21 Apr

Weekly messages from the Virgin Mary: a breath from Heaven in times of tribulation

“Know that, day and night, I am in prayer with you, and for you. Christ entrusted your lives to me at the foot of the Cross, and today, I am here again.”
Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace – 03.27.2021

Are you following the Messages that the Virgin Mary transmits every Saturday?

Her maternal words emanate faith, hope and discernment that we need to go through the current planetary crisis, and prepare our hearts for the Return of Christ.

To be able to remain with us longer than anticipated, Our Lady obtained a spiritual amnesty from the Eternal Father. This is one of the endless reasons why we must be eternally...

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19 Apr

Important message from the Virgin Mary to all Her children of Brazil

On April 17, 2021 , Our Lady transmitted a Message of encouragement and hope to Her children of Brazil.

Below, discover what were the main points addressed by the Blessed Virgin in this communiqué.

Message of the Holy Father

Most Holy Mary hopes that the message of Pope Francis to the Brazilian Episcopate , in which the supreme pontiff sympathizes with the victims of the pandemic, will...

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15 Apr

Synthesis of the Sacred Week 2021: the time of awakening of the apostles of Christ

According to Christ Jesus, this eighth edition of the Sacred Week, which took place from March 28 to April 4, is one of the most unforgettable for Him. During eight days of Instructions and Blessings transmitted online, Our Lord emphasized that it is time for us to convert our lives more and more profoundly, as the great moment of definition for souls will gradually approach as from this year.

The Master expects us to be His apostles of the...

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26 Mar

Important update: Christ Jesus will transmit His Messages live during the Sacred Week 2021

Unexpectedly, Christ Jesus announced that, due to the great planetary need, He will transmit His Messages live during the eight days of the Sacred Week 2021 . The Master made this announcement on Tuesday, March 23.

This is blessed news for all of us, as it means that Our Lord will be able to undertake a broader and more profound spiritual task with humanity.

Thus, from March 28 to April 4, starting at 3 p.m. (Brasília...

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24 Mar

In April, live Instructions of Christ Jesus and online prayer meetings will be the sustenance to cross this crucial period

April will begin with a very high voltage of divine energy pouring over the planet, coming from the merits achieved by Christ in His Passion. It will be a culminating moment, a decisive opportunity for souls of the world to awaken spiritually.

Sacred Week 2021 will last until the 4th . This signifies that at the beginning of the month, we will still receive daily live Instructions from Our Lord and will have the Grace of being enlightened by the...

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19 Mar

Follow the instructions of Christ Jesus in preparation for the Sacred Week

“May the Sacred Week to come not be a fleeting moment, but rather a new opportunity, for each one of you, to receive the divine codes of My Passion; because when you do so, I will be there with you, until the end of time.” Christ Jesus, February 19, 2021

May we intensify our spiritual preparation in the coming days, for we are about to live extraordinary moments during the 8th Sacred Week , in which Christ Jesus will make His Apparitions live . This great ecumenical meeting will take place via the Internet, from March 28 to April 4 , broadcasted by Misericordia María TV .

The importance of this event is such that Christ Jesus announced in His Message of February 19, 2021 , that this Lent is the...

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08 Mar

Meeting with the Virgin Mary will feature a new Message and the renewal of vows of the Children of Mary

Our Lady, the manifestation of Love, Motherhood and Divine Purity, will be accompanying Her children again, on March 13, at 6:30 p.m. , during the Special gathering with the Virgin Mary , in which the 7th Annual Meeting of the Children of Mary will be celebrated .

In this online event, we shall raise our prayers and devotional songs to the Heavenly Mother, creating a bridge between Heaven and Earth for Her to pour out Her Blessings upon the...

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05 Mar

Throughout 8 days, Christ Jesus will make live Apparitions and will transmit new Messages to help humanity

You and your family are invited to participate, without the need to leave home, in an unforgettable encounter with Christ Jesus, the incarnation of Divine Love on the Earth.

From March 28 to April 4 , people from all over the world will connect to the Sacred Week , an online, ecumenical and free event to recall the Passion of Christ and to be permeated by the Peace and Mercy of the Son of God.

Instructions from Our Lord...

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02 Mar

Cross of Emmanuel: at the request of the Virgin Mary, have with you the image of this powerful symbol of protection

“May the Cross of Emmanuel and the Blessed Sacrament be the symbol of protection during the battle of these times.”
The Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace - Jan. 13, 2021

The Virgin Mary, in Her Message of January 13, 2021 , transmitted a new guidanceto be more protected in these critical times. She asked for all Her children to carrywith them the image of Emmanuel’s Cross, whose construction at the Marian Centers was commissioned by Christ Jesus.

The recommendation of the Heavenly Mother is that the Cross of Emmanuel be:

Behind the door and on the table of our homes. With us in times of prayer and adoration of the Blessed...
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24 Feb

In March, Christ Jesus and the Virgin Mary will deliver new Instructions at very expected events

March is a time of invaluable Graces!

Fulfilling Their Promises, Christ Jesus and the Virgin Mary will deliver new Instructions at online events awaited by all devout souls. The schedule of the month will culminate in the Sacred Week 2021, from March 28 to April 4.

These will be extraordinary opportunities to strengthen our union with God and to learn to go through this decisive cycle for humanity with love, faith and wisdom.


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Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
