Dear Children,
This is the time to find Jesus within you so that He may rule and reside in your deepest abodes.
This is the time in which Jesus can work and perform wonders within more souls of the world.
This is the time in which Jesus must be present, for a longer time, in your consciousnesses; being the impulse that promotes all things and the joy that renews all things.
This is the time in which Jesus must reign in your hearts so that the promise of His return to the hearts of humankind may be fulfilled.
This is the time in which Jesus can renew all things and can bring the opportunity of redemption to the human consciousness.
This is the time in which Jesus must awaken the last apostles so that in this definitive cycle the rescue mission may be accomplished.
This is the time in which Jesus will show Himself to be active and working through His disciples.
This is the time of the revelation of the Truth.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
A repented heart is a heart that is approaching the truth because it puts in evidence all that it lived and experienced beyond the wrongdoings and rightdoings.
A truly repented heart is a heart that opens itself to conversion and, in this way, the Pardon of God is granted to it.
This repented heart can again journey the path of trust and renewal. It is a heart that learns to lose its most unknown fears because it faces and works them in a conscious way, to transform every experience of life, of suffering and of pain.
A truly repented heart listens once again to what it once resisted and conflicted because repentance itself leads to the fall of structures of the consciousness to give place to the task and mission of the inner world, which must bring to the Plan of God the talents that led it to fulfill the purpose of its incarnation.
A repented heart is able to establish peace inside of itself.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Seven are the seals that will open and the scrolls that will be shown; the time is indicating this moment, dear children.
And to testify to this event that goes beyond all human consciousness, all understanding and intellectuality, today I have brought My little Son in My arms, because He is the one who entrusted, in the name of the Heavenly Father, the revelation of these mysteries, that will try to correct the human consciousness again and will bring to everyone the opportunity of receiving new principles and ways of life that, throughout the times, have been very far from humanity and from the planet.
The Divine Higher Consciousness is approaching the Earth to make its revelation and, not only My Immaculate Heart, but also the hearts of all Hierarchies of Light are testifying such an important moment for humanity.
Today I cannot reveal to you in details what this means, but welcome with love each one of My words because, as I told you today, My words are the action of the Grace of God in all human consciousness and upon the whole planet.
This higher and divine revelation, which is written in the deepest depths of the Heart of God, will bring to all beings of the surface the awakening and the awareness of having distanced so much from the Plan of God, as well as of having transgressed the universal Laws and all the natural laws of Earth.
However, through Mercy and Grace, the Heavenly Father has entrusted this divine intervention in humanity to His archangels and angels, so that at least one colony of this whole race can prevail at the end of these times, fulfilling and living, in a simple way, the same attributes of life that the Sacred Family lived.
This is the reason for having asked for the novena during nine days, for the sacred families of this planet, which must again recover the values that they lost when they submerged into the chaos and world illusion of these times.
I say “sacred families” because in the Essence of God, all are sacred children of God. Your essences have not lost the filiation with the Heavenly Father; only your more lower bodies have been distracted from the Purpose.
For this reason, the Revelations of God that will come in these times will bring to the human consciousness the elevation of spirit, of its human condition and the transformation of the human aspects that have conditioned the evolution of the race and the possibility of the awakening of the New Christs.
Today the Creator has decided, within His vast Spiritual, Mental and Material Universe, the revelation of His Mysteries, expanding the terms that are found in the Bible, the symbologies and messages; expanding and deepening even more into the terms of the Apocalypse, even more into the visions that John the Apostle had, so that all this information, which comes from the Spiritual Hierarchy, may no longer be a mystery, but truths, clear and precise revelations of how to act and conduct this humanity in the end of times.
With My arm, I sustain the Child Jesus who is present here today, with you.
With My other hand, I sustain the scrolls of the Revelation of God so the divine information of what God has seen and participated in, throughout the times, since before, during and after the Creation, may start to approach your consciousnesses.
I know that this event will remove many structures because the impulse that will come from the Source will be extremely strong and will give the opportunity for each creature upon the surface of the Earth to be able to re-evaluate its life and consciousness so that it may define its spiritual life and path to be inside of the Paradise of God or to condemn itself.
Before the time of the second coming of Christ, this revelations will bring an impulse for each human being.
It will be by a state of Grace and Mercy that souls will have the opportunity of submerging into their awakening and opening to the sacred knowledge that vibrates and pulses within the Greater Universe, as little spheres of light that travel between time and space, from the Spiritual Universe to the Material Universe, with the intention that the spirits of all human beings may awaken to the great Divine Consciousness and to the greater knowledge that has always been alive in the Universe.
Only now, children of Mine, after a thirty-year walk, the time has come for your consciousnesses to define themselves within, to truly define, to allow the doors of knowledge to open above humanity and so that there may not be any resistance or obstacle for the Hierarchy.
Because if we are still here, it is for a universal reason, it is a purpose that your consciousnesses are still not able to reach. It is an infinite reason that was thought and meditated upon, since before your existence, so that this divine revelation, which derives from the Non-material Source of God, might come in this time, and before this planetary event.
In the past times, this revelation would not have been possible; it would not have been efficient nor effective because the human consciousness was not prepared.
And even though the human consciousness is very immature and childish, the times that will come, which will prepare the advent of Christ to Earth for the second time, will raise the consciousness of those who open from heart and soul to receive the divine revelation, so similar to the headwater of a river that quenches the thirst of beings and that nurtures the whole human consciousness, so that it can live and breathe, and thus carry on its evolution. It is in this same way that the information from the Universe will come.
This will make you mature consciously and will place your consciousnesses in the universal Purpose in the face of the great planetary adjustment of these times; wars, conflicts, division of families, illusion through modernities, spiritual blindness that generates many spiritual movements, believing that the human being is invincible.
Only love will make you invincible, My children, but you must live this school, you must encourage yourselves to enter this universal knowledge.
The first steps to live in this school of love and wisdom are registered in the experience of Christ on Earth and in all the teachings that He delivered to humanity.
There is no other Master for the present humanity but Christ.
He announced and warned: “Many will come in My Name and will be recognized. Many will believe in their words, but afterwards, they will regret having completely trusted in something that did not come from love and was not true.”
With this, My children, before the Son of God, who is today in My arms, in the presence of the Most Holy Trinity, your must choose only one path so that you make room and give an opportunity for the divine revelation.
I want you to be conscious, My children, truly. The school of My little children is now over. It is time to prepare yourselves and to face the end of times, because the battle between love and indifference is not over.
You must conquer love, by living love and being love at every moment. Renouncing, sacrificing and loving. Silently surrendering each experience of life for the others, without anguishes and despairs.
Because, if in truth you lived a true spiritual crisis or were at risk of perdition, you would not be here, My children, as many, many are not and many have ceased to be, because they have been blinded by ignorance.
Only in the Father is the Truth for your lives. The human being must only learn to be true in the small details, so that after it can be in the great, assuming great responsibilities before the Spiritual Hierarchy, conducting and guiding the flocks of Christ, all races of the Earth that will need this spiritual impulse that descends upon this Marian Center, to be able to relocate their lives and find a meaning for the spiritual path.
Therefore, those whom I will consecrate today as Children of Mary will have a great commitment with Me, it will be a personal and group commitment between your hearts and Mine, a reason why you must pray, every day, so that these Revelations that God has decided to deliver to humanity, which overcomes the entire existence of the Church of Christ on Earth and all of the Sacred Books, may descend correctly and in a way protected by the Celestial Hierarchy.
But it will be necessary, My children, as in other times and in other Apparitions, that there may exist intermediaries, so that these revelations, which will expand human consciousness, can arrive.
I apologize for being so quick, the Time of God here on Earth is limited, because we must attend many more events that get worse within the race of this planet, in different regions of humanity, which need to be attended and helped by the Hierarchies.
Thus, you can understand, My children, that each Apparition of Mary, Christ and Saint Joseph, is not something else, especially in these definite times, where the transitions and its greatest apex will surprise everyone overnight.
Hence you must be prepared through this knowledge so that worldly inertia does not paralyze you and take you away from the path of light.
I hope you understand what I tell you. I am frank with each one of you because there is no longer any time.
Those who will consecrate today may come here. And playing the melody of your consecration, your souls will be preparing for this blessing that My Immaculate Heart will impart.
Because it will be necessary, My children, that you assume this commitment of consecration with responsibility and maturity, as My Heart was left very offended by those who abandoned their consecration, not only to My Immaculate Heart, but also to My Maternity, which cannot be defeated neither interfered with by any of your human aspects, not even by your own will.
The consecration that I deliver to each Child of Mary is non-transferable and undeniable. It depends on each of My children that this consecration may become a part of you in a true, sincere and honest way, because you will thus avoid, My children, entering into the chaos of humanity and in the great spiritual conflicts that many souls live today in the world by believing that they do not need God and not even to kneel down to supplicate to Him.
I only ask you that on this day of consecration, many more children of Mary re-consecrate themselves again interiorly, renewing this vow to the Mother of God, so that this inner and divine vow may be renewed with the Heavenly Father.
The Graces that I pour out cannot be wasted.
I want to tell you this, My children, with all the Love of My Heart, for each one of you.
Great parts of the world, entire peoples, different races and cultures, so similar to yours, are suffering for the lack of God and due to those who govern them, submitting and unjustly chastising them.
You, children of Mine, who have the grace and opportunity of being before My Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of My Son tonight, must try to balance the misunderstandings and misalignments that the other part of humanity live for having set themselves apart from love, and because the most innocent are the most overpowered and the most chastised by the hand of humanity.
I need that you represent Me upon the surface of the Earth, as those stars of light that have once fallen from the Universe, but today they rise again, by the sincere offer and loving supplication of your Celestial Mother before the Heavenly Father.
As a sphere of light, today I deliver to your souls this commitment to pray for the next Revelations of God, in order that His Divine and Sacred Will may be fulfilled.
So then, receive the energy of My Grace and be bathed by the Light of My Spirit, of My unconditional and serviceable Spirit, which is United in Soul, Divinity and Essence to the Heavenly Father, as to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
I bless you so that in the next Nativity of the Lord, families re-consecrate themselves to living the Attributes of God in these critical times, so that love may overcome, light may triumph and all evil may be defeated by the divine intercession of Saint Archangel Michael. Amen.
I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I thank you, children of Mine, for opening yourselves to listen to Me, because the only thing that I wish for is your wellness and well-being.
I thank you and listen to the song of your voices.
Dear children:
Each day that goes by is an inner opportunity to renew the vows of union and compromise for this new Nativity that is approaching, a moment in which the attention of humanity will be placed absolutely on something external and material and not on something internal and profound.
For this reason, to all those who are more conscious and are within the spiritual path, My children, will be responsible for supporting and sustaining all of the opposite that humanity will do during this month so that at least the Codes of the Divinity of Christ may be present in the majority of the souls on Earth, so that the consciousnesses feel and perceive that it is no longer necessary to submerge themselves in the superfluous life, but to go within the life of the spirit.
This is the time of the great definitions and of great steps.
I invite you, My children, to be builders of the new time for the emergence of a New Humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Through My Blood, I point out and assign new tasks to My apostles, those who are spiritual and lack any protagonism, because they are tasks between each apostle and Me; this is something deeply internal and absolutely invisible, because it is about something nonmaterial.
So, I deposit in each consciousness a mission that is revealed in a task and in a Will of Mine to be fulfilled.
Maybe this mission that I have entrusted to one of My apostles is not in accordance with the need that the disciple believes they have but, until the apostle learns to love the mission that I have entrusted to them, they will go through the same test as many times as necessary; My intention is that you learn to separate, from within, your spirit from all of your consciousness, so that the Greater Laws may act and not your own.
Day and night I hope that all My apostles will accomplish the mission that I have entrusted to them and, even if it seems abstract, I hope that they can comply with joy and love.
For this reason, I place in Mine what each one needs and not what each one wants so that, above themselves, they learn to love the unknown and so that unknown can be part of their lives and of their consciousnesses forever.
With this spiritual demand that I establish for this time, I will awaken the New Christs, thus the Earth will at least count on the ones who can rescue it.
I Thank you for keeping My words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Listen, in the silence of your heart, to the answer of the Lord and try to feel the immensity of His Love for His companions.
Listen, inside of you, His Sacred Word echoing beyond forms and movements.
Learn, humbly, to listen to your Lord and to see Him reflected in your brothers and sisters. Enter into your heart, with conscience, through prayer and through the path of faith.
Listen to the answer inside of you and feel, beyond all, how love will open you the doors to great opportunities. Empty and let yourself be guided.
Listen to the voice of your soul in each moment and feel as it follows the steps towards the Purpose of the Lord.
Be in peace and listen to the answer beyond the word, the feelings or the forms.
Listen, within the most intimate of your being, all that your inner world wants to tell you and, opening your inner senses, receive the awaited answer. But, first learn to listen and not to have to justify yourself evermore.
Listen and you will know all, and in this wisdom you will guide yourself by the impulse of My Love towards the purpose.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you.
Your Master Jesus Christ
I descend to the world, enveloped in the Light of God, to be able to pour out all the divine rays of the Spiritual Universe.
I descend to the world enveloped in the Light of God, to elevate the souls towards the House of the Heavenly Father.
I descend to the world enveloped in the Light of God, so that My Divine Rays may touch the hearts that need much redemption.
I descend to the world enveloped in the Light of God, so that the essences of God recognize their filiation with the Universe.
I descend to the world enveloped in the Light of God, as Mother, to make the hearts know the potent Love of the Father with all that is created.
I descend to the world enveloped in the Light of God, to awaken the sacred commitment of the creatures with Creation.
I descend to the world enveloped in the Light of God, to be with My children giving them the impulse towards the true change of consciousness.
I descend to the world enveloped in the Light of God, to bring the spiritual cure that many souls need.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
There are certain souls in the world that, due to their sad history kept in the depths of their consciousness, do not have the possibility of completely surrendering to God, beyond their own efforts.
God welcomes what each one of His children can give Him; it does not matter if it is a lot, a little, enough or not enough.
God, as Father, Creator and knower of the limitations of His children, welcomes that which is true, loving and sincere that each creature gives Him.
From there, through the offering of each one of His children, He, as the Creator, can place the experiences that are necessary in the lives of souls so that they may learn and find Truth.
For this reason, God will never ask His children for what they cannot give or surrender to Him. He, in His infinite Patience and immeasurable Love for His children, will wait for each one to become aware of what the Universe needs from each being, that which is most pure and most sincere that they have.
For the souls, that for different reasons are not able to ardently live the Plan of God, because living it means giving everything and a little more; for love of these souls, God cannot demand anything from them, because otherwise they would lose the impulse of serving Him and wanting to find Him.
The Father will always give these souls the impulses to uplift themselves, through responsibilities that may make them grow until they are able to achieve what the Father thought of for each one of them.
I thank you for responding to my call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Do not affirm in your life how imperfect you are, but rather believe in what you are in essence; because you know that you come from a Primordial Source that, making you arise as spirit, sent you through the Universe to learn to love and to forgive.
Concentrate your consciousness in everything that the Father deposited within the depth of your being, from there, allow the impulse of your essence to make you remember who you are and where you come from so that, once and for all, you can redeem the past and dissolve every sequel of inner pain.
Rejoice, because being before the Mother of the Most High, your inner consciousness will be purified and everything will be transfigured.
Have faith that someday you will be worthy of the Grace of God because, in truth, the Grace of God has touched your consciousness many times.
I would like you to remember the value of your essence because there will be kept your entire experience of faith, love and forgiveness; experiences that will help you to reach new steps in the School of unconditional love.
Affirm that you are before a unique opportunity and everything is conducted.
Love will overcome.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
No matter how difficult the times may be, never lose the joy of living transformation through the Merciful Love that the Mother of God can offer you; in this way, everything will be purified and healing will reach your soul through the different cycles.
Never stop looking up to Heaven and believing that, from there, spiritual and divine help will come. God, as the Father of all of His creatures, is Infinite in Love and Mercy, and from this spiritual expression, souls will be able to be further united to Him and to His Divine Kingdom.
Thus, live the power of transformation with joy so that, little by little, the habits of the earthly consciousness may gradually be transformed, discovering that, behind every step, the Love of God exists, expressed from His Infinite Source.
Trust, have faith and everything will be healed.
It is time to be reborn under the Light that Divine Mercy brings to the world.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Trust that My Immaculate Heart will give you the spiritual and inner strength you need to know how to go through the end of times. But you must know that not everything will be destroyed, because the Law corrects, but it does not hurt. The law uplifts and brings clarity to the consciousness about reality.
Thus, trust that My Immaculate Heart will give you the spiritual and inner strength you need for knowing how to go through the end of times. Because, in spite of most souls abruptly awakening to what they had always been asleep to, this will cause humanity to experience a process of change that in some cases will be intense.
But My Immaculate Heart, that bears everything, will give you the spiritual and inner strength you need for knowing how to move through the end of times.
Be willing to walk by My side, tightly holding My Hand, and with the other hand, hold the rosary with the prayer of the heart, without expecting results, only doing it out of love, in a patient awaiting of Divine Will.
In this surrender, which is unconditional and sincere, you will also experience this change in your consciousness.
Trust, because My Immaculate Heart will give you the spiritual and inner strength you need for knowing how to move through the end of times.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
During the dark night, cover yourself with the Sacred Mantle of the Lord so that your consciousness may become invisible in the face of the sieges that will come to test the faith of humanity.
During the night of darkness, cover yourself with the Sacred Mantle of the Lord so that the contrary currents do not strike your spirit, nor defeat it, but rather that you be invincible, just as I was on the Cross.
During the times of great battles, cover yourself with the Sacred Mantle of the Lord so that nothing contrary to the light may recognize you, nor be able to find you.
During the time of Armageddon, cover yourself with the Sacred Mantle of the Lord so that all that is revealed, and it will be dreadful, does not reach your heart, but that you may take refuge within My Spirit to pray for those who will be subjected to it.
During the crucial hours of humanity, cover yourself with the Sacred Mantle of the Lord so that the Peace of God may rest in you and you may learn to protect yourself from all that will happen in order to help your fellow being, so that they too may be covered by the Mantle of the Shepherd.
During the definitive hour, cover yourself with the Sacred Mantle of the Lord so that your eyes do not see what will happen in the world, especially in those who never recognized Me as the Son of God and Guardian of Souls.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master Christ Jesus
Through the Law of Transmutation, the planet is liberated.
Through the transmuters, the Earth is relieved and each server of this world fulfills a part of the Divine Will. Because while the planet is submerged in an apparent chaos, on the other hand, there are souls that offer themselves to carry the weight of all human misery, just like the saints of the last centuries offered themselves, without knowing much, so that humanity could be freed of very great errors.
For that reason, the task of transmutation is different in this time, because not only does it encompass the liberation of a specific region, but also incorporates the redemption of certain aspects of humanity that condemn the race and compromise its ascension.
Thus, in this time, the task of transmutation is a full-time service, due to the constant severity in humanity.
Through the channels of transmutation, the most ignorant of humanity are benefited to the point of receiving the opportunity of awaking and, through that awakening, have the possibility of expanding their consciousnesses to become aware of the chaotic reality of these times, and thus experience the changes so that at least something may be transformed in their consciousnesses.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Feel My Heart close to yours and My Spiritual Energy filling each corner of your being.
Feel My Presence within you and the great Universe of Love that expands inside of you, and how your soul is collected by the balm of this most potent Divine Energy.
Stay inside this emptiness and discover the magnitude of humility and the infinite splendor of love.
Help yourself of My Gifts so that your life transforms into the project that I have thought of from the beginning.
Feel the strength of the Love of God and cover yourself with His Mantle of pure Mercy; in this way, you will receive the simplicity of the Universal Kingdom and you will commune, together with the angels, of the powerful Divine Energy.
Render yourself into My Arms and this way I will take you up to the Cosmic Dwellings where you will discover the joy of being able to serve God and the gratitude of being able to feel Him and recognize Him.
May your consciousness expand and may everything be healed and redeemed in this expansion.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Dear children:
You know that in these times, the spirituality of humanity is being corrupted due to the influences of the material life and of the pleasures that millions of souls experience.
This is the reason why the spiritual connection with what is real is being interfered with; this interference is generated by unelevated spiritual forces that awaken in souls the need for having power or prestige, both in spiritual life and in society.
Thus, consciousnesses believe they are well connected, while in reality, they are being influenced. This is what leads millions of souls into making impulsive decisions and, in many cases, destroying their own spirituality.
The Law of Divine Justice will come to reveal and to correct this deviation of most of humanity, just as the Law of Liberation will also come, which will be applied to unblock the psychic plane of the planet from all the interferences experienced throughout time.
Thus, there will be much to liberate in these times and, in this way, cut the roots that the adversary caused to grow in thousands of consciousnesses which are in the illusion of being uplifted.
The angelic consciousness will be entrusted to reveal and bring into evidence these parallel realities that only feed on the dreams of people.
Everything will be exorcized.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My Light penetrates the world to separate it from error and suffering.
From My Light comes the Renewing Source, the impulse that will bring about the awakening of consciousness to humankind of the surface.
My Light penetrates the world so that a new redeemed consciousness, purified and sublimated by the Christic energy, may emerge from it.
My Light penetrates the cells of all beings so that, at some point, the souls perceive the time of their awakening.
From My Light emerges divine existence and I share this Light with My brothers and sisters, bringing them the moment of the great revelation.
The Light that I cause to penetrate the world is invincible, solid and immutable.
From My Light emerges Love and Love brings Truth, the Truth of what was created, thought, and consummated.
From this Light comes the beat of life and the manifestation of the field of consciousness, a consciousness that is enlightened by its own light, which is transcended by its own energy.
That is the Divine Consciousness, which, being immutable, neutral, and powerful, reveals the essence of original existence, of which all are a part, and towards which all, one day, will go.
From My Light comes the revelation of the mystery, and from that mystery, the sacred knowledge will be unveiled, which will awaken beings to a greater life.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Within the Sacred Places, places where the Hierarchy is present, in deep levels of consciousness the Law of Permanent Transmutation is fulfilled, which is a spiritual process that allows for redemption and purification of certain states of consciousness that corrode humanity and that, in many cases, condemn the functioning of great nations.
For this reason, children, in some unpredictable cycles, at undetermined moments, this process of permanent transmutation takes place; a moment in which certain states of consciousness that are against love and light are exorcised in order to generate the relief, so necessary for humanity.
During the last Pilgrimage throughout Argentina, the Spiritual Hierarchy has been working on these deep levels of consciousness with the purpose of unblocking the spiritual counterpart of the country that is very contaminated by what is happening on its surface.
Not all consciousnesses on the planet know about this internal mission made by the Hierarchy, but, from the moment you perceive and feel the fierce movement of the elements, it will be because on a regional level and, could be on a planetary one, The Sacred Centers will be working in a permanent way and without delay.
Prayer is an offering that the souls of the world can make as a way to compensate their own evils that the human being generates for themselves, which are transmuted, through the Sacred Centers, in order to keep the balance of the planet.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Although times are difficult and many souls despair because of not having sought God, trust in My Mercy.
Although conflicts are increasing and many more feel hungry, trust in My Mercy.
In spite of the exploitation and mistreatment of the Kingdoms of Nature and the great oceans, trust in My Mercy.
In spite of the psychological imbalance of humanity and the falseness of those who govern the world, trust in My Mercy.
In spite of the life of the unborn being taken and the children in this time being the object of the perversion of adults, trust in My Mercy.
In spite of the lack of equality, truthfulness and transparency, trust in My Mercy.
In spite of the injustice, the illness of the world and the lack of discernment, trust in My Mercy.
Because I will return and I will take on each one of these situations. I will put an end to what is unjust, I will dissolve the pain and the suffering.
When I return, I will take the power away from the arrogant and give all the riches to the poorest. I will reveal My Kingdom to the humble of heart and I will show Myself to the simple in spirit.
When I return, everything, absolutely everything will be transmuted and a New Humanity will begin, free of evil and adversaries, because the new light of the consciousness will rise.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Transmuters are souls consecrated to be victims of the Love of Christ in order to transform, sublimate and liberate the contrary and dense currents that hinder spiritual ascent and the evolution of consciousness.
Transmuters are absolutely at the service of Christ, and, in silence, without recognition or comments, they relieve the pain of the world.
Transmuters are directly chosen by the Hierarchy because this is a task, a need of the Plan, and part of the Divine Will.
Nobody can declare themselves as a transmuter, since that state of consciousness depends on the alignment with the Hierarchy.
In most cases, purifiers exist, which are consciousnesses that, in a permanent and slow way, are purifying themselves, cleaning the spiritual register of their debts and errors through the impulse of a Higher Law that comes to their assistance, such as Mercy.
The Law of Mercy places those who are miserable of spirit within the energy of Grace but, for this to be possible, they must purify themselves.
Transmuters do not have a specific hour or time for this task. This mission of liberating and sublimating, through transmutation, is something the spirit learns throughout time and it has nothing to do with anything personal.
In these times, the Lord will call more transmuters to His service due to the need of the planet and the chaos of humanity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Never blame your consciousness when it finds the truth about your reality and your condition, including the reality or the situation of a fellow being.
Everything that is revealed and comes to light is part of the liberation of beings from all the ancient chains that imprison the consciousness.
To know oneself and others is part of the learning of Love-Wisdom and of the application of that Law.
To know about oneself, who one truly is, liberating oneself from fantasies, illusions, and deceits, is like looking at a mirror to know that the moment of redemption has come.
For this reason, nobody can feel guilty or daunted when they come to know unknown realities about themselves. It is the way of living the path of evolution transparently, rather than the path of condemnation.
Love-Wisdom is a great mystery. Who manages to access that mystery will not only learn, but will also be free of themselves, because it is through loving that peace is achieved.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more