16 Nov

For Love of the Kingdoms will highlight lives dedicated to caring for rescued dogs

On Thursday, 19 November , at 11 a.m. * , the program For Love of the Kingdoms will show the work of institutions and volunteers dedicated to caring for dogs rescued from abandonment. It will be a deepening of the theme presented last month: Serving with Dogs.

In addition, three nuns of the Grace Mercy Order will lead prayers for the Kingdoms of Nature and the Choir of the Light-Communities will present songs in praise of God's Creation....

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23 Oct

In November, let us pray with the Divine Messengers for all beings of the planet

In November, the Sacred Hearts will continue to guide us with new Instructions so that planetary life may be redeemed and restored by the balm of the Invincible Love of Christ.

The ardent aspiration of the Divine Messengers is that, through the prayer raised to Heaven by the sincere souls, the necessary bridges of light are created so that the divine states of peace, hope and brotherhood may descend to Earth and envelop humanity and the Kingdoms...

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21 Oct

Music for the Healing and Elevation of Humanity in October will present a new collection of praises to Christ

In the meeting of the Music for Healing and Elevation of Humanity in October , we will continue to remember some of the most beautiful moments of authorial music in praise of Christ Jesus promoted by the Work of the Divine Messengers.

The program will be broadcasted by Misericordia María TV on Friday 23rd, at 8 pm, and will have translation into English . Respecting the current sanitary standards, there will be no public presence in the...

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12 Oct

The Program For Love of the Kingdoms will focus on the loving service to dogs

On October 19 (Monday), at 11 a.m. , the program For Love of the Kingdoms will address the spiritual importance of the care, protection and rescue of dogs , in addition to dedicating prayers and music to the Kingdoms of Nature.

The broadcast will be live , on the Internet channel Misericordia María TV , with translation into English. Due to the world health situation, there will be no physical public presence in the auditorium of the Marian...

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03 Oct

November: Youth Festival for Peace will have an online format

>> Young people will be able to send artwork for dissemination on social networks

On November 1, 2020, the Youth Festival for Peace will once again gather young people from all over the world for the purpose of sharing moments of brotherhood and spirituality. To adapt to the global situation, the event will be held, for the first time, exclusively via the Internet, through the YouTube channel of the Youth Campaign for Peace ....

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24 Sep

October: the Divine Messengers will deliver new gifts of love and hope to souls

In October, the Divine Messengers will continue to show us how to awaken the Gifts of God within us in order to renew all planetary life with the power of love.

In the events of this month, the Sacred Hearts will continue to teach us how to build bridges between Heaven and Earth through the luminous word of prayer. They also invite us to recall the universal truths revealed in Their previous Apparitions so that, permeated by Celestial knowledge,...

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04 Sep

For Love of the Kingdoms, the new program of Misericordia María TV will address the evolutionary relationship of humanity with nature

On September 19, at 11am , Misericordia Maria TV will launch a new program with live broadcast: For Love of the Kingdoms . With this project, the Divinity intends to perform a very special work for the benefit of the planet.

Kingdoms of Nature, expressions of the Love of God

For many years, the Divine Messengers have been instructing us on the sublime purpose of the Kingdoms of Nature and showing us how to establish an...

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02 Sep

7th Sacred Week: Find out what happened in the great meeting with Christ Jesus

A flood of blessings, instructions and revelations. That was the 7th Sacred Week which took place from August 9 - 16, 2020, at the Marian Center of Figueira, in Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

During eight unforgettable days, participants from 147 countries had the opportunity to follow, via the Internet, the Apparitions of Christ Jesus to the visionary monk of the Grace Mercy Order, Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús. They...

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31 Aug

September: The Divine Messengers begin a new cycle of Instructions for the triumph of love in humanity

In September, the Divine Messengers will continue to bless souls with Their impulses of Light and Redemption. After the profound spiritual repercussions of the last Sacred Week, which took place in August, a new stage of Their Instructions is inaugurated, which will have the purpose of consolidating our support to the Plan of God for humanity in this decisive time.

The Virgin Mary, in Her Message of August 3, 2020 , defined what the next...

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17 Aug

The Celestial Church has descended to Earth

"The Celestial Church continues to expand over the world so that all souls, of all nations, peoples and races, may enter My Celestial Church, and may all understand one language, one feeling, which is the language of the heart, unmistakable and perfect." Christ Jesus, August 9, 2020

For many years the Three Sacred Hearts have mentioned in Their Messages about the Celestial Church of Christ, in which we have repeatedly been called to enter with our hearts and spirits. During this time, we have received valuable instructions about its profound and great meaning.

During the course of this Sacred Week, in which Christ Jesus has been with us daily, from August 9 - 16, the Celestial Church descended to Earth as an unparalleled...

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Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
