Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Assisi, Perugia, Italy, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I come to the world for the salvation of the unfaithful.

I come to the world for those who suffer.

I come to the world for those who are lost in the material life.

I come to the world for those who do not have God.

I come to the world for those who wage wars.

I come to the world for those who create perversions and idolatries.

I come to the world for those who are false.

I come to the world for all those who harden their hearts to God.

I come to the world for those who say no.

I come to the world for those who sleep.

I come to the world with the ardent desire of changing and redeeming souls, so they may enter the path of true love.

I come to the world to bring peace to all those who have lost it.

I come to the world for those who deceive themselves.

I come to open the eyes of those who do not want to see the reality of these times.

I come so that you may accompany Me in this planetary Calvary.

I come so that all My children remember God, His Omnipotence, His Grace and His Mercy.

I come to bring you the peace and the joy of being able to know the Kingdom of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Fatima, Portugal to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

God has Mercy on those who persist on His Divine Path and those who aspire every day to be better in love, unconditionality and kindness.

God has Mercy and Compassion for those who follow Him in spite of tripping, of being wounded by themselves and of falling from the path.

God has immense Mercy on those who repent from their heart and those who give Him their life so He may accomplish His Will.

God has Mercy on those who try every day to practice, one by one, the Words with which He instructs, by inspiring the Sacred Hearts to pronounce them.

God has Mercy on those who recognize themselves as unworthy, imperfect and full of error.

God has Mercy on those who work every day to be humble and honest with themselves and with their brothers and sisters on the path.

God has great Mercy on those who consecrate themselves and those who have left a life of consecration, for His deep and ardent desire is that humanity respond to His Son, the Christ.

God has Mercy on those who fear feeling separated from Him, on some plane of consciousness or far from His Love.

God has Mercy on those who surrender to the end and those who want nothing more for themselves, but rather only live in His eternal Grace, in His divine Faith and in His powerful Love.

God has so much Mercy to give that the majority of His children forget to go and find the Water of Life from the non-material Fount of His Creation.

God waits every day for you to simply look up to Heaven and say: "Father, here am I, may Your eternal Will be done rather than mine. Make me in likeness to Your Son, free me from ties, from the faults that imprison me, so that only Your Peace and Your Truth abound."

Simply with just these words, the Kingdom of God will be descending to the Earth.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses and always consecrates you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


All that you receive in this time has an incalculable value for the life of souls. For this reason, it will be necessary to appreciate it, so that all which is received has a profound effect on the inner consciousness of humanity.

Thus, My children, each Grace received represents an opportunity for loving the Plan of God more and of understanding It within the self a little more each day.

Everything received from the Universe of God can have a broader effect in the consciousness, from the moment in which the consciousness accepts it with maturity, discernment and love.

Each Grace received is infinite, is capable of working beyond the consciousness, and of being able to embrace more regions of the planet, which also have need of this Grace and this spiritual help.

In that sense, everything received is part of a purpose designed and thought of by God, in order to spiritually benefit souls; so that each day, you take more steps toward the spiritual consecration of your consciousnesses and lives to the Plan of the Creator.

Everything received attempts to transform the destiny of the lives of souls, in order that hearts may find the most direct path toward the Kingdom of God.

The Lord grants all Graces, even though humanity does not deserve them, because the purpose is that the whole race may live the love and true joy of being in God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



With My stripped and pure Feet, I step on what causes pain and sadness in My children. In the name of God, I am firmly on the serpent and make it feel the Power of the Creator, so that in this way, it may be placated.

With My Hands together in prayer, I plead for the planet and for each soul of this world, without ceasing to guide and accompany those who invoke My aid.

With My luminous Mantle, I radiate the Kingdom of God so that souls may distinguish it, and recognizing it within themselves, dare to enter the Heart of God.

With the Crown of twelve Stars on My Head, I establish the Attributes of Light for the world and send the angels of Heaven on a mission so they may sow in humanity everything that will make it more fraternal, service-oriented and peaceful.

With My Gaze of Love on the world, I intensely plead for those who are lost in the material life, and with My Divine Mind, I lift up what is fallen so the Law of Redemption may be accomplished.

And so it is that I am with My Consciousness unfolded, to encompass everything, beyond this world and this humanity, because My Purpose is that everyone be able to live the Supreme Will.

For this reason, I come in aid of all those who say 'yes' to Me.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Messages

At the doorway of the great event of Fatima, your Heavenly Mother is preparing, in the Spiritual Kingdom of God and companioned by all Her angels, for the mission that Her Lord and Master entrusted to Her.

For this reason, I would like each child of Mine, in attunement and prayer, to accompany your Heavenly Mother in this sacred task of bringing a part of humanity back to once again contact the state of its original purity.

For this, dear children, in these next days, I invite each one of you to be very present, with Fatima in your heart, so the higher universe of consciousness can move forward with this sacred task with the brotherhood that is born of each heart that prays and pleads.

So it is that, at this time, your Heavenly Mother will be beginning Her divine task in humanity, in need of love, mercy and forgiveness.

Within each one of you, let peace and confidence blossom so you are able to respond to the call from on High in time; because what will happen in the coming days will be important inwardly and universally.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Three days before the entry of Jesus in Jerusalem, Our Beloved Lord visited a pious woman of the region of Galilee. The prayers of this humble old lady were so many that Jesus, when passing near her house, innerly heard her request for those who would crucify the Son of God.

Jesus approached this humble woman and she felt the presence of the Love of the Master; love that He radiated with intensity wherever he went by.

Even without being able to see Him physically, she felt Him in her heart; and Jesus, upon entering her house, approached her and gave her the blessing. The old lady seemed still when she learned she was for the first time in front of He who would give His life for her.

Then the Master, imposing His Hands over the eyes of the pious woman, healed her from her blindness and permmitted her to see Him, as she always had wanted to. The old lady knelt before Him for this miracle and started kissing His Feet, bathing them with an abundant flow of tears.

Jesus raised her and, when looking at her eyes, He said that He was giving her peace for her to have it forever and that she should continue praying for her Lord, because His time was approaching, the most difficult time of His agony.

The old lady, attending His request, answered that she had been praying for a long time for the enemies of Jesus for them to convert themselves some day.

The Lord taught His apostles, those who were moved by what had happened to the old lady, that the Kingdom of God is the treasure of the most humble ones at heart. And He asked them if they knew why this poor woman had been healed.

The apostles became without words and in silence, and Jesus answered them that the faith of this simple woman had healed her, the faith she felt for God through His Son; and all that in essence permitted this miracle was the detachment she had from herself to the point of not perceiving that she was totally blind.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Behold, I will come from Heaven with the Scepter of God to open the dimensions, decreeing the Power of the Divine Light and of His Will.

I will come from Heaven with the Scepter of God to open the doors to His Kingdom and dispel the illusion from the eyes and the hearts of My children, so they may recognize the Truth and follow It.

I will come from Heaven with the Scepter of God, which symbolizes My profound union with the Creator, symbolizes My Origin, and shows ignorant hearts of the world the real existence of the Celestial Mother.

I will come from Heaven with the Scepter of God, demonstrating that the Divine Verb is One, not only with the Son, but also with the Mother, with the Pure Womb from which all things emerged - including the Son, Who is One with the Father.

I will come from Heaven with the Scepter of God so that all souls and all spirits may recognize the Divine Authority given to Me from the beginning; that they may recognize the new cycle during which My Womb will gestate new things, just as It has gestated everything which has been created until today.

I will come from Heaven with the Scepter of God, and many will recognize Me, but they will not understand that this is Divine Power, until this Power touches their eyes and frees them from blindness and from evil.

I will come from Heaven with the Scepter of God to unite what was separate, so that minds yield and hearts open to Divine Truth.

I will come from Heaven with the Scepter of God, as I come today, and all eyes will see Me, because when that day comes, I will no longer be preparing for the Return of My Son, but rather, I will be bringing New Life in My Womb, which He will establish after His second coming to the world.

With this I tell you that, after the Son, the Celestial Mother will come. I will prepare His Steps in Spirit and in Divinity, just as I prepared His Path in silence when He was on Earth. But after His Promise is fulfilled and the Scriptures of the New Time, expressed in the Words of the Divine Messengers, are also fulfilled, I will come with the Scepter of God and will rebuild the world with My children.

I will make known to you the New Child, that for all this time I have been gestating within Me, and this Child will be born and will grow within those who are persevering and who, defeating themselves and becoming empty of self, completely surrender to God.

In the same way that My Son once ascended, He will ascend again, and just as I helped the Apostles of that time, I will help all of you. Together we will build the new world, the new time, and the dimensions will become visible.

In that moment, miseries will no longer predominate in your lives. Your transformation will no longer be just a battle against the capital forces of this world, which live within and outside of you; the transformation will be eternal and constant, because everything in the universe is transformed; however, I tell you, My children, that when I descend to the world after My Son, I will bring you a new life and I will make known to you a new path, on which the transition between the old and the new human will be consummated. And your steps will consist in uniting with the universe, recovering your filiation with God and being reintegrated with His Laws.

I will make known to you the principles of unity with all life, and the pride which today causes many to feel unique in all of Divine Creation will disappear, and you will recognize all the life that has dwelled in the Cosmos since the beginning, and which in humility, waits for you to grow up and awaken.

Behold, I will come from Heaven with the Scepter of God and will establish peace within and outside of you, in this world and beyond. But until that moment comes, persevere, surrender, humble yourselves, forgive everything, including yourselves, and seek the void, with constancy and faith.

For soon the day will come in which you will see the Scepter of God in My hands, and you will give thanks for seeing the fulfillment of everything that I once told you.

I thank you and bless you, so that you do not lose faith nor the divine hope of seeing the Sacred Scriptures of these times fulfilled.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace 

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Free yourself from all that oppresses your heart through the imperative strength of faith and your love for God.

He is on your paths to guide you towards the concretization of His Divine Purpose.

Detach from all that prevents your soul from walking towards an emptiness of self and humbly conquer the Kingdom of God.

Let each divine word resonate in your depths and, in this way, the sacred alliance with that which is most High may be built in the spirit.

God has mercy on the world and on all its servers. The doors of His Kingdom are open so that the consciousnesses of the Earth can go through them.

Have the courage to transcend yourself and affirm in yourself the divine help of the Breath of Spirit.

It is time to be able to live in inner freedom, and to finally make of the incarnation a precious triumph for Creation, for in this way, the New Christs will be born.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who spiritually encourages you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

When souls unite under the same Purpose and open the doors to the Love of God, and cry out for It, the Kingdom of God is established.

It is thus that in this cycle the true science is to be found in love, which is capable of understanding, accepting and including a fellow being as they are. In this way, consciousnesses participate in the Christic school, which gives them the impulse to move forward without preconceptions and with a joyous heart to discover within themselves a potential, unknown to the being itself.

In this way, the bonds of fraternity may be woven and the bridges of brotherhood among consciousnesses or very different people may be built.

As from this new cycle on, that has begun for humanity, acts of fraternal unity will allow consciousnesses to be drawn closer to God and His Purpose.  Souls will find true meaning in their existence and will have more clarity in their individual and group mission.

This unity will be the driving force that will move consciousnesses away from their static position and will place them at the service to God.

I thank you for responding to My Call.

Who encourages you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Today My Maternal and Divine Consciousness descends to the world as a great Mirror of Universal Light to reflect on it, and especially on human beings, all the divine attributes that this race does not yet manage to live or practice.

It is thus that through each prayer pronounced every day by My prayerful children, your Heavenly Mother has the permission to help souls find not only the path to peace but also the essence of their existence.

My children, knowing that humanity lives today one of its great failures due to the lack of true higher love, your Mother, as the humble servant, kneels before Her Beloved Creator to offer Herself as victim and mediator before all the outrages that the Heart of God Himself receives.

Thus, through an inexplicable Grace, the Queen of Heaven and of Earth can succor and help the ignorant souls that are most in need. When you truly pray, I can be that Mirror that through your hearts and lives can reflect the essence of the Love of God to the world. In this way, so simple and sincere, many situations can be avoided.

It will be more difficult and arduous for those souls that, being in the illusion of life and that do not seek God, miss the opportunity of knowing the true love that arises from the Heart of their Master. It is this Love of Christ, dear children, that brings Me here every day to help the suffering world and still indifferent humanity.

It is in this way that, through your hearts, I can establish the Kingdom of God so that more souls may find it again in this hour, in which absolutely everything, from spirit to matter, is at stake.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Through the prayers, I clean the hells of this world and remove from those places whomever cries out for My help.

Through the prayers, I help the lower Kingdoms and relieve all the suffering they undergo.

Through the prayers, I guide souls so that they may find the Purpose and so that, above all, they may live Divine Will.

Through the prayers, I open the doors to Grace, and consciousnesses that would not deserve such an intercession have the opportunity of correcting and straightening their paths.

Through the prayers, the planet is relieved, and at least in a small percentage, its consciousness is protected.

Through the prayers, I can establish the Kingdom of God in hearts so that you always remember it and thus love it deeply.

Through the prayers, My Immaculate Heart is strengthened and this inner strength is radiated toward all who pray with their heart.

Thus everything is kept within a minimum balance, and the planet as a consciousness can breathe and endure.

All this will prepare it for its next transition and all those who have denied the life of the spirit and of transforming prayer will realize too late that they have missed the opportunity of reconciling with the Father and there will no longer be a return.

I thank you all for having prayed to My Beloved Son today.

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


First will come My Beloved Son to pour out the Mercy needed by the most lost souls.

Afterwards will come your Heavenly Mother to reaffirm in this people the Kingdom of God, and so that the seekers and non-seekers of My Heart may at least receive the Grace of final atonement.

Why do I tell you this?

Because the time of definition is already happening, and My most lost children will have the opportunity of not condemning themselves.

It is in this way that the Father sends us to assist Central America and so that at least a spark of light amongst so much darkness can be rekindled, and in the name of many, can achieve redemption.

That is why the last time for repentance is approaching and will catch many of My inattentive children by surprise.

We come here to be able to repair something on time; the hour indicates a greater rescue and all will be at stake.

But while your hearts are united to Mine, nothing will happen to you; you will be able to stand before the great planetary and human chaos and My sword will defend you.

Be brave and persist; you still do not know how much I am doing through the extreme efforts of My servants.

I greet a nation in need of the true and pure love of the heart.

I am always with you and I help you.

I thank you for responding to My Call.

Who gathers you together in the Lord,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Dear children,

I place My Crown of Light over the nations so that the spiritual and Christic life may awaken in time in consciousnesses, so that souls may recognize the moment has come to aspire to be in the Kingdom of God and in His Eternal Will.

Thus, on this day, My children, I remind you of the higher commitment with the Divinity and with the plans of your Eternal Father, which must be accomplished in this last phase of the planet.

I come to show My children that it will be necessary to collaborate so that peace may be established in matter and in every consciousness that has need of the intercession of Divine Mercy.

I hope that My beloved children have an awareness of the inner unity which must be experienced at this time, not only with the Plan of God, but also with everything that is living around you, with Creation and with nature.

This feeling of unity will allow you to be well positioned in the mission that you must carry forward with all of humanity that is awaking.

Today I place you all in My Lap so you may feel My Divine Peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unifies you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



Dear children,

On this Thursday, when we remember the Last Supper of the Lord, I come to ask that through your sincere and simple offering, there be a reparation to Heart of My Son for all He sees in this unfaithful world.

Thus, My children, as you are kneeling down like the angels at the foot of the altar of the Last Supper, remember that moment, giving thanks to God for His unfathomable and infinite Mercy.

Dear children, I ask that in this act you include the whole world, without forgetting each consciousness that needs the Grace of My Son.

With your eyes on My Heart, see through it how the world is, completely oblivious of the Face of God, which every day looks at the Earth to find some heart receptive to His sacred convocation.

In spite of everything, I invite you to seek God and His blessed Kingdom, so that your souls may be participants in this perfect communion with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

My beloved, I have the hope that with each act of reparation the Father will pour His Immaculate Grace over the whole planet and over whomever in this hour needs love and salvation.

I accompany you in adoration of My Son on this day when, along with the Lord of the Universe, we celebrate the memory of the Last Supper.

May the Father forever and ever be praised.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who contemplates you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Adorers be the ones who understand through the Blessed Sacrament the infinite mystery of the Love of My Son.

Adorers be the ones that, with their fixed gaze on the Blessed Sacrament, attract peace to the planet.

Adorers be the ones who unite with the heart to the great portal of the Mercy of My Son through the venerated Eucharist.

Adorers be the ones who attract in each new exercise the Plan of God to the Earth.

Adorers be the ones that together with their guardian angels deposit the sacred offertory of the adoration in the Heart of God.

Adorers be the ones that receive the Grace through the adoration, not for themselves, but for the world.

Adorers be the ones who establish the spiritual unity between Heaven and Earth.

Adorers be the ones who repair in each adoration the Sacred Heart of the Lord.

Adorers be the ones that together with the Most Holy Mary clamor for Mercy.

Adorers be the ones who cross, with their gaze, the portal of the Blessed Sacrament and enter in the summit of the celestial altars, attracting the Piety and the Compassion of God to the world.

Adorers be the ones who disarm with love, silence and contemplation the plans of the adversary and, only through their adoration of Christ, help to save the souls from the abysses of the consciousness.

Adorers be the ones who receive in humility and simplicity the sacred flame of the Love of Christ so that this flame will multiply in the ones who need it the most.

Adorers be the ones who repair, in each adoration, the outrages against the lower kingdoms, and the ones who implore for Mercy without rest.

May you all be adorers of the Mercy of Christ in this sacred house that I have founded for the Celestial Kingdom, and in every place of the world where there is one soul in adoration, may it know that it will attract the Kingdom of God so that the holy peace will be established.

I thank you for adoring the Most Precious Body of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament!

Who accompanies you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Queen of the Adoration

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

The inexplicable cycle of peace that I have already spoken about to you, dear children, began on the last eighth of August, and new opportunities for redemption will be opening up for the consciousnesses that most need this.

In this planetary hour, some souls among all those that exist will have the opportunity of receiving a special Grace that will lessen their sins and their faults.

That hour which I refer to is the hour in which the Mercy of My Son will go through a great universal expansion that will draw to itself the most miserable in spirit so they may achieve redemption and be re-inserted upon the path of spiritual evolution.

It is for this reason, My children, that your Heavenly Mother works untiringly so that the greatest number of souls possible recognize the only Kingdom of God and so they draw closer to it as the self-summoned of the Plan.

I ask that, in the same way that you became aware of your awakening, that you have enough love for those souls that will come to straighten their paths toward the Light after having been lost in this world.

Thus, once again, My Son goes in search of those who, for various reasons and circumstances, remained behind, imprisoned in the hands of My adversary.

Now that this cycle of Peace and Grace for granting many things has come, children, I invite you to follow the steps of the last global events that will place humanity upon its axis and consciousness, after all that it has done, deviating throughout these times.

I ask you for that great spirit of peacefulness in order to be able to follow along with your purification and the final purification of your fellow beings, for if you do this, My dear children, it will be the test that you have understood and knew how to live in the Love of God in these times.

I thank you, now and always, for responding to My call!

Who blesses you in Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Blessed are the pure of heart and brave of spirit, those who will be considered weak to the eyes of the world because they will renounce to the sense pleasures and to the capital forces.

Blessed are those who, among humankind, do not fear losing all, including themselves, to find God, those who renounce to the merits and to the honors of this world because they know that the greatest wealth is being nothing and have nothing, so that they may be fulfilled by the Creator.

Blessed are those who do not seek to adapt the Words of God to their human understanding, but rather break the barriers of their own mind to enter into the divine wisdom.

Blessed are those who will see the ruins of the world with eyes of compassion, but not of fear, those who know that the real Kingdom – eternal and imperishable – is built only in spirit.

Blessed are those who will listen to the prophecies that come from God and prepare themselves to live them as their greatest truth, those who do not wait for the events to manifest themselves in order to start believing in the divine words.

Blessed are those who are humble of heart and simple of spirit and can perceive the Presence of God when He approaches, those who will have clean eyes to see and understand the truth in the times that will come.

Blessed are those who drink from the prayer and from the Grace of God and who give to drink to others with the chalice of merciful actions. They will prepare the arrival of the Kingdom and, even though they will be the last ones to enter, they will have their seat at the right hand of The One who is at the right hand of God and they will eternally adore Him.

Blessed are those who do not know they are blessed, but only seek perpetually the Grace and the Divine Mercy.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


My dear children,

I come from Heaven on this day full of Grace to proclaim the victory of the hearts redeemed by Christ.

I come to declare the triumph of the Plan of God in souls that responded from the beginning to My call.

I come to reveal the incalculable value of the transformation of hearts that surrender in trust to God, and how the doors of the Kingdom of God open themselves upon each one of them.

I come to show you, My children, the power of reconciliation among consciousnesses that once made a mistake and closed their hearts to God. Therefore, as the Mother of Divine Reconciliation, I concede this Grace for souls to liberate themselves from the chain of constant mistakes.

Through the spiritual union of each child of Mine to My higher Grace, liberation from the past and total renewal of the consciousness that was previously spiritually apart from God are established.

Dear children, on this day I bring you awareness that before everything happens to humanity, souls can be free from their sufferings and, thus, be prepared to enter the commands of Christ, Your King and Lord.

My children, when your hearts open themselves, other opportunities can arise; the Universe helps you to take this great step towards surrendering to God and to His divine Plan.

I would like, My children, that every day you live the reconciliation of the heart so that many more souls receive the Grace of finding redemption. This will first start in your families and afterward in humanity.

I urge you to walk by My side because I love you and wish the best for each child of Mine.

Thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses and reconciles you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Messages

The triumph of My Heart will happen in those who listen to Me…

The triumph of My Heart will happen in the children of the world who listen to Me and accept My call as something primordial for their lives; thus, little by little Your Mother of Heaven, when She is invoked in prayer, will be able to dissipate the darkness of the nations and establish the Kingdom of God in the world, a Kingdom that is awaited by the innocents.

Through the spiritual exercise of the Mystery of the Rosary for all the nations of the Americas, the one that started in these last days, the universal Divinity has placed all Its attention on the response, inner and soulish, that the hearts have given before the call for prayer that has been made by Your Heavenly Mother.

In this way, through the response of the different nations of the Americas, the adversary started to lose the power of regional and worldwide action, weakening all its malign networks, the ones that previously interfered in the consciousness and in the awakening of the peoples.

The answers manifested by all those who consider themselves in this moment children of Mary, allowed that the foreseen events in the Apocalypse of John were transformed by the intercession of Mary and by the simple prayers of the open hearts.

In this week that ends today, the angels of some of the nations of the Americas recovered the spiritual strength to be able to act, and the guardian angels of the praying people implored for the presence of fourteen of the principal choirs of the ultraterrestrial Heaven, thus Your Heavenly Mother, being in charge and in command of this whole divine summoning, received celestial permission to expel certain malign creations that would compromise even more the debts of the consciousness of the nations.

Due to the prompt response of the self-summoned to this task of prayer for the different nations of the Americas, from this day on, the praying people will obtain the celestial merit of becoming mediators together with the voice of Mary by means of the unbreakable column of prayer of the Holy Rosary.

In this biweekly recitation and entreaty, proposed for the next six months, the Americas in total will receive the Grace of rethinking in time, of being able to change some habits and customs and to welcome in the spirit of each nation, an unexplainable atonement in face of the committed faults. This will lead, dear children, certain people, nations and regions of the Americas to be relieved during the process of planetary purification.

If this channel of prayer for the nations, as it is being activated, would include more consciousnesses in this impulse and in the planetary network for peace, it will be so, dear children, that through the prayer of the Holy Rosary and through the means of communication, I will be founding a network of planetary prayer. A network in which all the pilgrims, devotees, praying people and children of Mary will have the opportunity to pray united for the same aim, that will be to cause the triumph the Immaculate Heart of Your Most Holy Mother.

If everyone fulfills these requisites of participation and of compromise for the expansion of this network, the results that will obtained in less than six months will be gradual; this means that all the Americas will be praying united as one heart and by the same aim together with the visionaries to whom I have confided all these souls for them to reencounter God and His blessed Path of love.

It will be in this way, dear children, as everyone prays the Mystery of the Rosary, that the possibility of intercession of the angels of nations for certain decisions that unfortunately would compromise each individual in each country, will increase.

The formation of this planetary network, through its members and devotees of Mary in the different nations, will allow to create a bridge of light with the Universe, the recovery of the spiritual principles for many consciousnesses and, most of all, the integration among cultures and the inner filiation with God.

This purpose of the network of the planetary prayer will receive an impulse for each praying person on Earth. This will be the way that each praying being will come to know the talents that Christ deposited in their heart and will be able to embrace this call as something real and necessary in these times.

The triumph of My Immaculate Heart will happen through the response of all.

I thank you for responding to My call!

I great you on this birthday of Mother María Shimani,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Just as My Son, I renew all things.

Just as the dawn renews the day, the cycles of life and the very life of all beings, I renew you at each new meeting, at each new appeal of true prayer.

Just as fire revives the embers and gives new meaning to that which was dead, turning degenerate matter into fertilizing ash, so the Divine Messengers come to this world to transform it.

Many are dead in life and have not realized it, but if you let yourselves be burned by the Divine Fire that descends on Earth, first you will become glowing embers, then ash and dust, and you will seem to be good for nothing; but He who knows ash and knows dust - as a great celestial farmer - will use this powder to fertilize new trees, new flowers, new life. And you will see before your eyes how you are reborn from the nothing you have become and how, from that moment, you will truly know what life is, because only after being fruitful matter in the hands of God, children, you will know the essence of human existence.

When the embers that burned in you goes out, do not worry and do not fear; let the heart and the spirit become humble ash and dust, delivered at the feet of God, so that He may collect them and revive them at the right time.

With all the diverted paths of humanity, My beloveds, the time will come for everyone to be nothing, then to be in everything and to be everything.

If you are in My Heart and allow each cycle to be fulfilled according to the celestial laws, you will live in peace each one of these steps and even when you seem to be dying, you will know that it is like this so that one day you may be reborn in the celestial garden, giving life to many trees that will bear fruit and new seeds. This is how the Kingdom of God is established in this world.

When you, My beloveds, surrender to God, many others will be able to eat the of fruits of your surrender and also leave the new seeds of life for those who come after and who will not need to live what you have lived, because the soil will be already fertile and fruitful .

My dear children of Brazil and of the whole world, with simplicity and love I call you to trust your Celestial Mother, and in this humble way and without many secrets, I bring you close to the Heart of God, so that you will recognize your own mission and feel you are participants in the Plan of the Creator in this world.

Children, as of now, give up the old life , the old man, and allow the fire of My love to burn you and change you forever.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Sun


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
