Apparition of Christ Jesus

금요일, 20 de 3월 de 2015


The Sacred Call:
The Monthly Message of Christ Jesus 

Friday, 20 of March 


From this year on the Messages of Christ Jesus will be monthly.  They will be received on the third Friday of every month.  In this way Our Savior and Redeemer will continue to accompany closely the walking of all of the souls for a third consecutive year.

These transmissions began on the 5th of January of 2013 and during the first year the frequency was daily.  In 2014 they became weekly and from 2015 on they will be monthly. 

Schedule (Brasilia time)

          7.30 p.m.   Arrival time
          8.00 p.m.   Beginning of prayer

        Beginning of the internet transmission 8.00 p.m. Will be made through Mercy Mary TV


Place:  Hall of F2. Marian Center of Figueira.
Fernão Dias highway, Sao Paulo direction, 716,5 Km.
Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Map of the area:

Watch the previous episodes of "The Sacred Call" through:


For more information:
                                   (+55) 35 3225-3102


금요일, 20 de 3월 de 2015

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