Apparition de la Vierge Marie

Samedi, 13 de juin de 2015

Mère de la Divine Conception de la Trinité


Apparition of the Virgin Mary 

Saturday, 13 of June


Schedule (Montevideo time)

6.00 p.m.   Arrival time
6.30 p.m.   Beginning of prayer
8.00 p.m.   Apparition of the Virgin Mary

Beginning of the internet transmission 6.30 p.m. Will be made through Mercy Mary TV


Place: Marian Center of Aurora. Camino Tierras Coloradas Km 11,5.
Located in the north of the state of Paysandu and 20 Km from the City of Salto.

Map of the area:

For more /

                               (+598) 4730 - 2488


Samedi, 13 de juin de 2015

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