Apparition de la Vierge Marie

Jeudi, 13 de octobre de 2016

Mère de la Divine Conception de la Trinité


Apparition of the Virgin Mary 
Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Thursday, 13 of october, São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil


Schedule  (Brasilia time)

6.30 p.m.   Arrival time
7.00 p.m.   Beginning of prayer


Beginning of the internet transmission 7.00 p.m. Will be made through Mercy Mary TV


Time zones: Montevideo time 6:30 pm | London time 10.30 pm | New York time 5.30 pm | Buenos Aires time 6:30 pm - Check time zone:


Place:    Quadra Poliesportiva - Hospital  Bezerra de Menezes
Rua Oswaldo Aranha, 268 – Boa Vista. São José do Rio Preto, SP



Map of the area:

For more information: | + 55 (17) 99763-9070


Jeudi, 13 de octobre de 2016


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