, I bring you the support for your consciousnesses through the Sacred Sacraments. I bring you the opportunity to carry with Me the heavy spiritual cross of humanity because together, We must triumph in love, and for love, live eternally.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your Heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
My heart is filled with gifts and treasures for the souls; although, up to these days, few souls completely accept My Treasures.
This is why, many times I expect this spiritual and true interest to awaken in the hearts consecrated to Me.
Many times I silently see how souls prefer, through personal choice, to remain attentive to something apparently prettier and more interesting than Me.
I recognize the weight of the human condition and of the temptations, of how they act in the creatures who have not yet truly surrendered their life to God.
For this reason, certain processes of Christification are slow or simply do not occur because souls insist on experimenting in schools that no longer conform to the degree of their learning.
In this sense, My Consciousness is not speaking to you about not loving your neighbor, but rather it is speaking about not compromising your life and the evolution of your peers with your terrestrial desires and feelings.
I promised to always tell My consecrated apostles the truth, since the energy necessary to accomplish My Works cannot be wasted.
It is time to concentrate, to become aligned, and to know how to best fulfill the Project of your Master and Lord on the Earth.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
To live unconditional love is, from the beginning to the end, to accept a painful or unjust situation; in the same way that I, being the Son of God, accepted your sins out of Love.
To live unconditional love is to always say "yes" in any circumstance, without trying to escape the urgent reality or the situation that presents itself.
To live unconditional love is, because of love, to bear everything that is opposed to balance, knowing that, above all, harmony must prevail amongst all.
To live unconditional love is to never go back, but rather to advance, surpassing oneself because of love and with reverence for something greater and infinite.
To live unconditional love is to become spiritually untiring, but it is also to respect the time and the rhythm of the bodies.
To live unconditional love is to not see the errors, even though they may be too big; it is to do what is best, the maximum for another; it is to take risks, without constraints, so that the brother or sister may have a new opportunity until they learn, on their own, to value life and all that the Universe gave them.
To live unconditional love is also to say "no" because of love, without fear of what will happen, being aware that this "no" is just and is free of preferences.
To live unconditional love is to not set a schedule for God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Never fear to take on great responsibilities because, even if you make mistakes and are not prepared, if you place the heart and the love beyond defects, this will have more value than to do the things perfect for Me.
I like the decided souls, available and obedient; the ones who are able to overcome themselves a little more, each day, without coming out of balance nor going to the other extreme.
At this time, the disposition and sacrifice will make the difference between My Plan being fulfilled or My Plan not being able to be carreid forward.
But, within the spirit of surrender, determination cannot not be excessive nor fanatic. You must be in balance with day and night, with the ecological and biological rhythm, because in this way you will be fulfilling the basic Laws of evolution.
There is a place and time for everything, therefore the inner and outer balance will help to carry out My Plan according to what has been thought.
The inner opening to My Commands will allow the manifestation of My Works.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Jesus Christ
Today I send My Message of peace to all of My brothers and sisters of South America, and I especially address My Words to My brothers and sisters from Venezuela and the whole adjacent region, spaces in which souls seek to survive this final battle that has just begun.
But do not fear, the triumph of love is near.
The one who lives in love will not perish.
The one who lives in love will always find the way out.
The one who acts through love will not fail.
Because the Love that I have taught you is invincible, it is capable of defeating any situation and of overcoming any obstacle.
Therefore, do not favor the oppositions; may nations not rise against one another, because humanity has suffered enough to learn that it has left the path many times and that it was always difficult for it to return to the Heart of God.
While I am here, I am with all of the people of Venezuela, accompanying each being, each consciousness, each soul; living with each brother and sister of Mine, their suffering and their pain, their agony or their despair. However, the moment has not come yet for me to return to the Earth.
By means of My Love, may you find peace, the peace that is missing in the world and in the heart of many beings.
It is not a time to battle; it is rather a time to work with love, although evil exists and oppresses. Because the liberation of captivity is near, and the chains of evil will break to make room for the entrance of light, of victory, of the triumph of the Kingdom of God, which must express itself within each one of you, in every step, as well as in every action.
Today I am with My Shield to defend you from the forces of chaos.
Today I am with My Sword to dissipate the darkness, bringing the Power of God to Earth and the manifestation of His Will for this end of times.
May the spaces be stabilized, may the energies be balanced, may harmony express itself so that creatures may find within themselves the equilibrium that will make them perceive the need of these times and the call that the Universe proclaims loudly.
May your hearts take refuge in My Heart, may your lamentations and your pains dissolve in My Mercy, because I will be with you until the end of times to accompany you to carry this cross that will liberate you in the calvary that is the scenario of this humanity.
There will be no triumphant ones nor winners, conquerors or powerful ones.
Seek in the silence of self this key that opens all doors and transcends all times.
Bring souls toward My Heart, because it is the only place where all will be safe in these times.
The last battle will come and everything will be defined. All must be at the heights of these events; this will also be the most acute moment of humanity; a moment in which souls will define their paths and will know their next destiny, depending on what they have chosen.
But the Promised Land will arise, however small it may be, and the promise of the Kingdom of God will be fulfilled in those who have believed in the advent of the new, in all that will descend from the Universe as a spiritual treasure to enrich souls in knowledge and Truth.
I am here as the Governor of your people, as the Director of your souls, as the Shepherd of all flocks.
I grant you the gift of the inner force that you need to keep moving forward, crossing the events of these times, however difficult it may seem.
Remember that Heaven and Earth will pass, but My Word will remain in the hearts that know how to recognize it because thus they will live My Message.
Do not desist, but rather persist. Faith will double the spiritual strength that you need to walk toward a new time.
Everything will reach its end because the end also has its time and its hour.
Reinforce your commitment with the Heavenly Father and allow that He can work in the events, although His Presence is silent.
Do not fear to face the end of times; there is still a lot to go through and to live.
Although I am in retreat, I am with you and I will return to give you My last impulse; that impulse that will finally place you in the fulfillment of your task and of your mission on this planet; a mission that will make you represent Me on Earth as My apostles and as My companions, those who will be with Me under any circumstance and in an unconditional way.
I avail Myself of your sufferings to relieve the suffering of humanity. Everything I touch I transform into good and I transfigure it into light for all souls, bringing them the Love of My Heart.
From Aurora, I will give My great impulse of love for the planet in March, a moment in which My task with you will be finalizing. But this will be a very important moment because you will be able to put into practice everything that I had once told you and you will be able to do it better than what I did in past times; you just must be obedient to Me and trust.
In March, the last Fount of My Divine Mercy will open so that your spirits may finish forming in this Command that I address to you from the Universe.
Pray every day with more fervor and may the prayer spring from the heart, just as your love for Me does.
I bless you, and I give you My Peace.
In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I know in the depths of your being; what you were, what you are and what you will be someday by the work and miracle of My Mercy.
Therefore, it is not necessary that you occupy all the time with what happens to you. It is better that you put your mind and your heart in evolutionary things, in this manner you will save time, energy and space to really be able to give yourself with trust to My Sacred Heart.
Dare to transcend the so-called human decadence. Love others as you love Me, in this way you will build inside yourself something really good, and everyone will be served of your goodness to relieve their hearts and their lives.
In simple words, you should imitate me as a model of patience and unconditionality, as well as in deeply merciful acts.
One day you will awaken and be another. All this weight will have been transmuted by your correct and elevated disposition.
Do not be afraid to conquer yourself. Follow my steps and you will attain inner peace.
I wait for you.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Jesus Christ
I always like to return to the home of My good friends, because in spite of what happens, they never lose their favored place in My Heart.
As in the past, today I visit My old friends, friends of the path, friends and companions in service, in charity and in the fidelity that must be achieved through faith and persistence.
When I visited the families, during past times, it was in those places where I felt better, in the home of My friends, in the households of My apostles, because with them I could share the depths of my heart.
In the house of My friends, My Heart overflowed with an immense and immeasurable love that was capable of freeing and redeeming all things.
In the house of My friends I shared My Peace, and I left this peace so that they would always remember me because, as I said to you once, I could not stay any longer on Earth because I would be returning to the House of My Father.
That is why, today, I return and visit one of the homes of My old and well-known friends to feel My Heart and the ardor of the devotion of My Soul for those who have walked with Me from the beginning.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you and fills you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
It is in the hour of Mercy when I most recognize your effort and your prayer, your intention of being truly with Me, no matter the place or the situation.
It is in this remembered sorrowful hour when your Master and Lord has more Mercy and His glorious intervention appeases the action of Justice.
For this reason, companions, remember every day the infinite and recurrent wonders that My Merciful Heart can accomplish in your spiritual and material lives.
Always encourge yourself to say "yes" to Me in the Hour of Divine Mercy because, when this happens, I will not only be able to help your consciousnesses during the severe purification, but I will also be able to intervene in more situations of the planet, because I will have instruments of My Mercy to do so.
In this hour, may your hearts feel the ardor of My Heart so that My Sacred Word is fulfilled within you.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
My Heart is like a sun that, radiating the Rays of Mercy, illumines the night of inner worlds, and it is also like a star that guides the spiritual steps of disciples.
You can enter into this Merciful Heart through your consciousnesses so that you may be in love and in peace, in communion with Me, every day until I return at the end of times.
Feel this Heart as your refuge, your confessional, your reason and find there the sense of living on the surface of the Earth so that, in trust, you represent Me as My apostles of the last days.
Enter into My Heart, for it offers itself as an instrument of reparation and of consolation, understanding and feeling each being, beyond errors and the past.
This is the Heart that offers Itself, day after day, for the spiritual salvation of souls; a poor Heart that waits to be loved and recognized by all, until the advent of the New Humanity is fulfilled.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
My Consciousness does not come from this world, I emerged from a Source very similar to a pond of light. I came to the Earth for a purpose that was fulfilled and I shall return to it for a mission yet to be accomplished.
For this reason, I must have apostles in the last times to be witnesses of the advent of Christ; within them, I forge Christic life, based on unconditional love for others.
I teach you to love life and to accept it according to the debt of each one.
I offer you a life free of oppression and calvaries, I have already gone through that school for each one of you. Now the moment has come for your hearts to go through the end of times with courage; thus you will learn to love much more than I have loved.
You will always have a Father Who will guide you and protect you, this is why He surrendered His Son so that the experience of love and of forgiveness could be a living reality on the entire Earth.
Now it is up to My disciples to be witnesses until the end.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I do not search for transcended nor realized souls. I search for imperfect, true and simple souls, because in them I will be able to realize My Plan, as their lives are transformed into the perfect model of the Creator.
That is why, all the imperfect souls, in redemption, have a place in My Heart, because their effort and dedication to follow My principles allows them to take forward the Will of God.
I come in search of imperfect souls that do not fear to follow and realize My Will within this material plane.
The moment has come to know deeply the spirituality of the Universe in order to be in tune with the cosmic life and thus manifest it on the surface, in the sacred spaces where the Hierarchy will perform the great part of the Plan that corresponds to it, with the immediate collaboration of all.
I thank you for keeping My words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I promised you, as it was written by the Apostle Mathew, that I would be with you every day until the end of times. Now, and at this moment, that promise is fulfilled.
I am here with you every day of your life, and will be up until the end of times. Thus, see and believe in what is happening.
Many wait for Me to appear inside the Church but, in truth, they did not understand me.
I go to the spiritual Church that exists inside of each being; that is the Church that I seek, within the good souls that worship Me and listen to Me through these daily Messages.
Continue, then, making the promise of your Master and Lord real, every day, so that I may continue to be with you until the end of times. And, in this way, more hearts may have the happiness of knowing me and of participating in communion with Me.
Be witnesses of this important event of participating in the reappearance of Christ.
May this sacred meeting echo within the times which will come so that not only souls, but also the planet may be worthy of My Mercies.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I Am like the water that quenches all inner thirst, who comes to Me will never thirst and will always be filled by My Fount.
I Am the water that quenches the inner thirst, I Am Who provides higher light for souls. All those who come to Me will receive what they need. I will always attend to everything you ask of Me, because for Me, souls and their salvation come first.
I Am the water that quenches the inner thirst, I Am Who aids the heart that pleads and that cries out for the Lord.
I Am the water that quenches the inner thirst, I Am Who listens to the suffering spirit, I am Who brings it relief in its moment of greatest pain.
I Am everything that you believe I Am, because I come from an infinite Source and toward that Source I lift up all those who call for My Name.
I Am the water that quenches the inner thirst, I Am the Shepherd, but I am also the Pilgrim.
I Am the reason for your life and the reason for your existence.
I Am that I Am.
I thank you for quenching your inner thirst in Me!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Series - Manifestation of Aurora - Part XIII
Within the context of Casa Redención, located in the area of Redención 1, there are to be found the so-called points of healing, a spiritual term that refers to the congruence of elevated vortices of universal energy where spiritual impulses for the spiritual healing of souls are received.
These spaces, represented on the physical plane by small huts, for this new cycle of healing in Aurora, need to finish being built according to the architectural project made some years ago.
A walkway amidst nature will unite the spaces that exist between the so-called points of healing; this means that the finishing and completion of each point of healing will allow the task of healing in Aurora to continue in spite of the weather.
For this reason, Aurora, as a Kingdom of Healing and Redemption, must refurbish these small points of healing which later on will be small circular rooms where those to be assisted can enter to experience the steps of their own spiritual healing.
Up until today, and for more than ten years, Aurora has offered this important work of healing precariously and simply; but Aurora now deserves to be built completely, with the loving collaboration of everyone.
This finalizing of the building of the points of healing, according to the thought-out architectural project, will allow the task of healing to become a reality on the surface and, above all, for the processes of the healing of people to occur and be offered at any time of the year.
Up until today, the changes in the climate and the unfinished structure itself of the so-called points of healing have not allowed an expansion of the primordial task of Aurora.
Now the time has come to also schedule this need in the near future because Aurora cannot fail to offer healing due to a lack of vital elements for the correct development of the task.
It will be a mission of the Light Network and all of those who may wish to join, to be able to accomplish this goal.
The finalizing of the points of healing will allow the opening of the floodgates of redemption over this sacred soil of Aurora.
I thank you for considering My petitions!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Series - Manifestation of Aurora - Part XII
Within the Light-Communities, especially in the island of salvation of Aurora, within its three areas, three specific bases of rescue should be set up in which residents, the consecrated and collaborators will go through a formation in first-aid and, in some cases, a technical deepening in nursing.
In the three areas, three houses or rooms should be built where there would be a consulting room, a clinic and all the equipment that a lifeguard should have available in the time of the rescue; this includes rescue ropes, a boat, special flashlights, safety belts, fire-fighting elements, tools for saving lives within water, etc. All of this equipment must be correctly ordered, as well as the three consulting rooms that will be built for use as emergency bases in the face of any situation.
These three rooms must have shifts which will be relieved each week by the residents, the consecrated and especially by the nursing technicians that will be trained. For this reason, members of the Figueira Community that specialize in the area of rescue, surveillance and nursing must have periodic rhythms within the Community of Aurora to be able to form and accompany the building of the three emergency bases or modules.
This preventative measure will assist everyone to become more prepared for taking care of any necessity. Within these modules, there must be medicines, nursing materials and emergency implements that are kept up to date monthly so that they comply with the norms of hygiene, safety, and quality.
Nothing must be done precariously or poorly; these bases will also serve as a support for the local and regional community, especially in the unpopulated areas where assistance is more scarce. I declare this as a necessity to construct the bases, as a priority, and it will move forward with the support of all members of the Light-Network.
Uruguay needs to improve its emergencies infrastructure and Aurora will be in this proposal. For this reason, the means will be sought for the residents, the consecrated and the collaborators to learn how to swim and protect themselves from possible fires, and to be knowledgeable about earthquakes, tsunamis, and unexpected large floods.
You know that the planet and the nations will be purified by the elements of nature and, for that, you must be properly trained and updated.
The doors of the Community of Aurora will be open to receive doctors and technicians in emergencies and this formation must be academically supported by the corresponding entities.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more